4 R’s: Roped, Risked, Rescued, Romanced (4 R’s Series) by Julie Castle – Review by Mary Espinoza

4 R's: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced4 R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4R’s: Roped, Rescued, Risked, Romanced by Julie Castle is actually 4 stories in one book! Each story focuses on a different couple, we are introduced to Sarah and Rafe in the first story, in the next we find out about Samantha and Jake, the third story brings us Serena and Mark, then in the final story we learn about Candy and Greg. Each couple has their ups and downs, and each couple has to figure out how they are going to handle the situations that have come to light. I enjoyed each of the stories, they are all quick reads that keep you entertained. Thankfully Julie didn’t “copy and paste” each story, she put a lot of work into making each story unique. We are given strong females who aren’t going to take any crap, and the men in the stories have to learn that they can’t take charge the way that they are used to doing. I don’t think that you will be disappointed by picking up a copy of this book and reading it for yourself! Great job Julie on writing such an entertaining book!

View all my reviews

Mary Espinoza, April 2024

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