Kris & The Cowboys (The Adventures of Kris) by Art Blegen – Review by Carrie Reed

Kris & The Cowboys: The Adventures of KrisKris & The Cowboys: The Adventures of Kris by Art Blegen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This might be my favorite adventure with Kris yet. I loved learning about horses and the Sioux Indians right along with Kris. I was afraid this was going to be another dream but so glad Kris is able to experience everything along side her uncle. Kris is very brave and courageous, I love that she stands up for people she doesn’t even know, showing kindness right away.

“Wouldn’t it be better to see if somebody is mean to you before you are mean to them?”

That got me! Excellent point Kris, great lesson for us all. I really enjoyed watching Kris become a cowboy like she wanted but also fitting in and forming a bond with the Sioux, even so far as being bestowed an Indian name by Chief Buffalo. Keep the adventures coming Mr. Blegen!

View all my reviews

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