
Other People’s Money (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 7) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Christine Baranek

Other People's Money (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 7)Other People’s Money by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Other People’s Money
By Cynthia Hamilton

Cynthia Hamilton is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Her books always feature wonderful characters and fast paced plot featuring plenty of suspense. This story is definitely not an exception.
Madeline, Mike and the rest of the team receive another complicated set of cases. In the first, they must determine where some money has gone from a friend’s company. In another, a worried family seeks to find information regarding their father’s fiance. However, the team gets very confused when nothing is what it seems and the cases begin to cross into one another.
If you love a good mystery with well developed characters and many plot twists this is definitely the book for you!

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How to Make a Flying Carpet (Alex, the Inventor) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Christine Baranek

How to Make a Flying Carpet (Alex, the Inventor #2)How to Make a Flying Carpet by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How to Make a Flying Carpet
By: Lois Wickstrom

Once again, Lois Wickstrom does not disappoint. She has written such a beautiful story with wonderful characters. In this story, a young inventor loves to make use of every thing, she doesn’t like to see anything go to waste. A refrigerator magnet crosses her path and she is definitely stumped by what to do. She uses her imagination as she tries to come up with something to do with this magnet.
This story is definitely great at reinforcing the idea of using your imagination. It also shows how you can repurpose things that you find and give them new life. This is a great story for young children and would be best suited for elementary aged students.

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Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8 ) by Cynthia Hamilton – Review by Christine Baranek

Breach of Trust (The Madeline Dawkins Series Book 8)Breach of Trust by Cynthia Hamilton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Breach of Trust
By: Cynthia Hamilton

This is the first book I have read by Cynthia Hamilton and this most definitely won’t be my last. In fact, I have already ordered a few more to read next. She writes so very well that I most definitely think she will become one of my must read authors. This is a book in the Madeline Dawkins series and it definitely acts as a standalone.
Madeline receives a call from her father and she rushes with Mike to her father’s side. It is there that she discovers that someone is revealing deep dark secrets of the residents at her father’s assistant living. These are secrets that the residents thought would never see the light of day. While working on this case, Madeline and her team receive another case. One that hits very close to home for Madeline. Do they have enough resources to solve both cases? Will they be successful?
This book is filled with wonderful characters and plenty of suspense. I definitely recommend reading it!

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Afflicted Love (Rhythm & Heart Series) by Autumn Sand – Review by Christine Baranek

Afflicted LoveAfflicted Love by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Afflicted Love
By: Autumn Sand

This book comes with a trigger warning and a warning for mature readers. Let me caution that this book packs a heavy punch and deals heavily with abuse and trauma. Please do not take the trigger warning lightly.
That being said, I must say that this book is fantastic. It deals with heavy topics yet I felt that this book was so detailed. It sucks you in from the very first word and it does not let you go until the very end. Each of the characters are so complex, so broken. Yet both of the main characters are complicated and well written. This is a story of lust and heartbreak but also about family. There is betrayal and incomprehensible pain. This is a book you just have to experience to feel the depth of it. I definitely recommend it, it will definitely make you feel all the feels but it is so worth it.

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Fiddle and Fire (Hearts of Gold Book 2) by Ariella Talix – Review by Christine Baranek

Fiddle and Fire: A Steamy Historical MMF Romance (Hearts of Gold Book 2)Fiddle and Fire: A Steamy Historical MMF Romance by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fiddle and Fire
By: Ariella Talix

This is a historical romance that takes place in San Francisco in 1855. It features two gentlemen who are fire fighters who travel to the city from Pittsburg. They are there to spend the money that they have mined. A Paris socialite has just arrived in San Francisco to start a new life. When their lives collide they find that both men are attracted to the socialite. What is a girl to do? As she decides there is romance and steam at every corner. In addition there is drama and suspense. I definitely recommend this book.

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Cabin Eight (The Millersville Series Book 3) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Christine Baranek

Cabin Eight (The Millersville series)Cabin Eight by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cabin Eight
By: Susan Specht Oram

This is not my first book by Susan Specht Oram. I have to say that her books never disappoint. This is the third book in the Millersville Series. I have read all of them but I would say that they could stand alone. This book is so suspenseful. It focuses on Miranda Diggs. She has lived a questionable life, at best, and now she is making another questionable decision. This book is part suspense part sci fi. This book contains so many twists and turns that it definitely kept me guessing and definitely kept me turning the page. This is definitely a book where nothing is as it seems. I definitely recommend this one!

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Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From The Ashes Book 1) by Elena Kincaid – Review by Christine Baranek

Where Fire Meets Flame (Yours From The Ashes #1)Where Fire Meets Flame by Elena Kincaid
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Where Fire Meets Flame
By: Elena Kincaid

This book was so very good. It is a steamy romance with a really good plot twist throughout it. This is a short story but it packs a punch and plenty of steam in its pages. These pages are also filled with action, danger, suspense and tension.
Riley is a private detective who definitely is not interested in having a relationship. However, that is until she meets Tristan. Tristan finds his way to saving a spicy redhead. The sparks instantly fly. This is definitely a great read and one I am looking forward to reading more of in the series.

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Small Fry by Stephenie Wilson Peterson – Review by Christine Baranek

Small FrySmall Fry by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Small Fry
By: Stephenie Wilson Peterson

This is such a fantastic book. It is a middle grade book that tells such an important story. Silas is starting middle school, as if that isn’t bad enough he’s moved to a brand new town. More importantly he has a growth hormone deficiency. This makes him much smaller than the average middle schooler. Oh and did I mention that his grandfather is no longer living near by and is going through some changes of his own. Which means his grandfather isn’t the steadfast rock that he is used to leaning on. Silas ends up being bullied by the students, and honestly by some teachers at his new school. But he won’t take being bullied lying down, he ends up running for class president. Which definitely has its ups and its downs.
This is such an amazing book. It holds so many positive messages. This is one that I will be using as a read aloud next school year. I really enjoyed Silas and how he persevered through difficult challenges. I definitely recommend this story!

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Savage Truth (Hidden Valley Elite Book 2) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Christine Baranek

Savage Truth: A High School Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 2)Savage Truth: A High School Bully Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Savage Truth
By: Isla Vaughn

This is the continuation of the story that was started in Savage Lies. It picks up right where we left off with Cole and Riley. There is so much tension. There is still a lot of banter and a lot of button pushing, but this time it finally spills over into the steam that we were all expecting. Once they get to the steamy scenes the book gets even more suspenseful as Riley’s past comes back to haunt her. This book is excellent and I definitely recommend it!

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Little Red, the Detective (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Christine Baranek

Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale (Science Folktales)Little Red, the Detective: a science folktale by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Little Red, The Detective
By: Lois Wickstrom

Once again, Lois Wickstrom delivers with a fantastic children’s book that is a must read for every child. This is such a fun twist on a classic fairy tale. On her way to travel to granny, she meets the wolf and she needs to take what she knows to overcome the wolf. She uses her detective skills to keep her granny safe. This is another story in the Science Folktale series and it is safe to say that each one is going to be amazing. I definitely recommend this and can’t wait to see what folk tale Lois takes on next.

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Non-Verbal by Molly Zenk – Review by Christine Baranek

NonVerbalNonVerbal by Molly Zenk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Molly Zenk

This is such an important book. It is definitely recommended for middle grades, but frankly I recommend it for everyone. As an educator, I believe that this book definitely gives insight into a section of the population that many people do not understand.
This book focuses on Emerson and her family. Emerson is diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and all her words disappeared when she was 15 months old. This book shows many of the ups and downs that she experienced from this point forward. Emerson navigated being nonverbal in a verbal world as well as she can and this book is definitely heart wrenching. I found myself cheering and crying throughout the book. Emerson definitely faced her struggles during a period when many young adults struggle.
I definitely recommend this book. I think it definitely is a great read and one that will have you looking at the world around you a little differently.

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Unexpected Entanglement (The Echo Series Book 3) by C.R. Alam – Review by Christine Baranek

Unexpected Entanglement (Book 3 of the Echo Series)Unexpected Entanglement by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Unexpected Entanglement
By: C. R. Alam

This is the third book in the Echo Series. This brings what readers of C.R. Alam have learned to love. A great plot, characters that feel like they could be someone that you know and some love.
Chris is such an amazing character. I love that he is a famous entrepreneur but he is able to come into a small town and really fit in and doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb. Rowan has come into an inn and she is pouring her heart and soul into fixing it up. She is facing a serious deadline, the inn needs to be up and running before her cousin’s wedding.
Chris is a famous hotelier. His hotels are located all over the world. But being in this small town he knows how to get things not only done but done well.
What happens when Chris and Rowan’s paths meet? What begins as a fake entanglement may just become something more.
I definitely recommend reading this book and the others in the echo series. Each book is a stand alone but I wouldn’t miss a single one as they are all excellent.

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A River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Christine Baranek

A River of CrowsA River of Crows by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A River of Crows
By: Shanessa Gluhm

This is such a good book. It is a story of a family that is torn apart by trauma and lies and secrets. Ridge and his dad went out fishing. Only his dad returns. This ends with his father being charged with the murder of Ridge. But that is really only the beginning of the story.
There is so much more that I wish I could tell you but that would involve spoiling the story. The best I can say is that this is a story you won’t be able to put down until the end. One that will keep you up long past your bed time, that you will keep reading and wish it wasn’t over when it was. These characters are amazing and the plot sucks you in from the beginning. I definitely recommend reading this one!

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Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Teenage War Survival Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic – Review by Christine Baranek

Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) (Teenage War Survival series)Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir (Book 1) by Nadija Mujagic
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ten Thousand Shells and Counting
By: Nadija Mujagic

This is an amazingly well written memoir about the author’s experiences living in Sarajevo during the Bosnian War. This book gives the reader a first hand look of what it was like to live during a war. It shows the absolute atrocities that the author faced and saw but it also shows how she did not lose her sense of humor or the fact that she is still a normal teenager with hormones. This book is so much more than a memoir of living during a war. It is really a coming of age story. A tale of how the author found who she was while living in a war. This is a story of persistence, of how hope endures, and all in all I believe that this is a must read for everyone, young and old, because I believe there is something in Nadia’s story that we all can learn from.

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Obedience (Ties That Bind Book 1) by Liza Snow – Review by Christine Baranek

ObedienceObedience by Liza Snow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

By: Liza Snow

I truly loved this book. I have only read a few books that take place in a circus and every time I forget just how enchanting and complicated of a setting that is. In this story, Cirque de Lys is its own world and as the reader you are completely sucked into and captivated by it, at least I was. This world is full of suspense and twists and turns as well as an absolutely spellbinding romance. It includes super steamy scenes that it is easy to get lost in. This is definitely a book that builds up to its burn but when its over, you are dying for the next book. I know that I cannot wait to reenter the world of Cirque de Lys again.

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Right in Front of You (Morris Valley Gang Book 1) by Brooke May – Review by Christine Baranek

Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian (Morris Valley Gang Book 1)Right in Front of You: Volume One: Brinley & Adrian by Brooke May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Right in front of you
By: Brooke May

This is such a fun romantic story. Brinley left Morris Valley years ago when her family moved. Her friends and her made a pact that they would stay friends forever. They all did their best to stay friends, but miles and miles separated them. Brinley served in the military and now is traveling as a rep for a gun company. She is currently working as an expert on a documentary set showing how guns work. What she doesn’t expect is that a stalker she thought was gone would reappear. The authorities have been working to solve who this stalker is and ensure her safety. But somehow this stalker has managed to get onto a closed set, into her trailer and leave her a note. She doesn’t want to admit how scared she is. So she is going the only place that has ever felt home – Morris Valley – to the friends that have never forgotten her.
Adrian is a rancher through and through. Ranching takes every minute of his time and all of his energy. He would love to find a woman that he can come home to at the end of the day. But he has literally never found a woman who can share her heart with ranching. The one woman he thought would be able to, he discovered was cheating on him. So he has been incredibly jaded and is happy to be with his cattle and his sheep.
Their paths cross and sparks fly. They both need each other in so many different ways. I truly loved their connection. I love all the characters in Morris Valley and I cannot wait to see what comes next in the series. I can already tell this is going to be one of my favorites.

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Pulling Together by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Christine Baranek

Pulling TogetherPulling Together by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Pulling Together
By: Lois Wickstrom

I have read many of Lois Wickstrom’s books and I always have high expectations when I am able to read a new one. This one rose to those expectations and exceeded them. As always, this book features such sweet characters and an amazing plot. I truly loved this story. This is a great story to discuss inclusion and getting along with others. I definitely enjoy this story and will be rereading with both my students and my niece and nephew.

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White Picket Fences by Kyle Ann Robertson – Review by Christine Baranek

White Picket FencesWhite Picket Fences by Kyle Ann Robertson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

White Picket Fences
By: Kyle Ann Robertson

This is such a beautifully written contemporary women’s fiction story. It is wrought with complex family drama. I think that the drama and the emotions are those that many women can really relate to. This looks at the pieces of a puzzle in a marriage, in a family and how many times women struggle to see where they fit. Also, it looks at the point where the person in the mirror is not someone you recognize anymore. The main character throughout this struggles with not knowing herself anymore. She is struggling to see herself and who she is. Things begin to crumble around her and that’s when the story really begins. I definitely cannot recommend this story enough!

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Savage Lies (Hidden Valley Elite Book 1) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Christine Baranek

Savage Lies: A High School Bully Romance (Hidden Valley Elite Book 1)Savage Lies: A High School Bully Romance by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Savage Lies
By: Isla Vaughn

This book isn’t my first in this series, as I read the prequel – Savage Start. I loved this follow up. However, this one is not a standalone. I wouldn’t say that you need to read the prequel, but know that this book does not end with any resolution. Rather, it definitely is going to be continued with the second book. This book is the perfect balance of chemistry and animosity. Cole and Riley are such complex characters and their story only continues to get so much more complex. I definitely cannot wait for the next book. I definitely recommend it as it is going to be a beginning piece in an absolutely amazing series!

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Chicken Little Investigates (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Christine Baranek

Chicken Little Investigates: a science folktale (Science Folktales)Chicken Little Investigates: a science folktale by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Chicken Little Investigates
By: Lois Wickstrom

This is such a great version of the story of Chicken Little. We all know the story of Chicken Little where he thinks the sky is falling and panics. However, in this version Chicken Little gets hit in the head and uses his brains and his knowledge of science. When Chicken Little gets hit in the head he does several experiments and the scientific process to discover what it is that hit him in the head. I truly loved this retelling of the story and know that it would be a great addition to any child’s book collection or classroom library!

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Taming Brooklyn (The Club Kings Series Book 1) by Charlotte St. Pierre – Review by Christine Baranek

Taming Brooklyn (The Club Kings Series Book 1)Taming Brooklyn by Charlotte St. Pierre
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Taming Brooklyn
By: Charlotte St. Pierre

First of all, let me start by saying that this book comes with a trigger warning that definitely should not be taken lightly. However, having said this, I completely loved this story. I think it was very well written. It is super steamy and spicy for sure! I will say I was not expecting to be taken on this emotional roller coaster. I knew that this book would pack on the steam but I did not expect to have all the feels. Brooklyn is truly an amazing character who has overcome so much but who has also built up so many walls to keep herself safe. However, the walls she has built around her will never be tall enough, she just doesn’t realize this. She meets some amazing club owners who begin to convince her to let her guard down. Who also share a background not so different from hers. The truth is – she needs them and they need her. There is so much in this story that it is nearly impossible to put down until the very end and it leaves you wanting so much more!

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The Challenger (The Hustlers Trilogy Book 2) by Rowan Rossler – Review by Christine Baranek

The Challenger: A Sports Romance Saga (The Hustlers Trilogy Book 2)The Challenger: A Sports Romance Saga by Rowan Rossler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Challenger
By: Rowan Rossler

This is such a good book! I loved that this was about tennis. I know nothing about tennis but the author was good about including enough information that I was able to follow along and that I feel like I actually learned something (a nice added bonus). I loved Chavez. I felt like he was a really well written character who was flawed in a really believable way. He was a tennis star who quit at the height of his career. When he bumps into Flynn everything changes. In so many different ways. This book has everything: suspense, drama, romance. I definitely loved this story and recommend it!

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Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries Book 5) by Kimberly Mullins – Review by Christine Baranek

Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions (Notebook Mysteries book #5)Notebook Mysteries ~ Suspicions by Kimberly Mullins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Notebook Mysteries – Suspicions
By: Kimberly Mullins

This is the latest book in the notebook mysteries. As with the other notebook mysteries, Emma and the others will be going through a series of twists and and turns as they investigate the latest crime that has fallen into their laps. This time Emma and Jeremy and their relationship will face major stress and strain. Emma is no stranger to intense investigations that play with her emotions and put her through stress. This time though this is not a simple investigation, this one with many layers with many threads that are all unraveling at once. This time there are lives of others, specifically children, at stake.
As always, this notebook mystery does not disappoint. I definitely recommend it. It can be read as a standalone, but I recommend reading the others to get a better idea of all the other characters as well as to not miss some good reads.

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Your Trainer Says Hi! (Vengeful Vixens Book 2) by Indie Sparks – Review by Christine Baranek

Your Trainer Says Hi!Your Trainer Says Hi! by Indie Sparks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Your Trainer Says Hi!
By: Indie Sparks

This is the second book in the Vengeful Vixens series. It definitely stands alone, as this is my first book I’ve read in this book. This is an amazingly fun romantic comedy with a revenge plot. Nadine is a strong business minded main character whos boyfriend and business partner definitely betrayed both her and the business by falling for some get rich quick schemes. She does what every good female would do go for revenge and find someone who is so good between the sheets. However when she finds Wick she finds so much more than she bargained for – in a good way. This is such a fun good book!

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Just One Time (Beaumont Creek Book 1) by Samantha Baca – Review by Christine Baranek

Just One Time (Beaumont Creek, #1)Just One Time by Samantha Baca
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just One Time
By: Samantha Baca

Abby turned 40. And as most females know the older you get the louder that biological clock ticks. And this is where this story really starts. Abby’s clock is ticking so loudly and all she wants is to have a baby. She’s done waiting for Mr. Right. She can do this on her own, can’t she? When her best friend finds out, Nate insists that he help. However he has only one rule. That they do this the old fashioned way. That really wont complicate their friendship, right? It only takes one time. But will once be enough? Or will the each want more?
This book was amazing!!! Abby and Nate were amazing characters and I really think that this was a really relatable story. I think that most women have a guy friend that they think would make an amazing father. But what would happen if they make that friend the father of their child? This really looks at this question in depth. I also think it was written so realistically. How they didn’t answer all the questions that they should have and how their decisions are affecting their friendship. I truly loved this story!

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Braving Lily (True Platinum Series Book 7) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Christine Baranek

Braving Lily (True Platinum, #5)Braving Lily by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Braving Lily
By: Morgana Bevan

This is the fifth book in the True Platinum series. It definitely functions as a standalone. I have read a few others of the series but not all, they feature some of the same characters but each book has a focus on a different character.
Lily is a rockstar and Rhys is an IT guy. And they are about as opposite as they can get. Rhys has been divorced and his wife cheated on him. This makes him completely disinterested in anyone who plays games. This includes Lily. He finally agrees to meet with Lily and things go so well that they agree to go on a second date. What will happen once they admit all their feelings and intentions to one another. Can they look past their first observations and really get to know one another?
I definitely recommend this one. It is such a well written opposites attract novel!

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Defying Ella (True Platinum Series Book 4) by Morgana Bevan – Review by Christine Baranek

Defying Ella (True Platinum #4)Defying Ella by Morgana Bevan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Defying Ella
By: Morgana Bevan

This is the fourth book in the True Platinum series. However, it definitely functions as a standalone as this is the first book that I have read of the series and I wasn’t lost at all (might I mention it definitely won’t be my last). This is the story of Ella and the grumpy drummer she has been stuck with for months. Both Jared (the grumpy Drummer) and Ella are looking forward to time away from the tour away at a friends cabin alone, meaning with absolutely no one else around, all alone. What they least expect is that the other will be at the same cabin with them. An awful situation becomes even worse when they get snowed in. The decide on a truce and try to make the best of their time together. Whatever that may mean.
I love the enemies to lovers genre and this book is the epitome of it. I feel like both Jared and Ella are well written characters. They played well off of each other and had a good banter. I definitely recommend this!

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Under My Care (Chase Care Book 3) by R.L. Dunn – Review by Christine Baranek

Under My Care (Chase Care Book 3)Under My Care by R.L. Dunn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Under My Care
By: R.L. Dunn

This story is so good! This is a book that sucks you in and does not let you go until the very end. This story is told from the points of view of Peter and Rowena. They have a long history together that goes back from Afghanistan. This book is filled with romance and twists and turns. I have to say that I am a sucker for a good medical drama both on television and in books. This book series reminds me of all my favorite medical dramas I watch on tv. I definitely recommend this for anyone who is a fan of medical dramas because this contains all of the best elements.

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The Sweet Temptations Trilogy (Sinful Delights) by L.M. Mountford – Review by Christine Baranek

The Sweet Temptations Trilogy: A why choose Age Gap Romance (Sinful Delights)The Sweet Temptations Trilogy: A why choose Age Gap Romance by L.M. Mountford
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Sweet Temptations Trilogy
By: L.M. Mountford

Each of these books feature Richard Martin as the leading man. He finds himself in several very steamy situations involving his wife, the babysitter and his supervisor. These stories are so incredibly detailed and steamy. I definitely recommend them for a quick read that is super vivid and steamy.

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The Romanov Heiress by Jennifer Laam – Review by Christine Baranek

The Romanov HeiressThe Romanov Heiress by Jennifer Laam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Romanov Heiress
By: Jennifer Laam

This is such a wonderful story. As a child, I loved the animated movie of Anastasia and really have been pretty interested in the story of the Romanov family. So of course I saw this book and knew that I had to read this and it definitely did not disappoint. I love how this is an alternative events timeline as if the girls had escaped and how they escaped. I loved how they managed to escape and stay hidden. I also loved the tales of Olga and all that she did. This really is an amazing historical fiction story that I truly recommend. I read through it so quickly and did not want it to end.

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