Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups Series) by Sylvie Stewart and Marika Ray – Review by Christie Mitchum

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups)Mood Swings and Hockey Flings by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The first book in the series was a delightful read, and this one was even more enjoyable. I found myself completely immersed in the story, eagerly turning the pages to see what would happen next. It was a truly satisfying experience.

Banks and Kaitlyn met at the airport 10 years ago and shared a sweet, memorable flight together. Little did they know they would meet again, and a misunderstanding would color their relationship for the next decade. Gone was the sweetness and bitterness, and possibly hate replaced it. Now, all they do is snipe at one another.

Banks is the oldest player on his hockey team, and his reputation isn’t the greatest either. He has just been dropped by his agent and desperately needs another one before he is traded. It looks like his old enemy, Kaitlyn, holds his fate in her hands. If anyone can turn his reputation around and make him into “the golden boy,” it’s her. She also wants to stick it to Banks’s ex-agent as he is her old boss and always treats her differently because she is a woman. Can they put aside their differences for their common goal? What’s with the annoying attraction they are beginning to feel for each other?

I was deeply moved by Banks and Kaitlyn’s journey. They were a couple in the making, even if they were oblivious to it. The realization that their past misunderstanding had clouded their perceptions of each other was a poignant moment. Banks was not the immature ‘man child’ she had labeled him, and she was not the ‘ice queen’ he had believed her to be. Their gradual falling in love was a beautifully crafted slow burn that I couldn’t help but root for.

As I said, I’m a huge fan of this series This fabulous writing team keeps getting better! They created a great pair of main characters and a hilarious cast of secondary ones. I can’t wait to see what the next book holds.

View all my reviews

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