Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A gripping murder mystery which had me hooked from start to finish. Emergency medicine physician Dr. Louise Finnerty and Dr. Marnie Liccione a paediatrician team up to investigate the death of their friend. Dr. Gennifer Drake’s body washed up on a beach on Galveston Island and the pair soon discover that Gen was researching a deadly new form of dengue fever. This mosquito borne illness, known as Break Bone Fever was threatening the United States, so Louise and Marnie must discover the truth about Gen’s murder whilst facing a coming epidemic. Wondering if Gen’s transgender status was a factor in her murder, and with the help of an unconventional police detective and an editor, they learn there may be a connection to Q-Anon conspiracists. Meanwhile lies are being propagated by a cabal inside the Environmental Protection Agency putting lives at risk. This is a fast paced story with an action packed storyline and plenty of plot twists. The main characters, Louise and Marnie are both likeable and relatable and they work well together. I look forward to the physicians teaming up again soon in the next book in this new series.

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