Healing Hearts: Gene & Amanda’s Story (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam – Review by Charlene Pryke

Healing Hearts (Echo #0.5)Healing Hearts by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Healing hearts by C. R. Alam is the story of Amanda and Gene.

Amanda crashes her car to avoid hitting a young teenage girl, Gene is the first on the scene but they cannot find the girl and no one believes that the girl is real.?

Gene is a doctor and Amanda convinces him to stay with her to care for her instead of going to the hospital…. Meanwhile they search for the girl and uncover ….. I guess you need to read the book to find out this bit – NO SPOILERS.

Gene and Amanda have a brief affair as he is leaving in 3 months is he?

I really enjoyed this sweet and sometimes steamy prequel to the echo series.

View all my reviews

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