
4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Heidi Sturgess

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my gosh I just fell in love with the cover ! I mean hello how can I not ?!

A word of advice before you start this tell your friends and family you’re going to be unavailable for ANYTHING for the next 48 hours it’s going to be stretch or starve or take ou🙈t 🤣🙈😉


Sarah isn’t sure of what’s true and what’s not and decides it’s best for her if she leaves Rafe but now his reputation is in jeopardy and she reaches out to him to try an salvage his rep but girl I must give it to you , you lay down the law and wonder if it’s because she doesn’t trust him or herself 🤣🙈and the tension between them is off the charts 🤫😉and he’s lost her once and he’s not going to risk it again ……,


I just adore a runaway bride because there’s always something beautiful that comes from it 🥰

Samantha realises walking down the aisle is going to be the biggest mistake of her life but running away has pros and cons but our girl does a runner and heads for their family cabin where she meets Jake , who’s “working “ for her folks so after much deliberation he stays on but now they’ve got a problem of keeping their hands to themselves and the dealing with her ex who I might add is quite a piece of work and she seriously dodged the bullet if you ask me !

I loved every moment with Samantha and Jake 🥰


Another weak spot for me is a single parent 🙈 and Serena is no exception 😉

She hasn’t heard from her dad in a while and when she pops by his house to look for him her heart as well as mine skip a few beats when she realises his house has been broken into and it’s a downright mess and her first thought is that it’s her abusive ex ( grateful she’s rid of him ) but this time he’s innocent and it seems mob related as her dad has written about them and release date is looming and when she turns to the police for help she becomes a target and at this point I’m chewing my nails near to the bit with fear and anxiety and I think if it wasn’t for Mark , our delectable FBI agent I’d have had a nervous breakdown. At first I was a little frustrated with his reluctance but in the end he didn’t disappoint me so squishy hugs to you my friend 😉 Sam you’re a sweet brave boy and stole my heart !


Candace attends her high school reunion and I just know trouble is heading her way 🤣what was meant to be a one night thing with Greg turns into more and while they had different ideas the outcome turned out mutual so all is well that ends well 😉

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Samantha Cleaver

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This box set was great! It consists of 4 books, each containing a strong, independent woman who meets an alpha male. These are all page turners that keep you on your toes. Each FMC is faced with making choices that deeply impact their lives (and sometimes their families). I definitely recommend these!

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced” src=”” /></a><a href=””>4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced</a> by <a href=””>Julie Castle</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
This was a great set of books to get into. Each story has a strong female lead and a great strong and supporting male counterparts. If you like stories that deal with second chances, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, and undeniable chemistry this boxset has it all. All of the characters are well rounded and the stories flow nicely. Each story is unique and has its own storyline so if you wanted to read these individually you could. If you pick this up just be prepared to stay up well past the time you should be in bed because you won’t want to put it down.
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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, and Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The four R’s is a group of four different novels by Julie Castle. These were quick, engaging reads that I very much enjoyed reading. I have never read anything by this author before but typically when I step out of my comfort zone I’m pleasantly surprised. I liked that getting the box set, such as this one, allows the reader to just jump straight into the next story without having to stop at all which was nice as they were hard to put down. Castle writes real, intense, relatable characters, strong, independent female leads, and alpha, but sensitive when it matters male leads which are my favorite. Overall I would definitely recommend giving these a try.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Robin Rankin

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced

This box set was my introduction to Ms. Castle, wasn’t sure what to expect before I started but once I started reading I was hooked.

I enjoyed all four the stories and think Rafe and Sarah’s story was my favorite, the supporting characters seemed to grab and engage my mind more than the others. This is not a knock on the other characters or books, this about what made their story stand out more to me.

I related most to Candy in the fourth book. As a teenager she was a wild child who loved to shock people. If you haven’t tried it you should, it’s a lot of fun. Trust me on this. Now as an adult she acts like a grown-up but that wild child is still lurking beneath the surface at the HS reunion.

I’m so glad I have been introduced to Ms. Castle’s writing and hope to read more by her in the future.

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4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Mandy Ott

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4 R’s is my first read by Julie Castle and I will definitely be checking out more books by her. This 4 book collection is full of drama, intrigue, suspense, danger, and plenty of romance.
The first book, Fool’s Gold, finds Rafe and Sarah in a battle for their marriage, as well as their land. The undeniable chemistry between the two can clearly be felt through the amazing writing of Julie Castle. This one had some twists and turns that took me by surprise.
The second book, Her Heart’s Desire, introduces Samantha and Jake and their love/hate relationship with one another. This one definitely packed in the suspense.
The third book, Serena’s Web, finds Serena and Mark entangled with the mob. This was a lot more suspenseful than I was expecting, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Forced proximity tropes always seem to exceed my expectations.
The final book, It Had to be You, finds Candy and Greg, past adversaries thrown together after many years apart. This one still has some drama but was a lot less suspenseful; a little more relaxed.
Julie Castle’s world building in this series is great and the depth and personality of her characters is amazing! I love that each story had its own style and story line and wasn’t just a generic, boring narrative. Each book is unique and exciting. I can’t wait to read more by Julie Castle.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Shannen Kern

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was the first book I had picked up by this author, and it was absolutely incredible! Don’t let the higher number of pages put you off because this is a collection of four books altogether. The stories all flow so well in their own way and felt like I breezed right through them all. Each book is focused on a different couple, and each has their own tropes so there’s really something for everyone! I enjoyed all of the characters as their development felt natural and well built. I don’t think I can pick a favorite out of all four because I truly plan on coming back to read them again in the not-so-distant future! There are strong female characters throughout and men to make you swoon (and sometimes yell). This author has left me with such a pleasant book hangover. I can’t wait to see what other amazing books they have! I highly recommend picking this up as it really seems to have something for everyone in the romance world.

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So much romance. I love. Highly recommend.
Rafe and Sarah will they work out the differences and find love.
Sam literally runs into Jake who can protect her. But can he really.
Serena is trying to save her father. And in the middle of that mobsters and FBI are on her heels.
Candy returns to her hometown. Greg wants her he lost her once and doesn’t plan on losing her again.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Angela Shirley

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 R’s is a compilation of four full stories with each having a strong woman and an alpha man who you will just delve into and have a selection of new book boyfriends to choose from.

Sarah left he life with Rafe when she discovered so things but were they true or false, so she has decided to return and try and help Rafe regain his reputation within the community. So as she lays down the rules of her help there is something bubbling under the surface with them. Can she help him and can this chemistry they feel between them be good or blow up in their faces?

Samantha can not marry this man, so becoming a runaway bride is the best option she has but there are risks and disasters with this. Thinking she could escape to her families cabin but once she arrives she finds Jake there doing a job for her father. A discussion is had and agreement settled upon but will they be able to keep their hands of each other longer to see the danger in their mist.

Serena’s father is missing due to his new book about the most elusive man Grayson, but when a plan goes wrong and someone gets shot, Serena and her son’s life is in the balance until the FBI assign FBI Agent Mark Riley to her case. When things don’t quite go to plan and Marks thinks she has something to do with it, can they both trust each other enough to get to the bottom of it all and leave their feelings at the door at least for now.

Candy is back at her high school reunion and wonders why the life she is there until in walks Greg Morris. As they getting chatting is is obvious that he needs her to help him out with his job but Greg creates a offer she can not refuse or a situation she can not remove herself from. So when it comes out that they are engaged (although fake) her world is turned upside down. from nasty interactions with his mom and not wanting to be in this situation, with spending this time with Greg their feelings are becoming more the enemies.

This is the first books I have read by this author and they are wonderful and well written, just enough edge to keep you engaged to the end.

I love how each of the female characters are strong, accomplished and strives to help on each story and not ashamed to show this side to anyone. The male leaders although strong alphas in there own right are a wonderful yang to the female characters and add a layer with the enemies to lovers frustration they have with each and the interactions are just brilliant.

I can’t wait to read more by this author and more in this series.


4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Megan Rea

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this series. There was just enough spice and romance but it didn’t overshadow the plot which had quite a bit of action, mystery, and intrigue. In this collection, you get 4 fairly quick reads: Fool’s Gold (Roped), Her Heart’s Desire (Rescued), Serena’s Web (Risked), and It Had To Be You (Romanced). I enjoyed all of these stories; however, my personal favorite was Jake and Samantha’s story in Her Heart’s Desire (Rescued). I appreciate how the FMCs are strong and independent and the MMCs let them be who they are but they are still there when they need them and protect them. There are tropes for everyone throughout these stories. Castle pretty much hits them all within these 4 books. The storyline moves fairly quickly; however, some of the chapters tend to be on the longer side and, for me personally, I like shorter chapters. But, overall, I’d recommend these stories, especially if you are looking for something on the lighter side of romance.
Reviewed by @meggs1717

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Gillian Fawell

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m glad nobody asked me to choose a favourite out of these 4 books as that would be impossible! From cowboys to PIs to men in uniform and alpha males! Plus strong female characters who often surprise their man and the reader! I look forward to reading more from this author! Highly recommended!

Reviewed by @sparkinside

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Kerry Carr

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a collection of 4 books that make up the R series. Each book is unique and different but all of them are captivating and are stories I just couldn’t put down. They are all contemporary romances books and each book focuses on a different couple so they can be ready as standalone reads.

Fool’s Gold is the first book in the series and it focuses on Rafe and Sarah. This is a second chance romance with elements of drama, angst, questions to be answered and a chemistry between the two characters that can’t be denied
After Sarah finds a letter claiming that Rafe was only marrying her for her family connection she flees on their wedding night leaving Rafe wondering what happened. Now she has returned wanting to make things right by repairing his reputation but what that a mistake. Was the content of the letter Sarah found actually true or was it someone trying to pull them apart? The more time they spend together the more their attraction and chemistry sizzles but is it too late for second chances?

Her Hearts Desire is the second book in this series is an enemies to lovers story revolving around Samantha and Jake. This story has drama, tension and danger. When Jake sees Samantha she is fleeing her own wedding. Now they must work together to solve a crime and stop her ex fiancée but every time they meet it is explosive. Will they be able to work together or will their attraction and chemistry blow everything apart?

Serena’s Web is the 3rd book. It is Serena and Marks story. Serena needs help to rescue her dad from the mob that has kidnapped him so she turns to FBI agent Mark to help. What follows is a story of danger, angst, and trust issues. Can Serena trust Mark to make finding her dad a priority? And will the feelings Mark is feeling towards Serena and her child can he trust enough to allow them in?

It Had To Be You is the fourth book and is a small town enemies to lovers romance. Again it is full of sparks and chemistry as well as the couple being from opposite sides of the tracks. It’s a romance with enough drama to keep you gripped and turning the pages.

I couldn’t pick a favourite out of this series as I loved them all. They all had something unique and enough drama and angst that I couldn’t stop reading.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Karole Petty

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I jumped right in on this new to me author with her box set of 4 different stories. The stories were all different which I enjoyed, made for a very good box set. Fell in love with the characters and in hate with others. They were very relatable and well rounded. I will recommend this author and will suggest this box set to anyone that is looking for a new author to get hooked on. I will be reading all her other work for sure.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Shea Gilkerson

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book offers 4 quick and easy romantic reads.

Book 1 finds Sarah and Rafe Halliday being brought back together after a quick courting, misunderstanding and separation. After fleeing on their wedding night, Sarah hears that Rafe is having trouble with the rumors in town since she left. She felt obligated after he saved her, to say nothing about the fact that she actually had feelings for her husband. After making a plan to return for a set period of time, she finds herself thrown back together with the man that captured her heart after he saved her. As she finds that Rafe is trying to find ways to keep his ranch alive and becomes more invested in keeping it going, the more danger they encounter. Will they be able to survive the games they are putting each other through?

Book 2 – After finding her handpicked-by-her-father fiance in a very compromising position right before their wedding, Samantha does the only thing she can think to do, and flees to her family’s cabin to lick her wounds. When she gets there, she finds her father’s goon there on vacation. He happened to be the reason she left home so many years ago, but she is determined to take the time to hide out from her ex and father. As their chemistry sizzles and she snoops through Jake’s things, she learns about the real reason for his “vacation” and insists on becoming involved. As they set plans in motion and learn more, will they be able to find the real root of the villians in Jake’s case and stay safe from both the bad guys and each other?

Book 3 – Serena’s father, a well known biographer with a current book about a local mob boss approaching its release date, has gone missing. She wondered if something was happening, but as soon as he missed her sons 5th birthday part she knew she had to find him as soon as possible. After finding his front door unlocked, home office ransacked, his computer missing, and his mail opened she takes the case to the local police department. After being treated very poorly and then threatened by a detective, she decides to hire a PI. As Serena and her PI find their way into a party at the home of the head of the mob, they peel off and search the upstairs. After finding her way through most of her assigned rooms, she opens the final door to witness her PI being murdered and thrown over the balcony. As she runs to the beach to find him, she is confronted by the detective and saved at the last minute by FBI agent Mark Riley. The agent is very bristly and very uninterested in her feelings about the case. When she finds he has collected her son, Sammy and brought them to a safehouse, she realizes just how serious the situation is. As she and Mark continue to agitate one another, it becomes obvious that they are both avoiding a mutual attraction. When they are forced together into even more of protective custody, they begin to explore the attraction. As the case ramps up and approaches an end, will they find her father? Will they find the rest of their lives with one another?

Book 4 – Candy Blake couldn’t blow town fast enough after graduation – especially eager to leave her foster mother, the snobs at school, and the Morris family behind. When she is put in a position to have to return, she is less than positive about it. When Greg Morris finds she is looking for business in town, he knows he has to do whatever it takes to sway her to have a reason to stay, and a reason to become his at last. Although their past leaves a less-than-stellar impression on Candy, Greg considers her the one who got away. What happens when he has time to make a plan? Will he be able to keep her from roaring away again?

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Michelle Mulvey

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The 4 R’s Collection was a good read with 4 stories.
They were all good but, of course everyone has their favorites.

Fool’s Gold was about a a newlywed couple who never quite made it to their wedding night. Sarah ran out on Rafe when she found something and thought Rafe was only with her for her money. Now she has come home to help out with housekeeping while Rose is away while saving Rafe’s reputation and she can finish what she started before she left.
Someone is out to hurt Rafe and his livelihood but, no one knows who the real culprit is. Sarah will help Rafe figure it out.
Will Rafe and Sarah be able to be a real couple after everything is over ?

Her hearts desire was a good read.
Jake and Samantha know eachother but haven’t seen eachother in a bit. Now She’s a runaway bride with she finds out Grayson was cheating on her.
She wasn’t expecting Jake to be at the old cabin but, she ran right into him when she got there. Can two people extremely attracted to eachother stay in a 1 bedroom cabin and keep their distance?
There was a bit of suspense In this one with a few other characters. Samantha’s brother might be a suspect but he’s just trying to find out who is blackmailing Jennifer.
When Samantha is kidnapped, will they figure out who the culprit is In time to save her?

Serena’s Web was a great read. I loved this one from the very beginning. She was a strong character who didn’t take crap from anyone. Her dad is missing and she will not rest until she finds him and hopes she can find him alive. Some cops are dirty and aren’t there to help her case but, might be there to help the people responsible. When the FBI steps In, they vow to keep her safe. Agent Riley wants more then to keep her safe. She pretty much wants the same thing but can they act on it? They make a pretty good team working together but there are alot of others helping along the way too.

It had to be you was another great read.
This is a second chance romance if I’ve ever seen one before. Candy and Greg knew eachother in high school but were in total different social classes. Here they are at a reunion and she has no idea who he is when he approaches her.
They end up almost hooking up when she realizes who he is. He’s always had feelings for her and now that she is back in town, he’s not letting her go without a fight. These two can be beneficial to eachother if they can make it thru the summer. Will they be able to walk away when they both get what they want or will this end up really falling for eachother. Another book with suspense leaving the reader wondering who is behind everything going wrong. Great collection of books!

review by @xchellex

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Bobbi Wagner

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a new author for me which I enjoyed reading. This is a collection of four stories that are the 4 R’s series. Each book is well written and unique from the other. Each features a new couple with conflict and romance. Second chance romance, runaway brides, a father kidnapped by the mob and unexpected coming home. They are fast paced, engaging and hard to put down romance stories. This is a collection you don’t want to miss. Connectable characters that have great growth and chemistry throughout. Easy to read engaging stories that will pull you into the end. I really enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julie Castle’s 4 R’s series is a captivating journey into the realms of romance, redemption, resilience, and renewal. With each installment, Castle masterfully weaves intricate plots filled with vibrant characters that resonate deeply with readers. The series effortlessly navigates through the highs and lows of love, showcasing the transformative power of human connections and the resilience of the human spirit. Castle’s prose is rich with emotion, her storytelling poignant and immersive. Whether you’re a die-hard romance fan or simply seeking a compelling read, the 4 R’s series delivers on every front, leaving you eagerly awaiting the next installment.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Tausha Treadway

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle. This is an amazing boxed set. 4 different books in one that will keep you reading late in the night. The first book is Roped (Fools Gold) and its so good. Its the story of Sarah and Rafe who fall in love and are set to get married. Sarah finds a note on their wedding night and takes off. She comes back months later to try to fix Rafe’s reputation. Will they be able to make it work this time around? The 3rd book Serena’s Web (Risked) is another favorite and its about Serena who is a single mom and has an abusive ex husband and when her dad’s house gets broken into she automatically assumes its her ex. When they report it to the police they really don’t want to help them. Mark an FBI agent wants nothing to do with Serena but he’s finally willing to help them and not only does he have a very dangerous man he’s working on finding he’s also got Serena’s ex to worry about. This is a fun sit on the edge of your seat thriller that will keep you guessing til the end! Do yourself a favor and read this fun book set! It’s so good!

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Kristin Boutelle

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

All of the books are good reads. Each one is a standalone novel, they are completely unrelated besides the fact that all of the male lead characters are very overprotective over their female characters. They are good to read to get away from reality. All of the books have the right amount of action and romance. It’s enough action to keep you intrigued and the right of romance so you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Michelle Collier

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a box set of 4 separate stories. Each story is full of interesting characters and intrigue focusing on one couple in each story. Sarah and Rafe, Samantha and Jake, Serena and Mark, and Candy and Greg. I loved how different each story was and how the stories kept me interested.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Jenique Bornman

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Julie Castle’s ‘4 R’s Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romance Series’ is a captivating journey through love, redemption, and second chances. With each installment brimming with heartwarming reunions, sizzling chemistry, and gripping suspense, Castle skillfully weaves together the tales of Sarah and Rafe, Samantha and Jake, Serena and Mark, and Candy and Greg. From the rugged landscapes of Wyoming to the cozy cabins and bustling towns, the series immerses readers in a world where love conquers all, even against the backdrop of danger and deceit. With its blend of tropes including marriage pacts, runaway brides, and protective heroes, ‘4 R’s’ offers a perfect escape into the realms of romance and adventure. Castle’s storytelling prowess shines bright, making this series a must-read for fans of heartwarming romance with a hint of danger.”

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Mary Espinoza

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle is actually 4 stories in one book! Each story focuses on a different couple, we are introduced to Sarah and Rafe in the first story, in the next we find out about Samantha and Jake, the third story brings us Serena and Mark, then in the final story we learn about Candy and Greg. Each couple has their ups and downs, and each couple has to figure out how they are going to handle the situations that have come to light. I enjoyed each of the stories, they are all quick reads that keep you entertained. Thankfully Julie didn’t “copy and paste” each story, she put a lot of work into making each story unique. We are given strong females who aren’t going to take any crap, and the men in the stories have to learn that they can’t take charge the way that they are used to doing. I don’t think that you will be disappointed by picking up a copy of this book and reading it for yourself! Great job Julie on writing such an entertaining book!

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Mary Espinoza, April 2024

4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Deborah Joseph

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a 4 book set. Each book is a stand-alone and has its own tropes. Four different stories, four different adventures in 1 book. Quick easy reads that will make it hard for you to put the book down.

Book 1- Fools Gold (Roped) : After Rafe saves Sarah they are stuck together for the rest of the winter. Months later Sarah was in love and they were getting married. After finding a note on their wedding night with a shocking message on it she ran off. She came back months later wanting to help fix his reputation, but he doesn’t plan on letting her go again and ropes her into staying longer than planned. The MCs are drawn together, so how could there not be a second chance and correcting misunderstandings… right?

Book 2- Her Heart’s Desire ( Rescued): Samantha is a runaway bride. Jake is the hot guy her family hired who secretly has it bad for Samantha. After catching her soon-to-be husband cheating she runs away to her family cabin where Jake is on “vacation”. She agrees to stay there for 2 weeks with Jake and a lot of trouble happens during that time. While dealing with her ex-fiance, Jake, and all the things going on she finds out who her heart desires.

Book 3- Serena’s Web (Risked) : Serena is a single mom who gets worried when she doesn’t hear from her father. After going to his house she notices it’s been broken into and things are missing. At first, she thinks it’s her abusive ex-husband but finds out it is someone different. She tries to get help from the police, but that only makes things worse and her house is broken into and things stolen. After reading a very disturbing text, she decides to take matters into her own hands and that the police won’t be any help, but that only leads to disaster. Even though Mark, an FBI agent, wants nothing to do with Serena he helps her while still working on his case against a dangerous man. Not only do they have to worry about the dangerous man, but also the ex-husband. This book will keep you at the edge of your seat wondering what was going to happen next and hoping for the best outcome.

Book 4- It Had to Be You (Romance): What was only supposed to be a one-night thing at their high school reunion turned into more. Candace just wanted her business to grow and Greg wanted to try his shot at being with her. When a rumor is spread she is forced to decide between making the rumor seem true or her business crashing. With the issues of the past colliding with the future she has planned out, can love blossom?

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series Books #1 – 4)) by Julie Castle – Review by Angela Hayes

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


3 Stars


4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced is a nifty little box set that contains the 4 R’s series by Julie Castle. These stories are all contemporary romances, each instalment focusing on its own particular couple- so they each could be read as standalones if you wanted to. But having all four in one handy collection, also means that you can read the entire series, and enjoy all four books for the price of one.
-Fool’s Gold: Roped (Book #1) is Sarah and Rafe’s second chance romance with an opposites attract, some drama, angst, an ‘arrangement’, forced proximity, and a small-town setting.
-Her Heart’s Desire: Rescued (Book #2) is Samantha and Jake’s enemies to lovers romance with drama, the boss’s daughter element, stakeout-gone-wrong, humour, tension, chemistry, and finding love unexpectedly.
-Serena’s Web: Risked (Book #3) is Serena and Mark’s single mother romance with FBI agent/protector, forced proximity, tension, kidnapping, the mob, dramatic developments, and angst.
-It Had to Be You: Romanced (Book #4) is Candy and Greg’s enemies to lovers romance with plenty of sparks, different sides of the track, the one that got away, sparks, chemistry, small town, and just enough drama to keep things interesting.
Happy Reading…

Thank you, Julie Castle!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Karole Petty

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I jumped right in on this new to me author with her box set of 4 different stories. The stories were all different which I enjoyed, made for a very good box set. Fell in love with the characters and in hate with others. They were very relatable and well rounded. I will recommend this author and will suggest this box set to anyone that is looking for a new author to get hooked on. I will be reading all her other work for sure.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle

4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romance ( 4 R’s Series is a Contemporary Romance complete set that I devoured. Each story is about a different couple but the characters are relatable, fully developed and make the stories come to life. This is a fairly new author to me but I’m definitely going to check out what other books they have written. This set is a second chance romance/ Runaway Bride/single mom Romance and so much more. I highly recommend this set and look forward to reading more from this Author.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Barbara Bohls

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an amazing set of 4 books in one. I love that I was able to keep reading story after story. I didn’t have to wait for the next one to publish and that made the material fresh in my mind. These book flow together and all contain the same intensity throughout them. These books are quick reads because the words jut flow off the pages. I felt like I just sat down to read them and then they were done. Each book focuses on a different set of characters. These characters all have growth and have experiences that help create the story line for the book. They have different tropes to the books, those include enemies to lovers and forced proximity. The steam is in each book but it is different in each as well. I just can’t get over how good these books are. There is spice, suspense, laughs, shocked moments, and push and pull with emotions throughout these books. If you are one that loves reading series, this would be the best way to do it. I recommend having a day free because once you start reading this, you won’t want to stop. So good.
Reviewed by: @bbohls

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Crystal Jimmo

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has 4 books in one focusing on 4 different couples. It was a really good read. I enjoyed reading about Sarah and Rafe, Samantha and Jake, Serena and Mark, Candy and Greg. Each couple had their own tropes, and each set of problems. One thing I did like was each female was strong in their own ways. I felt that it wasn’t a “cut and paste” that I’ve seen happen. The storyline was well done and I was drawn in from the very start. My favorite story was Sarah and Rafe. Their story was well done and I found myself saying “one more chapter” multiple times. I’m excited to read more by Julie!

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Kerry Baker

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a box set of four fantastic stories that are all great to read with brilliant characters. I connected with each and every story in this collection and loved the fact that they were distinctly different from each other. I thought each of the books were well written. It took no effort to get into them at all and I enjoyed watching how each story progressed.

  1. This author is new to me and I thought this series was a great way to become familiar with her work. These books have caught my attention and I will definitely be looking to read more her in the future.

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4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Jenni Bishop

4 R's: The Complete Series4 R’s: The Complete Series by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced is the complete 4 R’s series in one book. They are quick and easy reads that you can’t put down once you start. The characters will have you finding a new book boyfriend to chose from or all of them.
Roped (Fools Gold) is the story of Sarah and Rafe. Sarah left after finding a note changing everything she thought and wanted but was it true or was it lies? Rafe is in dire need and Sarah returns to help but even in dire need it comes with stipulations. There is lots of chemistry, wants, needs, hopes, misunderstandings and antics that made me laugh.

Rescued (Her Heart’s Desires) is the story of Sam and Jake. Sam does a runner on her wedding day and runs into the arms of another man. Jake is on stake out when a woman runs into his arms. Now he has to keep her safe from a man who is dirtier than anyone knows. This sexy enemies to lovers tale is full of spice and a little suspense.

Risked (Serena’s Web) is Serena and Mark’s story. Serena is caught up in a dangerous web of mobsters when she decides to save her father. This puts her in the cross hairs of the FBI. Can he keep her safe even from himself? This forced proximity tale sizzles with a lot of suspense.

Romanced (It Had To Be You) is Candy and Greg’s story. Candy grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, but she is back in a town she left in her wake. Unfortunately for her she has to business with someone she would rather not have to give the time of day. She loves to hate, and he just wants to love the one that got away. This old enemies to lovers tale is steamy and makes you want to believe in love.
I know you will love it.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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