
Castor’s Kiss (Soul Bonded in the Stars #2) by Tai James-Review by Amanda Kimble

Castor's Kiss (Soul Bonded in the Stars # 2)Castor’s Kiss by Tai James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Castor’s Kiss: Soul Bonded in the Stars Book 2 by Tai James

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Castor’s Kiss is an amazing read and you’ll be hooked from the beginning. This is the second book in the Soul Bonded in the Stars Series. It can be read as a standalone.

Mia has been taken from her team. She’s not sure she’ll ever see them again. She fears the worst and thinks her team is dead. When she meets Castor she doesn’t want to let her guard down. The quote I chose for Mia is: “You’re in really bad shape. What did you do? Sense I was upset and drag yourself out of your hospital bed to come to save me?”

Castor goes to do a rescue mission. He thinks Mia will be let free but that isn’t the case. Now he’s got to figure out how to get them both out of there alive. Can he do that without getting himself killed. The quote I chose for Castor is: “You are lovable, Mia Grey. So very lovable. Stop thinking the worst. I know it’s a lot for you to open yourself up to this kind of love. I know that you’re vulnerable, but I’m asking you to stop being afraid . If you really think about it, do you believe I would want you to ever leave my side unless it was for a good reason? I love you. Please, don’t shut me out.”

Highly recommended for Sci-fi Romance lovers.

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Devil’s Breath by Lang Johnson-Review by Amanda Kimble

Devil's BreathDevil’s Breath by Lang Johnson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Devil’s Breath by Lang Johnson

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Devil’s Breath is a great read. It’s a perfect mix of suspenseful and romance. I had a hard time putting the book down.

Sera is her family’s assassin and shes Damn good at her job. Meeting her next target on her club puts her plans in motion. She doesn’t expect to fall in love. The quote I chose for Sera is: “Anyway, we have work to do. Since you want to bring up my degree, why don’t you put your computer science degree to use before we get caught?”

Cassius is in town to help his brother out. Little does he know that he’s fronting them the money for a fake business. He meets Sera and knows something is up. He finds out what it is, but that doesn’t stop him from loving her. The quote I chose for Cassius is: “Lower your guns. You come here every night. I’m assuming it’s not for an evening rendezvous with a hot lover. My brother, Damion, and Lorenzo are smuggling Adrenochrome. There are thousands of bottles hidden behind the walls.”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Finding Starlight (Quimby Grove Series #1) by Shannon Nikloe-Review by Amanda Kimble

Finding Starlight (Quimby Grove #1)Finding Starlight by Shannon Nikole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Finding Starlight: A Small Town, Romantic Suspense (The Quimby Grove Series #1) by Shannon Nikole

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Finding Starlight is the first book in The Quimby Grove Series. Beck and Ellie are an amazing couple. Ellie doesn’t have the best backstory and it’s a little dark.

Ellawyn leaves her hometown in order to be safe from the clutches of her ex boyfriend. She finds herself in Quimby Grove and feels like she’s finally found her place. Benji finds a place in her heart and she’s devastated when she learns Benji is sick. The quote I chose for Ellawyn is: “Because right now, I’m broken, Beckett. I feel like I’ve been shattered into a million pieces, and I don’t even know where to begin to piece it all back together again. I need to help myself before I can let you back in. This is just what I need to do for me. I won’t feel safe in Quimby Grove, or in my apartment, for a while. I need to work through it first.”

Beckett comes back to Quimby Grove thinking he’s back for a short visit. He doesn’t know that his two week visit will turn into something more. When he meets Ellawyn he feels something he’s never felt before. Will things work out for the two of them? The quote I chose for Beckett is: “From the day you entered my life, you’ve made it better. The challenges we’ve faced, the heartache we’ve endured, and the laughter we’ve shared wouldn’t have been the same without you at my side. You’re everything to me, and I want nothing more than to make you mine. Ellawyn Rose Calloway, will you marry me?”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Distant Memories: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book 2 by Kate MacInnis-Review by Amanda Kimble

Distant Memories: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book TwoDistant Memories: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book Two by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Distant Memories: A Nurse Morgan Series: Book 2 by Kate MacInnis

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. Distant Memories follows Distant Heart Sounds. This is the second book in the Nurse Morgan Series. You will absolutely love this book if you love Paranormal Romance.

Morgan is back again and this time there’s a new ghost in her life. Esmeralda or Esmey drapes herself over men whether or not there’s a female companion. Her relationship with Caleb is moving forward and it scares the living heck out of her. The quote I chose for Morgan is: “Why is that wrong? There are only two choices, so it’s not like you haven’t been down this road. Just enjoy the time. Despite the vomiting, you really are glowing.”

Caleb has never felt so right staying with Morgan. He loves working with her and at Good Sam. Savvy has been a good friend to him and he might soon be taking over. He helps Morgan with getting rid of the ghost. The quote I chose for Caleb is: “I’d be willing to bet that I’m more surprised than you are. There isn’t one woman in my past who would ever claim I was a romantic. I’m known for being dark and brooding. A stud in bed, certainly, but a romantic? Never. I actually felt a little silly doing this, but it seemed right.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Burned by Fire: Firehouse 13 by Danielle Jacks-Review by Amanda Kimble

Burned by Fire (Firehouse 13, #4)Burned by Fire by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Burned by Fire: Firehouse 13 by Danielle Jacks

Burned by Fire isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. It’s a Firehouse 13 Book and it’s an amazing read. You really like Firehouse Romance then you’ll like this.

Sol used to be a firefighter until he was injured. He saved two kids from a burning building while he was off duty. He doesn’t like being called a hero because he doesn’t feel like one. Then Ember comes into his life and changes it. The quote I chose for Sol is: “It’s a bit like my situation. Everyone thinks I’m a hero for saving those kids, but when I look in the mirror all I see are the scars. I don’t see their futures.”

Ember has always had a crush on her former mentor and firehouse buddy. She’s even collected the charity calendars the firehouse makes because of him. When he comes by and they get stuck in the elevator she confesses her feelings for him. She isn’t expecting to start a life with him. The quote I chose for Ember is: “I look up to you because you’re fearless. You moved away from your hometown as soon as you were old enough and went after your dreams. You’re not my hero because you’ve saved lives. You’re my hero because you inspire me to be better.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Victoriously Yours (Titans of Manhattan #4) by Anise Storm-Review by Amanda Kimble

Victoriously Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #4)Victoriously Yours by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Victoriously Yours (Titans Of Manhattan #4) by Anise Storm

This is not the first book I’ve read by the author. In fact it’s not the first book in the series that I’ve read. Victoriously Yours is the fourth book in the Titans of Manhattan Series. This time we get to see Jonas.

Jonas is a successful businessman now and has an endless amount of women walking in and out of his life. He is looking for a chef and when he runs into the one person he hasn’t forgotten what will happen. The quote I chose for Jonas is: “Good evening. My name’s Jonas Courtland, and I’m with the Courtland Hospitality Group.”

Kenzie has once been fooled by Jonas Courtland once before. She runs into him when she is supposed to meet with a group of chefs applying for the same job. What happens when she sees him? The quote I chose for Kenzie is: “Dear Lord, please tell me that you’ve at least gotten your stuff packed?”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Oliver: A Story About Adoption by Lois Wickstorm-Review by Amanda Kimble

Oliver: A Story about AdoptionOliver: A Story about Adoption by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Oliver, A Story About Adoption by Lois Wickstrom

Not my first book I’ve read by the author. The author knows how to get kids’ attention and keep them for a short period of time. My daughter absolutely loves these little books I read to her.

Oliver is an alligator that is adopted. When he hurts himself and gets sent to his room he starts thinking. What if he wasn’t adopted? What would his life be like? The quote I chose for Oliver is: “Then I guess I’ll stay with you two. But first I want to mend my pillowcase.”

Highly recommended for Kids and Family lovers.

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Love is Worth Fighting for (The Meraki Series #3) by Effie Kammenou-Review by Amanda Kimble

Love is Worth Fighting for (Meraki, #3)Love is Worth Fighting for by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Love is Worth Fighting for (The Meraki Series #3) by Effie Kammenou

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. Love is Worth Fighting for is the third book in The Meraki Series. I’ve read the other two books in the series and this one is by far my favorite.

Krystina is the youngest sister and is finally getting her chance at a love story. She wants to ridicule herself for falling for the boy who used to be her best friend. Will they work it out or will it end horribly? The quote I chose for Kristina is: “Inscribed? I didn’t even know that could be done. Forever my Minnie. Loukas. This is the most thoughtful gift ever! I’ll have to savor these so I don’t finish them off too quickly. And I’ll have to keep at least one as a souvenir.”

Loukas has always loved Krystina and might finally get his chance. They get Covid and have to be stuck in the same house 24/7. The quote I chose for Loukas is: “Considering Minnie finally admitted she didn’t hate me after all, I’d say the year ended up okay for me.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Premeditated: A Trust Betrayed Christian Suspense (Agents of Justice #2) by Susanna Haymond-Review by Amanda Kimble

PremeditatedPremeditated by Susanna Haymond
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

PREMEDITATED: A Trust Betrayed Christian Suspense (Agents of Justice Series #2) by Susanna Haymond

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Premeditated is the second book in the Agents of Justice Series. I’m not really a fan of Christian books, but this one kept my attention.

Grant is a DEA agent and gets a confusing case. He and his partner have to figure it out before things turn ugly. He thinks the wife had something to do with it. Will he and his partner figure it out before it’s too late? The quote I chose for Grant is: “The only thing we have to go on is the wife. We need to check her out. We need to be careful when questioning her. If she’s innocent and she thinks we’re accusing her of her husband’s death, it’s going to get sticky.”

Josh is Grant’s partner and loves his job. The two of them have to figure out what’s going on before it’s too late. The wife may not be the only one involved in the death of her husband. The quote I chose for Josh is: “You have to agree, the timing can be a point of interest. The timing of when you met your husband correlates with the time he received his award money.”

Highly recommended for Christian Crime lovers.

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Pilot Who Knows the Waters (Lord Hani Mysteries #6) by N.L. Holmes-Review by Amanda Kimble

Pilot Who Knows the Waters (Lord Hani, #6)Pilot Who Knows the Waters by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Pilot Who Knows the Waters Lord Hani Mysteries Book 6 by N.L. Holmes

Another fantastic read by the author. Pilot Who Knows the Waters is the sixth book in the Lord Hani Mysteries Series. Hani and the gang are back and the adventure they’re on now is great.

Hani is back at it again. He’s once again leaving his family behind to go on a mission. This time it’s for the Queen and he knows what he has to do. Can he make it through this adventure? The quote I chose for Hani is: “I need to leave immediately. I told the messenger he could stay the night, but as soon as I can pack, I’m taking off. I’ll pick up Maya in Waset.”

Highly recommended for Historical Mystery lovers.

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Queen Of Hearts: Heels, Rhymes, & Nursery Crimes Vol. 21 by Natalina Reis-Review by Amanda Kimble

Queen of Hearts (Heels, Rhymes & Nursery Crimes, #21)Queen of Hearts by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Queen Of Hearts: Heels, Rhymes, & Nursery Crimes Vol. 21 by Natalina Reis

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Queen of Hearts is volume 21 of the Heels, Rhymes, and Nursery Crimes Series.

Mìmì has no respect for a man who beats and cheats on the woman he is supposed to love, cherish, and respect. She gets revenge on them by removing their ability to have intercourse. The quote I chose for Mìmì is: “It’s okay. It happens to everyone. Just go home and rest, and you’ll be back to normal in no time.”

Highly recommended for Fantasy Romance lovers.

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The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science Series) by Lois Wickstorm-Review by Amanda Kimble

Mermaid and the Ice Cube NecklaceMermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace (Mermaid Science) by Lois Wickstrom

This is another fantastic read by the author. My daughter just loves these books. The Mermaid and the Ice Cube Necklace is another Mermaid Science Series. It’s a great read for parents with kids.

Trezzie is the same fun loving mermaid. She swims up and sees that her friends have ice cubes. She wants to have a necklace made out of them because they’re shiny. The quote I chose for Trezzie is: “I’d better swim home to show off my necklace before it melts away.”

Highly recommended for Kids and Family lovers.

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Distant Heart Sounds (A Nurse Morgan Series #1) by Kate MacInnis-Review by Amanda Kimble

Distant Heart Sounds (Nurse Morgan #1)Distant Heart Sounds by Kate MacInnis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Distant Heart Sounds (A Nurse Morgan Series #1) by Kate MacInnes

This is the first book by the author that I’ve read, but I will be on the lookout for others. MacInnes has done a phenomenal job with this.

Morgan, a nurse, is now able to see things she hasn’t been able to before. Thanks to a near-death experience she knows she has roommates. The quote I chose for Morgan is: “No, it’s actually good logic. Who’s to say? Maybe I need to do more research.”

Caleb, a new doctor in town, meets a fantastic nurse. He invites her out after having a chat with her. They have something in common. They can see auras. The quote I chose for Caleb is: “You won’t believe this, but it’s almost 5:30 p.m. Would you like to go to a local place and have an early dinner? We’ve eaten so much junk today, I genuinely need some solid food to balance all the bad. How does that sound?”

Highly recommended for paranormal romance lovers.

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Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer Caribbean #1) by Nicholas Harvey-Review by Amanda Kimble

Deadly Sommer (Nora Sommer #1)Deadly Sommer by Nicholas Harvey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Deadly Sommer: Nora Sommer Caribbean Suspense – Book One by Nicholas Harvey

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Nora Sommer is a character that made her way into the author’s mind. She is now starring in her own series. This is the first book in the Nora Sommer Caribbean Series.

Nora Sommer is now on the local police force. She never thought that she would be there, but she is. She’s usually a rule breaker, but now she’s a rule follower. She’s now being watched and her face is all over for people to see. The quote I chose for Nora is: “A camera and transmitter. He’s watching us.”

Highly recommended for Crime Thriller lovers.

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The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising #1) by Nadia Han-Review by Amanda Kimble

The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising, #1)The Mastermind by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Mastermind : A Brother’s Best Friend Romance (WaterFyre Rising #1) by Nadia Han

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. The Mastermind is a fantastic book. It’s the first book in the WaterFyre Rising Series. It will leave you wanting more.

Audri works for a big company that is being sold. She runs into her brother’s best friend while on her way to HR to file a complaint. Then she keeps seeing him everywhere she goes. He even shows up to her apartment. The quote I chose for Audri is: “A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right? I don’t trust that family. They knew I had issues with Lawrence for a while and did nothing. If things don’t stop . . . I don’t know. I’ll resign and take them to court, but I hope it doesn’t come to that. I don’t need more stress.”

Remi isn’t one to settle down. That’s until he sees Audri again. She’s not the teen he remembers, but the beautiful woman he wants. He doesn’t get attached, but that might change for Audri. The quote I chose for Remi is: “Seems like the a**hole is at it again, using a different number. Most likely, it’s a burner phone. I have my guy looking into it.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Dark Sparrow Box Set: Complete 6 Book Series by India Kells-Review by Amanda Kimble

Dark Sparrow Box Set: The Complete 6-Book SeriesDark Sparrow Box Set: The Complete 6-Book Series by India Kells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

A Dark Sparrow Box Set (Books 1-6) by India Kells

Lost Bastard (A Dark Sparrow Novel #1)

This is the first book in A Dark Sparrow Series. This is the first book I’ve read by the author, but it won’t be my last. Kells has really done a great job writing this.

Deva, a Dark Sparrow, goes to help Lazarus. He wants to watch his brothers and make sure he’s kept out of harm’s way. Little does Deva know that the brother is going to capture her heart. The quote I chose for Deva is: “I agree. And I couldn’t stop thinking about what Finch and my father had said. All those speeches about patience, about preparing for war. What if he was speaking about a war from within? What if Finch had prepared things way in advance, and placed his pawns in strategic places.”

Aleksei, Lazarus’s half brother, trains at the gym only to find his Angel there. He keeps her at arms length, but when he’s injured she’s the one to help him. Things get tough and he pushes her away. The quote I chose for Aleksei is: “You put yourself in danger! I told you to stay at the hotel under Lance and Kai’s protection, but you didn’t listen. You don’t listen! And now that I know you are safe, still breathing , still alive and whole…”

Cold Bastard (A Dark Sparrow Novel #2)

This is the second book of A Dark Sparrow Novels. As the second book I’ve read by the author I can say I’ve enjoyed it. Kells knows how to capture a reader’s attention.

Zoe knows her languages and is requested by Beatrice for a favor. Keep an eye on one of Lazarus’s half brothers. Not sure what she’s getting herself into she goes. She finds herself going back to the past. The quote I chose for Zoe is: “You had love in your life, and even if you struggled and battled through some tough times, you had a choice to do something with it. Grabbing that power. I will never judge you for the decisions you made, that path on the dark side. I would have done the same thing. Hell, I’m doing it right now. At least love brought you back. You always have a choice, Archer. Never forget that.”

Archer Blackwood, moves from London to Chicago, a cold man needs someone who can translate languages for him. What he doesn’t know is his half brother is really looking out for him. Zoe has thawed the cold man a little. The quote I chose for Archer is: “Don’t put yourself in danger, do you hear me? Steer clear of Finch. You’re mine.”

Wild Bastard (A Dark Sparrow Novel #3)

The third book in A Dark Sparrow Novels. Kells has really upped her game from the first two books. Lazarus is at it again with helping one of the many half brothers and Kells captures it perfectly.

Isabel is the next Dark Sparrow to be called upon the favor. What she doesn’t realize when she agrees to the meeting is she’ll be running right into the past’s arms. Jones isn’t who she expected to see and it gets better. The quote I chose for Isabel is: “No pressure. Because all I want is you.”

Kai, Delta Force, goes to another meeting in hopes to bring down his father, Finch. What he’s not expecting is for the girl who broke his heart and got away is the one that’s helping. Things don’t go as planned and it scares him. The quote I chose for Kai is: “Are you still set on returning to work tomorrow?”

True Bastard (A Dark Sparrow Novel #4) by India Kells

Kells knows how to get attention with everything she writes. So far I’ve read all The Dark Sparrow Novels and I can’t wait for more. These characters will never be forgotten.

Liam, a cop and the fourth brother to Lazarus, is upset that they didn’t bring down their father. Gabrielle had to leave as an emergency came up, but she brought a gift. Someone to cut Finch’s money. The quote I chose for Liam is: “I never played you, in any way, Catriona. I’ve never liked deception. When I kissed you, it was because I couldn’t help myself. If Deva hadn’t barged in, things would’ve gone further than a kiss. I only stopped because I think you’re making a mistake.”

Catriona, very close to becoming a nun, is brought to Chicago to help a family out. With the eldest brother being in a coma she does what she can. When she uncovers something she runs, but she saves someone else. The quote I chose for Catriona is: “We’re on this earth to make mistakes. Do you think that’s the first time I’ve ever thought about being with a man, sleeping with one? When you choose a path, you have to relinquish several more. No one goes into a religious life without considering that, otherwise, the weight of the commitment would break you in two. I haven’t slept with anyone because each time I was convinced it was the wrong decision, until you.”

Dark Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel # 5 by India Kells

This is another great read by Kells. Dark Bastard was an amazing read and I can’t wait for the next one. It’s part of A Dark Sparrow Series, but can be read as a standalone.

Ellie is trying to live one day at a time, but being a 911 dispatcher is hard. Especially when she thinks she can save someone’s life. The quote I chose for Ellie is: “And you know nothing about me, Sam. And yet, you stopped that final jump because of me. We’re strangers who have lost their way yet found each other. I see honor in you, a protector of your brothers. You may have reached the end of your rope that night, but I believe your strength is still greater than your pain. I don’t care that I don’t know everything about you. I think that for the moment, staying alive is the only solution we have.”

Sam is feeling lost and ready to give up on life. He decides to call his brother only to get a wrong number. When he does hear the person’s voice it changes everything for him. The quote I chose for Sam is: “I couldn’t forget the sadness in your voice when you hung up on me. It’s the only reason I persisted. I want nothing from you, just the reassurance that you’re all right.”

King Bastard: A Dark Sparrow Novel #6 by India Kells

This is not the first book I’ve read by the author. The Dark Sparrow Novels get better each one I read. King Bastard is by the far the best and we get to learn more about the head guy.

Lazarus is known for protecting his brothers from their father. So far each of them have found their happily ever after. Sasha came into his life when it was at his lowest and she just might be the best thing that has happened to him. The quote I chose for Lazarus is: “I didn’t know you’d worked with her so many times during your missions.”

Sasha comes back to the states after being away for a while. She gets a call from Lazarus’ mother and now has a place to stay. Can she get through to Lazarus that they can be more than friends? The quote I chose for Sasha is: “Sorry. I don’t come home a lot, and when I do, my brain takes time to adjust. I compare the life here and back there, seeing the inequalities, and it blows my mind.”

This was one amazing box set. Dark romantic suspense lovers these are your books!

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Coyote’s Road Trip by Laura Koerber-Review by Amanda Kimble

Coyote's Road TripCoyote’s Road Trip by Laura Koerber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Coyote’s Road Trip by Laura Koerber

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Coyote’s Road Trip is a fantastic read. It’s entertaining and we get to see a coyote shapeshifter.

Jim is our coyote shifter in the story. His neighbors commit suicide and he does a goodbye for them. Now he’s stuck with two ghosts and traveling. He doesn’t know exactly where he’s going, but it’s got to be better than where he’s coming from. The quote I chose for Jim is: “Not around here.” I tried another sip and made another face. “Look, people believe all kinds of crap. I just know that most of its BS. Nature spirits are real. There used to be water spirits around before so many of the marshes dried up. Stars are just stars but there’s something holy about them too. Bones. Mountains. I don’t understand all this religious stuff either. How do you expect me to have all the answers? You’re ghosts. That hasn’t given you any great insights, has it?”

Highly recommended for Dystopian lovers.

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Romance under Aquarius (Stargazing Series #1) by Danielle Jacks-Review by Amanda Kimble

Romance Under AquariusRomance Under Aquarius by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Romance under Aquarius: Stargazing Series #1 by Danielle Jacks

This is not the first book I’ve read by the author. Romance under Aquarius is a fantastic read and will leave you wanting more. This is the first book in the Stargazing Series. There were four main characters, but two that stuck out the most.

Maris is a merperson and can’t wait to get married. Her best friend is concerned about her doing an arranged marriage, but it’s what her family had planned for her. She then catches her best friend and future husband in bed together. The quote I chose for Maris is: “Don’t feel bad for me. Ryn seems like a nice merman.”

Kasper will do anything to save his brother. Including finding a merperson to help him out. He doesn’t want to trust her, but it becomes inevitable once he gets to know her. He wants to pursue a relationship with her, but isn’t sure where to start. The quote I chose for Kasper is: “Fine. Yes. I’m jealous . Are you happy now?”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Squid (Moto X #5) by Brooke May-Review by Amanda Kimble

SquidSquid by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Squid (Moto X #5) by Brooke May

Another fantastic read by the author. Squid is the fifth book in the Moto X Series. This is the first book in the series that I’ve read. You will absolutely love this book.

Levi is the party boy in the group. He is known for having money at his fingertips, women falling at his feet, and doing what he wants when he wants. That’s until he meets a woman who challenges him. The quote I chose for Levi is: “The money. What? I know it isn’t as honorable as yours. I’m good at arguing and it was kind of just something I fell into. No family obligation or anything like that. I’m good at it and I knew I could make a shit ton of money doing it.”

Kindle is a divorce lawyer and works her butt off to do what she wants. She loves riding her bikes, but to do that she has to work hard. When she meets Levi she turns him down. Now he’s her assistant and she can’t help her feelings. The quote I chose for Kindle is: “I have to deal with petty fights from time to time, but there are cases like the one you just helped me with that makes me feel good about helping others. Why did you pick law?”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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Caging Grace (The Grace Series #1) by Carsen Lane-Review by Amanda Kimble

Caging Grace (Grace Series, #1).Caging Grace (Grace Series, #1). by Carsen Lane
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Caging Grace (The Grace Series #1) by Carsen Lane

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. This book is a great read, but I’m not going to ruin who she gets with. Caging Grave is the first book in The Grace Series.

Grace has always fought since she was young. First in Underground Cage Fighting and then UFC. Underground because she needed to keep a roof over her family’s head. Now thanks to her gym owner she finds herself a new deal. The quote I chose for Grace is: “Why do I have a feeling that’s only the beginning? Trust is big with me, O’Malley. Once it’s gone, we’re done. Get me? I want full disclosure on everything.”

Johnny is Grace’s trainer after she becomes an ambassador for a clothing line which requires UFC. He has also had a rough childhood so he connects with Grace on a level no one else understands. The quote I chose for Johnny is: “You’ve already won, Grace. You’ve come face to face with your own demons, and you’ve come out on top. You’ve given yourself the right to hope, the chance to dream. Don’t allow fear to steal your dream from you. You’ve never let fear win before, so don’t start now.”

Dar is a Harvard graduate and working out at Grace’s gym. He catches Grace’s eye and figures out that he can do a whole lot better than he is now. The quote I chose for Dar is: “You were a child, Grace, and sadly those types of accidents happen in the ring. You have no penance to pay. Even if you did, don’t you think you’ve paid it by now?”

Highly recommended for Women’s Fiction lovers.

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The True Garza (Red Cage #3) by S. Ann Cole-Review by Amanda Kimble

The True Garza (Red Cage, #3)The True Garza by S. Ann Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

The True Garza (Red Cage #3) by S. Ann Cole

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. It’s also the first book in the series that I’ve read. The True Garza is a fantastic read and leaves you wanting more. It’s the third book in the Red Cage Series.

London, Lonny, is back in LA for the first time since her dad has died. The fling she had in Denver follows her home. London falls hard for Trueman but does not want to get hurt. The quote I chose for London is: “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were avoiding me, True Garza.”

Trueman Mateo Garza doesn’t do dates, and he doesn’t buy women things. He’s known as a womanizer. He has ADHD and can’t focus on much. That’s until London comes back into his life. The quote I chose for True is: “They know that I’m madly, truly, insanely, out-of-breath, irrevocably, inconceivably, ridiculously, unequivocally in love with you, Lonny Bridge.”

Highly recommended for Contemporary Romance lovers.

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A Long Kiss Goodbye (Onyx & Mercury #2) by H. D. Thomson-Review by Amanda Kimble

A Long Kiss GoodbyeA Long Kiss Goodbye by H.D. Thomson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

A Long Kiss Goodbye: A Romantic Paranormal Suspense (Onyx & Mercury #2) by H.D. Thomson

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. A Long Kiss Goodbye is an amazing read. This is the second book in the Onyx and Mercury Series. I have not read the first book in the series, but I will be looking for it.

Avery is attacked and then the murders start to happen. She doesn’t want to leave her house. She doesn’t know who to trust. She can’t trust friends, neighbors, family, or cops. The quote I chose for Avery is: “I promised myself I wouldn’t complain. Compared to my last job, they offer far better insurance, which kicks in next month. But it’s going to be challenging. I won’t lie. I’m just going to have to learn to compartmentalize better than I ever have being a social worker. I can’t let my clients’ lives emotionally cripple me. Otherwise, I won’t be a help to anyone.”

Luys knows Avery as he’s her neighbor and they’re friendly. He knows that she’s been attacked and can’t help but seem to be protective. The quote I chose for Luys is: “Yes, I can see that. I’m glad I didn’t listen to you and brought over some to-go meals from a nearby restaurant the last couple of days. Orange juice and eggs. Not sure I can whip anything up with that. I guess I could fix you an omelet with egg as your only ingredient.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Everything to Me (Playing For Keeps #2) by Lauren Fraser-Review by Amanda Kimble

Everything to Me (Playing for Keeps Book 2)Everything to Me by Lauren Fraser
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Everything to Me: A Best Friend’s Sister Sports Romance (Playing for Keeps #2) By Lauren Fraser

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Everything to Me is the second book in the Playing for Keeps Series. Everything to Me is a fantastic read.

Kendall is in town for a week and will be staying with her crush. She was hoping the crush would be over with, but then he opens the door. That changes everything. The quote I chose for Kendall is: “Oh my god, did you seriously just say that?” Kendall scoffed. “Take advantage of me, because the poor little lady couldn’t possibly know her own mind. Believe me, Pete. I know my own mind and if I f*** a guy, it’s because I want to f*** him. Not because I’m so naïve he’s tricked me into it.”

Peter has always thought Kendall was pretty. He didn’t realize how good looking she would get as she grew up. He was thinking of the teenager Kendall. The quote I chose for Peter is: “Torrey Pines, it’s not a hard hike at all, but I think you’ll like it. The path walks along the bluffs and overlooks the water. With the breeze off the ocean, and the birds, it’s always really nice, peaceful, even when it’s busy, which it shouldn’t be too bad today.”

Highly recommended for Sports Romance lovers.

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As Close to Perfect by Maria Jane-Review by Amanda Kimble

As Close to PerfectAs Close to Perfect by Maria Jane
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

As Close to Perfect by Maria Jane

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. As Close to Perfect is a great read. It’s got the perfect amount of love and heartbreak.

Bree has given up on dating. She’s done going after jocks. She’s also done going after white guys who are freaked by her church. Getting tennis lessons from a friend might just be the best thing for her. The quote I chose for Bree is: “I have a date with Alan. Nate is just my tennis partner. He knows that. Besides, he had girls hitting on him all night. He doesn’t need me.”

Nate has got it bad for Bree. He likes that she is up front and blunt about what she wants. It takes eight months before he finally gets the girl. The quote I chose for Nate is: “I’m sorry. I know we’ve only been dating a few months, but I can’t hold it in any longer. I love you. I’m sorry if it’s weird, but I think that’s only because we’ve been friends for so long, and we have so much fun, and we’re so good together. I mean, you freak out and get mad at me, but those times make me love you even more.”

Highly recommended for New Adult Romance lovers.

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Tickety Tock (Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter) by Manda Mellett-Review by Amanda Kimble

Tickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona ChapterTickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter by Manda Mellett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Tickety Tock: Wicked Warriors MC Arizona Chapter by Manda Mellett

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. It’s a new series of the authors that I’ve read. Tickety Tock is a great read.

Liam aka Dwarf thought he found the girl. That’s until he found that she attached herself to his best friend. Now he’s stranded in the middle of nowhere. The quote I chose for Dwarf is: “Let me make this clear to you. You ran out in front of me. You caused the f***in’ crash. Least you can do, sweetheart, is whatever you can to help me.”

Raven is running from the ghost of her father. She runs out in the middle of the road and makes Liam crash his bike. Now she’s invited him to the cabin she lived in when she was a child. The quote I chose for Raven is: “I don’t know. Am I? I mean, I don’t know you, except that you’re a biker.”

Highly recommended for MC Romance lovers.

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Collateral Damage (Mafia Elite #6) by Amy McKinley-Review by Amanda Kimble

Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 6)Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance by Amy McKinley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite #6) by Amy McKinley

Another fantastic read by the author. Collateral Damage is the sixth book in the Mafia Elite Series. This time it’s Trey’s turn. Only this time she might not die.

Trey might just be getting his second chance at love. Hailey has done nothing wrong and she tugs at his heart. Will Trey be able to save her in time? The quote I chose for Trey is: “Be careful how you talk to me, Allen. You won’t like the repercussions. Make it happen with the board, and I’ll see what I can do about your daughter.”

Hailey goes to meet her dad, only she doesn’t call Allen her dad. She falls for Trey but can’t let it be known as she doesn’t want to get her heart broken. The quote I chose for Hayley is: “So you took on his crisis rather than tell him to shove it? He could have gone to the cops. I don’t understand why you got involved. It seems like this is more of a headache for you.”

Highly recommended for Mafia Romance lovers.

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Captivated (Hybrid Lovers #1) by Toya Richardson-Review by Amanda Kimble

Captivated (Hybrid Lovers, #1)Captivated by Toya Richardson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Captivated (Hybrid Lovers #1) by Toya Richardson

This isn’t the first book I’ve read by the author. Captivated is the first book in the Hybrid Lovers Series. The author has outdone themselves by writing this book.

Angelina finds that going on a blind date can end well. She not only gets one true love, but two true loves. They’re not exactly human like she is. The quote I chose for Angelina is: “You might be right, but I’m not going to settle for any guy just so I can say I’m in a relationship.”

Salvatore is Luca’s twin brother. He’s not human and he isn’t exactly one part of something. He’s part-vampire part-Angel and he’s a hybrid. He has been waiting for his mate for a long time. The quote I chose for Salvatore is: “This is it, Luca. It’s our woman. It’s far too compelling to be anything else but her.”

Luca is the twin brother to Salvatore. He is also a hybrid. He is excited that he and his brother are getting their mate. The quote I chose for Luca is: “Maybe it’s different because there are now three in this relationship, Sal. We are the only twins in vampire or angel history, at least for a very long time. The last twins were killed many centuries ago.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Romance lovers.

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Witch Switch (Bewitch Me #2) (Midnight Magic Anthology) by Lousia Bacio-Reveiw by Amanda Kimble

Midnight MagicMidnight Magic by Gina Kincade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Witch Switch (Bewitch Me #2) (in Midnight Magic Anthology) by Louisa Bacio

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Witch Switch is part of the Midnight Magic Anthology. It can be read as part of the Bewitch Me Series. Witch Switch is the second book in the Bewitch Me Series.

Cheyenne is going to get everything she has wanted. Or at least she hopes she will. There is a problem with that though; someone switches places with her. Will she be able to get out of this without losing everything? The quote I chose for Cheyenne is: “Wait. Don’t ask. Not here. Not stolen like this. You know I love you and want to spend my life with you but we have to figure this out first. Or else our families will war.”

Rafe is tired of playing the one who always follows offers. He wants something and for once he’s going after it. The only problem is his fiance isn’t going to let him go as easily. The quote I chose for Rafe is: “You feel so incredibly good, and this feels so right. It doesn’t matter what plans my parents or the council might have had. We deserve happiness and to choose who we’re going to spend our lives with, and you’re everything I want.”

Highly recommended for Paranormal Witch lovers.

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Phoenix’s Ascent (Hera Force #2) by Winter Austin-Review by Amanda Kimble

Phoenix's Ascent (Hera Force: #2)Phoenix’s Ascent by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Phoenix’s Ascent: Hera Force Series: #2 by Winter Austin

Another fantastic read by the author. Phoenix’s Ascent is the first book in the Hera Force Series that I’ve read and it won’t be my last. It is the second book in the Hera Force Series.

Nadia has no memory of Mitch or their affair. When she’s teamed up with him again and he knows her name it freaks her out. Then she finds that her entire team remembers him, but why can’t she? The quote I chose for Nadia is: “What do you have that a gal like myself could quench her thirst with?”

Mitchell, Mitch, knows The Phoenix when he sees her. Although he didn’t expect to ever see her again. When he finds that she has no clue who he is it breaks his heart. The quote I chose for Mitch is: “But didn’t you say the drug could be a front for a bioweapon?”

Highly recommended for Romantic Suspense lovers.

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Flame and Crystal Thorns (Fae and Crystal Thorns #1) by Kay L. Moody-Review by Amanda Kimble

Flame and Crystal Thorns (Fae and Crystal Thorns, #1)Flame and Crystal Thorns by Kay L. Moody
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Flame and Crystal Thorns (Fae and Crystal Thorns #1) by Kay L. Moody

This is the first book I’ve read by the author. Flame and Crystal Thorns is the first book in the Fae and Crystal Thorns Series. It’s also a fantastic read.

Chloe is once again back in the one place she doesn’t want to be. Faerie. She’s found that there are hostages being held and goes back. She finds out that her sister is there and really has to save them. The quote I chose for Chloe is: “I just need a little extra help to walk right now. Quit complaining.”

Highly recommended for Fae Lovers.

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