Stop that Lion (Kingdom of Mir Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Shea Gilkerson 4/19/24

Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship Love and Peace (Kingdom of Mir)Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship Love and Peace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Kingdom of Mir had a lion. The Kingdom of Sher raised sheep. I’m sure you can anticipate the problems this can cause. The king of Sher proposed to the people that whomever comes up with a fair way to solve the problem of the sheep disappearing – any losing ideas, the person must turn over their most special possession to the king – but the winner will become his advisor! Several community members offer suggestions that don’t work out, and then along comes Wynnie, a young girl from the Kingdom of Mir.

Wynnie is the focus of the story and sets such an awesome example for not being afraid to pursue her ideas, take different approaches to find a solution, and believing in herself! This story proves that we should not discount anyone and their ideas or judge their capabilities. Not only do they solve the issue of lion and the sheep, but they all realize just how many ways each person is special and capable!

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