
Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Indigo has a brilliant mind. She has built a better life for herself than she is accustomed too. While working on a project she receives threats the brings flashbacks of her past. Indigo and Gideon live together and what started as friends is quickly developing into feelings. This book is as good as the first.

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Bared. (A Green St. Girls Romance) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Angela Renee Diaz

Bared. (Green St. Girls #1)Bared. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Athena wasn’t looking for love and of course that is what happens. Tru shows her what she needs and been missing. What Athena goes through as a minor molds her into the woman she is now. Will Athena and Tru let there past continue to haunt them or will they let their love heal them? I’m really enjoying this series can’t wait to read what happens next.

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Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Megan Conley

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this novel with a gritty, determined, realistic heroine. Jessica Watts was abandoned by her parents and had to grow up fast in order to survive. She doesn’t let anyone get close and is the tough-as-nails heroine you’d think she’d be. However, when a Mexican tycoon approaches her to help him find his missing daughter, Jessica can’t walk away from the pay-out he’s offering. This mission takes Jessica on every twist and turn imaginable and leaves her for dead more than once. Definitely check out this book if you love mysteries and tough on the outside, but soft on the inside heroines.


Reviewed by @meggs1717

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Megan Conley

The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) by P J Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 2nd book in the series; however, you can read it as a stand alone…the only thing you are missing out on is really getting to know Detective Scala (but you get that in this book…you just don’t have it from the beginning). I love a good mystery thriller and P.J. Mann did not disappoint with this one. The dual perspectives between Detective Scala and the killer was *chef’s kiss* and probably my favorite part about the entire book (I love a good dual perspective). I really like Mann’s writing style and look forward to reading more.

Reviewed by @meggs1717

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How to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Alison Risher

How to Catch Little Boys and Eat ThemHow to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is hysterical! The premise of the book is ingenious. I find the pop culture references quite amusing. The artwork is incredibly beautiful. It reminds me of the forest witch luring children to her candy-adorned hut in the woods.

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How to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Megan Conley

How to Catch Little Boys and Eat ThemHow to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a cute retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk with a twist. Wickstrom’s take on classic fairytales are unique and this one is no different. In this version, we get the giant’s perspective and what he plans to do with Jack; however, Jack outsmarts him with some quick problem-solving. I always enjoys the way she weaves lessons into her stories and the illustrations are always interesting and special.

Reviewed by @meggs1717

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Love Bites More (The Darkness & Light Duology, and the Love Bites World) by TL Clark – Review by Lisa Helmick

Love Bites MoreLove Bites More by T.L. Clark
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It has been a bit since I have read previous books in this world. This is a nice story that incorporates characters from the previous stories but could also be read as a stand alone. I had met the main characters of this story previously but knew little about them. I kind of wish there was more to their individual stories other than watching, eating and time spent in the Den of Sin. There really wasn’t too much else until the third came Into play. I was slightly disappointed as I was expecting another great story in this world filled different characters. I did not feel much of a connection between the two Watchers but I did with their respective partner.

Overall This did not hold up to what I was expecting. It is an okay story without a lot of angst or action and not my favorite of the series. It was nice seeing the old characters and their familiars again.

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Planting Hope by Jennifer Raines – Review by Kerry Carr

Planting HopePlanting Hope by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a sweet contemporary romance. The author does an amazing job with the characters making the reader feel like they know them and are invested in their lives. This is a story about finding love when you least expect it. It is a story of fear, compassion, love and angst. There is some sensitive topics touched up such as the loss of a friend in horrific circumstances, and history of a bad childhood that the author writes about in a very respectful and sensitive way.

Holly was a nurse in the emergency department of the hospital. After witnessing her friend murdered before her and being unable to save her it has left Holly with a lot of trauma and doubting what she wants to do with her life. Since they she volunteers as a nurse at music festivals. As she trys to rebuild her life her grandmother has a fall. When Holly rushes to her side her grandmother tells her she needs to keep working on the project else it won’t get going. So Holly agrees and this is how she meets Christopher.
Christopher has had a pretty rough start in life and he is trying everything to prove that the violence he grew up with isn’t inside of him. He started working on this research project with Holly’s grandmother to provide and safe space for children who are going through or witnessed violence. Christopher’s idea is that gardening could produce some therapeutic benefit for these children.
When Holly takes over in her grandmothers place the connection between her and Kit gets stronger and the attraction grows.
Can this relationship really work? Will the gardening therapy actually help Holly heals some of her wounds? And what happens when Christopher’s demons raise their heads is he strong enough to fight them to protect the woman he’s falling for and the children he wants to help so badly?

This is a sweet romance about 2 people who are struggling with demons and wounds from their past working together and finding a way of not only healing themselves but each other in the process

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Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood – Review by Shelly Kittell

Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales #1)Mr Lucky by Lee Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very interesting story. I liked the action in it I found the story premise to the be intriguing. He loses everything and spirals down. All of a sudden, he wins the lottery and everyone is after him. There is plenty of adventure and drama. The characters are quite well-written. It’s an intriguing drama that will grab you right from the beginning. I highly recommend it.

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Liz’s Road Trip by Bernadette Marie – Review by Shelly Kittell

Liz's Road TripLiz’s Road Trip by Bernadette Marie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Even though Liz is dealing with her Grandmother’s death, I found this story so entertaining and cathartic because Liz comes into her self on a trip of self discovery. Her Gran makes her go on a trip of self-discovery. Nothing is as it seems. I loved this story. Between Grace, Cosmo and Watts, they all helped support her. It’s an uplifting story that will have you feeling all the feels. This author is one of my favorites because she writes and makes you feel like you are sitting and hanging out with friends. A wonderful story to add to my collection.

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Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan – Review by Shelly Kittell

Back to the 80'sBack to the 80’s by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Being a Gen-X and living through the 80’s, I loved the story and reminiscing about the items and references throughout. The story is quite funny. The two primary characters have spark and need a little bit to realize it. My family thought I was losing it from my giggling through the story, from Eric’s sister being called names by the karate instructor to Eric splashing Blaine outside the restaurant and then acting innocent. This story is very entertaining and full of humor. Watching these two work through things is quite satisfying. It’s a wonderful story and well worth reading.

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Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis – Review by Shelly Kittell

Vampires of AtlantisVampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fascinating paranormal story with a new twist. The characters are all quite entertaining. The plot has just a few minor glitches with tiny details yet it flows so nice. I loved the storyline. It is nice to read something about the paranormal vampire, werewolf, etc. with a whole new view. Tossing in Atlantis just gives it a whole new perspective. I enjoyed every minute. I was unable to put the book down. Right from the start, I was enthralled with the story. For you paranormal romance lovers out there, I highly suggest this one.

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Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Shelly Kittell

Leaving No Traces (Commissario Scala #5)Leaving No Traces by P. J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Detective Scala reminds me of a dog going after a bone. He will go after ever fact. He gets what seems like a straightforward case. Nope, nothing is as it seems. This is another fantastic mystery from this author that has us following Detective Scala as hee tries to find out who the murderer is. The twists and turns will surprise you. I love the writing of this author. She fascinates me with the details and the character personalities. The plots are always just the right style that you are pulled in from the start. Another winner that you should read.

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Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert – Review by Shelly Kittell

Granting KatelynGranting Katelyn by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Katelynn is asked to help Hugh and his owner, Grant with some equine therapy. Little did she know that she would be helping them both. Hugh, a horse, suffered an accident and she was the only one who could reach and help him. Grant, better known as “The Beast”, is an overbearing grump. He also suffered from the same accident. This story kind of made me think of Beauty and the Beast. There were a few extra villians in the story that sure made you not like them. I found myself rooting for Kate and Grant. These two had a lot of issues to get through. Kate taught that hardships can be overcome. Life can be hard but you can get through. I love this series. Elle’s story was good. Kate’s story has been lovely and heartwarming. The writing is beautiful. The characters are fantastic. The storyline is smooth with no glitches. I couldn’t put it down. I can’t wait to read the older sister’s story next.

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Angela Shirley

The Secrets they Hide (Commissario Scala #2)The Secrets they Hide by P.J. Mann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Detective Scala has received a mysterious note within his car, as he reads he discovers that not all maybe well and that he maybe caught up in something big. As the weeks go on nothing major happens until one night he is called to the cemetery as a body of a young man is discovered.

As he investigates the young man’s death he then unravels connections with seemingly unrelated murders pushing it further into lines of deceit and corruption. As him and his team investigate further dark secrets are discovered and will he be able to stop this killer before another body is found.

This the first book I have read by this author and what a start to my journey. The character of Maurizio Scala was sharp and non nonsense which was refreshing to read and brilliant to follow, with the introduction of the team and the secondary characters it had you engrossed all the way through.

Although this is the second book in the series I felt comfortable reading this as a stand alone story and did not loss anything in the back story or history. I loved the dual prospective of the story where you got to see inside the killers mind as well as the police which made the thrilling twists and turns even more exciting.

I would really like to go back and read the first book and hopefully more moving forward.

Firewall by Jessica Mehring – Review by Shelly Kittell

FirewallFirewall by Jessica Mehring
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an excellent romantic suspense thriller. Veronica finds a suspicious hard drive and the fun starts there. Her best friend, Cera, sends her brother, Angus, to protect her. I found the action and drama to be exciting and intense. The writing is well-done. The story starts right off with grabbing your attention. I couldn’t put it down. It’s a short book so you get a lot packed in but it doesn’t feel rushed. The characters are developed well. The chemistry between Angus and Veronica is intriguing because neither has time for a relationship but here it comes. An exciting read that fit in perfect for a weekend read. This was a new author to me and I hope to read more.

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How to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

How to Catch Little Boys and Eat ThemHow to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What do giants and little boys have in common? They both need to eat and a giants favourite thing is little boys, but not when they are scared, so this giant hatches a plan to catch his favourite meal.

He is so confident in how well his plan works, that he makes an infomercial for any other giants to follow, this is of course after he tries it our for himself and his first victim is Jack.

First he sells some magic beans, then he let’s Jack steal a goose which lays golden eggs and a golden harp, so when Jack comes back the third time, it is time to show him the cooking pot.

Will Jack fall victim to this giants plan, or will be able to escape? This is a fun retelling of a favourite childhood tale which any age will enjoy from beginning to end.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Parisian Intrigue by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Parisian Intrigue (Notebook Mysteries #6)Parisian Intrigue by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is 1889 when Emma and family return and this time they have been given an all expenses paid trip to Paris, so as they prepare for the very short notice excursion, they wonder who is behind it. It is out of the blue, but it is something none of them want to miss out on, especially when they find out that there will be a special exposition on at the same time.

The trip involves a few trains and a boat across the ocean, so Emma is excited that she isn’t on her own this time and that Jeremy, Dora and Tim can enjoy the experience with her. The first night, all four find new people to get to know and so they split the journey between new found friends and family, but they don’t mix together and that puts Emma on edge.

When they get to Paris, they are surprised with their hotel, it is much nicer than expected and bigger too, settle in and make a plan for what they want to see at the exposition over the next few days. As they explore the sights and sounds of the halls, their new friends seem to appear everywhere they do and unusual things start happening to and around them.

They think they can finally have some peace and quiet until a young girl arrives on their doorstep looking for Emma and collapses, when she wakes up, there are more questions than answers for the dynamic duo. Meanwhile, Dora and Tim become privy to a secret they wished they had never found out, but can they solve the intrigue surrounding it by themselves?

This is another thrilling mystery on a beautiful setting as secrets, lies and technology mix to form a dangerous and twisted web around the four intrepid investigators until all the loose ends are ties up in this race to uncover dangerous plots and marvellous discoveries.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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The Secrets they Hide (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2) (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>The Secrets they Hide: A Commissario Scala Mystery (Book 2)</a> by <a href=””>P J Mann</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Detective Scala is back and up to his neck in mystery of whodunit. After finding a note attached to a deceased young man in the cemetary he is determined to find out every last one of the dark secrets mentioned. How deep does the corruption go? What makes this interesting is that the unsub seems to be a poet. The poetic notes have the clues hidden to help the dogged detective solve the crime. The author did a great job of engaging the reader from the beginning and keeping them engaged until the end. I enjoyed going along for the ride with Detective Scala and look forward to solving more mysteries.
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Taking Flight (Code of Honor Book 2) by Brooke May – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Taking Flight (Code of Honor Book 2)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Taking Flight</a> by <a href=””>Brooke May</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Jody Meadows is the mastermind behind the hits that her sister performs. While sister os out there in the limelight and becoming famous, Jody is in the shadows wishing for something different. Holt is on leave from the Air Force and hopes to have some fun in Germany. He and Jody just so happen to be in the same bar and when sparks fly they know one night won’t be enough. Jody is a mystery to Holt and he has never been more interested in solving one. With all of his friends settling down, has Holt finally found the one? As I have said before in other reviews on this series, the author does a great job of engaging the readers. These books are fast paced but you never feel like the story is lacking in any way. Be ready to get lost in yet another good book in the Code of Honor series.
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Regaining Integrity (Code of Honor Book 4) by Brooke May – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”Regaining Integrity” src=”” /></a><a href=””>Regaining Integrity</a> by <a href=””>Brooke May</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
It’s always nice to be able to curl up and read the day away with a sweet romance. I became a fan of this author after I read the first book in this series and none of them have been disappointing. In this story we meet Chase. He’s a ladies man who isn’t ready to settle down until he meets her, Angelica. She just so happens to be the teacher of his nephew and he has her in his sights. The characters are well developed and I enjoyed watching their relationship evolve. If you like fast paced romances with HEAs pick up any of of the books in this series. They can all be read as standalone, but of course it is always worth it to read a series from the beginning.
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Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood

♦ ~ 🔍 ~ 👣 ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ♦ ~ 🔍👣 ~
Mr Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood
Gene – Crime, Thriller
Page Count – 268

A single instant shattered Detective James Sheldon’s perfect life. Eighteen months later, he is begging for loose change on the streets and contemplating suicide.

In a strange twist of fate, he wins a record-breaking 168 million lottery. But what should be a life-changing dream becomes a heart-pumping nightmare.

Suddenly James finds himself thrust into a dangerous game where he’s forced to confront drug dealers, crime bosses out to destroy him, and the personal demons that keep him up at night. The question is – can he come to terms with his new wealth?

Totally unpredictable!

Not your usual crime novel plot.

Perfect for readers who enjoy a story with more twists and turns than a rollercoaster.

What Readers Say About Mr Lucky

–“An imaginative scenario composed of one man’s choice to do good with an unexpected windfall. Vindictive jealousy and unmerited retribution.”

–“Reminded me of both Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy’s Trading Places and the Nicholas Cage film, Leaving Las Vegas in places, with a soupcon of The Sopranos in the mix.” –“This is a fantastic read. It really moved me from the start with the scene about the homeless man. I would highly recommend it.”

–“Once you start reading, you won’t want to stop until you finish. It’s got a strong narrative drive as we learn how the paths of homeless man and a major drug dealer cross thanks to $100M lottery win. The characters are well-drawn and believable.” –“Most of us have fantasised at some point in our life about what we would do if we won a lottery. Lee Wood provides us with a surprising yet believable scenario set in suburban UK and featuring contemporary social issues including drugs, prostitution, corruption, homelessness and the plight of the working class.”

If you enjoy beautifully crafted British Crime by authors such as Adam Croft, Alex Smith, JD Kirk, Rachel McLean and Helen H Durrant, then you’ll love this series set in the fictional town of Trentbridge, a cross between Cambridge and Stoke-On-Trent.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Mr. Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood 

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Mr. Lucky (Trentbridge Tales Book 1) by Lee Wood

Before semi-retiring and turning to write novels, Lee had a varied career. He spent more than 20 years working in the music industry. Everything from playing in bands as a teenager to running an indie record label and record shop during the punk rock era to starting a music collector’s magazine and building it from zero to a circulation of 14,000 copies a month.

He’s met virtually every top ‘pop star’ and achieved one of his lifetime ambitions when he became manager of The Troggs, one of his all-time favourite bands from his teens.

He wrote a best-selling book on the Sex Pistols in 1988, which was published by Omnibus Press and thanks to their well-oiled publicity machine sold a respectable 60,000 copies. It was also published in Japan – in Japanese!

He has lived in Cambridge for most of his life and looks on writing as a new adventure. He still finds time to play the guitar (Fender Stratocaster) and is currently learning to play the drums with his wife. They found a drum teacher who has a studio with two kits and they are learning to play together side by side.

Mr. Lucky, is the first novel in the series. They are all available in eBook and paperback formats.

Author Interview with Lee Wood



Firewall by Jessica Mehring

Firewall by Jessica Mehring
Genre – Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 160
Cover Designer – Marianne Nowicki

Veronica Clark is a respected IT security professional for one of the largest financial management firms in San Francisco. When she finds evidence that the company has been hacked, however, it’s HERSELF who needs security.

Angus Miller has proudly carried on the family name, hoping to become the youngest ever battalion chief of Engine Company 62. But battling fires is a piece of cake next to keeping his sister’s best friend, Veronica, safe from the people who want to silence her.

When danger fans the flames of attraction between Veronica and Angus, staying alive gets a lot more complicated.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Firewall by Jessica Mehring

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Firewall by Jessica Mehring

Jessica Mehring is a Colorado-based author, copywriter and consultant. She believes that history and nature are our greatest teachers, yet she is also endlessly fascinated by  technology and the human brain. She loves reading, walks in the woods, and creating and collecting art. She lives with her husband, two daughters, and more pets than she’d like to admit to — and her growing collection of books and office supplies are slowly taking over their house. You can connect with Jessica at

Author Interview with Jessica Mehring



Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan

💕..••°°°°••..💕 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 💕..••°°°°••..💕
Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan
Genre – Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 274
Cover Designer – Marianne Nowicki
 Blaine Reynolds is the owner of, “Back to the 80s” a novelty shop that her deceased mother passed on to her. Eric Morales is a developer who intends to destroy it to build a new brewery. In a desperate attempt to save what she holds most dear, she makes a bet with Eric that she just needs 30 days to prove to him why the 80s were totally rad and that her store is worth saving. He agrees with no intention of losing. As the month goes on, Blaine immerses Eric into a world of Cabbage Patch dolls, classic video games and neon. But the two soon realize there may be more at stake than either of them originally thought. Can they win the bet and still not lose their hearts to each other?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Back to the 80s by S.E. Reichert and Kerrie Flanagan

Sarah Reichert (S.E. Reichert) grew up in Wyoming, where everything was at least one decade behind. So the 80s were the era she remembers most fondly. She is a writer, novelist, poet and blogger. She is the author of the Southtown Harbor Series and is a member of the Northern Colorado Writers, WyoPoets, and Wyoming Writers. Her other works have been featured in various poetry and short story journals. Her novella, “Saturn Rising” was recently produced as a five-part audiocast from Ngano Press Studios.

She has three novels coming out in 2023 with 5 Prince Publishing, set in her home state. Reichert lives in Fort Collins with her family. In her non-writing hours, she is a mother to two teenage girls, a wrangler of cats, a hiker of mountains, and trains in Kenpo Karate.


Kerrie Flanagan is a child of the 80s who obsessed over Journey, spent way too much time curling her hair each day, loved hanging out at the mall and remembers the launch of MTV. Now as an adult, she realizes the 80s were the best decade. When not reminiscing about Hair Bands and John Hughes movies, she is a freelance writer with hundreds of published articles and essays and is an award-winning author of 20+ books, including the book, 100 Haiku for the 80s Generation and 3 sci-fi and fantasy series with a coauthor under the pen name, C.G. Harris and. She has been a professional writer for over two decades, a writing instructor, and a writing consultant.

Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert

Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert
Genre – Western Romance
Page Count – 306
Cover Designer – Marianne Nowicki
 When Katelyn Sullivan travels across the country to help treat an injured prized thoroughbred, she has no idea that its owner, Grant Tennyson, will try to stand in her way. But Grant’s painful past becomes part of the mystery Katelyn must solve if she wants to help save his horse. Can she get close enough to this beast of a man, without losing her heart?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Granting Katelyn (Sweet Valley Series) by S.E. Reichert

Sarah Reichert (S.E. Reichert) grew up in Wyoming, where everything was at least one decade behind. So the 80s were the era she remembers most fondly. She is a writer, novelist, poet and blogger. She is the author of the Southtown Harbor Series and is a member of the Northern Colorado Writers, WyoPoets, and Wyoming Writers. Her other works have been featured in various poetry and short story journals. Her novella, “Saturn Rising” was recently produced as a five-part audiocast from Ngano Press Studios.

She has three novels coming out in 2023 with 5 Prince Publishing, set in her home state. Reichert lives in Fort Collins with her family. In her non-writing hours, she is a mother to two teenage girls, a wrangler of cats, a hiker of mountains, and trains in Kenpo Karate.

Author Interview with S.E. Reichert



Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis

🏰 🌸 💘 💫 📔 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 📔 💫 💘 🌸 🏰
Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis
Genre – Fantasy, Romance
Page Count – 222
Cover Designer – Marianne Nowicki

When Atlantis sank, it took with it a prison holding the worst monsters the earth had ever seen, and it needed something more powerful to guard them. Vampires. A race of humans, Descendants of Atlantis, once held captive by a stone that took their will and made them happy blood slaves, had gained their freedom from the Vampires of Atlantis, but the Descendants never stopped fearing the blood-suckers who had once enslaved them. 

When an unspeakable monster escapes its Atlantean prison, its Ians job to track it above the waterline and bring it back. 

Ians quest is derailed by the woman he finds seconds from death. Can he convince her to help him save the Descendants of Atlantis from a vampire and his monster minion? 

Will she turn against him when she finds out what he is, what she is, and what hes willing to sacrifice for the greater good?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Vampires of Atlantis by Courtney Davis

Courtney Davis is an urban fantasy author residing in North Idaho with her husband and children. By day teaching young children and by night trying to find time to write down all the stories in her head. She’s always had a passion for reading and writing and has found great pleasure in providing others with an escape through the stories she writes.

Author Interview with Courtney Davis



Liz’s Road Trip by Bernadette Marie

Liz’s Road Trip by Bernadette Marie
Genre – Women’s Fiction, Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 420
Cover Designer – Marianne Nowicki

 Liz Evans is setting out on a cross-country road trip, with her grandmother’s cat, to carry out her grandmother’s final wishes. However, she’s about to learn that the coupon clipping woman who raised her was actually a wealthy, Hollywood icon who had her share of international lovers.

Mark Watts is only one of the secrets Liz’s grandmother kept from her. A biographer, he resides in Liz’s grandmother’s Palm Beach home, which Liz knew nothing about. As her guide into her grandmother’s past, Mark becomes a confidant, a friend, and more.

Though Liz’s journey is to learn about her grandmother, she finds these lessons turn inward. Content with her life of solitude, Liz is challenged to live a big fat life with no regrets–which just might include a crazy cat, a house in Palm Beach, and a man.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Liz’s Road Trip by Bernadette Marie

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Liz’s Road Trip by Bernadette Marie

Bestselling Author Bernadette Marie writes contemporary romances and believes in Happily Ever After. The married mother of five believes in love at first sight, quick love, and second chances. An avid martial artist, Bernadette Marie is a certified instructor and holds a second degree black belt in Tang Soo Do. She loves Tai Chi, traveling to Disney parks, and having lunch with friends. When not writing, or running her own publishing house, Bernadette is probably immersed in a Rom Com, from which she will often quote one-liners.



Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors

💜 .•°*°•.💜 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 💜 .•°*°•.💜
Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors
Genre – Romance

ANTHOLOGY: Some of us may dream of knights in shining armor, but in this limited edition romance collection our characters learn that the blue collar, everyday heroes are the ones who will rescue their wounded hearts and sweep them off their feet.

From the heat that’s felt being near a fireman, to the thrill of being with a police officer who knows their way around some handcuffs, this collection will have readers seeing that the real happily ever after might come from the hero next door.



After narrowly avoiding a prison sentence, I snatch up the chance to start over. But my ex certainly didn’t make things easy. I’ve lost everything–my job, my reputation, my friends, everything except what matters most, my infant son, Griffin. He’s the reason I live and breathe, but I don’t know if I can do this alone.

Then an angel appears in the form of my new neighbor, Jude. He’s handsome and good with my son, but my heart is hesitant to love again. Especially with Jude’s personal demons interfering, leading him to betray my trust.

Despite our falling out, when my past shows up, putting Griffin in danger, Jude’s the one riding to the rescue. He’s a good man, but am I ready to risk my heart to build a future with him?


He’s gone, and he took my heart and soul with him. Life is now an endless round of working security jobs and losing myself in the bottom of a bottle… until the night I meet my new neighbor Elijah and his baby boy. Suddenly, the future I always wanted is possible again, and I cling to it with all I’ve got. But my clinging leads me to make a decision that could tank everything before it gets started.

Even though Elijah has pushed me away, when he and Griffin are in danger, I can’t stand by and do nothing. Elijah and I may not end up together, but he and his son have become my reason to live. As long as they are safe, nothing else matters. I’d rather they be alive to love from afar, than be dead and return to the darkness I was in before we met, because this time I might not make it out.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Saved by the Everyday Hero (Limited Edition Romance Collections) by Naomi Valkyrie & Various Authors

Naomi Valkyrie, often called a Firebrand Provocateur, brings her unique Autistic perspectives and curiosities to life by weaving tales of deep connection, mystery, and romance. She is inspired by being able to spontaneously create a thought that takes on a life of its own, opening up new adventures for her readers.

The Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy realms are particular areas of interest for Naomi as they allow for the vast exploration of magic, adventure, and the impossible while creating diverse characters that her readers connect with on an emotional level.

When she isn’t attending to familial connections, Naomi loves a dark, comfy reading space surrounded by the symbolism of her spiritual archetypes and her daemon/familiars, while she sips her tea and immerses herself in imagination.



Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann

Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann
Genre – Crime
Cover Designer – Getcovers

Detective Maurizio Scala doesn’t easily give up on a case. When a young woman’s car is discovered abandoned at a service station, blood splatters on the driver’s seat, the detective is determined to unravel the mystery and bring her killer to justice. But when a second murder emerges, it becomes clear that the case is far from straightforward.

As Scala delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of deceit and corruption. With the mafia’s influence lurking at every turn, the stakes have never been higher. As the detective races against the clock to catch the killer, he must also protect a key witness whose life hangs in the balance.

Will Scala be able to crack the case before it’s too late, or will the shadows of the underworld consume him? Find out in this gripping tale of murder, betrayal, and justice.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Leaving No Traces (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann

Paula J. Mann lives a double life. She is a geologist by day and a novelist by night. She’s best known for writing mysteries and thrillers.

She also experimented writing historical fiction, and paranormal suspense.

She loves traveling and shares her experiences on her blog.

Author Interview with P.J. Mann



Guarding the Crease (The Playmakers Series Hockey Romances Book 9) by G.K. Brady – Review by Kiana Corley

Guarding the Crease: An Opposites Attract Romance (The Playmakers Series Hockey Romances Book 9)Guarding the Crease: An Opposites Attract Romance by G.K. Brady
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was phenomenal to read and so hard to put down. G.K. did a fantastic job with this book and developing a plot that sucks the reader in.

This book follows the stories of Wyatt and Serena. Wyatt was a player in the NHL as a goalkeeper. He enjoyed the perks that came along with being a pro athlete and a little too much and it cost him his spot on the roster. Now he wants back in more than anything and there is nothing he won’t do to make that happen.

Serena works in PR for a Hockey team. She loves her job and helping to connect players with the public to raise awareness for worthy causes. She was so excited when the bane and largest time suck of her career got released from the team she works with.

One night Serena and Wyatt run into each other in one of the most unique situations. Stubborn as a bull and with determination, Wyatt was not going to let this chance pass him by.

What happens when two determined people collide? Can someone really change in a few years or are they just a good actor? Can the stuck-up businesswoman stand a chance against a gorgeous and determined man?

Read this book to find out everything that happens with these two. The spicy that comes with this book is extra hot. Keep water close by and read in a cool room. Read to find out if they will mix together or forever be at odds.

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