
Atonement (The McIntire County Series Book 1) by Winter Austin – Review by Jenni Bishop

Atonement (The McIntire County Series: #1)Atonement by Winter Austin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There has not been a book by Winter that I have not really enjoyed. I was excited to get started when I came across this romantic suspense story from her.
Atonement is the first exciting book in The McIntire County Series and follows former marine and McIntire County deputy Nicolette Rivers. Nicolette has had a messy life and suffers from PTSD. When a hostage situation goes wrong Nic’s triggers rear their ugly heads. She is a complex woman, she is strong, but she also has much depth to her. Winter certainly puts this woman through her paces.
Winter has done a great job of showing the war within oneself and PTSD. It is a raw, heart-wrenching and compelling story. Suffering from PTSD myself it made the story that much more real and poignant.
Con is the perfect match for Nic and but to be able to move forward they need to deal with her scarred past.
Winter has cleverly woven several threads together to make this a compelling read and it is one of those books that you just can’t put down because you need to know where it is going and what comes next.
There is suspense, heartache and heartbreak, pain and sorrow, dark secrets, and danger but there is also some laughter.
Atonement almost becomes a dirty word. The Priest most certainly does. With deadly secrets, family, war, tragedy, death and one man’s crazy and another’s love all collide in this tale that you should all get your hands on.
I really liked the characters and found myself caught up in them, the small town and the story. I hope that some of the secondary characters get their own stories.
This is a must read.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist – Review by Tonya Merritt

As Though You Were MineAs Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book got me all the way to the end where it made me angry in the surprise twist. Ugh. And I mean that very loud and obnoxiously. No, in seriousness it was a great book, and had all the proper feelings. It’ll make you laugh, it’ll make you cry. I do wish I learned more about Mikey but it wasn’t a necessity for the story. Definitely recommend, keep tissues close by though!

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The Hand of God: From Oppenheimer to Hypersonics by Paul McCarthy – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Hand of God: From Oppenheimer to Hypersonics - A Crash Course on Nuclear Weapons and Humankind's Most Dangerous GameThe Hand of God: From Oppenheimer to Hypersonics – A Crash Course on Nuclear Weapons and Humankind’s Most Dangerous Game by Paul McCarthy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars
It’s something you always know is there but it’s a scary when you actually read and stop to consider the amount of power that the military and world leaders have to access nuclear weapons.
Paul McCarthy gives us a fast-paced but thorough look at this technology that kills and that is in the hands of others and their whims and that one day it could be unleashed upon the world. God help us all if they should go on a power trip and unleash hell on earth.
His detailed writing gives the reader a science lesson in what a nuclear weapon is and its history and the destruction from the past and even scarier something that is easily imagined is what could be.
It makes me wonder what is in the minds of those that create or those that ordered such things to be created that could destroy us all. Do they feel any kind of remorse for what has been and what could be, or do they relish the power they have created? Do they feel compassion?
The Hand of God is one thought provoking book. It makes you feel, humble insignificant and powerless in comparison.
History does have a way of repeating itself and unfortunately, I don’t think that those in power and have not lived in a time where these weapons created so much devastation would think twice.
This thought-provoking book raises more questions.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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Sing For Me (The Balefire Series Book 2) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Lisa Helmick

Sing For Me (Balefire, #2)Sing For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story. The writing is smooth and the story moves along drawing the reader with it. I felt like I was dropped into their lives and felt like I k ew them. It did seem to slow down about half to three quarters of the way through making this seem a little overlong. There was too much time, in my opinion, spent on tour detailing their life. Some of that could have been omitted to keep the storyline moving and the reader mot getting bored.

The author does an excellent job building these characters. Blu with his determination to get the girl. His swoon worthy singing and thoughtfulness made him a memorable personality. His realization going from playboy to boyfriend. Ashleigh did a great job keeping her head about her. My only issue is how quickly she went back to trusting and believing him. Seemed a little unrealistic.

I want to give a “Hey” to a special character. I liked his Mom as a good secondary character. I missed how we never got her story on why she stays in the house and at her job. Anyway I love how she doesn’t see him as a rockstar…just her son. That is cool! She is a positive upbeat lady.

Overall this is a wonderful read. I struggled to put it down multiple times because it is so good. I look forward to reading more in this series.

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As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist – Review by Jenni Bishop

As Though You Were MineAs Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
What a tale. Tissues please.
As Though You Were Mine will have you all twisted up in knots. I am glad I scooped it up to read.
You can’t help but fall in love with the MC. She is real and goes through so much heartache, J. Marie Rundquist certainly put her through her paces.
Julie did the one selfless thing she could do for her family that was supposed to last a lifetime. Now that lifetime had gone after a horrendous tragedy. Julie finds herself scared and desperate and, in a situation, where she never thought she would be, but two adorable little ones now depend on her for everything.
Will her life once again be turned upside down when another enters her life? To find out make sure you get on board and read it today!
There is fear, passion, hope, love, wonder and forgiveness and way much more in this heartfelt tale. I was so drawn into the story that I kept turning the page to get to see what was happening. I could not put it down.
This is one book that should be on everyone’s TBR list at the very top.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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The Forlorn Cowboy (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”The Forlorn Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne (The Studs of Clear Creek County)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>The Forlorn Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne</a> by <a href=””>Stacy-Deanne</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Greta Fay is standing up for what she believes in and it seems to be causing problems in her small town. There are plenty of people that would like to see her be silenced. Christopher is set to marry one of the richest women in the county, Minnie Locke. He is unhappy but reluctantly going through with it to please his father. That all goes out the window when he runs in Greta Fay. Their attraction spells trouble due to her beliefs and his engagement. You can’t help who you love though and this is no exception. This was the first book I read of.this novella series and I enjoyed it. A trigger warning for those that are easily upset by things of this nature, SA is spoken about so do read at your own risk. Otherwise it is a well written and put together short story. I do wish it were a little longer, but even still I didn’t feel like anything was missing. If you are looking to just pass the time and relax with a good read this book will get you through. I have so far enjoyed this series and had read 3 out of the 5 books and enjoyed each of them. If you choose to read this book, or any of the others, I’m sure you’ll enjoy them. Happy reading!
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The White Knight Cowboy (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”The White Knight Cowboy Stacy-Deanne” src=”” /></a><a href=””>The White Knight Cowboy Stacy-Deanne</a> by <a href=””>Stacy-Deanne</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Poor Dusty is down on his luck and on the verge of losing everything due do his gambling addiction. When he returns home from a fay out he finds Lovely Jo hiding in his stable. She has been a fairly good judge of character and pleads for his help. She’s been accuse by her now former employer of killing her husband. Rather than stay and prove her innocence Lovely Jo has been on the run. She’s got a bounty on her head and everyone is looking for her. Dusty could sure use that money and seriously considers turning her in. The thousand dollars wouldn’t completely cover his debts, but it would clear up a chunk of it. Lovely Jo for her part offers him something that has a lot of value depending how you are looking at what is offered. She offers her virtue. Will Dusty end up taking her up on the offer? This book had me laughing in some instances and almost crying in others. Although this is part of a novella series this can be read as a stand alone. Usually I’m not a fan of these short stories like this, but the story never felt like it was lacking in any way. I just wish it were a little longer. If you are looking for a fast paced book that can be read in one sitting you’ve found something to suit just those needs. Happy reading!
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The Reluctant Suitor (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

<a href=”” style=”float: left; padding-right: 20px”><img border=”0″ alt=”The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western (The Studs of Clear Creek County)” src=”” /></a><a href=””>The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western</a> by <a href=””>Stacy-Deanne</a><br/>
My rating: <a href=”″>4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Billie Jean is back from college and ready for a fight. When she hears how the Locke family treating the black, she doesn’t hesitate to March over there and give them a piece of her mind. Fisher Hines was born into wealth, it is all he knows. He has is finally at a point in his life where he has the admiration of his parents while running the family farm. Both of their worlds are about to be turned upside down when their insta attraction starts to threaten the family business. Do they fight for love or will their agendas tear them apart? These novellas have been good so far. Of course I personally feel that these stories could be longer, but they hardly feel lacking while reading them. So far the books I have read in this series don’t need to be in any particular order. If you enjoy insta love stories as well as something that is a quick read you’ll enjoy this. Happy reading!
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Atonement (The McIntire County Series Book 1) by Winter Austin

🔳 *¨*✶*¨`*🔳 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🔳 *¨*✶*¨`*🔳
Atonement (The McIntire County Series Book 1) by Winter Austin
Genre – Romantic Suspense
Page Count – 176
Cover Designer – Cora’s Graphics

Atone for your sins . . .

A rash of unexplained suicides in the sleepy town of Eider, Iowa, draws McIntire County deputy Nicolette Rivers into a devious killer’s twisted plot. A former marine sniper suffering from PTSD, Nic hides her own deadly secrets, and The Priest will do anything to expose it and her.

For redemption is at hand . . .

Eider police detective Con O’Hanlon is assigned to help Nic uncover the truth behind the suicides. She rebuffs his help at every turn, but the stubborn Irishman holds on. When tragedy strikes, Con helps cover up the fallout, but is he too late to prevent Nic’s dark, downward spiral? Or is Con the one man stronger than her demons?


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Atonement (The McIntire County Series Book 1) by Winter Austin

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Atonement (The McIntire County Series Book 1) by Winter Austin

Winter Austin perpetually answers the question: “were you born in the winter?” with a flat “nope,” but believe her, there is a story behind her name.

A lifelong Mid-West gal with strong ties to the agriculture world, Winter grew up listening to the captivating stories told by relatives around a table or a campfire. As a published author, she learned her glass half-empty personality makes for a perfect suspense/thriller writer. Taking her ability to verbally spin a vivid and detailed story, Winter translated that into writing deadly romantic suspense, mysteries, and thrillers.

When she’s not slaving away at the computer, you can find Winter supporting her daughter in cattle shows, seeing her three sons off into the wide-wide world, loving on her fur babies, prodding her teacher husband, and nagging at her flock of hens to stay in the coop or the dogs will get them.

She is the author of multiple novels, with more on the way.



The Hand of God: From Oppenheimer to Hypersonics by Paul McCarthy

The Hand of God: From Oppenheimer to Hypersonics by Paul McCarthy
Genre – Historical Military
Page Count – 384
 Delve into the world of the most powerful and destructive weapons ever created. In this book, you will learn the history of nuclear weapons, from their development in the early 20th century to the present day, discovering how these weapons work, their devastating effects, and about the global superpowers that control them.

This is not a dry history book. It is an informative and suspenseful account of the most dangerous technology ever devised by humankind. Using previously top secret sources, you will take a step back in time to read about the figures who developed these weapons; you’ll learn the differences between types of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, from fission and fusion, to intercontinental ballistic missiles and designs for so-called “doomsday” bombs; and you’ll explore the harrowing tales of the near-misses, accidents, and close calls that have forced the world to the brink of nuclear apocalypse.

If you are interested in a fast-paced but comprehensive background on nuclear weapons for readers of any level of expertise that will make you knowledgeable on the topic, this book is for you. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand one of the most important existential dangers of our time.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for The Hand of God: From Oppenheimer to Hypersonics by Paul McCarthy

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of The Hand of God: From Oppenheimer to Hypersonics by Paul McCarthy

Paul McCarthy is a passionate and experienced public policy expert and attorney working in the halls of New York State government. With a deep-rooted fascination for geopolitics, national defense, and law, McCarthy brings a wealth of knowledge to his captivating exploration of nuclear weapons.

Hailing from his home outside Albany, NY, alongside his fiancée Emma and their beloved dog, McCarthy finds solace in the pursuit of understanding. He obtained his BA in Political Science from the University at Albany and his JD from Chicago-Kent College of Law. At work, using his research, collaboration, negotiation, and critical analysis skills, he immerses himself in the complexities of state policy, helping to find solutions?  that work for all New Yorkers.

Beyond his professional pursuits, McCarthy enjoys life’s simple pleasures. Engaging in strategy-based games, journeying into culinary exploration inspired by global cuisines, and vegging out in front of the latest and greatest TV shows and movies, he finds inspiration and joy in the ordinary moments.

With “The Hand of God,” McCarthy invites readers on an insightful journey into the history and implications of nuclear weapons. Through this comprehensive perspective, he uncovers the profound dangers they pose and the delicate balance that holds our world in check.

Join Paul McCarthy as he unravels the enigmatic realm of nuclear weapons, illuminating the shadows and urging us all to contemplate the choices that shape our shared future.

Author Interview with Paul McCarthy



As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist

📙 •☕️ •📘 ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ 📙 •☕️ •📘 ~
As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist
Genre – Women’s Fiction
Page Count – 356

Julie Mercer donated her eggs to help her brother and sister-in-law conceive via in-vitro fertilization, never expecting a few years later, she would have to take full responsibility for those children after they lose their parents in a car accident.

Julie never wanted kids of her own, and now she suddenly needs to make room in her small apartment for four-year-old twins who thrust additional challenges at her as they work through their grief and trauma. With Lucy throwing intense tantrums and Mikey not talking at all, Julie doubts her ability to raise her niece and nephew as her own.

When Grant, the twins’ uncle–and also their biological father–shows up at her door, he says he wants to help, but is he sincere? Or does he have a hidden agenda to fight for custody? With her family also questioning her role as guardian and her job on the line in the face of an inflexible boss as she deals with the sudden life changes, Julie must determine whether her brother and sister-in-law really did make the best decision by entrusting their kids to her.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading for As Though You Were Mine by J. Marie Rundquist

  1. Marie Rundquist believes a day isn’t complete without time spent reading. Stories she loves best–to read and to write–feature characters from all walks of life who learn from one another. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find J. Marie exploring all the K-12 public education world has to offer through teaching, learning, and supporting others in their educational roles. 

In spite of trying to live in other parts of the U.S., J. Marie accepted her fate and now embraces six-month winters in Minnesota, showing off photos of hiking in sub-zero temperatures. She lives in the Twin Cities with her family, two cats, and a never-ending supply of Dr. Pepper.



The White Knight Cowboy (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Amber Howard

The White Knight Cowboy (The Studs of Clear Creek County)The White Knight Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was an interesting story. I liked it. During a time when interracial relationships were frowned upon, people risked it all for love. I felt like the setting and language was pretty authentic to the time frame. Most people were uneducated and poor. Especially in small towns. The only part I didnt quite enjoy was how rushed the story feels. Everything happens so fast and in such a small time window that it feels incomplete. Other than that it was enjoyable.

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The Forlorn Cowboy (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Amber Howard

The Forlorn Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne (The Studs of Clear Creek County)The Forlorn Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this story. Greta Fay is sweet and seems like such a lovely young woman. She’s courageous and Brave. I loved her relationship with Minnie. Christopher James seems like he has good morals and is well fitted for Greta Fay.

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The Reluctant Suitor (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Amber Howard

The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western (The Studs of Clear Creek County)The Reluctant Suitor: BWWM Historical Western by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book actually had a lot going on. We had a small update on Lovely Jo. We follow Billie Jean and Fischer’s story as well as the Bersteins children. It gave a bit more depth to the story and didn’t feel rushed. The black women in these stories are so brave and courage and I enjoy reading about the boundaries they set, the lines they cross, and the changes they make. All for love and equality.

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Love Shots (Bluestone Series Book 4) by Isobel Reed – Review by Gillian Fawell

Love Shots (Bluestone Series #4)Love Shots by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Yet another fantastic Bluestone Series book! After having read about Teddy in the previous books, it was great to see him get his turn! Summer is definitely a fiery character and I’ve always been a fan of the trope where the leads grew up together and now years later…! Once again, highly recommended!!


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Hero Complex (Bluestone Series Book 3) by Isobel Reed – Review by Gillian Fawell

Hero Complex (Bluestone Series, #3)Hero Complex by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I accidentally read this as the 2nd of my Bluestone Series but it didn’t matter – although there were references to the two characters from book 2, I was still able to become quickly absorbed in the story of Lily and Ace! I love a good fake romance story and this one certainly didn’t disappoint! Highly recommended and I will be reading more from this series!

Reviewed by @sparkinside

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Love Tools (Bluestone Series Book 1) by Isobel Reed – Review by Gillian Fawell

Love Tools (Bluestone Series, #1)Love Tools by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The first in the Bluestone Series and my first book by this author, but it quickly became one of many in both categories! Lily is a fiery heroine with a past and Jake is everything you want in an alpha male – strong, working with animals, caring, fights for what he wants… I could go on!
The writing style keeps you reading late into the night and the plot line keeps you guessing! Highly recommended!

Reviewed by @sparkinside

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Love & Stilettos by Evelyn Lindell – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Love & StilettosLove & Stilettos by Evelyn Lindell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book about Mitch and Mia was a great read. Reading their story and how things ended was very satisfying. I have never hated a villain character more then I hated Lacey. At first I was unsure about everything that was going on, but then that pivotal point happened and I hated her with a fiery passion from then on. Mia tried so hard to get over her husband’s death, and when she lost Mitch, she decided not to let it slow her down. She had a lot of strength that was admirable. There were times I wanted to smack Mitch upside the head for not seeing the blatant lies that was right in front of his eyes, but they do say that love is blind…

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Murder Creek by Jane Suen – Review by Jennifer Crain

Murder Creek (Eve Sawyer Mystery, #1)Murder Creek by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dreams about people from long ago, current reality in a town place called Murder Creek, and delicious food- what isn’t there to like? My favorite part of this “whodunnit” is the clever way the past is connected with the future and Eve attempts to solve a cold case. Even the minor characters are well-rounded and I enjoyed the snippets of Southern hospitality throughout.

Ultimately, this book explores whether friends or family have thicker ties, and how to relive a character’s remorse from a choice he made years ago. Well-written, quick read.

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Xenia Navarro and the Magic Ants by Lois Wickstrom and Milagros Darling – Review by Jennifer Crain

Xenia Navarro and the Magic AntsXenia Navarro and the Magic Ants by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A lot of tough topics are brought up during this story- military deployment with a parent death, ICE and deportation, fear of being deported, living in poverty, yet the story also has hope (with a little bit of magical luck) for Xenia.

My favorite part of the book includes the Mexican phrases sprinkled throughout- often times it feels forced, but in this case, it enhanced the story as Xenia loses her mother, gains an aunt, but maintains part of her Mexican heritage. One thing I didn’t enjoy was the brother’s character- thought his character was a little flat. Overall, loved the story and couldn’t wait to see how she ends it!

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Love Shots (Bluestone Series Book 4) by Isobel Reed – Review by

Love Shots (Bluestone Series #4)Love Shots by Isobel Reed
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Love Shots (Bluestone Series Book 4)

Teddy falls and falls hard in this book. He and Summer are childhood friends who haven’t seen one another for several years, when Summer comes home. It’s fast and furious and pretty hot and sweet at the same time.

There is something incredibly sexy about a man who goes all in and Protector for his woman. I know there are several woman who have this kind of devotion from their men, mine may not be super alpha but I have no doubts he loves me though an alpha isn’t a horrible thing to dream about.

Summer is a strong independent woman who tried to live life outside of Bluestone, but after some time she found her way home. Life in a small town isn’t supposed to change much no matter how long you have been gone. Unfortunately someone forgot to mention that to this town.

I have loved each of the books I have read in this series and hope there are more in the future. Maybe Teddy’s friend Tyler???

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Murder Creek by Jane Suen – Review by Beverly Finnie

Murder Creek (Eve Sawyer Mystery, #1)Murder Creek by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Murder Creek was different. It kind of reminded me of the show Cold Case. The author presented the story in a different light. Instead of local police looking into a cold case, it was a student. Not only a student but one who is studying journalism.
Eve came across a story of this missing girl who was never solved. She felt it was her need to dig and do this girl justice. So much so that she asked her professor to give her an incomplete, so she could use this story as her semester project. Not realizing what she would find by digging. People were reluctant, people really didn’t want her digging, and others told her what they knew.
What was the question she was trying to answer, what happened to Lacey Walken?
The author put together a wonderful investigative mystery that keeps the reader wondering. I’m typically really good at figuring things out early, but it even took me some time navigating before I got there. Which kept me interested, kept me intrigued, and made me want more. Which to me is exactly what the author is trying to do with their work.
So if you like cold case mysteries, give this shorter story a try. I doubt you’ll be disappointed.

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Love Shots (Bluestone Series Book 4) by Isobel Reed – Review by Ashley Mertz

Love Shots (Bluestone Series #4)Love Shots by Isobel Reed
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love Shots by Isobel Reed is available now in eBook and Physical Book
⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐ Book Review

Love Shots is the fourth installment of the Bluestone Series. In this short, friends to lovers, romance we are introduced to Teddy and Summer. At first I was pretty sure Summer was crazy. And Teddy, well he just seemed like the hottie who got away. A few chapters in and I was totally in love with these two characters. Teddy was so caring, gentle, and overall so very sincere. Summer was damaged, running from her past, looking for a new beginning but no matter where she turned, the evil of her past haunted her. I loved how Reed kept everything at a slow steady pace. None of this story/romance felt rushed. Both characters had a past that caused them to shy away but they were able to use one another as buffers and figure out how to move on and love again. They were just perfect for one another in so many ways. This was a very short read and I didn’t want it to end. I would highly recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys romance. I will definitely be heading over now to pick up more novels from this series/author.

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Murder Creek by Jane Suen- Review by Tonya Merritt

Murder Creek (Eve Sawyer Mystery, #1)Murder Creek by Jane Suen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you are nosey like me you’ll keep reading this book regardless of how much you aren’t sure about how it is told. The story line was real quick. It does feel like there is a lack of detail but it is a good story. A lot of twists and turns that are unexpected but they hit you all at once. It was worth reading to the end and learning what happened at Murder Creek.

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Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend (Oscar and Emmy Series) by Terri Sabol – Review by Megan Pesek

Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend: A story about pet loss and saying goodbye to a furry friend. Ages 5-11 and kindergarten through grade 5.Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend: A story about pet loss and saying goodbye to a furry friend. Ages 5-11 and kindergarten through grade 5. by Terri Sabol
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Like the rest of the books featuring this duo, Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend is a great teaching tool. While the book does have a well developed story, it is not a light read. Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend provides a story about a loveable cat in child-friendly language to help children learn about end of life practices for pets. This book would be a great way to introduce children to the topic of pet/animal loss if you know you’ll be faced with it soon.

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Rogue Wolf (Protector Wolf Shifter Series Book 3) by Lilliana Rose – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Rogue Wolf (Protector Wolf Shifter Series Book 3)Rogue Wolf by Lilliana Rose
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I continue to love hard on this series so much. This paranormal romance gives me all the feels that I love with drama, romance, vampires, shifters and the continue search for the Blood Opal. The back and forth between Alpha Kodiak and Tamaska still continues all with one purpose…kill the vampires. I highly recommend reading this series in order as this story picks up after the ending of book 2.

Tamaska and Kodiak are still fighting against the evil vampires as the Shadow Pack suffered loss and the vampires are still relentless to take Tamaska for their own use. Changes within the pack are coming, but not everyone wants to be on board. So many of the pack believe that Tamaska is the issues and why so much blood is shed…and Tamaska feels bad for everything that is happening. Kodiak will stop at nothing to make Tamaska his as his mate, with conversations of changing Tamaska as a shifter. So many questions arise as well as secrets being kept from Tamaska. There is something special about her….

Will Kodiak become the leader that the Shadow Pack needs and also keep Tamaska as his own or wil the vampires have their way and will Tamaska be there when Kodiak needs her the most.

Great series..I highly recommend so much! I am so excited there will be another book in this series!

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Sing For Me (The Balefire Series Book 2) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Sing For Me (Balefire, #2)Sing For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Having read and enjoyed the previous book in this series I was looking forward to being back with the members of the band, Balefire, and I was not disappointed. This is lead singer Blu’s story, his entire life is his music and he loves everything that comes with it, “sex, booze and rock ‘n’ roll”. Whilst touring with the band Blu has his pick of female groupies and celebrities keen to be seen with him, and he’s usually fine with one night flings, until he meets Ashleigh. Ashleigh Baker is the girl next door who spends her days creating flower show pieces, in her cute floppy hat and with dirt on her knees. Unfortunately for Blu, whilst she’s all he can think about, she just wants to avoid him, and she does. Ashleigh is a freelance music reviewer, who’s happy with her little house with a much longed for long term lease. She can’t believe it when the guy on the Harley, her neighbour, is actually Blu Connolly from her favourite band. However Ashleigh is well aware of his reputation and has no plans to get involved with him, even though he’s temptation on two legs. Her plan to avoid him would be easier if Blu wasn’t on a mission to spend as much time as possible with her. This was a heartwarming opposites attract romance which kept me gripped throughout. Once again the descriptive narrative brought the characters and setting vividly to life, and made me feel apart of the Balefire bands world!

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Love & Stilettos by Evelyn Lindell – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Love & StilettosLove & Stilettos by Evelyn Lindell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An enjoyable and engaging contemporary romance which kept me hooked throughout. Twenty eight year old widow Mia leaves to attend Bellarmine University, where she comes face to face with her childhood best friend Mitch and his fiancée Lacey. Mia and Mitch used to spend the Summer’s together but their friendship ended when he didn’t attend her wedding. However, the spark between them is still there, and Lacey is determined to keep them apart even if she has to use lies and manipulation to do so. When Mia starts to realise that Lacey may actually be the villain not a victim, she uncovers more than she expected, including secret identities. Mia and Mitch need to work together to stop Lacey before she ruins Mia’s life, including her expulsion from the University. The storyline had plenty of drama and romance to keep me happily turning the pages and the plot twists kept me guessing as to the outcome. The characters were all well defined and I felt immersed in the setting as the descriptive narrative brought their world to life.

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Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend (Oscarand Emmy Series) by Terri Sabol – Review by Anantha Rusum

Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend: A story about pet loss and saying goodbye to a furry friend. Ages 5-11 and kindergarten through grade 5.Oscar and Emmy Lose a Friend: A story about pet loss and saying goodbye to a furry friend. Ages 5-11 and kindergarten through grade 5. by Terri Sabol
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a difficult and an emotional book to read. The toughest decision in life is when we decide to put a pet to sleep. And explaining it to children is very critical . This book covers the subject.
Oscar and Emmy are very fond of their stray feral cat Shadow which lives in their neighborhood and comes over for food. Over a time, they see a difference in Shadow. The family has to take a tough call about putting Shadow to sleep.
It was a very difficult book to read for me, but the awareness does help.

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Amaleigha Makes a New Friend by Janice Pratt – Review by Anantha Rusum

Amaleigha Makes a New FriendAmaleigha Makes a New Friend by Janice Pratt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Amaleigha Makes A New Friend is a cute addition to the Amaleigha series by Janice Pratt. I absolutely love the beautiful illustrations in this sweet children’s story, they really help to bring the whole story to life. The story is sweet, interesting, educational, and has meaningful messages about friendship, helpfulness, compassion, and making a difference. The author sprinkled in a little drama and angst too, which gives the story an added element of interest.
Amaleigha’s third grade class learns a lot about the Ukraine when her teacher assigns their class a pen pal program. The class will be exchanging letters with student in the Ukraine, and Amaleigha’s pen pal is Vova, a nine-year-old boy. Through exchanging letters back and forth with Vova, Amaleigha learns about him, his family, and life in the Ukraine. With war on his doorstep, Amaleigh worries for her friend. Things seem quite dire. She and her classmates all want to help and decide on a class fundraising activity to try to make a small difference. And so, a sweet story is born.
As with Amaleigha’s other stories, this book also promotes the idea that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. The messages are inspirational and easy for children to understand.
Happy reading!

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