
•*•📖•*• PREORDER •*•📖•*• Lilly Tames Her Worries by Carole Heaney

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Lilly Tames Her Worries by Carole Heaney
Genre – Kids, Family
Page Count – 34
Cover Designer – Corryn Webb

When Lilly forgets her favorite stuffed rabbit, Hun Bun, she worries about getting through school without him. How will Lilly adjust to be able to get through her day?

Hun Bun has been with Lilly since birth and is always there to calm her worries when those pesky heebie-jeebies appear. Heebie-jeebies make her palms sweat, her belly do flip-flops, and her heart beat loudly.

One day, when she forgets to pack Hun Bun, something begins to change. Join Lilly as she discovers how her heebie-jeebies signal her to tame her worries, be brave, and take charge to do hard things.

Grab a copy of Lilly Tames Her Worries for your child’s backpack today!



When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairytales by Caitlin Berve – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

When Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy TalesWhen Magic Calls: A Collection of Modern Fairy Tales by Caitlin Berve
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I love fantasy and I love magic so When Magic Calls came across my radar I jumped at the chance to read it. These stories are incredibly unique, original, and I appreciated the way they were told but maybe fairytale retellings just aren’t for me. I believe they would be well received by someone who enjoyed those as that would probably add to the reading experience.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Broken. (Green St. Girls #2)Broken. by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Broken was a wonderful addition to the Green Street Girls Series. I picked up book one on a whim, but I am intentionally reading book two, and I am intending to pick up any other books that this author wants to add to this series. Broken has one big trigger, sexual assault to a minor, it’s not graphically described but could trigger some sensitive readers. It’s also a main topic as it’s one of the reasons Indigo is the way she is, why she struggles with relationships, her own body, sexuality, and why she has such a hard time trusting people. At times some of the language/conversations/dialogue seems a little immature which I feel was intentional due to what happened to Indigo. Her trauma didn’t allow her to grow emotionally like she should have. I loved Gideon. He had his own things to hash out, and overcome which made the book/characters so much more realistic because neither of them were perfect. Broken is technically it’s own story, and it gives enough background to understand where the Green Street Girls come from, how they got where they are, and what they have accomplished that you don’t have to read book one, but all of the characters from book one are in book two including Tru who is a main character in book one.

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Ten Little Starfish by Kim Ann – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Ten Little Starfish: A Counting BookTen Little Starfish: A Counting Book by Kim Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an incredibly detailed, well written, book about counting, but not only did it count to ten you were able to read a lot of detailed information about starfish, like they can regrow their limbs, or glow under the moonlight. There was also some extra facts, and activities at the end of the story to give this book a little bit of an edge. Although my children are older, and wouldn’t enjoyed this book as much as kiddos who are a little younger and have yet to learn to count we did enjoy learning the facts about starfish, and it would be a perfect read for younger kids.

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The Secret Humankind (The Discoveries of Julia Xero Book 1) by Gloria Oliver – Review by Valerie Anderson

The Secret Humankind: An Urban Fantasy Thriller (The Discoveries of Julia Xero Book 1)The Secret Humankind: An Urban Fantasy Thriller by Gloria Oliver
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Julia gets what seems like the idea job to get her away from the barely making ends meet and sleezy boss and crappy coworkers. Only to find out it might have been little too good to be true. While working with a detective to find a serial killer the killer hints at connections they have making you wonder if there is more to her than simple human as well. This story ends with you wondering how she will escape the darker sides of the Secret Humankind, who can be trusted and who can’t and will the next books give us any of these answers or only leave us with more questions?

I really enjoyed this story. The characters we meet in this story are very fascinating as well as the building of the world in which they live. Though we don’t learn a whole lot in the this first book about the Secret Human kind what we do learn about them and Julia has me interested to read the following books.

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Review by @valerieanderson5121

Oscar and Emmy Gain a Friend by Terri Sabol – Review by Carrie Reed

Oscar and Emmy Gain a Friend: A Story About Trap-Neuter-ReturnOscar and Emmy Gain a Friend: A Story About Trap-Neuter-Return by Terri Sabol
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The art in this book is very beautiful to look at, and definitely draws my eye in to read the story. I love this story and being taught about TNR, like the characters in the book, I was unaware of this program and think it is great. I hope this book can reach many that will be willing to look into the TNR program and help other stray cats. I kind of wish I could have found out what happens to the kittens in the end, where did they go? But happy that the momma cat still comes back around.

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Planting Hope by Jennifer Raines – review by Tabitha Montero


The Magic Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 1) by K.L. Small – Review by Carrie Reed

The Magic Carousel (The Brass Ring #1)The Magic Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a fun book! Even as an adult, this was a great book of adventures I would be more than thrilled to go on. I also don’t care how old I get, the carousel will always be a fun ride. There are so many subjects touched upon in this book, that I think is very good for pre teens to learn about. Bullying, trouble with family members, health issues, etc. Each subject was nicely worked into the story and I was so pleased with the outcome involving Rusty’s grandfather, his dad and his friendship with Tyler. The end of the book has a list of different things mentioned in the book and their definitions or their explanations, which is a wonderful learning tool.

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Sleeping with the Enemy (Astoria Royals Book 3) by Deborah Garland – Review by Carrie Reed

Sleeping with the Enemy (Astoria Royals, #3)Sleeping with the Enemy by Deborah Garland
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wonderful! Heartbreaking. I was so saddened to see how Priscilla grows up and what she has to endure so young. It is reassuring somewhat to know that Riordan always loved her, even if he didn’t admit it to himself. She is a strong woman in the life she now leads, the choices she makes and the chances she takes. I hoped throughout that they could find their way back to each other someday, but both of them are really put through the ringer with Grigori and a spur of the moment wedding. This author had me dying at the end with the little twist thrown in. I look forward to seeing what happens with Lachlan.

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Ten Little Starfish by Kim Ann – Review by Carrie Reed

Ten Little Starfish: A Counting BookTen Little Starfish: A Counting Book by Kim Ann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The art in this book is absolutely beautiful. I love the way this book is interactive, so the child will have to count the starfish on each prior to reading. Also, the end has different facts about starfish which is excellent to teach and learn as well as a search and find. Perfect book for children to learn counting.

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How to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Carrie Reed

How to Catch Little Boys and Eat ThemHow to Catch Little Boys and Eat Them by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The art in the book is beautiful, my favorite character is the giant, with his colors and facial features. This was an interesting take on Jack and the beanstalk. The giant wants to eat the kids but then on the other hand Jack is stealing his possessions, I think its a nice way to teach kids not to steal other’s things and not to talk to random giants.

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Broken. (Green St. Girls Series) by N.D. Jackson – Review by Shelly Kittell

Broken.: A Green St. Girls RomanceBroken.: A Green St. Girls Romance by N.D. Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Indy and Gideon have a fascinating journey. They are in total denial of being attracted to each other. The feel it’s just a brother/sister thing. I enjoyed watching this relationship develop. Their bond is built with friendship which is so important. Indy is being threatened by someone and Gideon will be there to protect her. I found this story had a bit of everything I love: drama, romance, mystery, suspense and so much more. I love this series. The protagonists are such badass women that I find them good role models. They have overcome a lot to get where they are and they don’t let anything get them down. A strong woman romance that is one of my favorites. I will be eagerly awaiting the next one.

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Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1) by S.E. Smith – Review by Angela Hayes

Something About Aimee (Girls from the Street Book 1)Something About Aimee by S.E. Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


5 Stars


Something About Aimee is the first book from the Girls from the Street series by S.E. Smith. I have read a few of Ms. Smith’s books now, but this is definitely my favourite of the bunch, so far. As soon as I saw the cover and read the blurb, I knew I would like it- but I never expected to love it as much as I did. It was such a treat to read, incorporating much of what I love to find in my stories.
This is a stellar romantic suspense, with plenty of action, danger, agendas, dramatic developments, originality, creativeness, tension, chemistry, intrigue, suspense, mystery, and so much more. The author definitely got the recipe right with this book. I loved every minute between her cover.
Aimee (Wheels) and Qadir are such wonderful characters, I loved them from the outset. They have been meticulously crafted into well-developed individuals with their own unique personalities, quirks, and flaws. Aimee brings such a fresh and somewhat quirky vibe to the whole story- very cleverly done by this talented author. Both her MC’s are ‘different’, in a great way- which added more depth and an extra element of interest to the whole story. I don’t think it would have been the same without these two particular characters. I also loved the little bit of mysteriousness that the author had instilled in them both- especially Wheels with her backstory/upbringing etc. I really wanted to know more about that- I felt that her origins might be something unexpected and really interesting. I have my own suspicions on this, so I am hoping that we may find out more about her in future instalments.
I was immediately captured by these wonderful characters and their exciting tale- finding myself completely invested in them and the outcome of their story. I couldn’t read quick enough; I was that eager to find out what happens. I only meant to read a few chapters before bed to see what the story was like- and before I knew it several hours had passed and I had devoured the entire book in one sitting.
This is definitely one of my favourite, and most memorable reads this year.
Happy Reading!

Thank you, S.E. Smith!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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