The Winemakers Box Set (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Julie Johnson

The Winemakers - Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical RomancesThe Winemakers – Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical Romances by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a compilation of reviews that I’ve written on these individual books.

The True Purpose of Vines (The Winemakers #1) 5 stars
I love a good historical romance…they are among my favorite genre! This was a bit of a learning curve for me on this one though because I do not drink. I was lost on a lot of the wine references but I did learn a few things about how wine is made and found it interesting.

This book is set in Portugal during the 1800’s and is centered around a plague that attacked vineyards during that time. Mrs. Julia Costa is one of those vineyard owners, after being left a widow and a single mother. Women were not looked highly upon as business owners during this time so she faced increased scrutiny due to her standing in life, as well as her occupation.

Griffin Maxwell is an Englishman who is really good at keeping books. When his business partner suggests that he checks out this particular vineyard, Griffin obliges. The findings he uncovers will be the end of someone in this story though!

Julia and Griffin eventually meet and the sparks pretty much start flying right away, however very subdued. I love how the author allowed the character development to take place before the romance really heated up. There’s a few extra players involved too…so scandalous! 😉 In the end, can different cultures comingle and create something more beautiful than the vines themselves or will dedication to culture win out?

I’m excited to read the next book in this series, although I already don’t like a particular character and the way he behaved in this one. We’ll see if he will have any redeeming qualities about him!

The Taste of Light (The Winemakers #2) 4 stars
This review is going to be hard to write without spoilers but I’ll do my best!

First of all, this is a stand alone book but I HIGHLY recommend reading book 1 (The True Purpose of Vines: An intoxicating historical romance about wine and love.) so you can have a proper understanding of Pedro. Reading this book first will probably ruin a lot of things for you!

I HATED Pedro in the first book. I mean, a deep loathing for the man. I can’t say that now. He’s found a way to redeem himself with the way he’s handled Anne. It took me awhile to be able to say that but he’s earned his redemption!

Anne is helping out her sister-in-law with the vines and dealing with an outbreak of Phylloxera when she meets Pedro. Anne is a polar opposite of Pedro, along with several years younger.

Can Anne show Pedro how to be a decent human being? Will Pedro find his redemption and deal with his past?

There’s a little bit of everything to love in this book. A great historical based story that includes some humor, spicy romance, and a redeeming heart!

The Truth about Myths (The Winemakers #3) 4 stars

Henrique the Viscount is a scientist and an extremely playful rake. Isabel is a prude and proper princess. Two very unlikely people to ever want to be in the presence of another. When Isabel is sent to Portugal by her brother, the “bodyguard” assigned to her is none other than Henrique. Let the adventures begin!!

This book is romantic, funny, and a wee bit spicy! Even though this is part of a series, it can be read as a stand alone. I’ve not been disappointed by a book from this author!! Looking forward to more!

View all my reviews

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