
Born to Die (The McIntire County Series Book 2) by Winter Austin – Review by Kerry Baker

Born to Die (The McIntire County Series: #2)Born to Die by Winter Austin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book is a great follow up to the first in the series and is exactly the kind of book that I have come to expect from this author. I was pulled into the book right from the word go and found myself getting lost within the story. the book was full of suspense and I thought the connection and the history between the characters just added to the overall depth.
The book is really well developed. As the story went on I found myself more and more invested. I wanted to see how things would turn out and which direction the author would take it in. This is only the 2nd book in the series and it is already shaping up to be a great one. I am looking forward to book 3.

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Born to Die (The McIntire County Series Book 2) by Winter Austin – Review by Kerry Carr

Born to Die (The McIntire County Series: #2)Born to Die by Winter Austin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the McIntire County Series. I do recommend reading them in order as the characters that appear in this story have links to the first story. This is an action packed romance Suspense. It is full of danger, secrets, lies, and of course heartbreak and romance.
In this book we are with Cassey. Cassey is trying to recover from an incident in the past that has left her physically and mentally scared. However she refuses to allow that to stop her or for it to be a weakness. With some robberies happening Cassey and her partner are on the case to capture the culprits, but things take a turn for the worse when the body of an officer is found in the woods. Are the two connected in some way or is it a coincidence?
When Boyce Hunt arrives to help with this case it tips Casseys world upside down. After suffering heartbreak at the hands of Boyce before she isn’t prepared to let him get close again.

Boyce knows he hurt Cassey and he didn’t want to. He was just trying to protect her from the threats that come with having a mother as a criminal. But now they are forced back together to solve this case.
What happens when they realise their attraction still burns as strong as before? Will they risk their hearts again?

This is a fast paced story and the danger they face will have you on the edge of your seat. The main characters have both got issues they need to work through and their growth throughout this story was great to see. Its obvious they want to be together but they need to deal with their own issues and learn to trust again before they can move forward.

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Born to Die (The McIntire County Series Book 2) by Winter Austin – Review by Shelly Kittell

Born to Die (The McIntire County Series: #2)Born to Die by Winter Austin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Best romantic suspense I’ve read this year. Don’t read it, thought, if you haven’t read book 1. This is part of a series and it will flow better in order. I absolutely loved the characters. The chemistry between Cassy and Boyce is still there boiling subtely. They just need Liza to kick them in the butt. The story is fantastic, the twists and turns. I love that I have to work to figure out who the killer is. I enjoyed seeing new faces. Now, off to book 3…..

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Born to Die (The McIntire County Series Book 2) by Winter Austin – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Born to Die (The McIntire County Series: #2)Born to Die by Winter Austin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in this series which can be read as a standalone but I highly suggest reading the previous book to help the enjoyment of this author’s writing skills. I enjoyed reading this mystery as much if not more than the first one. It is a well written story about a series of robberies, the death of an officer and trust of the one person who broke your heart. I enjoyed how the author used details to make the story realistic and to pull me into the story. The characters are strong, supportive and relatable. They have great growth as well as chemistry throughout the story. They made the story easy and entertaining to read. This is a mystery that you don’t want to miss. A fast paced, engaging mystery that I highly recommend.

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Review by @bjwagner

Born to Die (The McIntire County Series Book 2) by Winter Austin

🔳 *¨*✶*¨`*🔳 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🔳 *¨*✶*¨`*🔳
Born to Die (The McIntire County Series Book 2) by Winter Austin
Genre – Romantic Suspense
Page Count – 175
Cover Designer – Cora’s Graphics

Trouble’s on the run in rural Eider, Iowa, and Deputy Cassy Rivers’s heart is in the line of fire. Two years ago, she barely escaped a harrowing experience at the hands of a maniac – and not without scars. Now a series of random robberies leads to the brutal death of a fellow officer, and she must put her trust in the one man who broke her heart.

FBI agent Boyce Hunt knows commitment isn’t for men with pasts like his. He left Cassy once to protect her from the blackmail and manipulation he faces from his mother’s criminal enterprise. But when they reluctantly partner up to capture the modern Bonnie and Clyde terrorizing McIntire County, their attraction flames to life once more, pulling Boyce between two loyalties.

Will they risk their hearts again, even if it means losing everything?


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Winter Austin perpetually answers the question: “were you born in the winter?” with a flat “nope,” but believe her, there is a story behind her name.

A lifelong Mid-West gal with strong ties to the agriculture world, Winter grew up listening to the captivating stories told by relatives around a table or a campfire. As a published author, she learned her glass half-empty personality makes for a perfect suspense/thriller writer. Taking her ability to verbally spin a vivid and detailed story, Winter translated that into writing deadly romantic suspense, mysteries, and thrillers.

When she’s not slaving away at the computer, you can find Winter supporting her daughter in cattle shows, seeing her three sons off into the wide-wide world, loving on her fur babies, prodding her teacher husband, and nagging at her flock of hens to stay in the coop or the dogs will get them.

She is the author of multiple novels, with more on the way.