Stars in the City (Stars in the City Series) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Brandy Rymer

Stars in the CityStars in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The author did an amazing job in this contemporary romance book, giving the reader a view into what the life of what it might be like to be a young actor dealing with the limelight of the acting world. Our main character, Valeria, personality changes as she takes on her role in a soap opera, as she tries to live up to the expectations she deems as so important to live up to on social media. She has a shaky relationship with one of her co-workers, the main star Lance, who seems to only be interested in Valeria when it’s beneficial to his reputation. Partway into the story, we get to meet up with Valeria’s past love, Davis, who remembers the small-town girl who broke his heart and left to take her place in the acting world. Davis is unsure if Valeria moved on since all he continues to see on social media is that she is dating all these different big-time stars, from actors to musicians, wondering if she moved on from him so quickly. As Valeria and Davis try to reconnect and rebuild their relationship, they suffer insecurities, and misunderstandings, that make this hard to work through. Will Valeria be able to find herself, or has her acting career changed the small-town girl that Davis fell in love with, to never be her natural self again? You won’t want to miss this first book in this new series, it was a great read, that keeps you drawn in and invested in the lives of the characters right from the first page.
@Brandy Rymer

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