Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow Series) by Heather Schneider – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Finding Cheer (Magical Emerald Hollow #2)Finding Cheer by Heather Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finding Cheer is Book Two in the Magical Emerald Hollow series. It is set in a small town called Emerald Hollow and has an overall whimsical and magical feel. It is full of romance, likable characters, charm, intrigue, secrets, and mystery. After reading the first book in the series, I was anxious to read this one and I was not disappointed. The story centers around the character of Sophia, who lives in Emerald Hollow. She is friends to both Holly and Ash who we were introduced to in the first book. When Sophia meets Isaiah, she is naturally skeptical of this mysterious man that has shown up unexpectedly because she knows nothing about him. As she tries to get to the bottom of the mystery of who he is Sophia discovers she is attracted to him. As the story evolves, the characters experience loss and heartbreak, but also begin to grow, rediscover themselves, and heal. A great read with a feel-good, magical vibe and wholesome romance.

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