
Stop that Lion (Kingdom of Mir Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Amelia Stansell

Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship Love and Peace (Kingdom of Mir)Stop That Lion: A Tale of Friendship Love and Peace by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This a cute quick story. Children will love it. Two kingdoms have animals. One has sheep and the other a lion. The lion keep eating the others sheep. So the king has his people give suggestions as to how to make it stop .The suggestion was the best one.

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Touched: Elemental Passions Book One by Skye Turner, Sloane Nicole, April D. Berry, C.J. Pinard, Danielle Jamie, Darlene Tallman, Julie Morgan, Livell James, Machelle Hanleigh, and Melissa MacKinnon – Review by Callie Luna

Touched (Elemental Passions #1)Touched by Skye Turner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Touched a light and sexy read. It is love at first sight from the first moment Callum sees Aeris. The issue is their love is forbidden by the Fae. Will their love be able to conquer all? The world development and story felt/ read like a YA book, but the sexy scenes are very much adult. This was due to Aeris reading human romance books and never having a partner prior. She wants to gain her independence from her parents and finds her love in the most unlikely of places. It has the trope of forbidden love. Callum was living a normal human life until he got dragged into the world of magic that is all around him. Tt was fun to experience this from his point of view. The sexy scenes and chemistry between the main characters is fantastic! The ending leads into an epic tale that cannot be missed. Overall, I found the characters and story enjoyable and fun to read. I will be on the lookout for the next book in the series.

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The Closer (The Hustlers Trilogy) by Rowan Rossler – Review by Robin Rankin

The Closer: An enemies to lovers dark romance (The Hustlers Series Book 3)The Closer: An enemies to lovers dark romance by Rowan Rossler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Closer: An enemies to lovers dark romance (The Hustlers Series Book 3)

The chemistry is obvious before they are in the same room and the sparks get harder to ignore the more time they spend together.

I think this may be my favorite of the series and that is saying something. I think the increase of animals might have something to do with it. The dogs are common, but there are a few I don’t think I have ever seen in a book

June and Dallas go from not speaking for two years to working together and move to something deeper while their friends watch it all happen.

I’m guessing this is the end of this series, but would not be upset to see more books featuring some of the background. I will be keeping up with Ms. Rossler and her releases.

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England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England (The Hidden Gems Series) by Christy Nicholas – Review by Anantha Rusum

England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England (The Hidden Gems Series)England: Cultured, Classic, and Charming: A Guide to Hidden England by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is more like a travel guide to England. If you are planning your trip to England, read this in advance. It has a lot of historic information and some hidden gems, which as a regular tourist guide, you might not know about. It is backed up with a lot of historic details, myths and legends. It’s more a guide to the off beat travelers who want to explore “the lesser known places”. The book has a lot of detailed information , few of them perhaps is obsolete, but nevertheless a very good guiding book.

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Charming Chapter (Boomer Babes Book Club Romances) by Lori Haas – Review by Carrie Reed

Charming Chapter : A Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance (Boomer Babes Book Club Romances 1)Charming Chapter : A Later-in-Life Just Kisses Romance by Lori Haas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about this going in, but quickly became engrossed. First off, this book really got me thinking about my relationship with my own mother, to just spend time with her, and enjoy her. I love that Laura at 60, and after losing her husband was motivated by her book group friends to make the leap and travel on her own to London. I was super annoyed with her daughter Caroline for most of the book. It irked me so much that she just assumed her mom would be there to take care of the things she needed help with, and I applaud Laura for standing up to her daughter and doing something for herself finally, for living for herself. I had a feeling something was off about Hugh the whole time, but didn’t see that coming. The fact that it took him so long to come clean to Laura after she found out bothered me, but I feel like they did have a connection and a strong love. It was sweet that Laura got to explore London and look into her ancestry with her Mother and Daughter, as well as learning life lessons from her own Mother, Celeste, and bestowing some truths on Caroline. I would really love to see what comes of Laura and Hugh.

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Planting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Though Yoga by Janice Pratt and Lenora Degen – Review by Carrie Reed

Planting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Through YogaPlanting Seeds: Growing Mindful Children Through Yoga by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a great book and tool for teachers. There are many great things in this book to teach our children, eating healthy, gratitude, lessons about how things grow after planting and so much more. I really liked how with each lesson there are activity pages to match that lesson for the kids to do, and throughout each lesson there are so many references and resources to use to aid in the lesson. This honestly reminds me of when I was in after school care when I was in elementary school and it brought back very fond memories. There are things in this book as and adult now that I have learned, such as,

“A good amount of oxygen we inhale is used by our brains. When we are upset or scared, our breathing becomes short and shallow. Our thinking brain can shut down.”

I never really thought about how our thinking is off when we are scared or upset, which makes sense because everyone always says to “take deep breaths” and the minute you start taking deep breaths you start thinking more clearly. I wish I would have realized or learned that earlier on. Definite recommendation for teachers.

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The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising Book 1) by Nadia Han – Review by Heidi Sturgess

The Mastermind (WaterFyre Rising, #1)The Mastermind by Nadia Han
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There’s nothing that makes a girl weak at the knees like a man in a suit and this cover had me looking for a seat before I swooned 🙈🤣

Remington Starke is a man with a vision and he’s dangerous on so many levels , he’s a delectable speciMAN and he has a past , a frightful one at that big that just adds to his “ Yumminess” I know I’m such a weakling just to cave to these alphas ❣️🤣🙈

Audri is bright , creative and consumed by guilt and she’s got it bad for the man that is jut only her boss but her brother’s best friend and his past can threaten the both of them ….

This was a first read for me from this author and it was good ! It had mystery , suspense , thrills , chills and spice ! It was intense at times and other times there was just good old fashioned fun between friends 😉looking forward to the rest of the series 👍

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Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From The Ashes Book 1) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Heidi

Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From the Ashes, #1)Where Fire Meets Flame by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hello the cover art is enough to make you combust 😉🔥

So I get why Riley has a jaded view on life and love after all she’s seen in her line of work as a PI and her mother leaving her and her dad when she was little shes on her latest case and as she’s about to leave armed with evidence she gets knocked out …..

In and out of consciousness and the smell of smoke lingering before Riley can actually panic her firefighter cones to get rescue , again ….

Tristan and Riley met by accident , literally , she was involved in an accident and he was on hand to help her

Tristan has a stage 5 clinger though and I think Shannon is a tad unstable and she just creeps me out and rightly so ! She does however add drama and suspense to the story

I just loved how Tristan watched over Riley the whole time and how protective he is , these 2 have some serious chemistry and left my kindle a little hot and bothered 😉

A quick hot read 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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Underboss’s Retaliation (Sicilian Gods Book 2) by Via Mari – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Underboss's Retaliation (Sicilian Gods Book 2)Underboss’s Retaliation by Via Mari
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So the Larussio family is still feuding with the FebRosa family and we really pick up where we left off in book 1 ….

Dominic and Emilia are the focal point this time round and I felt there was a bit of a Romeo and Juliet spin to it which just hit the spot for me but thing gets really intense when these 2 lovebirds cross a line …. She’s willing to give it all up for him and he’s willing to protect her at any cost

There’s so much going on here drama ,violence , angst , steamy and swoony moments , heartache and I just had the time of my life , when I talk of the character people think they’re real ! I know I get really involved 😉❣️📚

Can’t wait to read the next one 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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A Spot of Earl Slay (Tea Time Troubles Book 1) by Aubrey Elle – Review by Heidi Sturgess

A Spot of Earl SlayA Spot of Earl Slay by Aubrey Elle
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How cute is the cover !?

All I want is London Fog ! I tried making it myself and it didn’t quite hit the spot , then I tried out local barista and she looked at me like I’ve gone quite mad 🤣 the craving is strong !!!!

Naomi snd Ella move to Fayette after she inherited a house and they’re in need of a fresh start and after living a sad but luxurious life this will do them both good . Naomi was married to a real snob and after the divorce he manipulated everything , she couldn’t find a job and the settlement was pathetic and because money is power she was having a time finding a job no thanks to her influential ex so this move was the perfect opportunity…,

I think they’ll enjoy this adventure …. Then they find a body in their shed and my heart drops but then they meet their neighbours , Barbra and Isabel and my heart starts beating again 😍

Barbra and Ingrid are the best , they loves their tea , Ingrid collects teapots and tea is the solution to any crisis or celebration! …..

Ella and Naomi stay with Barbra and Isabel while they wait for the heating to be fixed in their house and that’s how a beautiful friendship is formed and the sleuthing begins ….

I read this , finished it and read it again straight after ,
that’s how much I enjoyed this read !
I can’t wait to read every other book in this series !
I laughed at the banter between these people , the copious amounts of tea made and drunk and the mystery of who and why a woman was murdered was most entertaining 🫶🏼

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Little Red, the Detective (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale (Science Folktales)Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I just LOVE the cover 📚❣️

As a school librarian I’d love for my kids to read this especially now with our school participating in a national science fair 😉

It’s a different take on Red Riding Hood and I adore the twist 🫶🏼

So Red is off to visit her granny when she meets a wolf along the way , he gives her 2 types of plants so bring the inquisitive person she is she goes straight to her books for information, with this distraction eolf heads off to granny …

Red realises something is amiss and detectives skills are honest in because granny needs to be kept …

Beautifully illustrated 🥰

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones Book 3) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Magic-Borne (The Crown of Stones, #3)Magic-Borne by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I like the covers on all the books in the series but this feels a little different , like the magic is possessing Ian and after reading , even more so 💥

This is the end of the trilogy and be sure to have read the other books otherwise you’ll feel totally lost , I’ll be honest I was exhausted as I binge read but that in no way reflects on the book ❣️📚 what I would recommend is take a breather in between each one that way you will take more in and do the series justice 🥰

The fate of an entire race lays at Ian’s feet and sacrifices have to be made and again it seems like it all falls on Ian . Everything comes together and there’s action , love , drama and quite a bit of action , so a few boxes have been ticked 😉

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones Book 2) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Heidi Sturgess

a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”>Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones, #2)Magic-Scars by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Again , just loving the cover art !

To me , it feels like Ian is seen as the saviour of the Shinree but at what cost ? He’s been beaten , tortured and broken , his people are free but still enslaved and oppressed and , people from all across are hungry for freedom and they’re looking to Ian , hoping he’s the one that’ll lead them but he’s needing to heal himself ….

What is his connection with The Crown of Stones ?

A sequel can either be better than the first book or it can go the other way and disappoint you , this did neither, that’s not a bad thing though , it keeps your interest , it makes you wonder and question and there was a little more spice this time round 😉

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Price by C. L. Schneider – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Magic-Price (The Crown of Stones, #1)Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’ve not read fantasy in quite a while and I had a few reservations but I must admit I’m grateful I got the chance to read this , cover-art is just amazing 😉

The Shinree are a suppressed nation and “bred” as slaves and to serve and wait upon others ( this really saddens me )

Ian is a Shinree and cones from a family of warriors so it’s pretty much expected that he’s pulled into the ongoing war with the Langorians ….

Ian has a good heart but at times it felt like his goodness was being taken for granted and what’s a good story if there’s not a dash of romance 😍 all in all a magical welcome back into a world of fantasy 🍄

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Savage Lies (Hidden Valley Elite Book 1) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Heidi Sturgess

Savage Lies: A High School Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 1)Savage Lies: A High School Bully Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There are 2 covers I’ve seen for this …one makes me wish I was back in high school 🤣🔥 and the other is just beautiful and I don’t feel as much of a cougar 🤣🥰 BOTH are 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Having read the “ teaser” Savage Start I couldn’t wait to get into Savage Lies and I was rewarded 💥

Hidden Valley is no different to any other High School when it comes to pecking order we have the leaders and the followers .
Cole , Damon and their cousins are the guys every guy wants to be and all the girls want to be the arm candy of ….

So we pick up a year later with Riley starting at Hidden Valley , hoping this is a fresh start , she bumps into Cole , she knows who he is and what they shared but he’s got not glue but he knows there’s something that had him attracted like a bee to nectar … these 2 are off the charts 🔥

Cole just wants to finish school and get out from under his father and he has his eye on the goal until Riley and her mom come to town , again , the plot thickens when it comes to light that Riley’s mom and Cole’s dad are an item , wounds of loosing his mom are still raw and I feel Cole and his frustrations but poor Riley beats the brunt but make no mistake our girl gives as good as she gets , she’s no fading wallflower….

Be warned of the cliffhanger 🫶🏼

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Lap Baby by Amy Q. Barker – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Lap Baby: Emotional Women's FictionLap Baby: Emotional Women’s Fiction by Amy Q. Barker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lap Baby tells the story of three women who survived a plane crash twenty years prior. Each woman has coped with the crash in a different way as they try to move forward and overcome their grief. Paige was a baby, a lap baby, when the event occurred and was adopted after the accident. She is happy and just wants to forget that it ever happened. Marie has never gotten over the loss of her son who died in the accident and needed to blame someone for the crash. She has decided that it was Julie’s fault and wants revenge as the anger and hatred eats away at her. Julie was the flight attendant on the plane who had had to live with the choices she made during that day. She lives with the guilt and the consequences of her decisions. Each woman has learned to cope in a different way as they try to heal. They struggle with issues like alcoholism, PTSD, and self-doubt, that have a ripple effect through their lives.

This author was new to me, but I know that I will be looking for more of her writing. This book was based on a true story, which I did not know when I started to read it. It was compelling, heartfelt, heartbreaking, and hard to put down. The author did a beautiful job of sharing the stories of the survivors of this horrific plane crash and how it affected their lives even years later. The characters are beautifully written and relatable, so it is easy to get invested in their individual lives and story. This is an emotional read that will tug at your heartstrings and have you reaching for the box of Kleenex. I highly recommend this book!

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A River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by April McCoy

A River of CrowsA River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has done a number on me. Honestly what even just happened. This book held my attention right until the last page and the twists and turns were marvellous. When I was finished I sat there almost dumbfounded for a few minutes. Phenomenal book. Truly worth a read. It was well thought out, planned and executed and has you feeling like you’re right there along the ride. Cannot wait to find more from this new author to me.

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A Spot of Earl Slay (Tea Time Troubles Book 1) by Aubrey Elle – Review by Julie McComas

A Spot of Earl SlayA Spot of Earl Slay by Aubrey Elle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m ready to visit Fayette, and all it’s fun and quirky characters. I would hate to find a dead body in the shed of a home I just bought. I was trying to figure out whodunnit right along with Naomi and Ella. This is such a fun, easy read. Perfect for the beach!

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Amy’s Rebellion (Gemstone Massacre Book 1) by Julia Goldhirsh – Review by Emily Beehler

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Amy’s Rebellion” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Amy’s Rebellion</a> by <a href=””>Julia Goldhirsh</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Amys rebellion brings in a character that does not adhere to old societal norms and brings in this idea that the main heroine can be anything that ‘they’ want to be. Amy leads the reader on a Dark Fantasy that incorporates themes that seemed to be inspired by King Arthur and Merlin’s story. Right from the first page the reader is introduced to the idea that Amy is no naive Jane/John Doe, and has had to fight their way forward in Society. In Amy’s rebellion there is romance, adventure and mystery with a modern look to it.
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To be a Fae Legend (Realm Chronicles Book 3) by Tricia Copeland – Review by Paula R Sayers

To be a Fae LegendTo be a Fae Legend by Tricia Copeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Titania is leading her kingdom well. She is entertaining the idea of marrying to help her kingdom. Titania may be the only one who can save her kingdom. Is she the one foretold of? This was a nice return to the Fae realm. I enjoyed this young adult fantasy novel.

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The Crown of Stones: Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones Book 2) by C.L. Schneider – Review by Crystal Brehant

Magic-Scars (The Crown of Stones, #2)Magic-Scars by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The second in the series. Another great fantasy story. Again, nonstop action and intense moments. You can’t help but to feel horrible for all Ian has gone through. This is definitely a series I would suggest reading in order. If you enjoy fast paced books, this one is for you! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Non-Verbal by Molly Zenk – Review by Brittany Porter

Non VerbalNon Verbal by Molly Zenk
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There were things I absolutely LOVED about this book and parts that I struggled with, as a parent to an autistic child and being neurodivergent myself. I just wanted to reach through the pages in parts of this book and help Emerson and her family understand that she isn’t a broken or defective person with missing puzzle pieces, but rather an amazingly different and unique puzzle piece of a person with her own strengths that is living in a world built for NT people. I did love Emerson as a character, as well as her BFF Ryleigh, and hope the author continues to tell their stories in other books.

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Amy’s Rebellion (Gemstone Massacre Book 1) by Julia Goldhirsh – Review by La Toya Lewis

Amy's Rebellion (Gemstone Massacre)Amy’s Rebellion by Julia Goldhirsh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Amy’s Rebellion by Julia Goldhirsh is book 1 in the Gemstone Massacre series. This book was a fun read. It follows Amy who is on the run from her vengeful leader. Soon she realizes she has nowhere left to run and must fight back. There was a lot going on in this book as is typical at the start of fantasy series. I really enjoyed the world-building as well as the good amount of LGBT+ representation. Watching Amy come into her own and do what she must to protect herself was great fun. The story has a lot of adventure and is a page-turner. I feel like fantasy lovers will really enjoy this story.

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The Lone Star Child by Winnifred Tataw-Review by Victoria McQuigg

The Lone Star ChildThe Lone Star Child by Winnifred Tataw
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Lone Star Child is the 3rd installment of The God’s Scion Series by Winnifred Tataw. This series is a great choice for lovers of YA Fantasy. The 3rd book takes us back into the intriguing world of the Acolytes and God’s. This time, Caro the Space Acolyte is missing. Rodrick and the other Acolytes have to save her before time runs out. If this is your first look into this series, be prepared for an immersive and interesting story that is very fast-paced. You will not want to put it down.

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Unexpected Entanglement (The Echo Series Book 3) by C.R. Alam – Review by Moriah Venable

Unexpected Entanglement (The Echo Series, #3)Unexpected Entanglement by C.R. Alam
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third book in the Echo series and I loved it!

Wanting to prove that she is capable of running her family’s inn, Rowan Kelley is determined to turn things around for her cousin’s wedding. Things change when she meets Chris Sullens.

Planning on just staying for a day, Chris Sullens finds himself helping Rowan with the Inn. He finds himself faking to be her fiancée and helping her with the Inn.

I can never turn away from a fake relationship trope. I must admit that this is the case of don’t judge a book from its cover. The cover is cute but I never would have imagined that this was the story written between the pages. A plot that hooked me from the first page.

There are other novels in this series so I will have to go read them.

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Amy’s Rebellion (Gemstone Massacre Book 1) by Julia Goldhirsh – Review by Moriah Venable

Amy's RebellionAmy’s Rebellion by Julia Goldhirsh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Amy is twelve years old when they kill a man.

With the help of a shifter, they run to the human world where they learn to camouflage themselves but soon they are discovered.

It is time to fight and stop running.

The cover and plot caught my attention. Amy is a fierce and fearless main character and I really loved them.

I don’t read a lot of stories where the main character is trying to build an army.

This book does a great job of incorporating world building with the other elements such as suspense and action.

There are a few options for love interests and I love the slow burn enemies to lovers.

I didn’t know there was LGBTQ+ representation when I first started reading so it was an added surprise that made me love it more.

I saw there were two prequel stories so I probably should have started with those first before reading the main stories. I feel like it would have added some details as far as why certain events happen. But I do plan on going back to read them.

I was really hoping there was a sequel book cause I really want to know what will happen next.

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Operation Escape (Space Force Rejects Book 2) by Landra Graf – Review by Tracy Greenhalgh

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Operation Escape (Space Force Rejects Book 2)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Operation Escape</a> by <a href=””>Landra Graf</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
This is the second book in the Space Force Rejects and I can say 100% that if you like your scifi with a bit of heat, emotion and angst, bringing together many species then you will not be disappointed.<br />In this book we follow Sera as she hunts for her uncle, left as a pen pushing desk jockey within Space Force her uncle had paired her with a protector, once her uncle vanishes Sera uses her skills and sneaky ways to try and find him, along the way she meets her paired / mate / protector in the form of Markus an ex special ops from Space Force. <br />Markus feels the bond at first scent, and knows he cannot say no to protecting and helping Sear in any way possible, but feelings are not what he is interested in.<br />They find themselves marooned on Earth, now a prison planet and this is where the story really takes on a life of its own, the characters they meet, the information they gather and the description of the world as it is then is dramatic and thoroughly engaging. The species they come across, double crossed by and attempt to escape with are amazing.<br />Again I am waiting to read the next book by this author.
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Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From The Ashes Book 1) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Bethany Rollins

Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From the Ashes, #1)Where Fire Meets Flame by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Tristan, a firefighter, cannot forget about the red haired angel he rescued. Riley, a private investigator, cannot forget her blue eyed hero. Fate keeps jumping in to have these two encounter each other and find love.
I’d state this is a solid 3-3.5 stars for me but rounded up because I have hopes for this series to keep getting better. Things I enjoyed about this story was the relationship that developed between Riley and Tristan. I also enjoyed the suspense that was added into the story, although it was a highly predictable level of mystery. The one thing that left me hung up on this read was the initial time jump. With a book this short, the time periods were so quick. It just wasn’t a good flow for me but the storyline was good. I would have preferred to begin with initial meeting rather than a future meeting of our main characters. Overall good read and hoping the storyline continues nicely through this series.

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I’ll Love You Tomorrow (Trading Heartbeats Trilogy Book 3) by Julie Navickas – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”I’ll Love You Tomorrow (The Trading Heartbeats Trilogy #3)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>I’ll Love You Tomorrow</a> by <a href=””>Julie Navickas</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Lauren and Mitch have known each other since kindergarten/ first grade. Even back then Lauren just knew he was going to be her everything. In this story we are 20 or so years past the fateful day on the playground and these two had gotten hitched in Vegas. Everything was going well, or so Lauren thought, until Mitch states pulling away from her. Not only is she confused but she is extremely hurt by his sudden change in behavior. What happened? In order to take her mind off her failing relationship she begins to pour all of her passion into her restaurant, Pier Ninety-Two. All of her dreams go up in smoke when a grease fire burns it to the ground. Now what will she do?
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Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun, by Hadley Thorne

Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and SunDawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun by Hadley Thorne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dawnbreaker: The House of Blood and Sun, by Haldey Thorne, was a super good read! I love all stories about Fae, and also stories about vampires, but Dawnbreaker merged the worlds, with a lot of others that I did not expect. She detailed the worlds and the nuances between Fae, vampire court, and human world so vividly, but without losing my attention. (Which, admittedly, is hard for me to focus on during very in-depth detailed descriptions). I loved the way Hadley created the worlds and brought them together. I am very excited to keep up with this series!

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