Fay’s Kindness Parade (The Adventures of Cray Series) by G Pa Rhymes – Review by Shea Gilkerson 4/18/24

Fay's Kindness Parade (The Adventures of Cray)Fay’s Kindness Parade by G Pa Rhymes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

G Pa Rhymes is back with another fantastic installment of the Cray series. This one focuses on Fay and Cray as they travel the ocean while winter weather approaches. In usual G Pa Rhymes style, their journey focuses on empathy, kindness, helping one another and just being good citizens. In their travels, they meet a hermit crab in need of a new shell, helping a whale tangled in a net and a lobster who is trapped, and a lonely dolphin missing their family.

Throughout, the heartwarming story is told with beautiful flow and fantastic illustrations. A wonderful story for all ages to read, but such a sweet and kind way to share with our young ones to introduce the concepts of empathy, compassion, and loving one another. Always a great break to check out these books.

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