
Ocean’s Three (Made In Heaven #2) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Christine Baranek

Ocean's Three (Made In Heaven, #2)Ocean’s Three by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ocean’s Three
By: Elena Kincaid

This is the second book in the Made in Heaven series, however, it definitely functions as a standalone. I did read the first book and I loved it and this one is just as good if not better.
Cameron is having visions. These visions repeatedly focus on a girl named Jocelyn, one that he definitely doesn’t think exists. However, soon these visions begin to feature his cousin Reed he begins to question what is real and what is not. However, one cruise brings the three of them together and no one can even imagine what will happen from there.
This book is so much different than the first book. It is very well written and definitely tugs on all of your emotions. I definitely recommend this!

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The Summer I Went Crazy by Laura Koerber – Review by Christine Baranek

The Summer I Went CrazyThe Summer I Went Crazy by Laura Koerber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Summer I Went Crazy
By: Laura Koerber

Let me start out by stating that this book contains a trigger warning as it contains and focuses on rape. I have to say that this is a very well written book and it tackles the subject of guilt very well. This book definitely made me feel so many emotions, to the point where I was crying at various points throughout. This is something that I think is a very well written mark. I think it took a good look at how the choices we make can live with us for years past when we make the choice. I definitely recommend this, especially for those who love books that feature growth in their characters!

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Doctor Frank Enstein (Doctors of Eastport General) by C.A. King – Review by Christine Baranek

Doctor Frank Enstein (Doctors of Eastport General)Doctor Frank Enstein by C.A. King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Doctor Frank Enstein
C.A. King

As a Grey’s Anatomy Fan, I truly had high expectations for this novella. As I do with just about every contemporary romance I read that takes place in the medical field. This one definitely rose to that expectation. In this book we meet Dr. Enstein who wants to use his abilities in plastic surgery to help the world. He wants to help those who are disfigured build their confidence. When Dr. Enstein meets Barbara he gets way more than he was expecting. Their chemistry sizzles for sure and they have a banter between them that is definitely unmatched. I definitely recommend this!

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Echoing Hearts (The Echo Series Book 1) by C.R. Alam – Review by Christine Baranek

His Forever Muse (Book 2 of The Echo Series)His Forever Muse by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

His Forever Muse
By: C.R. Alam

Second Chance Romance

I love the first book – Echoing hearts and I was truly hoping to get to know each of the characters in the first book even better. This next one was Brandon’s story. Brandon was such a wonderful character. However his wonderfulness is underscored by Callie. Callie is the perfect main character, she is strong and resilient yet despite her past she is still able to trust in people and open up. She had a past that was difficult and the author did not shy away from tackling it. Because just as in real life, sometimes we have difficult pasts that make us who we are. This difficult subject matter is what made this book even more special. It was handled in just the right way. I truly love the romance that was in this but it was also partnered with a lot of suspense. It was well written and I definitely recommend it!

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Manipulator’s War (Ruarnon Trilogy Book 1) by Elise Carlson – Review by Christine Baranek

Manipulator's War (Ruarnon Trilogy, #1)Manipulator’s War by Elise Carlson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Manipulators War
By: Elise Carlson

Great YA Fantasy

This isn’t my usual book of choice. But I’ve been expanding my types of reading when it comes to middle grade and YA books so that I am able to make great recommendations to my students. This book definitely is one that I will be recommending to my older students that enjoy fantasy novels. This is one that is fast paced and definitely sucks you in at the beginning and doesn’t let you go until the very end. I will say that this is a book that needs your full attention when you are reading or else there will be moments later on in the book where you will feel confused. I am definitely looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

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The Silent Road by S.N. McKibben – Review by Christine Baranek

The Silent RoadThe Silent Road by S.N. McKibben
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Silent Road
By: S.N. McKibben

This book is so good. It is a very in depth look at what it is like to live with a deep secret and what happens when your secret comes to light. This story is filled with amazing characters with stories that definitely tug at your heart strings. It has some steam but that is not the focus of the story rather the focus is at finding who you really are, who you can trust and who and what really matters. This book is phenomenal with characters I truly loved. I definitely recommend this book!

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Streets of Shadow by Rebecca Bischoff – Review by Christine Baranek

Streets of ShadowStreets of Shadow by Rebecca Bischoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Streets of Shadow
By: Rebecca Bischoff

This is an amazing historical mystery. It is very well written with really enjoyable characters. I truly love that this features a sister who is trying to get justice for her sister. Kenna is such a well developed character with many facets to her. She is the granddaughter of an earl who really lost it all. Not to mention that the plague is all around. But Kenna doesn’t let this all deter her from finding the person who murdered her sister. This story really kept me reading to find out what would happen next. I really truly recommend this! I loved it so much!

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Falling for You (Buckeye Falls Book 2) by Libby Kay – Review by Christine Baranek

Falling for You (Buckeye Falls, #2)Falling for You by Libby Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Falling For You
By: Libby Kay

This is the second book in the Buckeye Falls Series. I have read the first book, but this one definitely functions as a stand alone. I am definitely a sucker for a good small town novel, especially a small town romance. This book and all of the Buckeye Falls Series delivers on the quintessential good vibes of a small town romance. I love all of the characters and truly wish that I lived in Buckeye Falls.
In this one, we focus on CeCe and we see how her past has shaped her future. She wound up in Buckeye Falls to escape her past. Evan is a sweet, patient soul. He is also the optimist that CeCe needs. This is the sweetest romance that I definitely recommend!

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Deadly Intentions by Anise Storm – Review by Christine Baranek

Deadly IntentionsDeadly Intentions by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Deadly Intentions
By: Anise Storm

This book is so good! One of the best mafia stories I have ever read. However, it definitely comes with plenty of dark moments and a trigger warning that should definitely be read and taken into consideration. Nazario and Viviana are very complex characters and I really enjoyed reading them. They were definitely one of the most complex couples I have ever read and I definitely was unsure how each was going to act at any time. This book was full of passion and emotion and of course revenge. I definitely recommend this!

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The Forlorn Cowboy (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Christine Baranek

The Forlorn Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne (The Studs of Clear Creek County)The Forlorn Cowboy by Stacy-Deanne by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Forlorn Cowboy
By: Stacy Deanne

I truly enjoyed every second of this book. It took a sensitive historical topic and handled it wonderfully. I loved the characters so very much. Minnie Locke is a member of one of the members of one of the wealthiest families of Clear Creek. She is also very progressive as is evidenced by her best friend (and her support of her best friend). Her best friend is Greta Fay. Greta Fay is absolutely unafraid to fight for equality. Christopher is a farmer who is living in poverty. He has met Minnie and Minnie has fallen in love with him. They are engaged to be married, despite the fact that Minnie parents are completely against it. Minnie loves him and doesn’t care about how much money he has in comparison to hers. One day, Christopher meets Greta Fay and falls in love but gives her an alias – Cal. Will Minnie and Greta Fay find out they are in love with the same man? Who will get Christopher in the end? Will Greta Fay continue to stand up for what she believes in?
There were so many twists in this book that I found it hard to put down. I definitely loved it and completely recommend it!

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Ale’s Fair in Love and War by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Christine Baranek

Ale's Fair in Love and War (Love on Tap, #1)Ale’s Fair in Love and War by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ale’s Fair in Love and war
By: Sylive Stewart

This is such an enjoyable book! I love the characters of Hollis and Cash. They have a very interesting relationship. Cash runs a family brewery and his family is far from simple. The last thing he wants is not get along with the neighbor and risk losing the brewery. They engage in a prank war, which was not my favorite part of the story. However, I really love their banter. It kept me reading long past my bedtime because i wanted to see what was going to come of it. I also loved Cash’s family. I am a sucker for a story with a big crazy family. Plus this gives off major small town vibes. I absolutely love this. It was my first book by Sylive Stwart but it definitely won’t be my last. She is now on my authors I need more of list and I will be reading all her past and future books!

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The White Knight Cowboy (The Studs of Clear Creek County) by Stacy-Deanne – Review by Christine Baranek

The White Knight Cowboy Stacy-DeanneThe White Knight Cowboy Stacy-Deanne by Stacy-Deanne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The White Knight Cowboy
By: Stacy – Deanne

This novella is amazing. I am developing quite a love for historical fiction, especially those stories that deal with the harder parts of history with a kind eye and empathy. This story definitely fits that description.
The main characters in this story are Jo and Dusty. Jo is a young black maid who is running away scared for her life. Her mistress has accused her of a murder she did not commit. She runs to the only person she feels can help her – a 40 year old white cowboy. Dusty and Jo have always felt a mutual attraction but they have never acted on it. I truly enjoyed watching how they interacted and how Jo trusted Dusty. I definitely recommend this story!

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The Veil of Corruption (The Virus of Beauty Book 2) by C.B. Lyall Review by Christine Baranek

The Veil of Corruption (The Virus of Beauty #2)The Veil of Corruption by C.B. Lyall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Veil of Corruption
By: C.B. Lyall

This is not the typical book that I read. I do not generally read books about witches and wizards. That being said, I stepped outside of my comfort zone to give this book a try due to the fact that it is YA and I am a teacher who interacts with middle school students. I like reading books that my students might like so that I can recommend good reads to them. This book is one that I will definitely be recommending to my students. This story is very unique and I will say that the storyline kept me reading, because i wanted to know what happened next. I truly enjoyed the characters in the story and really felt invested in the conflict between the witches and wizards. I also liked the twist that the help that Wilf seems to be causing some of the chaos. I definitely recommend this book for anyone who likes fantasies.

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The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Christine Baranek

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Thieves
By: Susan Specht Oram

Let me start out by saying that Susan Specht Oram is quickly becoming one of my absolute favorite authors. She always delivers on the suspense and the twists and the turns. I love an author that keeps me guessing on each page and this book delivers on this. This book is also filled with quirky characters whom I loved. This book is told from alternating view points which I personally loved, because it allowed you to see multiple perspectives throughout the book. I love the premise of how a woman who is trying to help her father by obtaining cash through questionable means ends up being stolen from. However as the story goes on I really found myself questioning who were the bad guys. I definitely loved this book and cannot wait to read more by Susan Specht Oram!

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His Protector by Sara Vinduska – Review by Christine Baranek

His ProtectorHis Protector by Sara Vinduska
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

His Protector
By: Sara Vinduska

I truly loved this book! This features two strong characters who acted with integrity. It features the president of the United States who has just been widowed and in losing his wife he also lost his unborn child. He has a secret service agent who is assigned to protect him. She is developing feelings for him. However, she doesn’t know if the President feels the same way. There are still very valid threats against the president’s life and the more time they spend together the more neither of them cannot deny their feelings.
This book combines romance with suspense. I love how well it is written and how developed the characters are. I definitely recommend this book and I love that it combines genres!

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Saving the Gingerbread House by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Christine Baranek

saving the gingerbread housesaving the gingerbread house by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Saving the Gingerbread House
By: Lois Wickstrom

This is such a cute version of Hansel and Gretel. I definitely will be reading it to my students when we get to our fairy tale unit. I love that this has a science spin, just as all Lois Wickstrom books do. It has absolutely adorable pictures to go along with the text. I actually love that this has a such a positive spin on a fairy tale that can have more of a dark spin. I love that Hansel and Gretel work with the witch to restore the house, fixing their mistakes. I definitely recommend this story. Especially when reading the original too. I think it can lead to many conversations between children (or students)! This is one I will be recommending to all of my teaching friends!

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Loretta’s Caterpillar (Loretta’s Insects) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Christine Baranek

Loretta’s Caterpillar
By: Lois Wickstrom

As a teacher, I am always excited when I see a new book by Lois Wickstrom. These books are always well written and informative. They explain scientific concepts to children in an engaging way. I truly love reading them to my classes and they love reading them as well. I am a teacher to children ages 4 – 10 and I use each book in a different way with each grade level. This book is not an exception.
I will say that I read this book with a Kindergarten class. They loved it! I did not read this with my other classes because we study the life cycle of butterflies every spring. This will now be a staple during this unit! It is going to be such a great addition I know that each class will love as much as I did reading this!

A Stranger in Disguise (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome) by P.J. Mann – Review by Christine Baranek

A Stranger in Disguise: An Italian Murder Mystery (A Commissario Scala Mystery in Rome)A Stranger in Disguise: An Italian Murder Mystery by P. J. Mann
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Stranger in Disguise
By: P.J. Mann

This is the fourth book in the Inspector Scala Mystery Series. Don’t let that deter your from reading this book, because I have not read any of the others and I completely understood what was happening. But I will definitely be going back to read the others because I enjoyed this one so much!
This book features an acting company that is in a foreign land and is performing MacBeth. Everyone knows this play is known to be cursed. The actors definitely are trying to shake it off as rumors but weird things start happening. Then a cast member ends up dead. This is where Inspector Scala shows up. What he discovers is that the victim is not necessarily a simple actor, her life is far more complicated than anyone ever thought.
I truly enjoyed the twists and turns that were in this book. It kept me guessing for sure! I definitely recommend this great mystery.

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Real Movie Hero (Green Brotherhood: SEAL Team XII Book 2) by Debra Parmley – Review by Christine Baranek

Real Movie HeroReal Movie Hero by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Real Movie Hero
By: Debra Parmley

I have read every single one of the Green Brotherhood so far and each one is amazing in their own way. I do want to mention that this book most definitely would work as a standalone if you have not read the others. However, I will say that this book exceeded my expectations and is by far and away my favorite thus far. Reed and Christie are amazing characters and their love story is almost fated. I loved their chemistry and how Reed is take charge and took care of Christie from the beginning, even before he knew her. I also loved how he wanted to take Christies fears and nurture her so that she would become less afraid. This was evidenced in their first date – and I have to say I absolutely loved that date. Debra left nothing to the imagination, it was so easy to imagine how both of them reacted as their date went on and how Reed worked to ease Christie’s fears. I really was rooting for them from the start. I also loved how Christie was a flawed character who was nervous to date again. I read this book in less than a day and I definitely recommend it for a feel good love story.

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Shadow (Devil’s Handmaidens MC: Timber-Ghost, Montana Chapter Book 2) by D.M. Earl – Review by Christine Baranek

Shadow (Devil's Handmaidens MC-Book Two)Shadow by D.M. Earl
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: D.M. Earl

I am loving the Devils Handmaidens series. This is the second book in the series. I loved the first book and will definitely be reading all the following books as they come out. However, I will tell you that this one definitely would work as a standalone if you haven’t read the first one. I love everything that this club stands for. This book is definitely not for the faint of heart. It is definitely a fast paced book. I loved Shadow. She is the heroine who has overcome a lot and still is a work in progress. Panther is a Navajo rancher and is the one to see past everything in Shadow’s past. Panther is the first person to really get her to consider opening up. This book had me hooked from the first sentence and didn’t let me go until the last. I definitely recommend picking this one up!

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Shameless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book 2) by KG Fletcher – Review by Christine Baranek

Shameless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, #2)Shameless Love by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Shameless Love
By: K.G. Fletcher

This is such a good book! I truly enjoyed the characters and have to say these are some of the most detailed characters I have ever read. This is the second book in the series, however, it definitely can be read without reading the first one. However, I recommend reading the first one just so you gain a better appreciation for the Bennet family and what all they have been through. This book has the perfect happy ending and definitely leaves me wanting more (in the best way possible).

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Savage Start (Hidden Valley Elite Prequel) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Christine Baranek

Savage Start: A High School Bully Romance: Hidden Valley Elite PrequelSavage Start: A High School Bully Romance: Hidden Valley Elite Prequel by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Savage Start
By: Isla Vaughn

This is the start to a new series. I really enjoyed this story. It is the first book in a new series that I have enjoyed this much in a long time. I really enjoyed the characters and thought that they were multidimensional. I also liked that this was a little dark and really was reminiscent of high school in many ways – especially the stereotypical high schools that were found in TV dramas. It reminds me of many of my favorite tv shows which means that I am really looking forward to more in this series. I definitely recommend this!!

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Ruthless Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 1) by Gwyn McNamee – Review by Christine Baranek

Ruthless Hawke (The Hawke Family Second Generation Book 1)Ruthless Hawke by Gwyn McNamee
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ruthless Hawke
By: Gwyn McNamee

As always, this is a Hawke family book that does not disappoint. This is the first book in the Hawke Family Second Generation series. However, it does contain some of the characters in the original series. This book also has a prequel, it is not necessary to read it to understand this book, it just demonstrates the amount of chemistry between MIna and Isaac. This chemistry was absolutely undeniable and continues in this book. Isaac is a man who will do anything to protect his family but in this book the danger is so close. I definitely recommend this book, just as much as I have recommended every other book by Gwyn McNamee.

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Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers Book 4) by Belinda Williams – Review by Christine Baranek

Cry Baby (Pierce Brothers, #4)Cry Baby by Belinda Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cry Baby
By: Belinda Williams

Belinda Williams is quickly becoming one of my very favorite authors. I anticipate every book from her because she has yet to disappoint me. This is another of the Pierce brothers books. I have read all of them, but this one definitely can stand alone. Amy is on the verge of a life change, she has just been accepted into school to become a teacher and cannot wait to tell her best friend her good news. Before she can tell her best friend, she calls with tragic news – her brother in law has gained custody of an infant and needs all the help he can get. Amy agrees to help him out, but she never could guess what all she was getting in for. Amy loves Amelia and truly enjoys caring for her. However, her boss – Noah, loves Amelia but is determined to find the father of Amelia. While they are working together Amy and Noah cannot help but notice they are attracted to each other. They both want to cross the line between boss and nanny, but really they are afraid of what will happen. More importantly, Amy things Noah is meant to be the one to raise Amelia, but can she convince him that he should.
As with all the other Pierce Brother books, this book contains the most wonderful characters, the ones that you wish were your friends in real life. The Pierce brothers are also the ones you wish were really out there. Each and every one of the characters are very well developed and multi-faceted. I cannot help but recommend this book. I also say, though they are not necessary to read to understand this book, definitely read the other three books, just because they are absolutely wonderful!

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True Colors (Landry’s True Colors Series Book One) by Krysten Lindsay Hager – Review by Christine Baranek

True Colors (Landry's True Colors #1)True Colors by Krysten Lindsay Hager
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

True Colors
By : Krysten Lindsay Hager

This is such a sweet middle grade novel. One that I would have definitely recommended to my fifth grade girls and have had in my library back when I taught fourth and fifth grade. As a teacher, I felt that this book accurately portrayed middle school and how challenging school can be. Especially the drama, oh the drama! It brought back memories to my own middle school years but also to those students I teach. I definitely recommend this book!

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Echoing Hearts (The Echo Series Book 1) by C.R. Alam – Review by Christine Baranek

Echoing Hearts (Book 1 of The Echo Series)Echoing Hearts by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Echoing Hearts
By C.R. Alam

This is such a good story. I absolutely loved the characters. Rae was such an interesting character. I loved that this Rae seemed very down to earth. I also love that she had a male best friend. I feel like very rarely do authors accurately show the complications of a female with a male best friend and how that complicated relationships. I loved the character of Dean as well. I thought he was complicated in a relatable way. I love this story and all that was involved in this book. The romance was awesome and the steamy parts were so steamy. I definitely cannot wait to read more from this author and hope that we read more about Dean and Rae in the future.

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The Man in Black by L.R. Liverpool – Review by Christine Baranek

The Man In BlackThe Man In Black by L.R. Liverpool
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Man in Black
By: L.R. Liverpool

This book is so good. It is incredibly gritty and is full of suspense and mystery. I also really enjoy that this is told as if it is a documentary or a memoir. I feel that this storytelling technique really added to my enjoyment. It really took you right there with Fenimore. I really enjoyed Fenimore aka Simon and his quest to become a famous outlaw. I found that the book was a little slow in the beginning, but sticking with it is worth the reward, as this book is so good. I definitely recommend it!

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Vaughn’s Xena (Dirty Rockhard Billionaire Book 1) by M.I. Rosegold – Review by Christine Baranek

Vaughn's Xena (Dirty Rockhard Series, #1)Vaughn’s Xena by M.I. Rosegold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Vaughn’s Xena
By: M.I. Rosegold

This book is not for everyone. I truly enjoyed it though – it pushed me out of my comfort zone. It is a best friend’s brother romance. It features Xena and Vaughn. Vaughn is Xena’s best friend’s brother. She has had a crush on him forever. But she thinks he is not dating, in fact she thinks that he hates women. When she finds out that he feels the same way about her things get very steamy, in fact, smutty. I enjoyed reading about their relationship and the author writes in such a way that one can actually visualize what is happening in this story. Their relationship was incredibly complicated in more ways than one but I liked watching them navigate this.

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Absolution by Anise Storm & Taylor L. Ray – Review by Christine Baranek

AbsolutionAbsolution by Anise Storm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Anise Storm and Taylor L Ray

This book began with a trigger warning and let me tell you that it is deserved, so make sure to read it. But this is a dark, steamy, dark and twisty read. Dominic was abandoned at a young age and has been taking care of himself. He has fallen in love with Juliana and Juliana loves him. However, Juliana’s father is not a fan and has forbidden him to see her. He definitely feels that Dominic is not good enough. One night Juliana goes missing and needless to say Dominic is the first one to get blamed. This turns Dominic into a very angry, dark man. Years later he meets a woman who looks just like Juliana but isn’t. This is where the story gets super interesting. I want to end it there because I don’t want to spoil this for anyone. This book is absolutely amazing but also twisty.

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Three Made In Heaven (Made In Heaven #1) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Christine Baranek

Three Made in Heaven (Made in Heaven, #1)Three Made in Heaven by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three Made In Heaven
By: Elena Kincaid

I’m not gonna lie, it took me a while to get into this one. But one I did I could not put it down. I truly enjoyed the dynamic between Maddie, Cole and Charlie. I thought it was odd at first that they only met in dreams, however, as they tried to figure out what was real and what was dreams, I really enjoyed the twists and turns. It was spicy for sure and I definitely enjoyed it in the end. I will say give this one a try because it really is a unique concept that I want to read more about!

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