The Music That Ties Us (Love Ties Us Series) by Nicolette Terry

💕..••°°💗°°••..💕 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 💕..••°°💗°°••..💕
The Music That Ties Us (Love Ties Us Series) by Nicolette Terry
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 421
Cover Designer – Kristen Lee Designs

GOODREADS – The Music That Ties Us (Love Ties Us Series) by Nicolette Terry

BOOKBUB – The Music That Ties Us (Love Ties Us Series) by Nicolette Terry
“I don’t want you.”
“I don’t want you, either.”
Cadence is stuck. Stuck in a career she didn’t want and with a guy who might as well be a stranger now. She’s craving something, anything, that feels like the life she’s missing out on. That spark ignites unexpectedly when she ends up at a rock show, face-to-face with Damien Walker—the lead singer of Rebel Rebellion. He’s all broody and sharp edges while making it clear he wants nothing to do with her.
Funny thing, though? That only piques her curiosity more.
Damien has his own mess to deal with—a past that keeps him from getting too close to anyone, and a family that’s depending on him. There’s no time for a mystery woman, no matter how intriguing or infuriating she is. But with her fiery spirit, Cadence breaks through his walls and lights up parts of him he’d thought were long dead. He can’t have her, and yet he can’t stay away.
Breaking a few rules might just be worth it, right?
But life doesn’t play fair, and for Cadence and Damien, it seems like everything’s trying to keep them apart.
Can they fight their way back to each other with the very music that brought them together in the first place?
This book isn’t your average rockstar romance. It has a band that’s still fighting for their shot, some not-so-private intimate moments, and two people who couldn’t be more right for each other.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for The Music That Ties Us (Love Ties Us Series) by Nicolette Terry

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of The Music That Ties Us (Love Ties Us Series) by Nicolette Terry

Nicolette has always been passionate about writing and has been creating stories since she was a little girl. Becoming a published author was something unobtainable then, but now she is living proof that dreams can come true.


   Nicolette is a military spouse and happily married to her biggest supporter for over 13 years. They have two sons together and two bengal cats, Howl and Sophie. When Nicolette isn’t writing, you can find her snuggled underneath a cozy blanket with a book.

Author Interview With Nicolette Terry



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