Kris & The Missing Prince (The Adventures of Kris) by Art Blegen – Review by Carrie Reed

Kris & The Missing Prince: The Adventures Of KrisKris & The Missing Prince: The Adventures Of Kris by Art Blegen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another adventure with Kris, and another story I got completely sucked into. Once again, through this author, Kris creates a fantasy world, and I get so lost in the story that I don’t realize that it is just her imagination until the end. Kris stands firm that she is not a princess just because she is a girl, girls can be knights. I love that she wants to be a knight and fight for good. I really like that Kris is so adventurous and curious. It was heartbreaking to read of her and her dad’s financial situation in the beginning, but how grateful Kris was to even be able to eat at all. They are a strong and resilient family and I enjoy the father and daughter interactions as much as I enjoy Kris’ imaginative adventures. The owl, Mr. Flattail, might have been my favorite character, I loved how the author made his speech, it gave his character so much more.

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