4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Mandy Ott

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4 R’s is my first read by Julie Castle and I will definitely be checking out more books by her. This 4 book collection is full of drama, intrigue, suspense, danger, and plenty of romance.
The first book, Fool’s Gold, finds Rafe and Sarah in a battle for their marriage, as well as their land. The undeniable chemistry between the two can clearly be felt through the amazing writing of Julie Castle. This one had some twists and turns that took me by surprise.
The second book, Her Heart’s Desire, introduces Samantha and Jake and their love/hate relationship with one another. This one definitely packed in the suspense.
The third book, Serena’s Web, finds Serena and Mark entangled with the mob. This was a lot more suspenseful than I was expecting, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Forced proximity tropes always seem to exceed my expectations.
The final book, It Had to be You, finds Candy and Greg, past adversaries thrown together after many years apart. This one still has some drama but was a lot less suspenseful; a little more relaxed.
Julie Castle’s world building in this series is great and the depth and personality of her characters is amazing! I love that each story had its own style and story line and wasn’t just a generic, boring narrative. Each book is unique and exciting. I can’t wait to read more by Julie Castle.

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