The Ghostly Diva (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Ghostly Diva (Divine Vintage)The Ghostly Diva by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another enjoyable and engaging romance with a paranormal feel to it in the ‘Divine Vintage’ series. It can be read as a standalone story, however having read and enjoyed the previous books I recommend reading the series. Justine Saunders is an Assistant Museum Director and she’s excited to have the opportunity to look through the vintage treasures of a recently deceased actress. Screenwriter Jackson Maddox is keen to finish sorting out his late mother’s affairs so he can escape the ‘one-horse’ town in which she grew up in. It’s when Jackson decides to ‘unload’ the old clothes to a historian at the museum that him and Justine meet. They soon get stranded together by a snowstorm and Justine is not impressed by the surly Jackson, but she also has the very real ghost of his mother to deal with as well. Justine is able to help solve the mystery of Jackson’s paternity as she discovers a way of identifying his “famous” father, whom his mom protected to her death. Meanwhile Justine’s job at the museum is in jeopardy but she then has the opportunity to move to the big city. I was hooked throughout and was kept happily turning the pages. I liked how Justine and Jackson’s relationship developed as the story went on. The characters and setting came to life through the descriptive narrative, making me feel immersed in the story.

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