
Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe – Review by Jenni Bishop

Calamity under the Chandelier (Sleuthing Starlet Mystery #1)Calamity under the Chandelier by Bianca Blythe
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe is a “who did it” cosy mystery and a fast-paced story with lots of characters. It seemed rather simplistic and predictable in its telling at times. It is a quick and easy read that will keep you occupied for an afternoon. With a cast of so many, things get interesting as everyone is viewed as a possible killer.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Confidentiality (Scope of Practice Book 2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Meg Tyrrell

ConfidentialityConfidentiality by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my second book by Jessica Aiken-Hall. I love the first book and the second didn’t disappoint. These characters leapt off the page just like I expected them too. I loved this book and the author, I can’t get enough. This book picks up where the first book of the series, Boundaries, leaves off. Valerie and Tim are planning their wedding when murders start occurring in the area. So many twists and turns you can’t help but keep reading without putting this book down!

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Amanda Kimble

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Virtually Gone: A Mended Souls Novel (High Tech Crime Solvers #6) by Jacquie Biggar

This is part of The High Tech Crime Solvers Series, but can be read as a stand alone book. This is my first read by Jacquie and I’m in complete awe. The moment I started reading I couldn’t put it down. Jacquie has a way with wording and her characters.

Julie Crenshaw, a reporter, gets wind that there are rapes happening in her hometown. After being in danger once already her boss and boyfriend want what’s best for her. Her safety. The quote I choose for Julie is: “Well, I’ll be better when I can breathe.”

Matt Roy, a cop, has been working his butt off. First, he has to hunt down a killer who was out to hurt others and now he has to find the perp raping women. He is easily frustrated with reporters trying to get one up on him. He has a need to solve this case as it hits a little close to home. The quote I choose for Matt is: “Oh, no you don’t. Go home and wait. Connor will call as soon as we have any information. I mean it, Jules. Go home.”

I would highly recommend this to anyone who loves a good crime. This has the best of both worlds, romance and suspense. Mrs. Biggar has done an outstanding job bringing these characters to life.

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Confidentiality (Scope of Practice Book 2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Felicia Bates

ConfidentialityConfidentiality by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Confidentiality: Scope of Practice-Book 2
By Jessica Aiken-Hall
4 out of 5 stars

I will lead by saying this was almost a full 5 star read! The first ¾ of this book had me missing sleep and squeezing in pages between all of the daily “adulting” I had to do. There were a few chapters that were a bit slow for me but let’s be honest, if you had pulse racing suspense on every page, it wouldn’t be realistic.
In my review for the first book in the series, Boundaries, I mentioned Jessica’s memoir and how I was so eager to read the series, feeling I wouldn’t be disappointed based on how much the memoir affected me. I think one of the things I loved the most about this book were the aspects where Val was so similar to the author- her bond with her grandmother, her love of Tom Petty, her empathy for domestic abuse.
While I was not entirely surprised by the book’s ending, I didn’t find myself overly disappointed either. Overall I think it was a well written book that was fast paced with relatable characters. I would wholeheartedly recommend this to family and friends.

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe – Review by Jana Teppih

Calamity under the Chandelier (Sleuthing Starlet Mystery #1)Calamity under the Chandelier by Bianca Blythe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Calamity under the Chandelier is the opening to Bianca Blythe’s new series called Sleuthing Starlet Mysteries. It is my first foray into Ms Blythe’s universe and as I understand, it is her first mystery story and it takes place in the time period between the two world wars, just when the Flapper Era has ended. I can see that her other series have been taking place in further past so it was interesting to start off knowing that this is her first detective story AND it is in the ‘most recent’ time.
We have two American girls in England at Christmas time – Veronica who has married the son of a duke and her friend Cora who has lost her contract with movie studio and decides to take the trip her friend. You can just close your eyes and picture how two American starlets are wreaking havoc in the stiff upper lip crowd! The writer is giving us an interesting view into the upper class of the time when the first rumblings of the discontent are being heard and the next war is just around the corner.
There are twists and turns and there are quite a few unpleasant characters there but on the other hand each of them adds something to the story so they pull you in and you lean back and light your ciggie, drink a glass of absinthe and try to solve the murder with Cora. It was great to see how Cora emerged as a confident and brave young woman after meeting her at the beginning as a shy and unsecure girl.
I can see that there are 3 more stories in the series so if you take a liking to Cora and her Great English Adventure, then you know you have quite a few hours to look forward to! I am sure that the ‘ride’ also gets smoother the more into the era and the characters we get into!

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Liz Vrchota

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was one I was super excited to get my hands on and read. I love crime and thriller novels and I also really have loved Jacquie Biggar’s books that I have read in the past. I have not read all of the previous books in the High-Tech Crime Solvers series before this one and it may be a bit why I felt like this one, Virtually Gone, took awhile to get off the ground and get gripping for me. I am hoping to go back soon and read them and hope that will give me a bit more story to jumpstart this when I reread it.

This book does keep one enthralled once it takes off. I loved Julie and her tenacity to find the answers to the hard questions and is not afraid to put herself into the line of fire if it means saving lives. She is one spunky and determined reporter. I also enjoyed Detective Matthew Roy. He is determined to find the latest serial rapist in his city and will have to face a dark and dangerous past to get close to catching the criminal. I do look forward to seeing what the other books in the series brings and if there will be more in the future as well.

Review by @lizaileen
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The Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham – Review by Naomi McDonald

The Slaughter of Leith HallThe Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Historical fiction is not my usual read, but sometimes I like to try out new things. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this book after I read a few chapters. I found the period speak cumbersome and it was a bit slow moving. Once the true mystery of it all started, though, I found myself turning the pages to find out how the whole thing played out. The characters and world building were excellent and really brought the story to life. Despite the slow start, and a couple of slow-moving pieces elsewhere in the book, overall, it was a good read.

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe – Review by Liz Vrchota

Calamity under the Chandelier (Sleuthing Starlet Mystery #1)Calamity under the Chandelier by Bianca Blythe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have not previously read anything by Camilla Blythe, but the Calamity under the Chandelier, could not have been a better choice for me to be introduced to her writing skills. I was going into this one with the inviting and attention grabbing cover and blurb but that was about it. I expected a fairly easy cozy murder mystery and felt I got a lot more. This was quite the little murder mystery but the underlying and overlapping story lines kept me engrossed and engaged with the characters as I read. The premise may not have been extremely unique but it was written so well I felt as if I was watching a mystery movie unfold as I read.

Cora Clarke wants to be there and support her best friend Veronica who just eloped and is expecting the meet and greet and divulging this information will be a difficult pill to swallow. She travels with her friend to England at a time when her career is also on the fritz. She is supposed to be in Hollywood on set, not stuck in the cold winter of England during a scary and murderous time for the manor they are in. Things get pretty twisted and turned that you don’t see the ending that is coming. I look forward to seeing what else we will get from this series as well. It appears that there is some available and I am gonna dive into one soon!

Review by @lizaileen
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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Netania Lim

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a great crime mystery. There was plenty of suspense and drama, and the plot moves quickly. However, in some places, it seemed a little uneven and rushed. The characters were interesting though, with several storylines being woven together. It was a bit of a shorter read so I think more detail could have been added sometimes.

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe – Review by Angela Hayes

Calamity under the Chandelier (Sleuthing Starlet Mystery #1)Calamity under the Chandelier by Bianca Blythe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3 ½ Stars

Calamity Under the Chandelier is the first book in the Sleuthing Starlet Mystery series by Camilla Blythe. It is an interesting cozy mystery with just enough drama and suspense to keep me entertained.
Cora Clarke, a Hollywood starlet, has come to England to support her friend Veronica James, who scandalously eloped with the son of a duke. This caused quite a stir amongst the aristocracy and meets the scathing disapproval of his family. Now with Christmas upon them Cora arrives for the festivities- but when a murder occurs throwing suspicion on her friend- Cora dives into the role of detective.
Calamity Under the Chandelier is a very quick and easy read. While it was a little predictable in places that didn’t detract too much from my overall enjoyment of the story.
Looking forward to seeing what sleuthing adventures Cora gets up to next!

Thank you, Camilla Blythe!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Anastasia Dodson

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Virtually Gone is the first book that i have read by this author and i thought it was an interesting suspenseful story. I thought this book was well written and i enjoyed the edge of my seat feeling i had throughout the entire thing. I liked all of the characters especially the main character Julie. She is a Investigative reporter that stumbles on a case that is a lot bigger than she was expecting. This story was one of those that had me turning page after page and i am looking forward to reading more crime novels and more books by this author as well. I would recommend this to anyone that likes a good mystery/crime novel.
Happy Reading!

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Betsy Melano

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This mystery kept me wondering who the killer was. I loved the interaction between Matt and his partner Conner in solving the rape and killing of a teenager. Add in to that Conner’s news reporter girlfriend Julie and her boss/friend Tayler, which helped make it a more relatable story.

I was very happy to find another awesome author, Jacquie Biggar, to my reading list. You won’t be disappointed reading this book. And I will be looking for the other books in this series. So cool that they are written by different authors.

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe – Review by Sheri Schrader

Calamity under the Chandelier (Sleuthing Starlet Mystery #1)Calamity under the Chandelier by Bianca Blythe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Calamity under the Chandelier by Camilla Blythe is the first book in A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery series. This is a fun, cozy mystery which blends Hollywood starlets and Cora Clarke’s best friend marrying an English earl. The story is well written and a fun read. The mystery takes place while Cora is in England, visiting her friend. I always enjoy a good whodunit and this didn’t disappoint. The characters are entertaining and I enjoyed the mix of Hollywood and proper English folks. If you are in need of an entertaining read this is a good story to pick up. I look forward to reading more in A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery series.

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Virtually Gone
A Mended Souls Novel
High-Tech Crime Solvers
Book 6
By Jacquie Biggar
Great crime story.

Julie Crenshaw is the Investigation Reporter. Matthew Roy is the Detective tracking the raped and sexually abused. Their goal is to find who is terrorizing the city, and stop them. The two strong willed people are on a blazing trail. As for you, the reader, load up on the ride you’re about to read.

Jacquie Biggar is a new author for me. I was not disappointed. I love the story line as well as the characters in this book. The women are strong and determined to get answers. This was one rollercoaster I truly enjoyed. I will be looking for more from this writer. Job well done Jacquie Biggar!


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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my first book by this author. This is a murder-mystery story that I enjoyed to the end. It is a well written story that has characters that make the story easy to read. This is an interesting story that you never know who can be trusted. Hani is sent to investigate a murder but what he finds is so much more. As things get complicated for him will the superiors accuse the wrong person? This story did start a little slow but after a couple of chapters things picked up and it became fast paced. I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens next and if the murderer gets caught.

Review by @bjwagner
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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Kerry Carr

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a great crime thriller and makes you think you never know who is watching you.

When a young girl turns up murdered and raped the signs point to a couple of other assaults that happened before but no leads to the suspect.
Matt and Connor are working the case trying to find the person responsible but neither of them realise who far back this reaches.

Julie is a reporter who wants this story and to find out who the suspect is. Will she get her story or will she end up in danger.

Its a great story that keeps you guessing who the suspect is right until the end of the book.

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Confidentiality (Scope of Practice Book 2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Amanda Kimble

ConfidentialityConfidentiality by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Confidentiality (Scope of Practice #2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall

Jessica has outdone herself once again. Being the second book I’ve read by her I can say she’s a very talented writer. This is a page turner and will leave you wanting to know more.

Val is still running her group and things have taken a turn for the worse or maybe it’s for the better. She is living the life she didn’t know she even wanted. What happens when she wants revenge for the ones she cares about? The quote I choose for Val is: “You’re too good to be true. I hope I can make you as happy as you’ve made me.”

Tim has offered Val more than anyone before. He promises to help with something Val thought impossible. What happens when the small town gets a murderer? What will Tim do? The quote I choose for Tim is: “Val, there’s nothing you could do to make me stop loving you. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me…forever. You know…until death do us part. What’s going on? Is there something you want to talk about?”

I do highly recommend this for anyone who loves a good mystery. Being the second book in the Scope of Practice Series I do recommend reading the first one. This will have you wanting more by time the book ends.

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Sara Oxton

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar a fantastic four-star read. This is number six in the High Tech Crime Solvers series and each part of the story is written by a different author, each bringing their own spin, and Jacquie Biggar always brings a spin that will keep you turning like a spinning top, as they have this way of never letting you stop to breath as you read, the action and suspense just keeps your breath just a hairsbreadth from being able to being released fully, you are always on the edge of your seat. Julie is someone you can get behind; you know why she has the passion and drive to get to the story. Its short and I was surprised that so much was able to be pushed into such short number of pages.

Review by @saraoxo

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Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes – Review by Laura Furuta

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1)Bird in a Snare by N.L. Holmes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1)
By N.L. Holmes
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading the book Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) by N.L. Holmes. It is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It is a book that has mystery, murder, danger, and intrigue. The story is written in such a way that the storyline and the characters come alive with each chapter that you read. I loved reading about the main character of Hani, who is an Egyptian diplomat. Hani is a man that is trusted by many. He loves his family and also has a love of birds. I couldn’t help but root for Hani to have success in all that he does. Duties that include the investigation of a murder. This story had me turning pages wondering what was going to happen next. There are twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. I also enjoyed that the story is told with such detail and I felt like I was right there with the characters. Don’t miss out on this exciting and entertaining story. I highly recommend reading it.

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Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3) by Rowena Holloway – Review by Melissa Agena

Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3)Ashes To Ashes Boxset by Rowena Holloway
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you like psychological thrillers that are bone chilling, then this set is definitely for you! Ashes to Ashes series box set books 1-3 is written by the amazing Rowena Holloway. We start off with the first book Bad Things Happen. This is where we first meet Charlotte Ashe who is a weather girl wanting to break in to the real news. It just so happens that the real news falls in to her lap and now it’s up to her to follow the lead handed to her. Less You Know is the second book in the series. Once again we follow Charlotte in the deep dark unknown world but this time we bring along her friend Allie on this mission. Allie however, has secrets that we eventually uncover. Lastly, we go into From The Ashes and from here Charlotte continues her mission and continues to unfold the mysteries of the unknown. From her long obsession with Tyrone Gardner to deaths and private clinics, which is where her story finally unfolds. This story from beginning to end is truly amazing and brilliant. There are so many twists and turns and bends that it is mind boggling. It sucks you in and you really cannot put the book down. Now, this is definitely a series you must read from beginning to end otherwise you will miss key elements. But I do truly believe in this series and would recommend it to anyone!

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Review by @vegasdaisie

The Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham – Review by Faith Jackson

The Slaughter of Leith HallThe Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This story leaves you hooked on what is mysterious about it. In a story of justice, mystery and suspense this story will have you hooked from page to page. I thoroughly enjoyed it! This original page-turner is very entertaining and unpredictable. I love how my imagination gets to roam free through history with this book. Pick up this book and you won’t be disappointed!

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Katie Matthews

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


I’ve read a few books by this author now usually in anthologies and I always really enjoy what she writes so I was looking forward to reading this one and overall I really enjoyed it. It did take me a little time to get into the story but I fully expected that having not read any of the series previously. I thought the story had a great pace and flow to it, my interest was held from beginning to end. I loved that the plot was concealed to the very end and I enjoyed that Ms Biggar kept me guessing from page to page what was going to happen. The characters of Julie and Matthew were really interesting to read about!
I highly recommend the story and look forward to reading more from Ms Biggar in the future.

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Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3) by Rowena Holloway – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3)Ashes To Ashes Boxset by Rowena Holloway
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3) by Rowena Holloway

Ashes To Ashes is a Psychological/Suspense Thriller boxset of books 1-3 by Rowena Holloway. I freaking loved this series ,these books will have you biting your nails while on the edge of your seat all while trying to figure out what is going to happen next. They are fast paced stories, I literally couldn’t put them down till I finished . These stories are packed with mystery, suspense, secret and truth. Find out what happens next with Charolette and her investigations . I highly recommend reading this boxset.

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Faith Jackson

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you don’t know about any of my past reviews, I love Jacquie Biggar’s work. This one is some of her best as we travel into the virtual realms of mysteries with great characters. You’ll love the chase that this book takes you on down in the crooks of this community and I thoroughly enjoy how she meshes things well with her books in ways that put it all in perspective for the reader. These are the types of stories I enjoy reading about and staying with a series like this!

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe – Review by Faith Jackson

Calamity under the Chandelier (Sleuthing Starlet Mystery #1)Calamity under the Chandelier by Bianca Blythe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was a good read as it brought me back to the classic mystery movies and books of the past. The murder alone builds suspense, the descriptions of the famous spark your imagination. The old Hollywood feel gets me excited just reading the few chapters alone. I love the unexpected twists, the romance keeps a reader intrigued and the mystery makes this the best read. I love how it takes us to another time and place because it’s a much needed escape.

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Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3) by Rowena Holloway – Review by Katie Kearney

Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3)Ashes To Ashes Boxset by Rowena Holloway
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ashes To Ashes Box Set: Books 1 to 3 by Rowena Holloway. I’m a huge fan of box sets because they can do a couple things, introduce you to new authors easily or if you love a series already you have them all together. This series has quickly become on of my favorite reads. The characters are complex and draw you into their world so completely you forget time and the outside world for a while. This author knows how to keep readers in a state of suspense that definitely had me on the edge of my seat and turning the pages as fast as possible to see what happens next. Each story has characters that bring something unique to the storyline. Each one is well written and paced nicely. The stories are well developed and had me completely hooked from start to finish. Five stars all the way and highly recommended!

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Boundaries (Scope of Practice #1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Amanda Kimble

Boundaries (Scope of Practice, #1)Boundaries by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars

Boundaries (Scopes of Practice 1) by Jessica Aiken-Hall

This is my first read by Aiken-Hall and wow. This was a phenomenal read. Mrs. Aiken-Hall had me on the edge of my seat with this page turner.

Valerie, a social worker at the hospital is hiding something from her past. When she is told to start a group it does some good and some bad. Things are brought up that makes her think of her past. What happens when she starts letting people in? The quote I choose for Val is: “I’m not sure. Maybe it’s because Carmen and Gabriel were the same age. But I think it’s more than that. I just had a bad feeling when I walked into that room…and it hasn’t left me since.”

Tim, a cop, has always had a thing for Val, as he calls her. Things start looking up for him when a case brings them closer. After the holidays things are going great. The quote I choose for Tim is: “Nope, not today. I changed my plans. Today is just another amazing day with my love. I love you everyday, Val, I don’t need a special holiday to show you.”

This is the first book in the Scope of Practice Series and it will leave you wanting more. I can’t wait for the next installment to come out. Mrs. Aiken-Hall has done a fantastic job grabbing attention and making you want to know what happens next.

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe – Review by Erica Fish

Calamity under the Chandelier (Sleuthing Starlet Mystery #1)Calamity under the Chandelier by Bianca Blythe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sometimes you just need to read that one book that you can take at the surface. Camilla Blythe does just that. It was a story that relaxed so much that I fell in love with the simple story. The plot line is a cozy mystery setting. It was a simple place, but yet it had its moments of intense moments. The characters are a blast to relate to. I felt as if I was the Sleuthing Starlet in the story.I found myself looking for the clues with Cora. She was just helping her friend because she knew she did not have anything to do with it. I highly recommend you reading this story to help Cora solve the mystery.

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe – Review by Meg Tyrrell

Calamity under the Chandelier (Sleuthing Starlet Mystery #1)Calamity under the Chandelier by Bianca Blythe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is my first book by Camilla Blythe. I love mystery novels and this was awesome! I loved all the characters and cannot wait to read more of these books. Our main female character Cora, follows her best friend to England. There she has to figure out a murder mystery and prove her friend Veronica didn’t have any part of it. Can she succeed? Read this book to find out what happens! Love the writing style so much, absolutely a recommended book.

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Confidentiality (Scope of Practice Book 2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Erica Fish

ConfidentialityConfidentiality by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is why I love to read series of books. Jessica Aiken-Hall grabbed me from page one in Boundaries to the last page of Confidentiality. Her characters are well developed and can be one of your everyday people you may know. I felt a connection to Valerie. She takes of herself and others. Her past is out and now she has to be with those she never thought she would. With all of this going on, she is still planning all of her events and special occasions. Valerie just wants to have a normal life. Her fiance keeps working on the case. Will Tim and Valerie figure out who is murdering all the people? This story is a page-turner and a great thriller. I highly recommend reading Boundaries the first book in the series. You will gain a lot of information about the characters. I would also caution that you may not want to put the book down once you start it. I hope you enjoy this book and series as much as I do.

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