The Winemakers Box Set (The Winemakers Series) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Katie Turner

The Winemakers - Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical RomancesThe Winemakers – Box set: A Series of Sun-Kissed Historical Romances by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The True Purpose of Vines- Book 1

The True Purpose of Vines is the first book to the Winemakers series by Giovanna Siniscalchi. As I read the first chapter, I was not too sure where the book was going to take me. But as I continued on, I realized it was going to take me to a far more beautiful place than I imagined. In 1870 Portugal, during a timeframe when it was not considered normal for a woman to work so hard and be the household provider, there lived a headstrong widow, mother and passionate winemaker named Julia Costa-Ferreira. Julia has taken over her late husband’s business and does not need help or directions from any man. But here comes the handsome Griffon Maxwell, a pretentious Englishman who agrees to travel to Portugal initially to chase a debt with hopes of striking a deal. He didn’t realize he’d be chasing after the debtor’s heart as well. But can her independent ways and his conservative mindset find a way?

I loved the slow buildup of romance between these two characters, the descriptions, the setting. The author clearly took her time to do a lot of in-depth research to be able to take her readers to a historical period with elaborate, accurate detail. This was a beautiful story, and I look forward to the next one. I’d also like to mention how vibrant and gorgeous the cover is. A perfect representation for this tale. If you love a good historical romance and wine, this is the perfect story to find yourself lost in.

The Taste of Light – Book 2

The Taste of Light by Giovanna Siniscalchi is the second book to the Winemakers series. I have to say this book was absolutely beautiful in every way. From the setting of Portugal 1872 to the character growth of Pedro, who is previously portrayed as a bad guy. I really loved Anne. She is not just a proper lady who teaches Tony English, but also has the ability to be tough when required. These characters have so much depth and layers, along with the plotline. I absolutely implore you to give this story, as well as the previous book ‘The True Purpose of Vines’, a chance if you love a good historical romance. The author has a fantastic way of ensnaring you into her writing and helping you visualize everything as you read along.

The Truth About Myths – Book 3

The Truth About Myths, by Giovanna Siniscalchi, is the third installment to The Winemakers series. And what an enjoyable third book it was! In the beautiful setting of Portugal’s city of Lisbon, we meet a prim and proper Portuguese princess named Isabel. Although she is a woman, she has no problem with upholding what she believes is just and right. Isabel is sent off at the request of her brother on a trip to Spain concerning political matters. However, a frustrated princess finds herself beings escorted by a man, Henrique, who seems to get under her skin and infuriate her. And at the same time, you sense a curiosity brewing underneath her surface from the moment they meet. Their personalities do not mesh, but the attraction between them is evident from the beginning and the tension between them builds. The author has done beautiful work yet again at creating an equally fascinating world with wonderfully diverse and developed characters. If you love a descriptive story accentuated with beautiful history and romance, I recommend this entire set! I don’t think you’ll have any regrets.

View all my reviews

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