Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow Series) by Heather Schneider – Review by Kerry Baker

Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow #2)Finding Cheer by Heather Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As soon as I saw this book was the sequel to the first I knew I had to read it. And I think this is even better than the last a brilliant book from start to finish. For me, this book was all about the characters. I found them so easy to connect with and completely relatable. From the moment I started reading I wanted to know more.
I think the author did a fantastic job in developing this story. I was engaged with the story right away and I loved watching how everything played out. The author somehow managed to create the same joy you feel with a festive read without it feeling out of place. I loved the way it made me feel and how the story unfolded. Getting to read more about the characters from the previous book was just the icing on top. This is a brilliant book that I would highly recommend.

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