
Gadrella by Tricia Gardella – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

GadrellaGadrella by Tricia Gardella
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a super cute book about change, transformation, and making a difference. Gadrella is a witch who is bored with things always being the same. The same clothes, the same hat, the same transportation, and just boring routines. She takes actions and trades her broom for a bike. She makes a costume and goes to the witches Halloween Gathering NOT dressed as a witch! She even makes a potion using non traditional ingredients!! Will this all backfire? Or can she make real changes in the coven? Such a wonderful book. Teaching kids that change can be good. To fight for the things you want. To work for the change. And the illustrations are adorable as well! Great for bedtime stories, first libraries, and young readers. This author has many wonderful books that you should check out! I can’t wait to read more with my kiddos.

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Beefy Goes From Bully To Buddy (Courage Tales Series) by Dagmara Sitek – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Beefy Goes From Bully To Buddy: Children's Book About Bullying (Courage Tales)Beefy Goes From Bully To Buddy: Children’s Book About Bullying by Dagmara Sitek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The books in this Courage Tales Series are so cute and great for kids learning to deal with their emotions. Sometimes kids are mean because something in their life is going wrong, so they take it out on other people. That happens her in Beefy Goes From Bully To Buddy. Beefy gets the winning goal for the soccer team, but he’s mad. His parents didn’t show up for the game when they promised they’d be around more. Beefy tries to beat up Gavin, but his foster siblings and their robot who helps kids steps in. Read more about the robot in a previous book (Cam Creates a Hero). They take Beefy home to find his parents not home, but their phones are there and some things are out of place. Beefy and the Super Buddies team look around until they spot his parents trapped! The team must help Beefy to save his parents. I won’t say anything more and give it away, but the book is super cute. I think that kids can relate to these books and they will help them learn the correct ways to deal with certain emotions and problems. The illustrations are great as well! I can’t wait to read more with my kids from this author. Great for first libraries, younger kids, and bedtime stories.

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The Crown of Stones Trilogy Box Set (The Crown of Stones Series) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

The Crown of Stones Complete TrilogyThe Crown of Stones Complete Trilogy by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This Trilogy was so good!!! I read through it pretty quickly because I just needed to know what happened! I plan on re-reading them and reviewing each book individually, but for now the review for the whole set! This book will immerse you in this world. It gripped me so tight that I stayed up reading it through a hurricane and finished it not shortly after. Stayed up a few nights in a row to finish this series. You start off with Magic-Price (book 1) and you get to see a the huge downfall of Ian Troy. He’s only know slavery and war his whole life. He just wants peace, but using magic is forbidden. Unfortunately he pays a huge price when he finds a crown of stones and he uses it. With one reckless spell he ends the war, but at what price? He goes through a LOT with battles, magic, addiction, wars, and man does he hit hard emotionally too. They strip him of everything he is. By the end of this book you are hooked!! I didn’t even wait and jumped right into book two (Magic-Scars). This one was hard. You learn really fast how bad things really got for Troy. He was drugged and made to do some ugly things. None of which he had control over. Trying to piece back his whole life a few memories at a time. Some memories he wishes he didn’t get back, but he struggles along. Learning who he was and who he needs to be. While in prison all those he cared for have been suffering as well. Fate hasn’t been kind to any of them. Draken has named himself High King and he’s dispirit for the knowledge Ian has locked in his mind. The crown of stones is “broken” and he will stop at nothing to get it back. Ian is part of the rebellion now and finding secrets buried for generations has him staring down his magical inheritance. Now book 3 (Magic Borne) is the final book of The Crown of Stones Trilogy, BUT the adventures still continue into the Soulbound Journeys Series. These are set after the trilogy but they are still in the Crown of Stones world. But back to book 3! Epic. Every use of magic brings Ian closer and closer to becoming more beast than man. He’s marked by the Crown of Stones and he knows it’s just a matter of time before he is gone. The resistance is shattered and hope and peace are so far away. Knowledge of the future his him dispirit to save those he cares for. Reckless and desperate Ian returns to the past, but in seeking for the answers he sets of events he never even thought about. Going places he never thought about. But he’s only one man who is cursed with the transformation spell in the Crown. So so good!! You have to read it. I can go on and on about what happens, but I do not want to give much away. Just read the set and then go start The Wandering Isles too!! You won’t regret it!!

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Finally Friends: Donut the Dog & Peanut the Squirrel Learn Social Skills (Donut & Peanut Collection) by Debbie Sullivan – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Finally Friends: Donut the Dog & Peanut the Squirrel Learn Social SkillsFinally Friends: Donut the Dog & Peanut the Squirrel Learn Social Skills by Debbie Sullivan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finally Friends is such a cute book. A great story and fun illustrations. Inspired by the author’s dog you follow along with Donut while she tries to befriend a squirrel. In the beginning Donut is sad because her friend moves away and she has no one to play with. Laying in her dog house she is sad, but then she hears a noise, Peanut the squirrel! She decides to befriend Peanut. She cleans her teeth with her bone the next more and makes sure her breath isn’t stinky. She wants to make a good impression with a big smile. But Peanut sees it and runs. Thinking of trying again, Donut makes up a silly dance to win over Peanut. Peanut jumps over the fence and runs away. Donut doesn’t understand. She decides just to say hi and see with Peanut will talk back. When Peanut makes it over the fence again she doesn’t see Donut. She barks a hi and scares Peanut so bad that she falls over before getting back up and running up the tree. Donut feels lonely and she doesn’t know why Peanut won’t be her friend. More happens but I don’t want to give it all away. It’s a super cute book that I enjoyed reading with my daughter. This book is a wonderful SEL (Social Emotional Learning) book. It helps kids learn at the same time reading a fun book. This author did so great with this book. I can’t wait to get some of her other ones!!

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Cam Creates a Hero (Courage Tales Series) by Dagmara Sitek – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Cam Creates A Hero: Growth Mindset Book For Kids (Courage Tales)Cam Creates A Hero: Growth Mindset Book For Kids by Dagmara Sitek
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cam Creates a Hero is such a cute and inspiring book. Cam wants to make the world a better place. After hearing on the news about a young girl who is hurt, he wants to create a hero that will save kids who are in trouble. He and his foster siblings use cardboard and other materials to make a robot. In the light of day he looks a bit different and he doesn’t work. Cam is upset and loses faith in himself. He struggles to know how to help. While dreaming he meets his robot and he encourages him to keep drawing. Cam sets him mind to making a book that can help other kids. In his book his hero robot goes on adventures and helps others. Learning about compassion, courage, anger, and inner strength are all important life lessons and Cam must face these throughout the book. Once his book is finished he watches as the magic of his words help other children at the hospital. His robot dream comes true in a way. Such a wonderful book and the illustrations are so good! I love the look of the robot in different stages. I think that this book is great for younger readers. Kids have to navigate through so many emotions and books like this can help them grow through them, build confidence, have courage, be caring, and appreciate things in their lives. Wonderful for first libraries and bedtime stories too!

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Down By The River by Tricia Gardella – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Down By The RiverDown By The River by Tricia Gardella
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Down by the River is an adorable book that teaches kids a little bit about rivers and what is in and around them. You get to explore this river as you read the book. You will see animals above, fish below, and people all around. The illustrations are wonderful and fit the story so well. This book shows how the river is used in different way by both animals and humans. Great way to get kids interested in wildlife and nature. This book can open up other conversations about nature and caring for it as well. I would defiantly recommend this book to younger readers. Great for first libraries and bedtime stories.

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The Places We Call Home by Kim Ann – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

The Places We Call Home: A picture book to remind us that home is where all love begins.The Places We Call Home: A picture book to remind us that home is where all love begins. by Kim Ann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is great for younger children. I’d say first libraries, bedtime stories, and kindergarten classes is where this book belongs! Super cute and the illustrations are wonderful! This book takes you through the many places where people and animals live. Each unique, but all homes. From big cities to countryside homes. Each has their own special qualities and all have love within them. This book reminds young readers that it doesn’t matter where you live, but that home is where all love begins. I really enjoyed sharing this book with kids. I would have them point out different things on different pages. Find who lives in hills on the ground, find who lives in cozy dens, and so on. I love making books interactive along the way. This was such a cute and wonderful book.

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Decisions Matter (Buddy the Blue Corgi Series) by Suzanna Lynn – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Decisions Matter: A picture book about learning right from wrong (Buddy the Blue Corgi 3)Decisions Matter: A picture book about learning right from wrong by Suzanna Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Buddy is back again with another story and another lesson. After being adopted by his new family, Buddy is settling in nicely. He enjoys his time with the family and his two cat siblings Salem and Donut. Of course they had their little fights here and there, but Donut normally helped sort it out. One morning the house woke up to trash all over the kitchen. Buddy was sad that his family had to clean up a mess and that they were upset. He made a plan to catch the trash bandit! But staying up past your bedtime can be hard. He fell asleep and when he woke to a crash he ended up getting blamed for the mess. Poor Buddy was in trouble for something he didn’t do. The next day he took an extra long nap so that he could stay up and catch the bandit once and for all. Hiding behind a sack of potatoes he stay quite until he heard noises from the trash. Jumping out he catches the culprit! But they run off and he again is blamed from the mess. He is put to bed and a gate is put up to keep him away from the kitchen. Donut comes to sort out the problem and learns who really is at fault. Not wanting to be a tattletale, Buddy keeps him mouth shut. But the truth always comes out. The next night the real culprit gets caught and Buddy learns that being honest is always the best. Even if you are scared you shouldn’t let someone else get in trouble for something they didn’t do.

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Good Things Take Time (Buddy the Blue Corgi Series) by Suzanna Lynn – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Good Things Take Time: A picture book about learning patience (Buddy the Blue Corgi)Good Things Take Time: A picture book about learning patience by Suzanna Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

These books (Buddy the Blue Corgi Series) are such cute and fun books. They each have a wonderful lesson and they are great for kids! Kids are taught many ways and I believe that books are one way that tend to be missed out on early on. In this book Buddy, a blue corgi is waiting to get adopted. He’s a little scared at first, but he loves the idea of going to a forever home. One by one his brothers and sisters get adopted. He’s left feeling unwanted and without his siblings playing just isn’t the same. One day a man and woman show up and they are so happy to find him. They drove from another state, hours away just for him! Arriving to his new home he meets their three kids and their two cats. He learned that his family just didn’t find him yet. He was worried for nothing. Waiting can be hard. Such a wonderful book! I can’t wait to read the others with my kiddos. I got this for a nine year old, but I really think that younger kids would not only love these books, but they would benefit from the lesson in it. Grab all of these books!! You will not regret it. Wonderful for first libraries, bedtime stories, and kindergarteners!

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You Are Special (Buddy the Blue Corgi Series) by Suzanna Lynn – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

You Are Special (Buddy the Blue Corgi, #1)You Are Special by Suzanna Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is such a cute book that teaches children that it’s okay to be different. In the book you follow a Corgi who is unique. Born in a small farm in Kansas, Buddy didn’t know that he was different. It took a few weeks for his eyes to open, but once they did him and his siblings played and explored the barn a lot. One day a horse told him that he looked strange. He was blue when all the other pups were tan and white. He never realized that he was different. This upset him very much. Was he even a Corgi? Was he even a dog?!! Finding him upset, his mother tried to comfort him. Letting him know that different isn’t bad, it’s unique! Giving him examples, he slowly started to see what she meant. Everyone has something different about them. Different just means special and unique. This is such a great book for kids. Let’s face it, kids can be mean. Going to school and getting made fun of happens to us all. This book teaches at an early age, that different is okay! It’s better than okay even. Kids need this lesson in their lives. I got this for my nine year old, but I think this would be wonderful for younger kids. Start them out young with these books and lessons. This book is great for first libraries, bedtime/night time reads, and kindergarten reads.

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Forever to Fall (Buckeye Falls Book 5) by Libby Kay – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Forever to Fall (Buckeye Falls, #5)Forever to Fall by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this whole series! It’s super cute. It deals with different “couples” in each book. They all live in and/or move to a small town named Buckeye Falls in Ohio. Everyone knows everyone and the town is so sweet! This book is about Mallory and Beckett. Mallory has been dreaming of her wedding her whole life. Playing make believe and getting married to her brother’s best friend and their childhood neighbor has been in her head for 15 years! Even the family heirloom ring is in those dreams. Finding out her brother plans to give it to his girlfriend CeCe has her speechless and watching that dream float away. What she doesn’t know is that her brother’s best man of course is going to be his best friend Beckett! He’s moved back to town and the family farm. He can’t forget that marriage under the apple trees was back when either and he wants her by his side. Both of them dream to be with each other and it’s hard to hide it. As wedding plans get sorted, because they are best man and maid of honor, they are both thrown together more and more. Of course huge sparks fly!!! Fearful of her brother’s opinion they start to date in secret. But as we all know those can’t stay hidden! Will it all blow up in their face? Can childhood love last through the ages? And what about the brother and the ring!! If you haven’t read any of this series you will not be disappointed! Grab them all! I love the characters and the world that the author spins. I can see this as a movie series so easily!

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Andrew’s Armor by Jill Monaco – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Andrew's ArmorAndrew’s Armor by Jill Monaco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is such a great book for growing young boys. There is another book (Miranda’s Mirror) that is more catered to girls, but both are great reads for kiddos! This children’s book teaches about spiritual armor but also about being strong, brave, and courageous. You follow young Andrew with a toy chest his parents got him before he could even walk. As he gets older the toys change. One day there is armor in the chest. He puts it on and feels brave and strong. His parents even say so. He and his friends have great adventures wearing their armor. They climb trees, they fight a dragon, they rescue a princess, and they even have a fort! Andrew feels like a warrior. One day he falls and hurts his knee. This causes him to start questioning everything. Is he really brave? What about strong? He’s not so sure anymore so he puts his armor away. His dad helps him learn about the armor of God and trusting in him. He gets his armor back out and he is kind, forgiving, and helpful. It’s such a wonderful book!! The end is super cute too as Andrew has his own family and he passes down his armor! I can’t wait to get the other book for my daughters! There are activities in the back of this book as well as some scriptures to help teach young children more about God’s truths (Example: You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14).

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A Pig and a Poke by Tricia Gardella – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

A Pig and A PokeA Pig and A Poke by Tricia Gardella
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was such a cute book. The book is about a group of kids during a pig wrestling contest. They are all running around trying to catch a slippery muddy pig. Angela, the main female character wants to win the pig but she has a few challenges first. Bruce, the main male character being one of them. He’s a bully and he’s after her prize! Throughout the book you see kids give up for various reasons. Not Angela. She is standing up for herself and she wants that pig! She jumps on the pig and he squooshes from under her. As he goes Angela gets poked in the eye. It doesn’t stop her as she stalks Bruce and the pig more. Bruce tried to push her, but she pushes him back and jumps for the pig again. With a black eye she holds tight to the bucking squealing pig. Will she win?? Or will Bruce be the victor?? Grab this book to find out!! It is so cute. I love the illustrations too. It’s very well done and it helps kids learn the importance of perseverance and standing up for one’s self. We’ve raised a few pigs so we know just how spunky they can be. Such a fun book for younger readers. Great for 1st Libraries too!!

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The Human Mating Site, Complete Series (The Human Mating Site Series) by B.L. Wilde – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

The Human Mating Site, Complete Series : A Steamy, Dating Humour RomanceThe Human Mating Site, Complete Series : A Steamy, Dating Humour Romance by B.L. Wilde
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First let me say that if you are not a fan of sex scenes then this isn’t the set for you. BUT if you don’t mind them…, you have to read this book!! It is so good. In this COMPLETE series you get to meet all the guys- Mr. Wimp (Joel), Mr. Smooth (aka Coach), Mr. Player, Mr. Kiny, Mr. Heartless, Mr. Rich, Mr. Boring, Mr. Nice, Mr. Unavailable, Mr. Rockstar, Mr. Pushy, Mr. Bullsh*t, and Mr. Almost Perfect. When you read the book you will understand the names and let me tell you!! SO FUNNY!! So, this set of books is about a woman named Bella who is in her thirties. She’s been married for 12 years, but they have slowly drifted apart. Him more so than her, but now she’s starting all over. Now she has to navigate the dating world while healing from a failed marriage and trying to regain her self-confidence and frankly herself back. Her group of friends is awesome! They always banter back and forth, they are SO funny, and the advise! Man oh man! It’s so awesome! I laughed so much. Such a group of personalities for sure! Bella joins a dating app and jumps back into the crazy dating world. She goes on a few dates and they are all Unique in their own way. They each get their own nickname (LOL!). Read to find out more there!!!! It gets a little messy here and there, but she is determined to have fun and see who’s out there. I’m not sure which guy’s story is the best honestly. Some are so funny. Some are sad. Some are even annoying and will have you mad. But so well written!! I can see each of these unfolding. The dating waters are full of all kinds of guys and Bella sure meets some different ones!! Will Bella find Mr. Right? Or will each guy crash and burn along the way? You will not regret readying this series! It will have you literally laughing out loud. You won’t want to put it down!! I defiantly didn’t want to! I can’t wait to read more from this author. Such a great funny read with TONS steamy romance. And Bella loves steamy romance books herself, some of which have scenes she’d love to recreate! And does she???!!! Read the set to find out all the dirty details!! The author also includes a playlist in the back with songs to go with each guy and of course their “names” are there as well. Nicknames if you will. Hehe 😉

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Porter and Midge: Paws and Pastries A Kid’s Guide to Homemade Dog Treats (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series) by Jennie Chen and Giselle Nevada – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Porter and Midge: Paws and Pastries: A Kid's Guide to Homemade Dog Treats (Porter and Midge Children’s Book Series)Porter and Midge: Paws and Pastries: A Kid’s Guide to Homemade Dog Treats by Giselle Nevada
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series of books is so cute and so fun for families. If you have a child and a dog then this series is great for you! Or if you plan on getting a dog for your family/child. This series helps kids understand dogs more and the responsibilities that come with having and caring for them. You might learn too! In this book you learn about baking treats for your dog. It has so many wonderful recipes for you and your kiddos to test out. In the back it has some great talking points that are perfect for you to talk about with your young dog lover too. My girls can’t wait to try out some of the recipes for our three dogs. We are thinking of making the “Penny’s Peanut Butter and Honey Dog Biscuits” first, as all three of our dogs have no issues with the ingredients in them. I love that these books teach you so much about dogs while reading. Every child should read these if they have a dog or plan on getting a dog. I have even learned some things and I am in my 30s! My girls are excited to read more and of course super excited to get into the kitchen and start baking for the puppies! 🙂

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Picking Pismo by Emi Hilton – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Picking PismoPicking Pismo by Emi Hilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Claire’s world has been turned upside down. Her mother soddenly passes away and now she must take care of her teenage sister and all her mother’s affair’s. Returning home after so long just to pack up and leave in less than three months is just scary but necessary. She can’t afford to stay so they must move to her apartment back in LA. While tying up loose ends in her hometown she meets David. Alexis’ orthodontist’s doctor. He’s smart and caring and they hit it off right off the bat! BUT she is leaving in three months! What can they do? Hang out for three months and go their separate ways, or hand out for three months and enjoy the time they have together while they can? They choose the latter, but after some ups and down’s they’re both scared into thinking it’s not worth the heart ache when Claire leaves town. Both are in torment. Hurting for one another from a distance. Alexis has to come back for two appointments to adjust her braces before getting them off though, so they have to deal with each other. David has been hurt from an ex-wife and Claire is dealing with the death of a mother and stepping into being a parent to her sister. Can these two get passed all their hurt and anger to learn that they are both worthy of second chances and forgiveness? All seems lost as they fight and don’t’ speak for weeks. This is such a great book!! If you love so burn romance books this one is for you!! It’s super cute. I can see it as a movie even!! I can’t wait to read more from this author!! You will be routing for this couple from day one! so good!!

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Finding Hope: A Small Town Beach Romance (Half Moon Bay Series) by Erin Brockus – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Finding Hope: A Small Town Beach Romance (Half Moon Bay #1)Finding Hope: A Small Town Beach Romance by Erin Brockus
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hope is in a predictable rut. Even her boyfriend Kyle had compared her to a favorite pair of slippers. Eek! That’s until a day that turns everything upside down. Going into a interview for a raise in job and pay turns into becoming the owner of a scuba diving resort. On the Caribbean!! Talk about a life change! She can hardly believe it, while she upgrades to first class on the way to take things over and meet her new life. Why not splurge? But she isn’t prepared for what awaits her and the complications ahead. Alex, a dive instructor at the resort Hope just inquired, is okay with his life. Things are okay given his past. Content to his life he’s existing day by day. But fates seem to through them together. Mishaps pulling them into each other baths while both searching for something. But can either one trust again? With each other’s baggage there might be to much past stuff. Can these two come together and move past their past? Trust can sometimes be the only way. Leap of faith into the unknown. I can not wait to read more in this series!! I honestly thought this book was part of another series, but as soon as I started reading I realized I was in for something new. Boy was I surprise and excited at the same time! PS. I am bad at looking at names when it comes to not only books or authors names. I know, I know. Bad. But hey I got a great knew series out of it!! So hey! Win in by book! 🙂

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No One Could See the Flea by Tricia Gardella – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

No One Could See the FleaNo One Could See the Flea by Tricia Gardella
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was cute. I loved the story and the illustrations. I have a nine year old, but I think that this book can be read by younger kids. This book is about a dog that scratched behind his ear. One by one, the children, starting with the dog’s owner start doing things to help with fleas that they learned from their parents. If they didn’t have an item they just used something else. To say things got a bit crazy is an understatement. Vinegar! Yuck. Poor dog! Lol. Funny and cute. The dog ends up hiding from the kids! Great for first libraries and elementary children. We really enjoyed it and can’t wait to read more!!

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Dark is the Wood (Enchanted Tales with Dragon Scales Series) by Kristin Ward – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Dark is the Wood: A Young Adult Fantasy RomanceDark is the Wood: A Young Adult Fantasy Romance by Kristin Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was so good!! The detail describing the dragon and stuff was so amazing! I could picture the beast changing forms so easily. Very well written. I can’t wait to read more!! This book is about a girl named Gillian. She lives in a land that has lost much of it’s history over time. The Shadowlands are a forbidden area that everyone fears and for good reason. When her brother’s life is in danger Gillian enters the Shadowlands to try and find a cure to a disease that has been plaguing the world for a very long time. She’s hunted as soon as she crosses the barrier. She’s saved but caught by one of the Great Dragon’s son. Held captive she learns as much as she can. She must get the cure and get back to her brother before he dies. Trying to break free doesn’t go as planned and she doesn’t want the future the Great Dragon is offering. Can she get away from the beast and his sons to get back to her brother in time? The cure could help so many if she can just find it! The more she learns the more she can’t help but wonder where in history everything went so wrong. Thawing towards the Dragon isn’t something she wants to do. Gillian must choose a path and either way a death is possible. What future will she pick and will she regret it, just like she did when she first stepped into the Shadowlands and was attacked.

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Taste of Honey (Taste of Honey Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Taste of HoneyTaste of Honey by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a three in one! It has- The Gift, The Commander’s Club, and Once in Love. Each one is it’s own short romance erotica that are all super steamy, dom/sub, and bdsm stories. You start off with The Gift, which is a librarian secret admirer fantasy. Penny is a librarian who started getting gifts left for her at work. They are scandalous and left with them are notes that shock her, but at the same time turns her on. After receiving an invitation to meet at a hotel she can’t help but go to find out who this naughty man is. She’s both excited and shocked when she finds out who’s behind her reddened skin. She finds out submission can be fun and powerful!
Next comes The Commander’s Club, a book about Courtney who is a journalist undercover. But her cover isn’t as good as she thought and she’s thrown into the deep end of a huge FBI investigation into a BDSM club. Ty is working as a slave trainer and scoops her up to keep her protected. With her ID in question he starts her training quickly. Courtney is to feisty for her own good and learns quickly that, that can be a bad thing for a sub/dom club. Can Ty protect her and get her out before anyone finds out who she really is? Will she get her story or become one!
The last story in the book is Once In Love, which is about Laura who is in trouble. She’s been accused of stealing, fired from her job, interrogated by the police, and then mugged! Without a job and her stuff she is stranded in Paris. When she’s offered a temp position as a courtesan she’s intrigued by the idea. She reads a lot of Erotica and she can’t help but be tempted. But once her Dom find’s out who she is and that she has to fake it, she’s certain he will dump her to the side for someone else. Nick has been battered by an ex-wife and he’s turning into a workaholic. His sister talks him into going to the courtesan auction, but he’s already decided not to bid. He has more important things. When he spots a redhead on the catwalk he sees not only her innocence, but also her lust. Abruptly leaving he can’t imagine her ending up with a hurtful dom. He out bids everyone and has her sent to his summer vacation spot. Throwing her into a submission course is not only fun, but healing. Can he fall for someone else? Can he ever trust anyone? Laura has big plans for when she finally can afford to leave Paris. She wants to make her art and have a studio. Can she put aside her plans and imagine another future?
Such a great set of stories. All very steamy and hot hot hot. If you are not into BDSM books these are not for you. But if you don’t mind any of the stuff that comes with a Sub/Dom relationship, then grab this one! You won’t be disappointed!!

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Casting Vows (Hearts of Gold Series) by Ariella Talix – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Casting Vows (Hearts of Gold Book 3)Casting Vows by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am loving booking set back in time. This one was set in the 1800’s! You start out meeting Nico and Matty when they are in their teens. Matty sneaks over to Nico’s house after being beaten and bruised by his father. Everyone has witnessed his abuse and Nico’s parents (Suzette, Isaac, and Walter) decide to do something about it. They take him in to bring him back to health. Nico cares for Matty while they plan on what to do. Nico and Matty fall for one another, but are torn apart. A Priest takes Matty away to hide him from his father and Nico must move on with his life. Matty is taken to the church and Nico starts to study to become a doctor. Hoping one day to come back home and run the practice for his mentor Nico dives into his studies. While away at school, Nico meets Eden who is a nursing student. She wants to do more with her life than be a cattleman’s wife, but she’s not sure if nursing is it or if she wants more. Eden and Nico fall for each other while attending school and go home with happy news. Wedding bells are in the future! But when they go to the church to see the Priest they find Matty! All grown up and back home to deal with his dying father’s affairs. What a reunion this is going to be!!! Eden is in the middle of a first love and she’s not sure where all their futures’ are heading. Such a great book. So well written with the three main characters. Keep in mind that this is a MMF book. If that isn’t for you then just move on from this one. If you don’t mind it then grab this book! It’s sad, full of action, scary, steamy, and just all around a wonderful book. I can’t wait to read more of the series!!

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Raccoon Reunion by Terri Sabol – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Raccoon ReunionRaccoon Reunion by Terri Sabol
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rocky the raccoon is going to his first ever family reunion. He has never met any of them, so he is a bit nervous. His parents moved to the city before they had him and they never went back to the country to visit before. His mom and dad tell him that it will be okay and he will get to meet and make friends with new family members. It doesn’t help his nerves though. When they get there he meets so many people and names are thrown around so fast that there is no way he can remember. Joking his uncle tells him there is a test on names later. He watches as everyone starts games. He can’t swim so he doesn’t play the first game. He doesn’t like eggs so he doesn’t play the second game. For the fourth game everyone has partners but him. He’s not having the best of times. But when the final game comes about he is the perfect teammate. He was born in the city so it gives him a leg up on dumpster diving. He teaches the rest of the family what to do and he starts to have fun. He makes plans with Rascal (a cousin) to come back and learn the other games and maybe even have them come to the city. It’s such a cute story and book. Rocky leaves happy and excited for another visit. I’d recommend this book for younger kids (10 and under). Maybe a first library even.

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A Vampire in Disguise (Creatures of the Midwest Series) by Ava Silvers – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

A Vampire in Disguise (Creatures of the Midwest Book 1)A Vampire in Disguise by Ava Silvers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Such a great book! I can’t wait to read more of the series. In this book Hazel, who is a fire witch is on a mission to find who killer her sister and why. Her search leads her to a small town called Shadow Hollow. She never knew that magicals could live so openly. She grew up with it ingrained into her to keep it a secret and to show/tell no one. So when she comes to this town and it’s completely normal for magicals to talk openly and everything she is thrown for a loop. As she starts her investigation it’s hard to tell who she can trust and not trust. The law seems to brush her sister missing under the rug. Her sister left a few clues, but with every answer she finds a million more questions come needing answers. Secrets and lies are around every corner. She enlists the help of a few locals but even some of them are hiding things! She gets a job and rents a place while she hunts down answers, but when she is threatened it enforces her need to know all the more. She won’t be run out of town. She has to find her sister. Following leads brings her to Corwin who is also trying to solve the mystery of her missing sister as well. But can he be trusted? His secret definitely puts them both in more danger! Will they find her sister or will they end up dead just like her? Boy oh boy will this book hook you in and keep you there until you finish it. I didn’t want to put it down. And I can’t wait to read the next book either!! This book is a paranormal mystery and it’s so good!! Trust me and just grab it!!

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Discovering Desire (Shattered Embrace Series) by Alyndra Quinn – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Discovering Desire (Shattered Embrace #3)Discovering Desire by Alyndra Quinn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I accidentally started with this book, book 3, but you know what? I don’t regret it. Will I run and grab the first two?? Absolutely!! But not regrets! I loved this book. I defiantly wasn’t ready for it, but man by the time you get through chapter two or three you will be hooked! You meet Derek who is in a tug-a-war with a half-brother mob boss. He will do anything to keep what’s his safe. Weather they like it or not. And most of them don’t like it!! Then you shift and meet Justine, who is a college student working on a doctoral about Club Shattered Embrace and more so research into submission. Walking around a BDSM club for years doesn’t prepare her for this life style. Watching form the sidelines just won’t cut it. She never imagined where she’d be pushed and by whom that’s for sure!! Jordan is a long time switch with Derek, but has been finding that she wants more. Not necessarily more from Derek (although that could be great!), but definitely something more. When Derek’s half brother makes a poor attempt at taking a life he’s jumps into action. Calling in everyone, putting everyone on alert, and putting security on all those he holds dear. Although many are annoyed they listen as Derek tried to take on the mob boss (his half brother). Boy oh boy is this book something else! It’s hot and steamy, yes. But the development of the characters and the twists and turns keep you on edge. I can’t wait to read the rest!! You will NOT regret this book buy and I personally have already hooked a fellow book lover into this series!

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Finding Love (Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 2) by Julie Navickas – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Finding Love (Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 2)Finding Love by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book two was just as great as book one!!! I loved both of these cute contemporary romance books. Such a wonderful series. Movies please!! I can see it now!!! Book two is about Rachel and Miguel’s relationship. Rachel is a real estate agent who just got dumped and is currently waiting on a date from a dating app. Miguel is a restaurant owner who has his own trouble finding love. When she’s stood up she decides to order and have dinner anyway. Ryan has to break her heart and let her know that the one thing she ordered they are out of. Promising her something just as wonderful and making it up to her is just the start to their flames. She agrees but only if he eats with her. And their story begins! And boy is it wonderful. Cute, funny, and of course steamy. But you know how these things go. The harder she tries with men the harder she falls. Will she this time? I can’t wait to read more from this author. She builds their story so well. You get to see other characters (that I am hoping she will also write about later) around them. Friends and family. You can really picture these stories.

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Trusting Love (Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 1) by Julie Navickas Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Trusting Love (Clumsy Little Hearts Trilogy Book 1)Trusting Love by Julie Navickas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this cute contemporary romance! I can’t wait to read the next one, but for now this is book one to the series. It’s about Tess and Ryan. Tess is starting over. She was in a loveless marriage for years. She’s done a series of things she regrets. And she’s just ready for change. Starting with painting the inside of the paper she owns. Ryan has been hurt badly. He won’t tolerate dishonesty. And he has to make some changes. His partner takes a year leave so his work game plan must change. Now! He goes to the paper to put in an ad and meets Tess. They hit it off so well! The bantering between the two is funny and steamy and super cute. You can picture these two falling in love. Even with warnings to Ryan, they fall fast and quick. He takes her (city girl) on a couple camping trip and boy is that funny! Nothing goes as planned. But Tess has a past that’s creeping in and it goes against all Ryan’s values. She knows if he finds out it will be the end of their relationship. Such a great story!! I could see this turned into a movie! I’d watch it!! Off to read book two!!

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Catch a Cowboy (Match Made in Montana Series) by Rachelle Paige Campbell – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Catch A Cowboy (Match Made in Montana Book 2)Catch A Cowboy by Rachelle Paige Campbell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I haven’t read to many country cowboy romance books, but I’m glad that I gave this one a chance. It was cute and funny and all the things you think of when you think country romance. Ted, who is a lead cowboy for a local ranch has settled in Montana after the loss of his wife. Not looking for much more than something to keep him busy and away from the pain, he settles into a new life she didn’t expect to permanent. He always thought he would move on. When he meets Stephanie, a yoga instructor, kindergarten teacher, event planner, and community volunteer he starts to feel that maybe he can love again. But he’s her boss. And then she’s his niece’s teacher. Plus he’s way to old for her. Right? Stephanie has a major crush on Ted, but she knows she just has to get over it. She can barley even talk around him! When she’s around him she becomes a whole other person. One that can’t talk or communicate. When Ted’s sister leaves his niece with him with just about no warning he enlists Stephanie’s help with Maddy. Spending extra time with her is just a bonus. Things heat up for Stephanie when a parent starts to cause trouble and an emergency has everyone looking at life and figuring out what they all want. This book was so good!!! I loved all the ranch stuff and I think that it’s super cute that the kindergarten teacher is falling in love! I won’t give away anything, but I personally really liked the book. Grab it! You will love it too!!

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Murder by Moonlight (Felines of Fairytale Forest) by K.L. Montgomery – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Murder by Moonlight (Felines of Fairytale Forest Book 1)Murder by Moonlight by K.L. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Marder Mystery, amusement park, and cats! What a combo, but this book was great! This is book one in the series and boy was it enough to hook you in and be left wanting more! I can’t wait to read the rest of the series. I loved how different it was! The felines and the cleaning staff keep the Fairytale Forest theme park clean and rodent free. When a night shift worker named Cat (Catherine) follows Zoe (one of the cats) to the park’s main street, they find a manager strangled to death. Of course her 50 year old self and her friend Gloria are at the top of the suspect list. Just having a complaint against them didn’t help. With the help of her new feline friends, Cat must solve this murder! She has to clear her name. Yeah she didn’t like the lady, but she didn’t hate her so much that she’d kill her!! Working with cats to solve a murder. These ladies can’t resist a good mystery, but will they walk right into the murderers clutches as they investigate. Who will die next?! This book will have you not wanting to put it down! I kind of thought about who the killer would be and it was in my top few, but it was still so good. Sometimes I can guess the killer and other times I am left guessing! I loved it! Can’t wait to read more to the series!!

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Purrfectly Framed (A Mobile Cat Groomer Mystery Book 2) by Ruth J. Hartman – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Purrfectly Framed: A Mobile Cat Groomer MysteryPurrfectly Framed: A Mobile Cat Groomer Mystery by Ruth J. Hartman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Molly is at it again in book two! She has asked her friend Evan to photograph her clients (cats). In book one he took photos of her two cats and she thought it would be great to offer to her cat owners. But someone has other plans. The go into his studio and find Evan’s old art teacher dead in the darkroom!! Molly wants to call the police, but once again Evan, her animal friends, and herself are threatened! Molly is determined to find out who the killer is. The background in a photo might help. But can Molly find out who the killer is and stop them before someone else dies?! And again, what about the cats!! Man this is such a fun series. I am so glad that I gave it a chance. You’ll be guessing who the killer is and be wrong half the time! LOL. But that’s also fun!!

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Brushed Up On Murder (A Mobile Cat Groomer Mystery Book 1) by Ruth J. Hartman – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Brushed Up on Murder (A Mobile Cat Groomer Mystery, Book #1Brushed Up on Murder (A Mobile Cat Groomer Mystery, Book #1 by Ruth J. Hartman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was really good! I was a little worried with it being a murder mystery with cats, but I am so glad that I gave it a shot! I loved it! I couldn’t figure out who the murderer was at first and I LOVE that!! I can normally spot the killer right away and it kind of sucks. But not with this one!! I was torn between a couple people who I thought did it! In this book you meet Molly. She’s a cat groomer that has a shop, but also has a mobile van she works out of as well. She loves her job and she love animals. Everything was going great until one of her fur parents started acting strange. He’s normally over her shoulder watching everything she does to his cat. His time he dropped the cat off and asked her to bring him home later. So odd for this person. She tries to bring him home, but no one answers the door. Thinking that maybe he was outside in the back yard she goes around to check. Unfortunately she finds him dead in the garden. Things don’t add up and the sheriff seems dead set on the killer before even looking at all the evidence. Molly starts to do her own investigation. A lot of people are acting odd and there seems to be a lot of arguments around town. When he gets a treat about her and her cat she knows that their is more to this murder then anyone knows. Will she find the killer before he kills her? And what about the poor cats!! Such a great suspenseful murder mystery. I can’t wait to read the next book!!

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