England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England (The Hidden Gems Series) by Christy Nicholas – Review by Amanda Swindle

England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England (The Hidden Gems Series)England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming is your all in one travel guide for tourists, complete with well known attractions and hidden gems. The book focuses partially on the culture and history of England, and doubles as a source for where to go, what to see, and the best ways to do it. As someone that has never been to the UK, I really enjoyed that suggested cuisine was also part of the information provided. I was not a fan of how the information was laid out, without a table of contents to find exactly what I wanted. I did appreciate that it feels aimed at American tourists and is conversational in nature. Overall, If I were to plan to go to England, this would be a nice book to have handy.

Reviewed by @zoltrixes

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