
The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Maura Harper

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It’s midnight and I’m exhausted but I COULD NOT put THE LAST DANCE down. This is the first book I’ve read my this author and at 97% I thought I was in for a cliffhanger. Everything tied up neatly on the last 2 pages. For me it tied up too neatly and quickly although I’m grateful all of my questions were answered.

This is a clean mystery and I don’t even think there was foul language. It’s a clever who done it that held my interest (obviously) and I would a absolutely recommend this to young and old alike.

Review by @mauraharper

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox

The Last Dance is a wonderfully written story that I couldn’t put down once I started reading. The characters are very well developed and I felt like I was going along with them at times. Sorrel is a strong woman who doesn’t mind speaking her mind. She has moved to Saddle Gap to start over.She loves photography and soon finds herself helping the local police department in taking forensic photos. Chris is a Detective that finds himself in the middle of two murders. What does their future look like? Find out what happens next in this read. I look forward to reading more from this Author.

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Katie Matthews

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


The Last Dance was a really nice read and one that I thoroughly enjoyed. I haven’t read anything by this author previously and I thought that she had a nice writing style that had my attention from the very beginning. The storyline was original and refreshing to read. I also really enjoyed the author’s use of descriptive language; I could really imagine some of the places she was describing. The action was enough in the story to keep my interest throughout and I thought that the characters were well developed and likeable, especially Sorrel. I loved that the author kept me guessing all the way through the story!
Overall I really enjoyed The Last Dance, I would highly recommend it and I am looking forward to reading more from this author again in the future!

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Kerry Carr

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book. Its full of mystery and secrets.

Sorrel moved to Saddle Gap after the murder of her husband. Due to the circumstances she is forced into hiding from the people who murdered her husband.

However, she isnt as safe as she thinks she would be. Things start to happen and she gets targeted for loads of things that seem like childish pranks. With her new friends and the detective Reed she trys to solve who is trying to harm her while keeping her true identity a secret.

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Robin Rankin

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Last Dance by Lonna Enox had a little bit of romance and a lot of mystery and I really enjoyed it.

Sorrell annoyed me and I admired her at the same time. She went through a life changing event prior to her new life in New Mexico. How she handled it was admirable but stupid. She would have saved herself so much had she just opened up.

The end isn’t something I was expecting but it made all sorts of sense to me. I had not read Ms. Enox before but hope to read more by her in the future.

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have never had the pleasure of reading anything from Lonna Enox prior to picking up The Last Dance but, I can promise that it will not be my last. The Last Dance is a part of the Sorrel Janes Mysteries, and I am not positive as to what exact order these should be read in, I find that a bit confusing, but it did not affect my enjoyment of the story that I had not read the other available.

This has the perfect amount of everything from romance to mystery, murder, and intrigue, I was never one moment bored with this novel. I found the flow to be flawless, and that there was never a confusing moment for me. Our lead Sorrel Janes is such a fascinating character. She has fled to Saddle Gap after the murder of her husband. They have yet to find the murderer and so she is also in a bit of danger. When the danger follows her to Saddle Gap though, and bodies start piling up will she be able to keep her nose clean? Then there is the Detective Chris Reed. I loved the banter these two maintained and the undeniable attraction and sexual tension between the two. Throw in the fact that there is a lack of trust between the two and you end up with fantastic material for a good story. I highly recommend this book, and I am anxious to read the others available as I wait for the next one to be released!

Review by @lizaileen
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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Kerry Baker

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Last Dance by Lonna Enox is a light hearted read that will draw you and keep you guessing to the end.
This is the first book that I have read by this author and did not know what to expect going in. The blurb made me thing that it would be quite a complex and heavy read so I was very pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be the opposite. This story was interesting and developed well throughout the book but it was, for me, a nice quick and easy read.
The characters were all very easy to get behind. I liked the build up around Sorrel’s character, it meant that I could connect with her.
Overall this was a great book and one that allowed me to shut out the world for a few hours and just get lost in the story. Although this is the first book I have read by Lonna Enox it certainly won’t be the last.

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Karyn Taylor

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Dance is part of the Sorrel Janes Mysteries by Lonna Enox. I had not previously read any work by this author so was unsure what to expect. What I got was a very well written thriller, with a bit of romance that had me gripped from the very beginning.
Sorrel Janes has moved to Saddle Gap after the murder of her husband. She’s trying to stay low key as her husband’s murder has not been solved and she may be in danger. Needless to say, life does not go to plan and she’s soon embroiled in 2 murders that have taken place in the quiet town since she arrived. Added to that, she’s a suspect in one of the murders.
I loved the interaction between Sorrel and Detective Chris Reed who is investigating the murders. He’s sure she’s hiding something and he’s determined to find out what? There’s an instant sexual attraction between the 2 that they both fight to ignore, mainly due to the fact that they rub each other up the wrong way and are constantly bickering.
This story is a great thriller that will keep you gripped. The characters are really well written, not just the 2 main characters but the secondary characters have a valuable role to play in the story.
I really enjoyed this book and would like to read more from this series.

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) By Lonna Enox – Review By Stacey Baxter

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a captivating story I was lost in the pages I just couldn’t set it down. The character’s really made this novel come to life and I loved how I could feel what they were feeling and also feel I was right there with them. It was a quick read but it packed a punch it was brilliant I loved every second and I can’t wait to read more from this author!

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Lyndsey Fairley

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox
5 stars

Totally different type of story for me. I love a good mystery and this one had me stumped until the end, I had no idea! Usually I can pinpoint the who or the why, but this one had me guessing until the end and that made me love it more.
With a different reason for being in town, Sorrel was just full of sass and headstrong even with all shes been through.

I really enjoyed this and while it has romantic little undertones, it didn’t take away from this story at all. Its a mystery with a little sprinkle of a budding romance. Must read!

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Jenni Bishop

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox is a compelling and chilling story that is also a sweet romance. This is my first read by this author and let me tell you I was very impressed by the way Lonna wrote, the way the story flowed and the way the plot pulled it all together. From the very beginning I was drawn in to the mystery and the chilling murders it is thrilling. I was pumped and my mind was racing and I was often on the edge of my seat. To say I sat and read every detail in one sitting is not entirely true because I was often up and pacing whilst reading. But let’s not forget there were some fun times as well.

Sorrel thought starting over in a new town would be easy and she never expected to be embroiled in murders and find someone who may just make her happy.

It was very cleverly done and I can not recommend it enough to you all.

Reviewed by @jennadb

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox. This is such a sweet story and quick read. Its the story of Sorrel Janes who moves to Saddle Gap, New Mexico to start her life over after a horrible husband leaving her career as a TV News Anchor behind. She was given a house in Saddle Gap by her Aunt so she had somewhere to stay. She wants to open a Gift Shop and take wildlife photos. A nice peaceful life until somehow she ends up in the middle of two murders. She becomes the number one suspect and Detective Chris Reed is determined to solve the murders and Sorrels past. I’ve never been to Saddle Gap, New Mexico but I felt like I was there and I knew these people! Loved this book.

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Debi Kircher

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox

5+++++ Stars

Oh my goodness I loved this book so so much. Everything about it…The characters, the feel of the town, the landscape, the buildings, the flow of the writing, the having me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going on…LITERALLY EVERYTHING!

Now I want more so I’ve already searched out and have the next 3 books written down in order and will get those loaded up on my kindle ASAP.

Saddle Gap is one of those places I would love to live..Small town, awesome people and the feeling of just being at home there. Sorrel was trying to stay under the radar, trying to stay safe and rebuild her life after losing her husband. The case had not been solved and with her career noone was sure if it was because of her or not so she moved to Saddle Gap to rebuild a home and business that was left to her by her Aunt and Uncle. She made quick friends with Teri, who I absolutely loved, she was a whirlwind whenever she was around. As things started happening and her fears that her past was catching up to her she found herself dealing with a local detective who aggravated her as much as he fascinated her. Chris Reed was determined to figure out what Sorrel was hiding and why murders started happening right when this newcomer came to town, a newcomer he found himself not being able to stay away from.

Then theres Flash, totally loved Flash! 🙂

I am so in love with this book and can not wait to read on in this series, this author definitely knows how to build a mystery and while your trying to figure it all out you have become like one with the story…Emotionally invested in all of it.

Can’t recommend enough…Loved it!!!


Review by @debikircher

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Heather Lovelace

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very enjoyable. You can tell the author writes what she knows with the vivid New Mexico imagery. A fast read that kept me guessing. This is a perfect book to add to your summer reading list for any and all mystery lovers.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Emily Walsh

The Last DanceThe Last Dance
By: Lonna Enox
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Dance by Lonna Enox was a fun, compelling mystery that was both chilling, entertaining, and had a sweet romance that hooks you from the start.

My first read from this author I went in with an open mine, and as someone who has read a lot of these type of books, I have to say, I’m impressed, shook, and just, really content with the whole story. Out of the gate we are drawn into the murder, mystery, and the setting. That stage setting was quick, chilling and perfect. It was the right length, detail and spook, to get the blood going and the mind racing. As the story moved onto the MC and main plot, things soon get dicy, hot and more murdery. The flow was, great, the tone matched the madness, and I love the romance that added to this story rather then take away. It reminded me a bit of Linda Howard, who is a fav author of mine. So to say I liked this book is an understatement, I loved it, and I will be checking out more from this author.

So please take my super high recommendation and my stamp of approval, that you will get sucked into this thrilling mystery, that will have you twisted around and unable to conclude what’s truly going on, untill the very end.

Happy Reading

-Review by @eawalsh

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Susan Mowdy

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book I’ve read by Lonna Enox and I wasn’t disappointed. The story itself is completely original which I LOVE and the characters are beautifully written and very easy to connect with. It’s one of those stories that grab you from the first page and it won’t let you up until the end.

Sorrel moves to Saddle Gap after her husband was murdered. Unfortunately, the past might be following her since murders are now happening in this small town. Chris is a detective and is determined to solve the case but also to protect Sorrel who has secrets she won’t deluge to him.

I highly recommend this mysterious book and I can’t wait to read more from this author!

Review by @listersda
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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this story. It is a well written story with characters that are well developed. I enjoyed being pulled in right from the start and kept me kept me on the edge of my seat in parts. Sorrel and Chris brought the story to life for me as I turned page after page. Sorrel feels that New Mexico is a good place to start her life over. What will happen when her past becomes her future? She is a great character that is strong and I love how she speaks her mind. I highly recommend this story.

Review by @bjwagner
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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) By Lonna Enox – Review by Laura Furuta

The Last DanceThe Last Dance by Lonna Enox
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries)
By: Lonna Enox
5 out of 5 stars

The story The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox is an amazing book to read. It pulled me in right from the beginning and didn’t let me go until I had read the final page. There is mystery, danger, and a bit of romance. I loved reading about the characters of Sorrel and Detective Chris Reed. Sorrel is a woman who has come to Saddle Gap to escape and start over. She is an intelligent, observant, beautiful woman who at times can be stubborn. She is a wonderful photographer, and this is shown when she finds herself helping out the local police department in taking forensic photos. Chris finds himself in the middle to two recent murders. He also finds himself trying to find out the answers to questions that he has about Sorrel. What does the future hold for Sorrel and Chris? Read this book to find out. There are times when this story had me turning pages to find out what happens next. I enjoyed the bantering that goes on between Chris and Sorrel. They are two characters that I grew to care about with each chapter that I read. I also enjoyed reading about many of the additional characters that interacted with Sorrel and Chris. There are times that are intense and other times when I would have a smile on my face or laugh out loud at what happens. This is a story that you don’t want to miss out on and one I highly recommend reading.

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The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox

The Last Dance (The Sorrel Janes Mysteries) by Lonna Enox
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Cozy Mystery
Page Count – 228 pages
Cover Designer – Lonna Enox
Publishing company: Lonna Enox Publications
Saddle Gap, a quiet little town in southwestern New Mexico, seems the perfect place for Sorrel Janes to start her life over.
But within a few days she finds herself entangled in two murders, the object of harassment, and the number one suspect of a murder. Will her past terrors destroy her future dreams?
Amid the evolving conflicts, she resolves to reconstruct her new life and find happiness.
Detective Chris Reed is equally resolved to solve the murders as well as Sorrel s secrets.
Neither of them suspect where the steps of this dance will lead, but they are too stubborn to sit this one out.


Lonna has published over 200 magazine articles in a variety of genres including travel, religious, educational, lifestyles and devotionals.  Publishers include Bible Advocate, Today’s Christian Woman, Teachers of vision, Over the Back Fence, and the Lutheran Journal, to name a few.  In 2012, she released The Last Dance, which received a blue ribbon from Chanticleer Reviews in 2014.  Since 2012, she has released three additional novels in the Sorrel Janes series.


Live June 21st & 22nd Click HERE for Giveaway




Trouble’s Wedding Caper (Familiar Legacy Book 8) by Jen Talty

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Trouble’s Wedding Caper (Familiar Legacy Book 8) by Jen Talty Author
#cozymystery #trouble #catdetective #madcatters
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Cozy Mystery
Page count – 218 pages
Publisher – KaliOka Press
Goodreads –…/43169282-trouble-s-wedding-caper

Annabel Wilder returns home to Jupiter, Florida seeking a fresh start after a brutal heartbreak. As a treasure hunter, she bids on a mysterious storage unit. Inside the unit, Annabel finds real treasure–wedding dresses, bridesmaid gowns, and jewelry.

But somebody else wants the unit and Annabel is in the way. Landing smack in the middle of the mess, Annabel is soon swept up in a dangerous investigation headed by the handsome Sheriff Ethan Ferris, and a strange black cat that seems determined to protect her. Now her heart and her life are both at risk.

Ethan Ferris hasn’t been able to get Annabel out of his mind. But a rocky romance has hardened his heart to love—and to Annabel. When his criminal investigation embroils them both in danger, Ethan is forced to face his past or lose the future.

Trouble, with detective skills second only to Sherlock Holmes, arrives in the nick of time. Can he help Ethan solve a rash of wedding burglaries before the culprit harms Annabel? Can the savvy black cat push the would-be lovers past their jaded


Welcome to my world! I’m a USA Today Bestseller of Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance, and Paranormal Romance.

I first started writing while carting my kids to one hockey rink after the other, averaging 170 games per year between 3 kids in 2 countries and 5 states. My first book, In Two Weeks, was originally published in 2007. In 2010 I helped form a publishing company (Cool Gus Publishing) with NY Times Bestselling Author Bob Mayer where I ran the technical side of the business through 2016.

I’m currently enjoying the next phase of my life…the empty nester! My husband and I spend our winters in Jupiter, Florida and our summers in Rochester, NY. We have three amazing children who have all gone off to carve out their places in the world, while I continue to craft stories that I hope will make you readers feel good and put a smile on your face.


Live February 11th & 12th Click HERE for Giveaway





The Future Memoir of Ann Jones by Alex Bailey

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
The Future Memoir of Ann Jones by Alex Bailey
#cozymystery #knitting #recipes #romance #womensfiction
Hosted by: Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Chick-lit, Cozy Mystery, Light Suspense, Romance, Women’s Fiction
Page Count – 414 pages
Cover Designer: Agape Author Services
Publishing Co. – Maiden Voyage Publishing
Goodreads –

Ann Jones knows the difference between a daydream, a fantasy, and a vision. She’s a decent, middle-class mom with a respectable husband and two kids. And a “wild imagination.”

But what kind of decent woman imagines her husband dead, a relocation across the country, a new career, the perfect boyfriend, and most importantly, Knitting Club?

Not just any old Knitting Club. This one has rules—not one of them concerns knitting.

Ann listens to the club members’ stories, becomes entangled in their lives, obeys their rules, and keeps her suspicions to herself.

Her independent existence is an awakening. Ann Jones has changed.

So what happens when she wakes up?

Steel Magnolias meets Stepford Wives. Moving, powerful, enchanting, and brimming with a glorious cast of characters; this is a joy.


Alex Bailey was a bored writer/editor of documents as monotonous as vacuum cleaner manuals.  She left that life behind to create more exciting worlds than the one she lived in. The Future Memoir of Ann Jones is the first book under her assumed identity. She also writes children’s books under the name of Hoot N. Holler. When Alex is not listening to friends reveal wild stories about their future, she tends to her organic garden while belting out show tunes. Alex and her husband started the garden with the intent to donate fresh organic food to their local food bank, and so far, it has been a smashing success. Ironically, Alex does not have the patience to sit still long enough to knit. But, some of her favorite hobbies include: embarrassing her children in public with her rhythmically-challenged dancing, cleaning the small disc around the stopper of the bathroom sink, and dallying.

Live January 22nd and 23rd Click HERE for Giveaway