
The Traveler: Chimera Rising (The Traveler Series, Book of Eleanor Book 3) by Shannon Nemechek – Review by Anantha Rusum

The Traveler: Chimera Rising (The Book of Eleanor 3)The Traveler: Chimera Rising by Shannon Nemechek
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book starts when the previous book, The Revolution finishes. When the Revolution focuses on both Katie and Colm sacrificing their love, this book has them transported back to 6th century where they have a mission to accomplish. But Colm has to make a few choices, and his choices determine the fate of the mission.
As the previous book, this book is also filled with danger, deception, romance and mystery. Katie and Colm have already been through a lot in the previous books, so you do feel connected to those characters and want them to succeed.
Overall, another roller-coaster and an enjoyable read.

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Cursed Sight (Broderick Coven Series Book 2) by AJ Renee – Review by Anantha Rusum

Cursed Sight (Broderick Coven Book 2)Cursed Sight by A.J. Renee
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a fast-paced paranormal romance and a mystery thriller. Ethan Broderick has recently realized that he hails from a family of witches and joins the coven. He is an oracle who is looking for guidance to unravel his new powers. Serena Bishop is the head priestess of the Coven and is quite powerful. Serena helps Ethan on how to work his power. Ethan gets a vision that Serena is about to be killed and plunges to help her. As they are trying to stop the killer from getting close to Serena, they develop a connection on their own.
The plot is very fast paced and the characters are interesting. The book keeps the readers on the edge of their seats. It can be easily finished in one sitting. If you are looking for a quick fast paced read, pick this book.

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A Tennis Pro To Die For (Cozy Mysteries To Die For Book 3) by Judy Moore – Review by Anantha Rusum

A Tennis Pro To Die For (Cozy Mysteries to Die For, #3)A Tennis Pro To Die For by Judy Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Beck’O Rourke, her carefree sister Lizzie and her adorable grandmother are back with the handsome police detective Devon Mathis in the third installment of the series, A Tennis pro to die for. I have read the previous two books and I am a huge fan of Judy Moore Cozy mystery’s books.
This one is by far, the most complicated of the plots. Beck and Lizzie decide to take tennis lessons at a racquet club in the country club in Florida. Her instructor gets into a hit-and-run accident and is killed. Beck decided to step in and helps out Devon to solve this intriguing mystery.
Similar to the previous two books, the plot is very fast paced. The relationship between Beck and Devon is sweet and is still blooming. The characters are endearing and heartwarming.
I liked this book and look forward for more from Jude Moore.

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The Buccaneers of St. Frederick IslandThe Buccaneers of St. Frederick Island by Linda Maria Frank
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Buccaneers of St. Frederick Island by Linda Maria Frank is a story which reminded me of famous five.

Set on St. Fredericks Island in 1947 , a group of kids raise money to buy toys for children. But, the money is stolen, this group forms an investigation club called the Buccaneers and try to solve it themselves.

This story is amazing for young readers. It has adventure, humor and a lot of action. The plot is gripping and the characters very engaging and relatable. I had a great time reading this book.

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Murder at Lolly Beach (Eve Sawyer mystery series Book 2) by Jane Suen – Review by Anantha Rusum

Murder at Lolly Beach (Eve Sawyer #2)Murder at Lolly Beach by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very fast paced read revolving around a murder mystery, Murder at Lolly Beach is about Eve Sawyer, a journalist student who is invited to a vacation to a beach by her close friend. Eve goes to the beach without any hesitation to have some peace time, but instead finds herself in the middle of a murder when the truck of her chef friend meets with an accident and her friend goes into a coma.
The local reporter, Jake, invites Eve to investigate the case along with him. And then starts the cat and mouse chase to find the murderer, who seems to be always one step ahead of them and keeps wiping off all the clues and the witnesses.

Tension mounts as the plot goes through a lot of twists and turns till the murderer is revealed.
A gripping plot, pleasant characters and an easy read, I liked this book. I am thinking of going back and reading book 1, which I haven’t yet.

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Dance of Hearts: a Cinderella Regency Romance Retelling (Historical Fantasy Fairytale Retellings Book 1) by Byrd Nash – Review by Anantha Rusum

Dance of Hearts: a Cinderella Regency Romance Retelling (Historical Fantasy Fairytale Retellings Book 1)Dance of Hearts: a Cinderella Regency Romance Retelling by Byrd Nash
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book reminded me of Georgette Heyer novels, a simple clean regency romance with a Cindrella twist. Though I admit, Cindrella twist was not necessary, even otherwise it is a lovely story.
Melinda Wychwood was successfully running her father’s estate, until he dies, when unfortunately, upon his death, the estate goes to his distant male cousin Mr. Davenport. Mrs. Davenport has a young daughter and she detests Melinda’s efficiency and beauty and tries to keep her away from the public eye.
Alexander Kaye Arundell, a childhood friend of Melinda, has recently inherited a fortune and is now everyone’s eye-candy. All the eager mothers are eyeing him as a match for their daughters. Arundell along with his friend Theodore Marlowe visit the country side with a a deceitful plot of their own. Will the ploy succeed or one of the gentlemen fall in love despite all his dislike towards the matchmaking moms process?
It is a very simple story and told in a very pleasant way. It is very difficult to find a sweet clean romance these days, especially retelling a romance in regency era is not easy. Minute attention has to be paid to the costumes and the accessories.
I finished this book in an hour and loved every bit of it. As I said earlier, even without the fairy touch, the story would have been equally beautiful.
Hope to see more such romances from this author.

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Athalie (Sacrificial Chronicles Book 1) by Jordan Elizabeth – Review by Anantha Rusum

Athalie (Sacrificial Chronicles Book 1)Athalie by Jordan Elizabeth
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Athalie is a story of a young maiden who turns a reluctant sacrificial Goddess for the greater good of her empire, only to find out in her after-life that the whole planet is in danger. The high priest plans to unleash a deadly weapon to wipe out the enemy of the empire, but what he does not know is that it is a weapon of mass destruction. Pleading with the Gods, Athalie comes back as a spirit to persuade the high priest and others to stop from unleashing the weapon, but is it too late or can she carry this humungous burden successfully on her shoulders?

This dystopian fantasy is really easy to read, it took me less than 2 hours to finish the book. I really liked the way all the characters and their costumes were described. The sacrificial scenes and the elaborate effort which is taken to prepare the sacrifice are especially were described in great detail.
Overall, a very breezy and a light read.

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Flipping the Bird: A Paranormal Chick Lit Novel (Shift Creek book 1) by Carrie Pulkinen – Review by Anantha Rusum

Flipping the Bird (Shift Creek, #1)Flipping the Bird by Carrie Pulkinen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this fun, lighthearted romance combined with some delightful supernatural elements. Alice Crawford is a salvage artist who makes art by collecting junk and also a crow shifter and lives in a place called Shift Creek. The creek is named shift creek as every full moon it back flows and rejuvenates its healing properties. Donovan Drake is a warlock, who has lost his father and his magic is locked. He has come to the creek to unlock his magic with the healing powers of the creek. But when he finds himself falling for the crow shifter, he knows things are not turning out as he had planned. The story is action packed, filled with hilarious moments, romance and mystery. It is a fairly short and an entertaining read.

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Echoes: Lucifer and the Dark Goddess by Nikki Broadwell – Review by Anantha Rusum

Echoes--(Lucifer and the dark goddess book 1)Echoes– by Nikki Broadwell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Echoes – Lucifer and the deadly Goddess is a dystopian fantasy book- the first in the series. This is a story about Feirin, who has lost her memory and has no clue about herself. All she has is a black necklace hanging around her neck and a tattoo on her forehead. As she starts her journey to rediscover who she is, she realizes she has special powers but needs help on how to use them.
When she goes to the police to enquire about her past, it backfires and she is exiled outside the walls of the city with a group of people. Outside the city’s protective walls, Feirin’s is at peril. How Feirin saves her life and the life of everyone with her forms the crux of the story.

The story is a mixed bag of suspense, mystery and magic, and manages to keep the reader on his/her toes. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward for more in this series.

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The Singer and Her Song (Empire at Twilight Book 2) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Anantha Rusum

The Singer and Her SongThe Singer and Her Song by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the Empire of the twilight series, a fascinating tale of historic fiction set in Syria in the early 13th century BC. The story is centered around Uqnitum , a singer from the musical lineage, who had to flee from Mittani, which was wiped by the Assyrians, when she looses her husband and her youngest child. She flees along with her pregnant widowed daughter and her guilt makes her an abusive dangerous mother. She has to fight and get back her strength from sinking into the darkness.
This is my third book from this author and I enjoy reading her books. To start with, I loved the title of the book, it is quite lyrical. Rich, vibrant in history and vivid descriptions, this book is both informative and entertaining at the same time. The book delves deep into a range of human emotions, from anger, pity, betrayal, fear all the way to self-realization and discovery. This was a very compelling read and I hope to read more from N.L.Holmes.

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I Once Was Lost but Now I’m Found: Daisy and the Olympic Animal Sanctuary Rescue by Laura Koerber – Review by Anantha Rusum

I Once Was Lost, But Now I'm Found: Daisy and the Olympic Animal Sanctuary RescueI Once Was Lost, But Now I’m Found: Daisy and the Olympic Animal Sanctuary Rescue by Laura Koerber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a true, moving account of the rescue of 124 dogs from a deplorable animal sanctuary called OAS (Olympic Animal Sanctuary).
The story details out the inhumane treatment and abuse of the animals by a cruel man who did not want to use the funds for the care of the dogs and instead kept them in very poor circumstances. They were put in small wooden crates and given very less food or water or fresh air.
The scandal was exposed through firsthand accounts, protests, public interventions and newspaper articles.
I found the book quite compelling and very disturbing at the same time. But these types of books promote animal welfare and make sure that these types of scandals do not repeat again anywhere in the country. Any animal lover who considers himself or herself remotely concerned with animal welfare should read this book.

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Aiko (The Heartstrings Series Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Anantha Rusum

AikoAiko by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was Just what I needed at present. I have been reading some heavy books and was looking forward for something light to read. As I was reading the book, I was picturing a movie being made , it is a perfect rom-com and people will love it.
Aiko is one of the love angels of cupid. But unfortunately, she has had disastrous experiences before and had been suspended from that role. She gets her first assignment in the form of Alejandro, who is a kind and a caring man.
Aiko is determined to get a perfect woman for him. But she makes matters complicated when she chooses two instead of one, one whom she thinks is ideal for him and the other, completely opposite, to point out the glaring differences. But Cupid’s arrows once shot, follow their own path.
Will Aiko succeed or goof everything up again?
Read to know more in this hilarious book, which kept me awake in the night laughing in splits.

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Cuckoo Clock – New York (Unbroken Bonds Book 3) by Elisabeth Marrion – Review by Anantha Alagappan

Cuckoo Clock - New York (Unbroken Bonds Book 3)Cuckoo Clock – New York by Elisabeth Marrion
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am huge fan of War books. Each and every book I read or every movie I watch about the poignant state of Jews in the Nazi Germany deeply moves me. This is a story of Jewish doctor Esther Rosenthal who escapes from Berlin. When her husband is detained before the danger which befell on Jews in Nazi Germany. She escapes with her father and in the course of their flight to England, she meets a group of Jewish children, who were being moved from a Berlin Orphanage to England on a Kindertransport. She adopts three of them and she and her father try to support them with the best they have. They travel to New York, but Esther is forced to return to Europe because of her own personal reasons.
Together or separated, how these characters show solidarity and support to each other forms the crux of the story. Like and WW2 book, this book is also heart wrenching and deftly brings out the plight of the Jews and their extreme circumstances they were put through.
I loved the author’s narration style and I am going to pick up the first two books of the author as well.

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Yule Lads Legend: Iceland’s Jólasveinar by Heidi Herman – Review by Anantha Rusum

Yule Lads Legend: Iceland's JólasveinarYule Lads Legend: Iceland’s Jólasveinar by Heidi Herman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Such a cute story. I am planning to read it to my children and also ask the kiddos in my book club to read it. It is a folklore based out of Iceland where 13 Yule lad kids always go to a village to kidnap naughty children. They take back the children to their mother who is a troll to make a stew.
This year, they decide to leave little gifts and presents to children instead of capturing the children. They understand the joy of giving and realize the euphoria when you see someone happy with your actions.
A fun and enjoyable read, I don’t mind giving it to my boys!!!

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Bake Believe by Cori Cooper – Review by Anantha Rusum

Bake BelieveBake Believe by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bake Believe is a pretty cool book which reminded me of this Netflix show “Just Add Magic”. This is a book on similar lines where the main character gets a family gift she never imagined. The gift is that whatever emotion she feels as she bakes is infused in her creation. This adds more fire to her already raging teenage problems and leads to comic consequences.
I loved this book, it has a dash of magic, humor and innocent school day romance. To top it all, the detailed recipes are a huge bonus. My son is into baking and the recipes in the book are quite elaborate for him to try out.
I absolutely adored this book!

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Starvation by Molly Fennig – Review by Anantha Rusum

StarvationStarvation by Molly Fennig
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A very powerful emotional roller-coaster read about a very rare topic, eating disorder in men.
The story runs in two timelines, present, and past.
The past tells a story of a young Wes, who has always lived in the shadow of his older brother, a wrestling champion.
He meets a girl Caila, who wants to diet for her ballet dancing. He gets into this dieting habit with her and falls deeper and deeper to extreme diet. As his brother dies, he somehow lets this diet take control over his life.
And as time progresses, in the present timeline, he is very sick and refuses to get out of it.
It is a very intense book, and communicates a message that one is responsible for their own actions. If one gets into the trouble, it is one’s one responsibility to get out of it.
A very unique tale, told beautifully. It is heart wrenching.

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The North Wind Descends (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 4) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Anantha Rusum

The North Wind DescendsThe North Wind Descends by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I came back to this series after a gap, I had read the first one, The lightning horse but did not read books 2 and 3. So I was a little apprehensive when I picked this book. I had the background of the characters but over the span of four books, they have all changed, aged and characters have been introduced.
The book starts off with a murder mystery which the Egyptian diplomat Hani has to solve and this time around, a specific request from the queen has to be honored.
The plot is complex, and there are lots of twists and turns. There is a murderer on loose and Hani’s family is in jeopardy. His daughter also gets involved and Hani finds himself tangled in a complex puzzle which becomes increasingly difficult to solve.
This book blends historic fiction and mystery beautifully. It is a very fast read, and it keeps the readers on their toes on what is coming next. Overall, a very compelling and an enjoyable read.

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Blood of the Dragon (Relic Hunters Book 4) by Martin Ferguson – Review By Anantha Rusum

Blood of the Dragon (Relic Hunters, #4)Blood of the Dragon by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Relic hunters are back and this time it is Romania. A misplaced dairy from Romania brings a group of mercenaries to England where a professor and the head of the British museum are brutally assaulted. The leader of the museum goes missing and Adam and Emma step in to solve the mystery. When the contents of the dairy are revealed, they decide to go to Romania and the castle in question, the Poenari castle, the former home of Vlad, the Impaler. They find themselves up against evil and darkness once again.
Another adventure filled with suspense, thrill and danger, this book, like its predecessors has the readers on the edge of their seats. I have really come to like Martin Ferguson; his books offer a quick and breezy respite. Keep them coming!

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WAR OF THE DAMNED (Relic Hunters Book 3) by Martin Ferguson – Review by Anantha Rusum

War of the Damned (Relic Hunters, #3)War of the Damned by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Adam and the British Museum crew are back on a new mission to discover a German U-Boat near scotland. But as usual there are others after it too. The story tracks back to the World War II when Hitler and the British soldiers were engaged in the brutal war. This book covers the horrors of the second world war and the escapade of Dunkirk. It is a very good historic fiction book with lot of action and adventure.

I love this author, I have read all his three books and wish to read more. Whenever I read his books, I am reminded of Indiana Jones and his adventures. Keep them coming.

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The Opposite of Addie: A Novel (Friendship & Secrets) by Julie C. Gardner – Review by Anantha Rusum

The Opposite of AddieThe Opposite of Addie by Julie C. Gardner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a book about second chances and trust. All of us are heartbroken at one point of time or another and it takes years to rebuild the faith and trust in one’s life. Addie has a troubled childhood and she was forced from her childhood home by her mother. Later, when she is an adult, Addie is still confused and insecure. She leaves her boyfriend and decides to raise her daughter on her own.
When Jake runs into her 12 years later, Addie still does not trust him and runs away again. This time Jake follows her as he is determined to have his daughter back in his life.
This story is more about relationships than romance. There are many places where emotions run deep and the characters are confused and messed up. It is about embracing life with all it’s faults and give a second chance to yourself and to those who matter to you.

A deep read, but an enjoyable one!

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A Beach Wedding To Die For (Cozy Mysteries To Die For Book 2) by Judy Moore – Review by Anantha Rusum

A Beach Wedding To Die ForA Beach Wedding To Die For by Judy Moore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A beach wedding to die for
I had loved A book signing to die for and had started reading this book with great expectations. The book took off very well, I loved the setting. Preparations are on for a beach wedding, where the bride Amelia is all set to tie a knot with a financial banker, Charlie. But Amelia has a notorious history where weddings are concerned, she had already jilted two grooms at the time of taking the ceremonial vows twice before.
For her third wedding, her two exes are stalking her. Her brother and sister loath her as their children’s funds were tapped in for the wedding expenses. To top it all, the current groom and his mother get a shock of their lives when a secret is revealed to them on the day of the wedding. Everyone has a reason to despise Amelia. And soon after the wedding, she is found dead, stabbed by a knife.
Beck O’Rourke is a childhood friend of Amelia and also happens to be the bridesmaid for all her weddings. She is forced into solving the murder mystery along with the handsome cop, Devon Mathis. So far, so good.
But as the plot progressed, I was a little disappointed as the storyline became more predictable. At one point of time, somewhere in the middle of the book, when Devon suggests that Beck look into something, it was very easy to guess how the mystery would unfold further. I did read the book till the end but the plot took an expected route.
Beck’s decision in the end did surprise me. I felt she was too amateur and naïve in the sleuth business to take such a huge step on her own. I was expecting something similar to the lines of “And then there were none” Or “Murder on the Oriental express”. But the plot left me a little disappointed. I love this author and hope to read a lot more from her. Here’s hoping that the storyline is tighter the next time around.

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Eternal Wanderings: The Continuing Journey of Kara O’Keefe by Danielle Ackley-McPhail – Review by Anantha Rusum

Eternal WanderingsEternal Wanderings by Danielle Ackley-McPhail
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is the fourth in the series, so it did seem like I started something from the middle. I should go back and read the first three books to understand Kara O’Keefe and her life better. The book itself is written beautifully and you can empathize with Kara, and you would want to know more about her. And the only way to know more is go backwards s in this series and read the first three books. The story of a young woman, who tries her best to be a part of the clan, honor the vow, facing an ancient enemy, Kara comes across as a dynamic, inspiring, endearing character. I liked this book and her heroine. Would come back more wiser reading the first three books.

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Curse of the Sands (Relic Hunters Book 2) by Martin Ferguson – Review by Anantha Rusum

Curse of the Sands (Relic Hunters, #2)Curse of the Sands by Martin Ferguson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Indiana Jones (Adam Hunter) is back. This time in Egypt. After the first book, the Eagle of the Empire, the team at the British museum enter a quest in an unknown pyramid in Egypt which is surrounded by an unknown force. There are other teams from other countries as well, which are in the pyramid plagued with ancient curses. There is love between Gods and rivalry, there are booby traps, evil spells and thrills to keep the readers on the edge of their seats. I love mythology and this genre coupled with mystery, suspense, thrill is always a pleasure to read. I loved reading the first book and the impression continues.
I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Grosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes – Review by Anantha Rusum

Grosse PointeGrosse Pointe by Natalie Barnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Every book offers us something new to read. This book offers an insight into the Prohibition era, an era where there was nationwide constitution ban on production, importation and transportation of the alcoholic beverages across US. This is a story about Brek, who decides to travel to America when he was 15. He meets a friend on the ship, and together they embark on new experiences. The book revolves around mafia, drugs and a lot of trouble. It was difficult to read through the language, the slang went over my head many a times. Set in 1926, it is about the gangster life and the troubles they got into because of their life style. A coming of age story, little emotional at times, a good fictional novel which gives an insight into the history of America during the 1920s.

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Reign (The Larussio Legacy Book 3) by Via Mari – Review by Anantha Rusum

Reign The Larussio LegacyReign The Larussio Legacy by Via Mari
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a love story between two strong characters. Giovanni Larussio, a mafia don is in love with Serena, a heavy headed independent girl, who does not like him being very bossy and protective about her. Her family is against Gio. But because of her relationship with Gio, Serena is in danger and it becomes Gio’s responsibility to protect her. Filled with suspense, danger and romance, it is a very fast paced read. Albeit I felt a lot of background and character development is missed because of not reading the previous books, this book can be read standalone.

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Everyday Enchantments: Musings on Ordinary Magic & Daily Conjurings by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Anantha Rusum

Everyday Enchantments: Musings on Ordinary Magic & Daily ConjuringsEveryday Enchantments: Musings on Ordinary Magic & Daily Conjurings by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a book I could connect to a lot personally. I run a blog and my own FB page is filled with quotes which urge the readers to enjoy the little things in life. This book, unlike mine, is a lot more personal. The author deliberates on the little things that matter to her in her own life, the observations we can all connect to at some point of another.
I did feel that the style of writing is a little inconsistent, perhaps because it is a compilation of blog published together in a book. But this book gave me a whole set of new ideas and perspectives , right as an individual and a blogger.

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Rock Star on the Verge (Rogue Series Book 9) by Lara Ward Cosio – Review by Anantha Rusum

Rock Star on the Verge (Rogue Series #9)Rock Star on the Verge by Lara Ward Cosio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rock Star on the Verge is the ninth book in the Rogue Series. I have not read the previous books, but picked up based on the reviews that it could be a standalone read. I absolutely loved this book. The story is about two people of different ages who are facing challenges of their own. They decide to go on a road trip together across Europe and it so happens that this journey was more about finding themselves. I had a disadvantage of not knowing about the background of the characters, but I had a fabulous time reading this book. It has the right elements of emotions and entertainment mixed in it. A good read.

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Rose of Anzio – Moonlight (Volume 1): a WWII Epic Love Story by Alexa Kang – Review by Anantha Rusum

Moonlight (Rose of Anzio, #1)Moonlight by Alexa Kang
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A twist to the world war II story, this is a story of a young girl who is sent away from her home far away to Chicago for her own safety. As she struggles with the new society and a completely different culture, she meets a young man, who first detests her opinions and later they begin liking each other.
As the war progresses, things around them change, and with US on the brink of war, the normal people’s lives get affected. Children are pressurized to serve and after the attach of Pearl Harbor, things get drastically changed.
How this turn of events affects the young couple’s life forms the crux of the story. It is a good story, albeit I found it a little slow at times. But overall, it is a good story for historic fiction. I liked it.

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PERFECT ALWAYS by Tricia Copeland – Review by Anantha Rusum

Perfect AlwaysPerfect Always by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Perfect always is a Young Adult romance where the vivacious bubbly heroine Chloe has to make a choice between her old flame, who lives in the country side or the basketball player, with whom she starts a budding relationship. Parts of this book reminded me of Sweet home Alabama. If you are looking for a light-hearted romance and a quick breezy read, this book is for you.

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Build-A-Book Workshop (The Literary Handyman Book 2) by Danielle Ackley-McPhail – Review by Anantha Rusum

Build-A-Book Workshop (The Literary Handyman 2)Build-A-Book Workshop by Danielle Ackley-McPhail
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a good guide for the first-time authors who decide to go to a self-publishing route. This was something I wanted to know and hence I picked this book. I will use it as a reference book in the future. It has a lot of details right from selecting the right image of the cover to what goes in the blurb to how to acquire the ISBN for the book.
As I have never published a book before, there were some terminologies which are confusing but I am pretty sure that when I get to the process, this book will be of great help. Thank you so much for giving this book to us.

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