The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Beverly Finnie

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love love love this series. I really thought it was going to end with book 5, The Strategist. So I can’t tell you how happy I am to find out there will be more! I’ve been hooked since book 1. These are books you could read as a standalone novel, but they work and flow so much better in succession. The Strategist is Arrow’s story. And being there were originally 5 friends creating the WaterFyre rising video there’s been more characters introduced to take the story further.
Arrow and Vivivan dance around one another. He wants her. She wants him but not enough to give him a chance. She’s been through some trauma’s in her life, which is why she keeps her heart closed off. However she’s on a mission to find her friend’s daughter who went missing 9 months ago. What she doesn’t realize is her mission is going to intersect Arrow and his friends’ journey to take down The Trogyn organization. Forcing them to work together. Working together works best when trust is involved. However with their rough childhoods one might not believe it’s possible.
Can they both let down their walls to trust one another?
Will Vivivan finally give into the feelings she has for Arrow?
Can two broken souls mend each other?
Just like all the other books in this series. There’s romance with a little action and adventure thrown in. Stubborn characters who care mightily for those in their circle. A group of friends do thick; they are hesitant about letting new members in. Yet they embrace everyone’s family as if it were their own.
I can’t wait for book 6. Till then I’m contemplating about starting the series over. It’s all worth it! If you haven’t started it, go back to book 1. And if you have what are you waiting for book 5 is out!!!

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