Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Andrea Lopez Salazar

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Will You Pretend Marry Me-By Christi Barth
5 stars

Absolutely loved this and thought it was such a cute story. Gave me Hannah Montana vibes but for adults!
Kaia a famous popstar hangs up her wig and all her fame to finish her teaching certification as a Music Teacher in a small-town Swan Cove as her real identity Abigal Dilworth. Aside from her best friend and Personal Assistant nobody really knows her true identity. The Principal and Vice Principal Everett Reynolds have to know to let her teach there and they signed a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) to keep it a secret.
During her time there the Main music teacher went on Maternity leave, Abigail also has multiple run ins with, which doesn’t always turn out the best and they seem to have feelings, but both feel they shouldn’t.

Her Friend Zara who she owes everything to for helping her get her first singing gig in the beginning uses Kaia’s wig and vehicle to go check out rehab places and suddenly Kaia has to make a return and even needs the help Everett of as her fake fiancé to save her reputation and career. She is torn between both lives and needs to make a choice soon.

I got the feeling that as Abigail she just wanted to belong somewhere and have friends. She seems to be making them and enjoying it knowing her time might be short as she doesn’t know if she will ever return to her life as Kaia or stay Abigail the Music Teacher.

I don’t want to spoil the rest but this is an absolute must read especially if you loved Hannah Montana (I had 2 girls who loved her, so we know who she is). Great Enemies to lovers

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