Come Home to Death by Marilyn Levinson – Review by Erin DeRoma

Come Home to DeathCome Home to Death by Marilyn Levinson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A book that should be added to (I’m sure Lengthy) TBR list, just go ahead and add it right now.

I really enjoyed this romantic thriller (if I were categorizing it). Levinson’s writing is very engaging, and thought provoking. There was certainly twists and turns I was not suspecting, which I enjoy. It’s always a buzz kill when you can figure out the plot twist, it’s best when you weren’t even close.
While reading Come Home to Death, I certainly learned some new vocabulary (thank goodness for the dictionary feature on the kindle).

This was my first read by Levinson but certainly not my last.

View all my reviews

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