Will You (Pretend) Marry Me (Swan Cove Series) by Christi Barth – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Will You Pretend Marry MeWill You Pretend Marry Me by Christi Barth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so good and I can’t wait for more to come out!! This contemporary romance is about Abigail (aka Mega-pop star Kaia) and Everett. Abigail has lived a double life and not many know her secret. She has a secret identity. She is pop start Kaia but also ordinary Abigail who’s trying to finish her teaching degree. Her latest tour is over and everything is in place for her to student teach in a small Maine high school in Swan Cove. Everett is vice principal, teacher, and he also has a secret career! He’s an analyst for the EPA in his spare time. He doesn’t have much of a personal life. He has friends, but he’s not looking for anything more. At first the two don’t like each other. They get started out on the wrong foot and they argue a lot. They want each other, but they need to stay away from each other. When a friend of Kaia needs help she has to enlist Everett’s help. What can go wrong with a fake engagement?? Loads apparently. Their worlds are about to collide and turn upside down. So good you have to give this one a read!! Trust me, you won’t be disappointed with this cute romance.

View all my reviews


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