The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising Book 5) by Nadia Han – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

The Strategist (WaterFyre Rising, #5)The Strategist by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve had my eye on this series for a while but have never taken the leap to read it until now. Why I started with book 5 I couldn’t tell you. I guess I’m just random like that. I realized that they can be read as standalone novels but by starting from the beginning you gain more from the series and have all your questions answered if you read the series in order. Arrow and Vivian are a power couple once they get together, but in the mean time they do surely take their time getting there. She’s an independent, fierce self defense teacher/dentist, and Arrow is a morally gray retired Navy seal who has an interest in wine. Their chemistry was great, the novel was intense, and meaningful. I’m so glad I gave this novel a chance. I am looking forward to going back to start this series from the beginning.

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