The Rake (Daughters of Dishonour Series) by Ava Bond – Review by Shannen Kern

The Rake (Daughters of Dishonour #1)The Rake by Ava Bond
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was my first book by this author, and I fell in love with their writing style! I’m so excited that this is the first installment in the series because I am on pins and needles to see what is in store for us next. This is a fast-paced historical romance that grabs you from the very first chapter. It was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but well worth it! The plot is intense, there is drama abound, and a few steamy encounters to fall in love with. I loved that the main characters are almost polar opposites which makes their attraction even more intriguing. I found myself giggling at a few different situations which is always fun when reading in public. The second book cannot come fast enough, and I feel the second half of this year may just inch by until release day!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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