The Ghostly Diva (Divine Vintage Series) by Sandra L. Young – Review by Maisie Dickinson

The Ghostly Diva (Divine Vintage)The Ghostly Diva by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sandra L. Young’s The Ghostly Diva follows museum curator Justine, plodding along in her home town with the odd visit from a ghost, and Jackson, grumpy and mysterious screenwriter from LA whose mother has recently passed and so he’s come to the small town of LaPorte to go through her things and sell her childhood home. Jackson enlists in Justine’a help to go through his mother things, but soon realises he needs her help for much more than that. My favourite character was Justine because she’s quite relatable, the feeling quite lost and stuck in her home town. I recommend this book because it’s a cute love story and the added details of the ghost story, along with the flashbacks and the mystery, make it really interesting. ‘After dipping into real passion, mundane wouldn’t suffice in her life anymore.’ This was so relatable. ‘The hot, demanding kiss threatened to deprive her of oxygen. But what a way to expire.’ This was so beautifully written.

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