
Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys Book 2) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Fortune's Favorite (Soulbound Journeys #2)Fortune’s Favorite by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys Book 2) by C. L. Schneider

Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys Book 2) is a wonderfully written Dark Fantasy that I loved reading. I was as usual pulled in from beginning and there was no putting it down until I finished. I’m a huge fan of this author and her style of writing along with amazing characters make for a epic story. Ian and Jarrod have been at sea for a while now and it seems they may have found the perfect port to dock and restock supplies for their stores. Something doesn’t feel quite right to Ian but Jarrod can’t hardly wait to get to shore. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn? I highly recommend reading this book to find out. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors – Review by Kerry Carr

Saved by the Everyday HeroSaved by the Everyday Hero by Amelia Hayden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a collection of steamy romance reads about guys who are everyday hero’s. It is a collection of 13 stories and all of them are unique and different. I loved them all but my 2 favourites are:

Unexpected Hero’s by Naomi Valkyrie
I always jump at any stories this author has because I know I will really enjoy them and this one was no exception. This is a MM Romance. It is a second chance small town romance with danger and Suspense inside. It is definately a page turner.
Elijah has moved with his son after problems in his past. Now he’s starting again and isn’t planning on a relationship or romance until he meets his neighbour Jude.
Jude is struggling with coming to terms with his past after losing his husband. So far he has his work and the bottle keeping him going but that all changes when he meets Elijah and his son. But things aren’t going to be plain sailing and when something from Elijah’s past returns threatening his and his sons safety, Jude is going to use all his skills and training to protect the new man in his life.

Broken Pieces by Amelia Hayden
This is a story that was very emotional to read. It was beautifully written and the author does an amazing job of showing the reader that not everyone comes back from war the same as they were when they went. This is a MM Romance and is a story about dealing with the aftermath of war, of finding your broken pieces and trying to put yourself back together again and also finding love along the way

Crossing the Lines By: Anne M. Scott
This for me was also a great read as I love anything crime related and this had it all. Danger, intrigue, chemistry and more. When a FBI agent and security expert are thrown together to go against a Russian mob, this story really gets fast paced and full of action.

All the stories are unique and different and all of them are great reads. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some will keep you on the edge of your seat. You will be burning up with the passion and chemistry that are between these pages. If you love stories of hot men in uniform overcoming odds and finding love then this is definately for you.

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Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors – Review by Jules Herbert

Saved by the Everyday HeroSaved by the Everyday Hero by Amelia Hayden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is such a fabulous collection of stories with a wide variety of characters and experiences. My favourite was definitely “Unexpected Heroes” by Naomi Valkyrie which is a M/M Story that is so well written you just want more and more. Elijah and Jude are wonderful characters that weave their way into your heart right from the start. I will 100% be searching for more from this fabulous author. I am hoping there is more to be read not only about these characters but other side characters that we met because they have me intrigued as well. “Quin to the Rescue” by L.A. Remenicky also had me turning the pages quickly to find out what would happen next. Mirra and Quin are neighbours who click immediately but Quin soon learns he needs to tread carefully with Mirra and her heart. I really enjoyed this anthology and I know you will too!

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Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys Book 2) by C. L. Schneider – Review Ayla Phipps

Fortune's Favorite (Soulbound Journeys #2)Fortune’s Favorite by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mysterious dark intrigue. Once more, the talented C.L. Schneider’s ever-expanding world knows no bounds. Ian Troy and Jarryd Kane escaped the Wandering Isles only weeks ago and have arrived at the pirate haven, Maldarehm.
Ian is perfectly happy on the open sea, especially after the nightmare-inducing world that was the Wandering Isles. Unfortunately, they need to resupply their stores and must port. Jarryd is excited to finally see Maldarehm, the pirate haven that he has heard about. After hearing the story of the twins Ian prefers the longer road to also allow Kya some fresh air and exercise, while Jarryd wants to take the ferry not worried about being judged by the twins. The land is otherworldly, the snow-white sandy beach, the lush dense jungle, and the steep cliffs towering overhead. Since the wandering isles, things have been different, Jarryd prefers to keep his side of the link closed more often. Ian enjoying the memories now, prefers to keep it open now. The land may seem ideal and picturesque but there is darkness, and strange vibrations that come off the land making Ian tense and hesitant. The port full of comradery but the unabashed looks of some of the locals, they are not afraid of him but are afraid for him. Mystery unsettles him at the meaning of the looks but Jarryd’s enthusiasm and desire to see the city make him set aside the feelings but not for long.
Will Ian and Jarryd find a way back to the friendship they had before? How can Jarryd fix “everything”? What is responsible for the deep feelings Ian has felt since arriving? The author’s detail is in the next universe. While the world is well established not only in book one of this series but the previous original trilogy, she continues to build upon it. Not just with simple details but each place becoming its own world within the realm. More so the characters never stop evolving, morphing as their experiences become deep reminders of what they overcome. A brief pause to awe once more at the stunning cover, as it has become my favorite cover so far this year. While I continue to let my heartrate slow down, I will impatiently be waiting for book three in this soulbound journey that never eases up on the mystery and intrigue as you race through the pages to see what happens next.

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Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan – Review by Jennifer Crain

Back to the 80'sBack to the 80’s by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading some heavier texts, this one did not disappoint- a lighthearted romcom type book that had a succinct plot, likable characters, and an interesting premise (I grew up mostly in the ’90s, but was familiar with many of the 80’s references in the book).

My favorite part was the character development. Oftentimes, one or both of the couple falls flat for me, but that was not the case with Blaine and Eric. They were both well rounded and irritable at times, but a likable irritable. I also liked the juxtaposition of the two because they had such different upbringings yet found each other in an interesting way. I will read more from this author.

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Complicated Choices by Risa Nyman – Review by Julie Johnson

Complicated ChoicesComplicated Choices by Risa Nyman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars

Imagine having the weight of the world on your shoulders your senior year of high school. Responsibilities include keeping grades up, picking the right college, cleaning house, taking care of your baby brother, and taking care of your mother. That’s Claire’s situtation and she wasn’t given a lot of choices as she entered into what should have been the best year of her life.

Claire’s parents divorced a few years back and her mom went on a business trip earlier in the year. A few weeks after she returned home, she found out she was pregnant. She refused to tell Claire who the dad was and even left that spot empty on Harry’s birth certificate. Everything changed when she got pregnant and Claire had to start picking up the pieces.

Claire’s friends come to her aid but they have limited resources, especially when Uncle Pat starts to stick his nose into everything. Claire will stop at nothing to keep her little brother and mom together with her. Her senior year is nothing like she expected but she is also learning valuable lessons along the way.

This book was a challenging read for me. Maybe it’s because I had to grow up fast and have “adult” responsibilites at a young age. Claire’s story really resonated with me though. I found myself becoming angry at all the people around her who were letting her deal with all of this alone when some of them could have stepped up and helped her. Claire became so much stronger through this experience and learned to love, forgive, and plan a future that she wanted, not what others expected of her.

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How to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Shannen Kern

How to Catch Little Boys and Eat ThemHow to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My entire family and I love this author’s work! We know that we are in for a fun adventure when we begin reading one of their books. This one is a twist of a classic Jack and the Beanstalk, and we absolutely fell in love with it! The illustrations were super neat, and I thought it flowed just perfectly for a kids book. It held the attention of my hyperactive 7-year-old, and even got some conversation going with my 11-year-old as she doesn’t think about the older fairy tales as much. This book is original and incredibly unique. I highly recommend picking it up and sharing it with the younger ones in your life!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Shannen Kern

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I didn’t know what to expect when I picked this one up, but it really blew us away! The cover pulled me in as it is just beautiful, and the synopsis painted a cool picture as well. I read this with my middle schooler, and we were pleasantly surprised to see the different kinds of fairy tales that we aren’t accustomed to. I loved that each story we read felt like jumping into a completely different world. Even though this is aimed towards a teenage audience, I thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend to anyone that likes a collection of creative folklore!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Jo Wright

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love short stories! This is an awesome set of short stories, but I would have to say my favorite was the last one called Bones of the Soul. I was nowhere near ready for it to end the way that it did. This set is not what I was expecting, but instead it was so much more! These otherworldly tales roped me into Berve’s imagination and let me tell you, I was not fighting to get back out!

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Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Saved by the Everyday HeroSaved by the Everyday Hero by Amelia Hayden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors

Saved by the Everyday Hero Anthology is a wonderfully written collection of limited edition Romances by some pretty amazing authors. Some are fairly new to me while others I’m familiar with. This is a collection of stories of knights in shining armor that comes in many different forms. What I loved most was how each story was about a different kind of hero,rather it be a blue collar or maybe it’s a neighbor or just a friend. Heroes are everywhere. My emotions were all over the place with each new story I read. Unexpected Heroes by Naomi Valkyrie is one author I never hesitate to read and this MM Romance takes the cake .i loved Elijah and Jade. Elijah’s past seems to have followed him and his little son. Can Jade protect Elijah and little Griffin from harm? I highly recommend reading this wonderfully written anthology. Who knows you may find a new author or two. I look forward to exploring more books by these authors.

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I Am An Outer Space Alien (I am an Alien) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

I Am An Outer Space Alien (I am an Alien)I Am An Outer Space Alien by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
I Am An Outer Space Alien (I am an Alien) by Lois Wickstrom

I Am An Outer Space Alien is the first book in the I am an Alien series that my five year old and I loved reading. We are huge fans of this author and have read several books by her. Each one of her stories have a message to be learned, this one we took away not everyone is the same rather, its how we look or where we come from. My son loved it and we read it several times already. The illustrations are colorful and bring the story to life. This is aimed for children ages 4-8. Shirl feels like she doesn’t fit in with other humans and feels different from others. Shirl thinks because she’s different she must be an alien. What will happen when Eeh-ahh a real alien shows up? I highly recommend reading this book to find out. We look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Christine Baranek

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Leaving No Traces
By: P J Mann

This is another wonderful Detective Scala tale. It is part of a series, but honestly each book functions as its own. This is a complex case from the start, it features what appears to be one case of a murder, or maybe an abduction because there is no body, just a car and a lot of blood in the driver’s seat. However, there ends up being more than one body and definitely lots more to this case including the mafia. Plus there’s the added drama of a witness who has to stay alive in order to testify about anything.
This is definitely filled with twists and turns and I loved every minute of it. As a character, I love Detective Scala. But the truth is, it is the cases he solves that keeps me coming back for more. This one had a little bit of everything and literally kept me up way past my bedtime. Everytime I thought I had it figured out, another twist would make me change my mind! I definitely recommend this one and the rest of the series!!!

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How to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Angela Plate, August 2023

How to Catch Little Boys and Eat ThemHow to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a cute story. A kids twisted version of Jack and the Beanstalk in a good way. I would age this book for children a little bit older than her normal books, but that’s just me.

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Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert – Review by Christine Baranek

Granting KatelynGranting Katelyn by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Granting Katelyn

By: S.E. Reichart

This is the second book in the Sweet Valley Series. It reads as a standalone, however, the first book Raising Elle, is by far and away one of the best books I’ve read this year and therefore I would definitely recommend reading that one first. It gives you a feel for the characters that are in this book as they are introduced in the first one. This book is Grant’s turn to explore his past and open himself to others. Katelyn is new to the area and comes to help treat Grant’s horse. I loved Grant in the first story and I was so glad I got to know him better in this one. Katelyn was a great addition to Sweet Valley. I definitely enjoyed this story and Katelyn and Grant getting to know each other. I definitely recommend this story and this series and I cannot wait to see what will happen next in the series!

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Firewall by Jessica Mehring – Review by Christine Baranek

FirewallFirewall by Jessica Mehring
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Jessica Mehring

This is a very good new Romantic Suspense by Jessica Mehring. This is the first book I have read of hers and it will not be my last. Veronica and Angus were written very well and their banter while being put in suspenseful situations was entertaining. I loved the twists and turns that this book kept delivering because it definitely kept me turning the pages. I did not want to put this one down until it was over. I also really enjoyed the chemistry between the two main characters. I definitely recommend this one as it is very very well written and will keep you on your toes!

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Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan – Review by Christine Baranek

Back to the 80'sBack to the 80’s by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Back to the 80s
By: S.E. Reichart and Kerrie Flanagan

This is the sweetest story I have read in a while. Blaine is a sweet protagonist. I love how involved and invested she was in the store. She definitely wants to keep her mother alive. Eric was an interesting character to me. He came in the way I fully expected him to, ready to take over the store for his own interests. However, their bet was so fun and cute. I loved their banter and how they slowly started to gain more of an interest for each other. This plot was legitimately super sweet and really this was the perfect book to read after I had just finished reading several suspense stories. I loved the way that the story made me feel and I was literally just happy as I was reading this. I definitely recommend reading this story, if for no other reason than to see who will win their bet.

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Reticent Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 2) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Christine Baranek

Reticent Hawke: A Billionaire Reverse Age Gap Best Friend's Older Sister Forbidden Romance (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 2)Reticent Hawke: A Billionaire Reverse Age Gap Best Friend’s Older Sister Forbidden Romance by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reticent Hawke
By: Gwyn McNamee

This is not my first book in the Hawke family series, nor will it be my last. I absolutely love her stories. Each book in this series definitely functions as a standalone. However, I definitely recommend reading each and every book. Each of the stories are interconnected in small ways and the ways the family interact carry through from story to story. Also, the family is the thread that connects the stories.
Jude and Angelina were wonderfully written characters and I loved the amount of thought that it was clear that Gwyn McNamee put into each of them. Each of them was flawed, with many problems / difficulties. Also, there is the normal emotional story line that is expected from a Hawke family story. I definitely recommend picking up this book and the rest of the books in the Hawke family series. I have never been disappointed by one of Gwyn McNamee’s books! This will definitely deliver you a great read.

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The Reluctant Suitor (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Jennifer Gordon

The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western (The Studs of Clear Creek County)The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An enjoyable and engaging contemporary western style romance which kept me happily turning the pages. The storyline features an interracial relationship between college educated Billie Jean Wills and the wealthy Fisher Hines. When Billie Jean finds out that the blacks at the Locke Farm are working under horrible conditions she decides to fight for their rights, along with her cousin Greta Fay. However, to force any real change in their small town they have to take on one of the most powerful families, the Lockes. Billie Jean did not expect to feel an instant connection with the supervisor of Locke Farm, and therefore the enemy, Fisher Hines. Fisher is proud to be the supervisor and has finally gained the admiration of his high society parents, but he can’t deny the feelings he has for Billie Jean. Fisher wants a future and a chance at true love with Billie Jean, but by her going up against the Lockes it threatens everything that not only him but his family has worked for. The small town setting was really brought to life through the descriptive narrative as were the characters. The chemistry between Billie Jean and Fisher sizzled off the page, and I liked how their relationship developed despite several barriers, including race, an age gap and forbidden love. The author is not afraid to tackle some major issues and does so sensitively. An entertaining read, and one which I recommend.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Donya Pedigo

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Could you be living in a fairy tale right this minute? Caitlin Berve thinks so. As she says, fairy tales are all around us, even in this modern age when I’ve noticed that people tend to pay more attention to electronics than each other. I really enjoyed her unique modern retellings of several fairy tales. She has added magic, intrigue, romance, and just so many amazing aspects that I never would’ve thought of or expected. The twists and turns and details she has put into these stories and her writing is phenomenal. The first story, Letters from a Wu, was my favorite and an amazing start to this book. This story of a changeling was so brilliantly written in a back and forth letter style that I’m sure it made it hard to get the narrative across without it feeling like an info dump rather than a fun, interesting story, but Caitlin Berve accomplished this seamlessly. If you want quick fun stories to read, then definitely check out this book.

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I Am An Outer Space Alien (I am an Alien) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kerry Baker

I Am An Outer Space Alien (I am an Alien)I Am An Outer Space Alien by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This author has done it, yet again. She has produced an engaging, entertaining and educational story that had our whole family riveted. This author has joined a small handful of other authors that my kids ask for constantly. We re-read each book multiple times, and every time we do they seem to find a new part that becomes their favourite.
I love the way this author creates something that is fun and yet teaches kids something fundamental. The pictures within the stories always bring them to live too. This was just another example of how brilliant her work can be and we are already looking forward to the next book.

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Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys Book 2) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Kerry Baker

Fortune's Favorite (Soulbound Journeys #2)Fortune’s Favorite by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As soon as I saw another book by this author, I picked it up and started reading immediately. As the second book in the series, I would highly suggest reading the previous book first. I was pulled straight back into this series, and this story, right from the first page. It was the kind of book I struggled to put down once I had picked it up.
This book is exciting to read. It is well written, engaging and had some brilliant characters. This author really knows how to produce a creative and captivating books. I would highly recommend all of their work and this series at the top.

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Taz (Devil’s Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter Book 3) by D.M. Earl – Review by Tausha Treadway

Taz: (Devil's Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter)Taz: by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Taz (Devil’s Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter Book 3) by D.M. Earl. This is such a good series and I loved this book. It can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend reading the others first. Its the story of Taz who is a smart, independent woman who is the accountant for the Devil’s Handmaiden. She also has a son Teddy, that is autistic and he is her world. When he begins to get bullied she turns to the Devil’s Handmaidens MC, her friend Travis “the Enforcer” Milford and his friends from the Intruder to help. They rally around Teddy and protect him from the bullies. As Travis and Taz begin to spend more and more time together they begin to get feelings for one another. Taz also has some baggage from her past that comes back to haunt her in this story. Read this story to find out if Taz and Travis can make their relationship work even with all the factors around trying to break them up.

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Tempting Fate (Black Shamrocks MC: Australia Book 1) by Bella Faust – Review by Rosanna Ingram

Tempting Fate: a dark and angsty love triangle romance (Black Shamrocks MC: Australia Book 1)Tempting Fate: a dark and angsty love triangle romance by Bella Faust
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lily survived a horrific event when she turned 18. She has been piecing her life back together with the help of her fiance and her friends in the motorcycle club. However, when her attacker is released from prison, her safety is at risk once again. This brings with it lies, betrayal, deceit, and even a love triangle. The story ends on a cliffhanger…as this is the first book in a trilogy.

This book kept me on the edge of my seat. Let me start by saying it is important to heed the trigger warnings…they are there for a reason. This story is is dangerous and sexy….full of lies and love…hurt and anger….it’s all there. My heart broke for Lily multiple times throughout the story…but she has a fire and strength inside her that keeps her moving forward. Each of the characters drew me in…but some I loved and some I hated. And that ending?!?!?! I will definitely be waiting for the next story.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Carla Clemmons

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I normally don’t read books with short stories but this one made me glad I did. My four favorites were Letters from a Wu; Borrowed Skin, Borrowed Year; A Love to Sleep For and my absolute favorite Bones of the Soul. Each of these stories got me thinking in different ways. The overwhelming sadness and anger in Letters from a Wu to the touching greatness of Bones of the Soul. All of these stories were not like ones I’ve read before. They were a very interesting take on fairy tales. Some I had heard of and some I had not and had to look them up. Like the one about a selkie, I had never heard of them before this book. I definitely enjoyed the writing style too. It made me not want to finish the book and I just wanted more. Even if you don’t normally read short story collections you would still enjoy this one. It definitely held my interest until the very last page.

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Reticent Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 2) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Katie Matthews

Reticent Hawke: (A Second Generation Hawke Family Novel) (The Hawke Family Second Generation)Reticent Hawke: (A Second Generation Hawke Family Novel) by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was so excited to read this newest release by one of my favourite authors ever! I love a good forbidden romance and this one was a brilliant read! There was so much tension, angst and a whole lot of chemistry going on between the characters I couldn’t turn the pages quick enough to find out what was going to happen next. I think I may have found my second favourite book by this author (although I love all of them) this one was just amazing – I’m struggling to even find the words to do this book justice – the last time I was lost for words was when I read Savage Collision!!
This really is a FANTASTIC read and I cannot recommend it enough – its excellently written with amazing characters!

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Ruthless Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 1) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Katie Matthews

Ruthless Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation #1)Ruthless Hawke by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Will this author ever write a book that I don’t love straight away – ever since the first one I read by her I’ve been the biggest fan. She writes the most amazing books with some of the best characters ever – I love that we are now seeing the families expanding and starting to read about the next generation of the Hawke family!

I loved the prequel to this book and it got me excited to read more about the characters and as I expected it did not disappoint at all. Jack and Isaac were wonderful characters to read about. You can definitely see the family traits with Isaac!! I really liked that the relationship built between the two characters – it definitely made the anticipation of things between them more intense!

There was a lot more emotion in the story than I expected – the author definitely knows how to get the tears flowing that’s for sure!

I am looking forward for more to come from this series!

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The Reluctant Suitor (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western (The Studs of Clear Creek County)The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an author that I never hesitate to pick up and she never lets me down in the romance department. This is one of my favorites by her for sure. I enjoyed reading this romance story about how far are you willing to go to fight for what is right along with the willingness to fight for happiness. Billie Jean and Fischer are great characters that are strong, supportive and connectable. They pull you into their world with ease and keep you there until the end. They have great growth throughout. Their chemistry and attraction made me want to know more about them and what fate has in store for them. I found their story to be fast paced and hard to put down. A story you don’t want to miss. I really enjoyed reading this book and I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

The Reluctant Suitor (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western (The Studs of Clear Creek County)The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is part of the Studs of Clear Creek County series where each book can be read as a standalone. This historical romance book follows Billie and Fisher and the ‘journey’ to each other’s arms.

I have enjoyed this series; the books are short but not lacking in content. There are tough issues included in the book which are important to note even now, and I like the fact that author includes this in their books.

I enjoy the authors writing style and the way the characters are portrayed and actions described. It adds to my enjoyment of the book as it adds personality to each of the characters.

I look forward to what the author brings out next!

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Sage Advice by Cori Cooper – Review by Katie Matthews

Sage AdviceSage Advice by Cori Cooper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a wonderful read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I’ve read a few books by this author now and she’s got such a great writing style – her stories really engage me the whole way through.

This is a young adult romance story and it definitely transported me back to that time in my life – I think I’m certain I wouldn’t like to go through it again. I found the characters really engaging and a lot of young readers would definitely be able to relate to some of the things the main character, Pyper, is going through. There were some great secondary characters in the story too.

This is definitely a great YA romance read and I would recommend it to readers of all ages.

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Fortune’s Favorite (Soulbound Journeys Book 2) by C. L. Schneider – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Fortune's Favorite (Soulbound Journeys #2)Fortune’s Favorite by C.L. Schneider
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is an author that I never hesitate to pick up. This is the second book in this series in which I highly suggest reading the previous book first, it will help your enhancement of the series and this author. This is a well written story where the characters are brought to life by the author’s writing skills. They pull you into the story from the start. They keep the story engaging and hard to put down. Ian Troy was content with a quiet ride down the coast. As he stops to resupply before continuing his voyage, something feels off about this port. What happens next, you don’t want to miss. A story with adventure, some suspense and a character who brings it all together. I enjoyed watching the growth of this story. It is easy and entertaining to read. I enjoyed the characters and what they brought to the story. I highly recommend this book.

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