Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Mary Espinoza

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was such a fun read, and quite honestly gave me Hannah Montana vibes! We are introduced to Kaia/Abigail, and we quickly find out that she lives a double life! Kaia is a popstar who lives on the road and does tours worldwide, well with that part of her life coming to a pause for the next few months, she decides that she wants to go back to life as Abigail, the student teacher. On Kaia/Abigail’s journey of being a student teacher, she meets Everett, her mentor…. but little does she know that Everett has some secrets of his own! There are plenty of funny moments between Kaia/Abigail and Everett and there are some serious moments as well. Everett is just trying to live life and work his poor little heart off because of some trauma from a previous relationship, little did Kaia/Abigail and Everett know that their first impressions of each other were soon going to change! To me, this story actually had quite a bit of moral lessons such as, Never Judge a Book by Its Cover! And this added quite a bit of appeal to the storyline between our main characters. The way that Kaia/Abigail has to keep her double life separated it very interesting and the dedication that she has to do so is even better! When I picked up a copy of this book to read, I had no idea that I was in for such a treat, I also didn’t realize that this is the third book of the Swan Cove Series by Christi Barth. I am definitely going to go back and read the first two books of the series, I can only imagine how entertaining those books are going to be! Christi had a great way of keeping you entertained throughout the story, and I never found myself getting bored while reading. I don’t think that you will be one bit disappointed by picking up a copy of the book and getting lost in the pages! It’s up to you if you want to read the first two books of the series’ first, or if you decide to read this one as a standalone!

View all my reviews

Mary Espinoza, April 2024

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