Healing Hearts: Gene & Amanda’s Story (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam – Review by Barbara Bohls

Healing Hearts (Echo #0.5)Healing Hearts by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an amazing prequel to the series. It follows characters that if you read the series have seen in the background but always have wondered about. This book has everything that one would want from a contemporary romance book. The growth of characters, the push and pull of their story, the compassion, kindness, and mystery. I loved that this effectively starts the series. If you haven’t read the series yet, this would be an amazing place to start but if you then this will just flow seamlessly into the series at any point you decide to read it. This is a novella and with that means very quick read but it packed a punch with each word on the pages. I highly enjoyed the book because of the mystery in the book that I hadn’t saw coming. The banter between the characters makes them highly relatable to the reader. I was able to sit down and really sink into reading this book. It started off with an a twist about an accident and from there it just flows easily to the end. I found myself feeling all the emotions that the characters did throughout the book. I was angry ad upset and then happy and blushing from the words that were written. I highly suggest reading this book and the good thing about the series is that they can all be read as stand alones. So you can pick and chose your way through the series but reading them in order is always going tp give you more depth with the characters.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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