Under the Bandage by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Megan Rea

Under the BandageUnder the Bandage by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the story of how our bodies heal after getting hurt. I absolutely love how Wickstrom is able to take something so scientific and break it down so that not only is it understandable for kiddos but its also fun and entertaining. Our main character has skinned his knee after a fall and his mother puts a bandage on it and tells him not to peek because his body needs to be able to heal. Throughout the story, we learn exactly what our body is doing, phase by phase, as it heals. Wickstrom also includes some sidenotes with interesting little tidbits that are good for more advanced readers. As usual, the illustrations are fantastic and follow along perfectly with the story. This is such a great book to add to your Lois Wickstrom collection.
Reviewed by @meggs1717

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