The Rake (Daughters of Dishonour Series) by Ava Bond – Review by Allyson Ware

The Rake (Daughters of Dishonour #1)The Rake by Ava Bond
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This novel was well written, however, I do not get the “English” vibe from the writing. I was also bothered by the author calling Margot an “Amazon”. I am a taller/larger woman and if someone called me that, I would not be happy. Otherwise, I loved the story and the characters.

The book was easy to read and follow. The characters were relatable and I fell in love with them as soon as I read about them. The banter between the two main characters is fun and just makes them that much more real. The author does a great job keeping your attention throughout. I cannot wait to read the second in the series.

Review by @aware
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