
Sage Advice by Cori Cooper – Review by Kiana Corley

Sage AdviceSage Advice by Cori Cooper
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an amazing and heartfelt read. Cori did an amazing job at having the characters develop and grow throughout the book.

This book follows Pyper. Pyper is a positive and go-lucky girl. She likes bright colors and helping people. There is only one thing that does not bring a smile to Pyper’s face and that is Prom. Prom is the bane of her existence and she could care less about the tradition of it.

Throughout this story, Pyper starts to learn new things about herself that she never realized before. Pyper is not a fan of being vulnerable around people her age and rarely her family. Luckily she has some friends in her corner that love and support her.

What happens when the girl with all the answers does not know what to do? Can the past blind someone to what is right in front of them? Will her negativity and discontent with prom affect her relationships?

Read this book to find out what happens with Pyper and her friends. Being a high school senior is not all it’s cracked up to be.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by M Policicchio

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Brilliant. That is what this book and this series are. Effing Brilliant. The stories behind these badass women are way too real. These stories are not just about them surviving, they are about these amazing women thriving.

In Broken, the author focuses on Indigo. Indigo is a sexual abuse survivor. (Warning: Discussion and memories of child sex abuse may be a trigger for some.) She got out a few weeks before her 16th birthday and never looked back. Now she is weeks before a megadeal that would solidify her company in the big leagues of the tech world and she is receiving threats. They start small but slowly escalate as the deal is closer to contract signatures.

Gideon, Athena’s brother that tracked her down, has been living in Indigo’s guest house for a while now. They have become BFFs. Gideon is slowly realizing that it is more than just friendship that he feels for Indigo, especially as he gets to know her more. When Indigo asks Gideon to be her personal security for a trip to California, Gideon says yes. Indigo slowly opens up about the threats. Gideon must decide who to trust and if he can truly protect Indigo.

Gideon is sooooooo sweet, kind, understanding, protective, and everything. I think I found my new book boyfriend. Gideon and Indigo were meant to be. Together, they are beautiful and hawt. Yep. Considering everything, the steam level was causing the thermometer to sweat!!! I can’t wait for Gwyn’s story!! Wait…that means the series would be over. I hope not! Anyway, add this to your TBR if you haven’t already!

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Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation Book #7) by Toni Aleo – Review by Angela Hayes

Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation #7)Heavy Shot by Toni Aleo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Heavy Shot is the seventh book in the Nashville Assassins: Next Generation series by Toni Aleo. It is an NA sports romance (hockey), with some forced proximity, a touch of fate, drama, emotion, banter, family, friendship, touching scenes, past trauma, chemistry, and finding love unexpectedly.
So, even though this is the seventh book in a series, it can be read as a standalone, which is what I did- coming into a series backwards- again 😊 But having said that I really got the impression that this would have been an even better reading experience if I’d read the previous books in the series before starting on this one, and perhaps even the original Nashville Assassins series too. So, looks like I have a book binge somewhere in the near future…
This is Dimitri and Austen’s story- Ms. Aleo made me feel for Austen and the challenges she had faced- she’s such a great character. She and Dimitri were perfect for each other….
Looking forward to more from Ms. Aleo.
Happy reading!

Thank you, Toni Aleo!


reviewed by @angelahayes

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Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation) by Toni Aleo – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation #7)Heavy Shot by Toni Aleo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I love sports romance and I absolutely loved this story of Dimitri and Austin so much..I could not get enough and devoured every page. The author gave me all that I love….hockey, angst, banter, loyalty, secrets and hot and heavy moments.

All Dimitri Titov wants is to make his dad proud and play for the Assassins Hockey Team. Dimitri had to fight his way back after having detours thrown in his way….trying now to make it…..never expecting to have a glitch in the new housing set up for him during training camp, Dimitri ends up having to share his apartment with Austen McDavid.

Austen McDavid is trying to move on with her life, after being a survivor of the unthinkable and trying to find her own way in life. Austen wants make her grandfather proud and learning the ropes on how to be a successful general manager of a new and upcoming hockey team…so she is shadowing another farm team to get more experience with the Assassins Hockey Team. What Austen did not expect was to have to share her apartment with Dimitri….but in light of everything…they try to make it work….even though Dimitri drives Austen crazy at times…

Friendly banter between Austen and Dimitri that leads into feelings….will Austen and Dimitri get their HEA when so many people are against their relationship believing it is for the greater gain for Dimitri to make the team and protect Austen from her past? Or will Dimitri and Austen stay loyal to each other and prove their love…

This is a fantastic story!! I loved every moment…and definitely am wanting to read more of this series.

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When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Susan Ratchford

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Magic Calls: A Collection Of Modern Fairy Tales
By: Caitlin Berve
Review by: Susan Ratchford
4 Stars

I really enjoyed reading this collection of Fairy Tales! I thought Berve’s idea of a Fairy Tale museum was amazing! This retelling was beyond relatable and vivid, I felt every word! When Magic Calls really made me feel like it wasn’t a fairy tale at all, it was real! This book was so engaging and just dark enough to be addicting! Berve has such a unique tone and story, I couldn’t help but love it! I can’t wait to read more from Ms. Caitlin Berve. When Magic Calls was truly just phenomenal and unique! I couldn’t help but smile all the way through, as well as feel apprehensive in the best way. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves Fairy Tales and lore! As well as dwell towards the dark side of each! You will not be disappointed!

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Parisian Intrigue (Notebook Mysteries Book 6) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Amanda Glaspie

Parisian Intrigue (Notebook Mysteries #6)Parisian Intrigue by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another book in this series that has enforced my love of this author. Another round of mysteries for Emma and Jeremy but this time, Dora and Tim are involved. The four are invited by a mystery organization on an all expense paid trip to the exposition in Paris, France introducing new and upcoming technology. They all decide it would be a nice trip and getaway but it doesn’t take long for Emma to feel like something is not right. I love the prologue that instantly pulls you in. From there you will find two mysteries seemingly not connected, intertwine for an exciting fast paced mystery where surprises keep you on your toes. This is part of a series but can easily be read alone as the characters are described in detail and gives you just enough to not be lost.

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Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation) by Toni Aleo – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation #7)Heavy Shot by Toni Aleo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I got this book I didn’t even realize that it was book 7, but it totally didn’t matter! You can read this as a stand alone, but honestly I can’t wait to read the others to the set!! This one was so good!! I haven’t read any sport romances before and I am glad that I gave it a shot. I was able to understand what the author was talking about and I ended up really enjoying the book. Dimitri loves hockey. It’s his life long career and his goal has always been to play for the Assassins. So picking up his mom, dad, and sister they all move from Russia to Tennessee! But just because his family came with doesn’t mean he wants to live with them. He stays in the players rooms instead. After a long day of practice, working out, meetings, and seeing old friends he’s ready to crazy. Unfortunately there is a tiny problem. Austen. She’s escaped a horrible abusive past and can’t wait to lead the farm team for the Assassins. She doesn’t want people making decisions for her and she wants to thrive in her new life and career. Only issue is Dimitri. Both Dimitri and Austen are given the same room. A mix up with last minute changes and not enough communication. Thinking Dimitri is an intruder, Austen loses it. Let’s just say that their first meeting leaves some marks. Boy oh boy do you need to read this book! It is funny and sad and you will just get sucked right in! Sports Romance for the win!

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Refrain (Off the Record Book 3) by Madelynne Ellis – Review by Jenni Bishop, August 2023

Refrain (Off the Record Book 3)Refrain by Madelynne Ellis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
Refrain is the fourth heart wrenching book in the Off the Record romance series. It is a story that is full of angst and sexy but broken rockstars. Who doesn’t love a good rock and roll world story.
I realised part way through that it was the fourth book so stopped reading this one and went back and read from the first book Off the Record: A Prelude. I am glad I did because you get a rounded picture of our tortured soul MC.
It is hot and racy, with sizzling chemistry. With loss, secrets, lies, mistakes, wants, needs, judgement, pain, suffering, lost hope, self-loathing.
The characters are flawed warts and all some you will like, and others could be better.
Spook’s journey has been a tough one and Madelynne has certainly put him through his paces and us through the wringer. It pulled at my heartstrings.
The intensity of the story with traumatic pasts, demons, mental health problems and damaged souls put me on an emotional roller-coaster ride hitting me in all the feels. Tissues are a must.
I am not going to say any more because you really have to read this series to not only grasp the intensity, pain and torment of the MC but Madelynne’s fabulous writing and pulling it together so beautifully.
I can not wait to read the grand finale Revive.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Christine Baranek

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: ND Jackson

I loved the first book in the Green Street Girls Series. In that one we heard all about Athena’s story. That’s when it became clear to me that these books were going to be about a group of girls who have overcome so much but have found each other along the way. These stories definitely have an underlying theme of perseverance and getting through tough times.
This is Indigo’s story. Indigo has scars from her stepfather, the kind of scars that are going to take a long time to heal, possibly forever. These scars are the kind that make her fearful of men and relationships in general. Gideon has a connection to Athena and has definitely been exposed to women who have been through a lot. Once again, ND Jackson has written an amazing character in Indy. She managed to balance her hurt with her success and with her future.
This series is one that I have been devouring, these books are the kind that suck you in and definitely don’t let you go until the very end. I have read them quickly and enjoyed every moment. I definitely recommend reading this series and am waiting anxiously for the rest of the girls to have their moment for their story to be told!

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Ten Little Starfish by Kim Ann – Review by Jaimie Salmon-Colburn

Ten Little Starfish: A Counting BookTen Little Starfish: A Counting Book by Kim Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is so cute!! I personally thought that it was adorable. The illustrations are so cute and fun. It is a counting book, so it is wonderful for kids 1-5. You can have your kids search and find all the starfish along the way through the book as you read. There are also some great facts about starfish near the end of the book. Also included are some search and count pages where they give you a few things to find at the end. Then after that there is a search the whole book and count page. It will have you going through the book a couple times with your kid(dos), counting a few different things. Personally I would add on a few more counting challenges using the opening and ending pages. They are illustrated with small shells, crabs, and star fish on those four pages, so you can defiantly add to all the counting fun there! I would recommend this book for babies 1st library up to pre-k. Start them reading young and they’ll be counting in no time!

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Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation) by Toni Aleo – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation #7)Heavy Shot by Toni Aleo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the seventh book in the Nashville Assassins: Next Generation series. This is the first book I’ve read on the series, not initially realising it was book seven. The books seem to be able to be read as standalones focusing on different couples. This book focuses on Dimitri and Austen.

I got far too emotionally invested in this story, especially in Austen and everything she’s been through. I absolutely love Dimitri and Austen together; they were good for each other’s character development. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that they’re both lovable characters that you just can’t help rooting for. I especially love Austen, she’s so strong after everything she’s endured, and now learning about hockey.

I’ll certainly be reading the series from the beginning, it’s too good not too and I look forward to getting more insight into other characters and backgrounds.

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Parisian Intrigue (Notebook Mysteries Book 6) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Ashley Sugar

Parisian Intrigue (Notebook Mysteries #6)Parisian Intrigue by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoy the notebook mysteries series! Each book is so intriguing and well written and the mystery’s suck me right in, and next thing I know I’ve finished the book! The characters are always great and you could read this as a stand-alone but I highly suggest checking out the other 5 books! So so good. I can’t wait for the next one!

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How to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Ayla Phipps

How to Catch Little Boys and Eat ThemHow to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Retelling but with a twist. Once again, Lois Wickstrom allows your imagination to flourish with this retelling of a classic. We all know Jack and the Beanstalk, but did Jack really steal the goose and golden harp? From the eyes of the giant Earth boys are just lazy and easy to pick. Until Jack shows he’s not as easy to trick as the giant thought.
My six-year-old once again loved this retelling of a classic and even my eleven-year-old giggled a time or two when there was a twist. Each of the author’s books give me a newfound love for the classic stories I grew up on and I love getting to share them with my boys in a new way.

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Murder in a Gated Community by Laura Koerber – Review by Rosanna Ingram

Murder in a Gated CommunityMurder in a Gated Community by Laura Koerber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a very quick read!

In the community of Oaken Acres, these retirees are living their day-to-day lives while dealing with the struggles that come with a retirement community…HOAs that won’t budge on their rules, yapping dogs, nosy neighbors, neighbors moving, and…murder?!?

I don’t want to give anything away because it is a shorter book and you really should just jump right in. The author does give a little index of characters at the beginning that helps when figuring out who holds what position and does what in the community. It tends to go back and forth between characters rather quickly.

While each of the characters has their own story that will remind you of someone you know in real life…there seems to be a bigger picture at play here. It’s a snapshot of any elderly community in the country (maybe a little exaggerated) and that’s what really drew me in. It was a good story that I enjoyed reading.

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Refrain (Off the Record Book 3) by Madelynne Ellis – Review by Kerry Baker

Refrain (Off the Record Book 3)Refrain by Madelynne Ellis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an emotional and captivating story this book turned out to be. The main character has been through so much. He is broken and flawed and yet so relatable. My heart cried out for him and I wanted so badly for him to accept he help he clearly needed. I think I connected with him more because his mental health issues were clear and open, not something that was brushed aside and glossed over.
This author is pretty new to me and I am enjoying discovering their work. The quality of writing is fantastic and this book is the perfect example. If all her books are like this, I cannot wait to read more of what is on offer.

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Refrain (Off the Record Book 3) by Madelynne Ellis – Review by Shelly Kittell

Refrain (Off the Record Book 3)Refrain by Madelynne Ellis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow! This is an emotional ride. I came into the series at this point. I will need to go back and read the previous books. The book starts pretty intense and I was drawn right in. The writing is such that you feel like you are right their in the action. The topic is deep and might be a tw so please read the author’s website. I found the story to be interesting and very intriguing. It is a good read.

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Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation) by Toni Aleo – Review by Kerry Baker

Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation #7)Heavy Shot by Toni Aleo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was one of those that took me by surprised by how good it was. I expected a well written romance but I didn’t expect to connect with the characters so much. Something about them drew me in from the start and I could not help but want to read more about them. Their connection was strong but it was also fun.
I enjoyed the overall story. It was such an entertaining book but it had a depth to it I didn’t think it would. This author has created an amazing story with some incredible characters right at its center. Although this book can be read as a standalone, I will definitely be reading them all if they are as good as this one!

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Tequila Midnight (Southwest Suspense Novels Book 1) by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Tequila MidnightTequila Midnight by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jessica has to be pretty strong to have survived her childhood. Now as an adult she is still fighting her past secrets. She has got to get past her bad habits and get her mind on her job. Her help will not come from her drinking and overactive bad habits. Jessica is a strong detective, you get to watch her transformation as she puts on her detective hat and gets to work. This story is filled with twists and turns. The suspense is high octane and I could not put it down. The events are believable as well as scary.So much mystery is involved and you can’t help pulling on the side of Jessica. The author has once again intrigued my interest and I look forward to seeing where this series will go.


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Tempting Fate (Black Shamrocks MC: Australia Book 1) by Bella Faust – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Tempting Fate: a dark and angsty love triangle romance (Black Shamrocks MC: Australia Book 1)Tempting Fate: a dark and angsty love triangle romance by Bella Faust
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this dark romance story. A story filled with steam, anger and betrayal. I enjoyed how the author brought the story to life with her attention to details that made me feel part of the story. A story that is well written and hard to put down. A story where the characters pull you into their world and keep you engaged to the end. They have great chemistry and growth throughout the story. I really enjoyed these characters and what they brought to the story. Lily is my favorite character. She is strong, determined and has been through so much. I felt for her for sure. She refused to let dark forces take her down but now there is something else keeping her caught up in this web. This is a must read story you don’t want to miss. A fast paced, engaging story that I highly recommend.

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Review by @bjwagner

The Ring of Eagna (The Cross of Ciaran Book 4) by Andrea Matthews – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Ring of Eagna (The Cross of Ciaran #4)The Ring of Eagna by Andrea Matthews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the fourth book in this series. This is a series that I highly suggest reading the previous books before this one to help you understand the characters and where they have been. This is a series that I have enjoyed reading from the beginning. It takes you on an adventure that keeps you coming back again and again. Ciaran and Aodhan have something that some thieves want and will do what needs to be to get these things back. But these two are not willing to give up the items without a fight. You don’t want to miss what happens and who will win out. This is a fast paced, adventurous story that is hard to put down. It is engaging and has great growth throughout. An easy to read story that is entertaining. I highly recommend this book.

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Review by @bjwagner

Notebook Mysteries ~ Parisian Intrigue (Notebook Mysteries Book 6) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Kerry Carr

Notebook Mysteries Parisian IntrigueNotebook Mysteries Parisian Intrigue by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the 6th book in the Notebook Mysteries series. These books can be read as a standalone however I do recommend reading them in order so you get a complete picture of the characters and how they have grown throughout the series.
This is a great historical mystery story. The author does an amazing job of researching the time period and the attention to detail really pays off as the past comes alive and the reader is transported to that time period. This story like the others are full of twists and turns, danger,intrigue, Mysteries, secrets and lies that Emma and her companion have to unravel and solve to be able to solve the mystery.
The team are in Paris for a big event and while they are there 2 Mysteries appear. One is a young woman who appears and disappears. What is it that she wants or needs and and can Emma and Jeremy help her? The second mystery happens when Dora is told a secret which could have a devastating effect on the exposition. Should she investigate and try and solve this with the help for Tim or will it be to late?

I was completely captivated by this story and couldn’t put it down until i reached the end. I love the characters growth through this series and how strong, confident and resilient Emma has now become. I can’t wait to read more

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Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation) by Toni Aleo – Review by Megan Conley

Heavy Shot (Nashville Assassins: Next Generation #7)Heavy Shot by Toni Aleo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my first hockey romance and I was not disappointed! I love Toni Aleo, I’ve read her books before so I knew what I was getting into, but Dimitri and Austen’s relationship hit a little different for me. I don’t know if it’s because I really didn’t like Dimitri starting off or what, but I have always loved the way Aleo develops her characters and she does an exceptional job with Dimitri here because by the end of the book, I was on his side. I really loved how much he had to work (and didn’t really mind it) it get on the Assassins. I admire Austen’s determination to overcome all of her trauma, religious trauma at that (something that I think many authors shy away from, but Aleo dealt with it very well). I really love the banter between Dimitri and Austen and how they really do heal each other and are genuinely good for one another. This is definitely a must read.


Reviewed by @meggs1717

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Ten Little Starfish by Kim Ann – Review by Candice Estes

Ten Little Starfish: A Counting BookTen Little Starfish: A Counting Book by Kim Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a great book for young kids just learning how to read and count. The story itself is easy but engaging. I would recommend this book for kids in lower elementary or below. Rather they can read on their own or not, kids are going to love the beautiful artwork found within this book. Kim Onn has written a great book to get kids interested in counting and in starfish, while Nejla Shojaie has drawn beautiful works of art to engage imaginations.

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Parisian Intrigue (Notebook Mysteries Book 6) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Desiree Ottinger

Parisian Intrigue (Notebook Mysteries #6)Parisian Intrigue by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emma, Jeremy, Dora, and Tim receive an anonymous gift of a trip to Paris during the time of the Exposition. After checking to make sure the gift is legit, they hop aboard a train to get to the ship that takes them across the pond to France. Both couples make new friends on the trip over, and Emma has a hard time adjusting to the idea of not having Dora to herself. She finds herself feeling suspicious of Dora and Tim’s new “friends”. She tries to put those fears aside and just enjoy the trip, but too many “happenings” pop up to keep it all as innocent as it seems. Of course, there is mystery and hijinks happening… I mean, it’s Emma! How could there not be? As the mysteries begin to pile up, Emma finds that her reputation precedes her, which works out fortuitously for all involved!

I truly enjoy this series! The antics, the banter, the characters, they all draw me into the story and time. The author does a fantastic job of finding historical stories and adding her characters into the mix of what could have been happening behind the scenes. The amount of detail and care taken to describe what is going on around them and how the characters feel about what is happening was perfect for me. I felt like I could see their expressions and excitement as they first beheld the Exposition and all of its grandeur. I felt the crush of the crowds as they tried to work their way inside or out of exhibits. It was engaging and very well thought out. I look forward to the next one!

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Shadowed Obsession (Shadow Defense Security Series Book 1) by Mavery Ellscott – Review by Candice Estes

Shadowed Obsession: An Action-Packed Romantic Suspense Thriller (Shadow Defense Security Series Book 1)Shadowed Obsession: An Action-Packed Romantic Suspense Thriller by Mavery Ellscott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is the first book in the Shadow Defense Security series, and it definitely did not disappoint. I truly cannot wait to see what comes next from this series and this author. Mavery Ellscott weaves a tale of mystery, intrigue, suspense, and love. Keira O’Ryan is soon to be a partner at her PR company, but she has a secret she’s been keeping for months. She has been getting AirDrop images of herself sent by an unknown number, that not only make her feel uncomfortable, but also let her know that she has a stalker who is intent on keeping tabs on her. When her neighbor, Cade Hartford intervenes to try and help her find her stalker and stop the terrifying ramp up of the things that are going on around Keira. This book will keep you guessing to the end.

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Ruthless Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 1) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Allyson Ware

Ruthless Hawke: (A Second Generation Hawke Family Novel)Ruthless Hawke: by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So, we have a story about “Nolan” and “Jack”. We understand from the prequel that these two find each other and do not divulge their real names. Well, when Jack is thrown back into his life, they have to sort out one thing that she is unable to deny.. that they have a daughter together, who is named Viviana. Nolan is really Isaac, and Jack is really Giacomina. I know, all very confusing. But not really if you have read the prequel.

Let’s get into the juicy details. These two spent years apart, thinking about each other nonstop. When Isaac is thrown into being a dad, the first time Vivi called Isaac, “daddy”, brought tears to my eyes. Their immediate connection is amazing and what every dad should aspire to be. Minus the ruthless threatening and harassing he partakes in with his competitors.

This novel has amazing characters, great world building, and is steamy. There is an actual storyline, so it is not all smut. I work in a courtroom myself, so the fact that the author knows and understands how attorneys work instead of making it up is awesome. I highly recommend to any romance novel reader out there. I definitely anticipate reading Gabe’s story next, but we will see what the next book has in store! I cannot wait to dive into it!

Review by @aware
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Regaining Integrity (Code of Honor Book 4) by Brooke May – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Regaining IntegrityRegaining Integrity by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star’s
Regaining Integrity (Code of Honor Book 4) by Brooke May

Regaining Integrity is the fourth book in the Code of Honor series. This is a Military Romance that once you start reading there’s no stopping until you finish. Her style of writing and attention to detail along with fully developed and relatable characters make for a wonderful story. This is a fast paced story that is packed with action, drama and so much more. I highly recommend reading this second chance Romance and find out fate had in store for these two. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Refrain (Off the Record Book 3) by Madelynne Ellis

-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
Refrain (Off the Record Book 3) by Madelynne Ellis
Genre – LGBTQ Romance
Page Count – 380

Rock guitarist Spook Mortensen has spent a decade hiding from his traumatic past. Now everyone knows his secrets, and their judgement leaves him broken inside and out. To avoid destroying everything that matters to him, Spook leaves both Black Halo and the woman he loves.

But there’s no running from the demons that lurk in the darkest corners of your soul, because they hitch a ride with you wherever you run.

There doesn’t seem to be a path out of the darkness, until the band’s irresistible, sex addicted, bad boy frontman swoops in determined to stage an intervention.

Xane’s prepared to do whatever it takes, no matter the sacrifice, to mend the hole in Spook’s heart and ensure he returns to where he belongs – Allegra Hutton’s arms and the Black Halo line-up. What neither of them expects is how intense the bond between them will become.

Refrain is an angsty, spicy, heart-wrenching rockstar romance with flawed characters, broken and damaged souls, intense friendships, all the feels, and a lot of bed sharing. It’s complicated… okay?

This is the third novel in the Off the Record series and forms part of the wider Black Halo world. These books are intended to be read in order.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Refrain (Off the Record Book 3) by Madelynne Ellis

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Refrain (Off the Record Book 3) by Madelynne Ellis

Madelynne is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author. She wrote her first novel after discovering Black Lace Books in the 1990s. Having escaped the Hotel California, she dived into storytelling full-time. Her books are filled with bisexual bad boys who like to get down and dirty, and stories so angst-filled you know they’re going to hurt.

She lives in the UK near the Welsh border, where you can find her surrounded by books, drinking rapidly cooling decaf coffee, and listening to loud music. Her family still haven’t grasped that noise-cancelling headphones really do mean she can’t hear them.



☆♥‿♥☆ PREORDER ☆♥‿♥☆ Cruel King by K.M. Scott

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Cruel King by K.M. Scott
Genre – Contemporary Romance
Page Count – 464


The King boys have been the center of my life for as long as I remember. Theo has been my best friend since I was four, and our families are as close as can be.

Except Matthias. The oldest King son never failed to look miserable whenever I was around, and every word out of his mouth to me was cruel.

Until a snowstorm trapped us in his house, and we shared two perfect days together.

That was five years ago. Now his father’s dying, and he’s back at the estate and more vicious than ever, as if our time together meant nothing to him.

I should hate him. I should be able to forget him now that I have a chance to be happy with someone else.

There’s just one problem. I can’t stop thinking about the man who stole my heart one snowy night all those years ago.



She thinks I don’t remember our time together. She’s wrong. I’ve never forgotten.

Not when I moved to a different continent. Not when I didn’t hear from her for five years. Not even though I’ve tried my damnedest to forget her.

I want to hate her. I should. But I can’t. All I can do is look on with jealousy as Ava finds happiness with another man.

What do you do when the one person standing in the way of your happiness is your own brother?



❣🌹❤🥀 ❥ PREORDER ❣🌹❤🥀 ❥ Love Shots (Bluestone Series Book 4) by Isobel Reed

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Love Shots (Bluestone Series Book 4) by Isobel Reed
Genre – Contemporary Romance, Western
Page Count – 164
Cover Designer – Fantasia Frog Designs

Can these two old friends stop fighting their feelings long enough to grab hold of their second chance?

Summer’s life was not going plan. With no job or home, she found herself back in the small town she grew up in. Bluestone County. Despite being broke, she’d always dreamed of taking over her grandfather’s bar. So when she found out she was too late and her childhood friend Teddy had bought it, she might have lost it. As in banging down his door and throwing expensive bottles of whiskey at his wall kind of lost it. It wasn’t her finest moment. But talking of fine…

Retired Navy SEAL Teddy was used to dealing with tough situations. You name it, he’d seen it. Yet, nothing had quite prepared him for the sight of a raging Summer hurling an eight-hundred-dollar bottle of whiskey at his head. She certainly knew how to make an entrance. And raise his blood pressure. Having the blonde hellion back in town wasn’t all bad though. He’d missed his friend. Although he’d be lying if he said friendship was all he was interested in. Summer had owned his heart for a long time. He’d missed his chance once before, there was no way he was going to let that happen again.