Breaking Apart (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Wanda Venters, MD and Mary Rae, MD – Review by Santana Hicks

Breaking Apart (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #2)Breaking Apart by Wanda J. Venters
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After the chaos that ensued in the first book of the series, Louise and Marnie both decided they needed a career change. They both decided to care for veterans. On Marnies first day at her new job, she parks beside a truck and has blood all over it. Jumping into doctor mode, she breaks the window to find a young man, named Josh, dead. The clues all point to Josh taking his own life.

Louise is coming to Denver for a course during the summer and will be staying with Marnie. All Louise wants is to do her course and decompress after the horrible events that happened last year. Marnie has another plan. After talking to the widow of Josh, Marnie thinks that there might be more to the story.

With not much to go on, Marnie still thinks that maybe Josh’s death was potentially murder. Marnie and Louise will once again have to band together with their knowledge and figure out the cause of death of this young veteran while juggling everyday life.

This book, in my opinion, was much better than the first one in the series. It was more fast paced and you got to know more about Louise and Marnie. There were less background characters making this book a lot easier to follow and stay engaged.

This book hit close to home. My husband is a young veteran and although he never served in war, he saw and heard a lot he shouldn’t have. When he was discharged, he was really depressed and had PTSD. He started drinking heavily, spending all his money. He admitted that he was planning on ending it once the money was gone. At the time we were close friends and not dating yet but it was still very painful to watch him go down that destructive path. Luckily he got some help and is doing a lot better today.

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