Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups Series) by Sylvie Stewart and Marika Ray – Review by Emily H

Mood Swings and Hockey Flings (Hot Flash Hookups #2)Mood Swings and Hockey Flings by Marika Ray
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Banks Bennet is a hockey star that has a bad boy persona and Kaitlyn has now become his new agent. For one small moment Banks and Kaitlyn share banter, chemistry and the promise of what could have been. That is until Banks realizes who Kaitlyn is then an acrimonious relationship begins. That is until the agent and hockey player become a team, then the intensity between the two becomes two much to ignore can the two find that they are just the right fit for one another?

Delightful, pure fun. The attraction is sizzling between Banks and Kaitlyn. Page turning entertainment, I couldn’t put it down. Can’t wait to see what is next in this series.

View all my reviews

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