
The Divided Twin (The Divided Series Book 2) by M. Billiter with Kyle Thomas – Review by Katie Kearney

The Divided TwinThe Divided Twin by M. Billiter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Divided Twin (The Divided Series Book 2). I highly recommend reading these in order to start off. Now for my view on this book, I really appreciate the way this author tells a story. The entire story draws you in and I couldn’t put it down until I reached the end. The characters are complex and well written. From beginning to end I was completely hooked. I’ve seen this book be described as raw and I think that’s a great way of thinking about it. It’s a bit of a difficult subject but you can feel the authors emotions behind each page. It’s well written and paced nicely never feeling rushed or lacking anything. It may have some triggers for some but I truly appreciate the words written. Four stars and highly recommended!

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Confidentiality (Scope of Practice Book 2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Confidentiality (Scope of Practice Book 2)Confidentiality by Jessica Aiken-Hall
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the second book in this series, I loved it just as much as the first. I highly suggest that you read book one before to help you get more information on where the characters have been and who they are. I loved being pulled into this book right from the beginning. It is engaging and the twists and turns kept me turning pages right to the end. It had me guessing on who did it right along with the characters. Valarie just wants to have a normal life. Her past still haunts her. What will happen when a serial killer pops up? There are coincidences linking the murders but could it be more than just a coincidence? Will they figure out who the serial killer is before they strike again? Valarie has been one of my favorite characters. She is so strong but yet has been through so much. I loved watching her grow throughout this story. I highly recommend this book and this author.

Review by @bjwagner
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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Finn Cunningham

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boy On Hold by JD Spero is an absolutely amazing book! This book will keep you on the edge of your seat, so much so that I was up late into the night reading, wanting to see what happened next! This being my first book from this author, i wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was absolutely blown away. This book is amazing all around, the characters, imagery, and the plot just add to all the twist and turns, creating an incredible book! I highly recommend it and will definitely be reading more from this author!

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Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Jenni Bishop

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Virtually Gone: A Mended Souls Novel (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar is a mystery suspense story. It is a fast paced tale with danger and drama and whilst I enjoyed the story it felt a little lacking in some places. I was a little confused to start with but I was able to settle into the characters better once learning their back stories. This is an interesting story and Jacquie threw a few spanners into the works to keep us guessing.

Julie, a reporter, is like a dog with a bone when she gets going on a story and will not walk away even if it means putting herself in a killer’s line of sight. At times it becomes all too personal.

Detective Matthew Roy and his partner are on the chase to catch a serial rapist and unfortunately the horrific past has risen again to torment him.


Reviewed by @jennadb

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The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Finn Cunningham

The Equalizer: Foxxy's Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer, #1)The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson Abbott is an attention catching read. It is the first book in the Equalizer series, and is certainly a great start! This book really keeps you reading, on the edge of your seat waiting for more. Foxxy’s character is very relatable, and I enjoyed reading her story. I look forward to reading more from Abbott in the future!

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The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Sunday Barnaby

The Equalizer: Foxxy's Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer, #1)The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
Four Stars

The Equalizer: Foxxxy’s Tipping Point is the first book in Foxxy: The Equalizer Series by Allyson R. Abbott. This is a fast paced book that grabbed my attention from the very first page and I couldn’t put it down until the last. Foxxy has had a rough life, when she meets a stranger who offers to make her life easier. The only problem is can she dig deep enough to bring herself to trust Peter? This story flowed and the character growth is great. There are some ups and downs in this book, but the whole thing is well written and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

Review by @sunbarn
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The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Angela Hayes

The Equalizer: Foxxy's Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer, #1)The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer #1) is an intriguing and suspenseful romance by Allyson R. Abbott. This story is a little different from the other books of Ms. Abbott’s that I have read- but still with the wonderful character development and emotive quality that I associate with Ms. Abbott.
I really felt for Foxxy- she hasn’t had an easy life, and her trust and confidence has taken quite a battering. I admire her inner strength and the fire inside her that couldn’t be extinguished. We meet her at the beginning of the story, an escort who is broken and bleeding after being beaten and raped by her horrible pimp Eddie and his ‘gang’. I hated that man with a vengeance, and so did Foxxy- and she vows to find a way to break away from his hold and make him pay for what he’d done. Things take an interesting turn when Foxxy meets the magnetic gaze of a handsome stranger across a crowded room. There is something mysterious about him, but also an undeniable connection. Fate is at play here. And what happens next made for a really great read.
Looking forward to seeing what Ms. Abbott does next!

Thank you, Allyson R. Abbott!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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The Divided Twin (The Divided Series Book 2) by M. Billiter with Kyle Thomas – Review by Sara Oxton

The Divided TwinThe Divided Twin by M. Billiter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Divided Twin a four-star read that will keep you thrilled. This is number two in the Divided series and they could be read as stand-alone if needed but honestly I would advise you read them in order as they are all the same family and you get the depth then. I really, really loved this story and I only knocked it down as I got so confused when reading the POV of the brothers, it was just a little much for me as I kept getting mixed up, but that was me it could be covid brain as I seem to have so much on it, I lose my place easily. So, don’t let that put you off if you can usually keep up give it a go. What I will say is wow this author has done the mental health aspect so well, I loved that about this series, I normally get so angry as people don’t deal well they either gloss over, or just demonise people with major mental health issues, it was an emotional reward reading about these characters and finally getting to know the other side of what happens, I loved that.

Review by @saraoxo

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Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3) by Rowena Holloway – Review by

Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3)Ashes To Ashes Boxset by Rowena Holloway
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


The Ashes to Ashes box set is contains 3 fantastic stories by Rowena Holloway! It is a series that will definitely have you wanting more! The storyline is gripping and the fast paced reads had me turning the pages faster and faster so that I could find out what was going to happen next! The 3 books in this box set are Bad Things Happen, Less You Know and From the Ashes. This box set is a definite must read!!

Bad Things Happen – Book 1
Bad Things Happen was such a gripping read and one that I really found difficult to put down, this is also the first book that I have read by this author. I was really taken with her writing style, she kept the book exciting and gripping the whole way through and she definitely threw in some great twists and turns too. The characters were complex and had a great depth to them. The storyline was well thought out and had a great pace to it. I loved the way the author chose to write the story and it was not confusing at all, it made the story interesting and unique to read.

Less You Know – Book 2
Wow! The second book in this series and I loved it just as much as, if not more then, the first one! The story was an exciting, gripping read that I had a really hard time putting down. The twists and turns in the story are probably amongst some of the best I have ever read; just when I thought I knew what was going to happen there was another twist. The author absolutely kept me on my toes and on the edge of my seat with this read. The ending was brilliant! I loved that I couldn’t even begin to guess what was going to happen in the story, I felt like I was trying to solve it alongside reading it. The dual point of view meant I got information from different characters as I was trying to piece together just what had happened!

From the Ashes – Book 3
From the Ashes is the third and final book in the Ashes to Ashes series and was an amazing read! The action begins right from the get go and it definitely doesn’t stop until the very end. I would absolutely recommend reading this series in order to fully appreciate it. I love this authors writing, she is able to drag me into her stories straight away – she has a thrilling writing style that keeps my interest throughout. I have to say, I think this book may be my favourite from the series, I loved the first two but Ms Holloway definitely took this thrilling read to the next level. There were some great twists and turns in the story and I loved that I was kept guessing from beginning to end. I have loved reading about Charlotte in this series, she is a fantastic character!
This really has been a wonderful series and one that I highly recommend reading! I look forward to reading more from this author again in the future!

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The Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham

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The Slaughter of Leith Hall by Lexie Conyngham


#LexieConyngham #TheSlaughterofLeith Hall #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Crime/Horror/Thriller

Page Count – 293 pages

Cover Designer – Helen Braid


‘See, Charlie, it might be near twenty year since Culloden, but there’s plenty hard feelings still amongst the Jacobites, and no so far under the skin, ken?’

Charlie Rob has never thought of politics, nor strayed far from his Aberdeenshire birthplace. But when John Leith of Leith Hall takes him under his wing, his life changes completely. Soon he is far from home, dealing with conspiracy and murder, and lost in a desperate hunt for justice.


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 Lexie Conyngham is a historian living in the shadow of the Highlands. Her historical crime novels are born of a life amidst Scotland’s old cities, ancient universities and hidden-away aristocratic estates, but she has written since the day she found out that people were allowed to do such a thing. Beyond teaching and research, her days are spent with wool, wild allotments and a wee bit of whisky.





The Divided Twin (The Divided Series Book 2) by M. Billiter with Kyle Thomas – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Divided TwinThe Divided Twin by M. Billiter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Divided Twin (The Divided Series Book 2) by M. Billiter with Kyle Thomas . 1st I want to say BRAVO to Mary BIlliter for tackling such a difficult subject. This is the second book in this series and I highly recommend reading the previous book first. Its the story of Mary and her twin sons Aaron & Branson who are off to college. Aaron is in Ohio and Branson is in their hometown college in Wyoming. Mary is a hard working single mom and has struggled raising these boys on her own. Their childhood was fairly turbulent and Mary as worked so hard to get the boys in college so when she is diagnosed with cancer the boys third twin David comes out. David has always been known as the third twin that exists in their minds and he is taking the illness of their mother and is determined to tear Branson & Aaron apart. David is a very evil figment in the mind of the twins and he loves to create havoc. Will Mary have to die knowing her boys will never survive the evil disease of Mental Illness? Be prepared when you start this book that you will not want to put it down.

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The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Kerry Baker

The Equalizer: Foxxy's Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer, #1)The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Equlizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson Abbott is a story all about one woman set of revenge. Nothing about Foxxy’s life has been straight forward so when she decides on revenge it gives her such a purpose.
This book was well written and certainly catches your attention. It was a fairly quick but interesting read. You find yourself wanting Foxxy to achieve her mission. You are drawn to her and everything she is going through. Will she ever be able to get her own happy ending?? I enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend reading it.

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The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Angela Shirley

The Equalizer: Foxxy's Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer, #1)The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When a dark stranger enters your world and answers all your hopes and dreams, is it just too good too be true?

Foxxy is an escort who has not had a great beginning in life, but when her pimp arranges a hideous act to happen to her she becomes angry and bitter. One night while working she meets Richard who seems like the one person she can trust to get her out of the world in which she finds herself.

Richard believes this woman is the one for him but can he convince her to trust him, things have happened to Foxxy for her to be weary to trust any man but when her roommate is murdered and she believes it is her pimp Eddie has had a hand in it, he will do anything to bring justice.

I enjoyed this story greatly, Foxxy is a character that although she has been through bad things she is still strong, intelligent and brave women. The story weaves through the mystery of her roommate being killed and follows the lines of enquiry as you feel you are with the main characters trying to piece together the motive and answers.The story is fast paced and well constructed and written, this is not the first story I have read by this author and definitely won’t be the last.

Reviewed by Angela Shirley

The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Katie Matthews

The Equalizer: Foxxy's Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer, #1)The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


This was such a great read, it was a short story but in true Ms Abbott style there was nothing lacking in the storyline. Foxxy was a great character to read about, I really enjoyed her story. The author always does well with her characters development and this story was no exception. There were some emotional moments in the story and they were well written and also a few unexpected twists. I would definitely recommend The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point to other readers!!

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Katie Kearney

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boy on Hold by JD Spero. I was so glad I found this story by the late page. It gripped me right from the beginning. The entire time I was so engrossed to all the twists and turns I wasn’t able to put this book down and found myself up way later than planned. Each little detail is so well written and the characters truly draw you in. It’s well paced and written nicely never feeling rushed or lacking anything. I love a story that has me sinking in so completely I forget all about the outside world. And this one definitely did just that. Five stars all the way and highly recommended!

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Joanne Ellis

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It was Cabbage Night, 1991. The traditional night of pranks, which takes a disturbing turn when a violent crime rocks a small Adirondack town. Even more so, is when the only witness is a 7 year old boy. Hen trout, was out hoping to catch a pet hedgehog that night, sees Miss Sally become a victim.

Single mom Marcella Trout is blindsided when Tyler, her seventeen year old, is arrested for the very crime Hen witnessed. Now Tyler’s eerie mood swings seem dark and frightening and rooted in a family history Marcella has desperately tried to bury. She has to deal with the dark issues of loss, drugs and the undiagnosed of mental illness, that will change her family lives. As the criminal investigation churns on, the tenuous fabric of the trout family begins to unravel. And even Hen begins to question the truth.

The story was told by multiple viewpoints and the book is surrounded by mystery, and the story was told beautifully of how the trauma consumed Hen Trout’s family and their small town.
The author has done a brilliant situation of Capturing every emotion possible, especially telling the story from a child’s point of view.
A very enjoyable read and would highly recommend.

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Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3) by Rowena Holloway – Review by Candida Hopper

Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3)Ashes To Ashes Boxset by Rowena Holloway
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ashes To Ashes Box Set: Books 1 to 3
by Rowena Holloway

This is definitely a must have box set. These three stories kept on the edge of my seat. Each of these stories are suspenseful, intriguing, and will keep you on the edge of your seat. With each book I found myself more emerged in what Charlotte was going to get herself into next. I found myself pulling all nighters to find out what was going to happen. The author did an exceptional job writing such gripping and unexpected stories. You will not want to miss out on these amazing stories. I highly recommend this series.

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The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Meg Tyrrell

The Equalizer: Foxxy's Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer, #1)The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved reading the book The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott. I loved the character of Foxxy. She is intelligent, strong, and cares for others. This is my first book by Allyson Abbott and it won’t be my last. I cannot say enough good things about this book. It has action, tension and a lot of sad situations.
**If you have triggers about rape or women being beaten please be aware there are situations inside this book**

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The Divided Twin (The Divided Series Book 2) by M. Billiter with Kyle Thomas – Review by Erica Fish

The Divided TwinThe Divided Twin by M. Billiter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The thriller and the crime genre are two of my favorites. I always look for these genres when I am looking for something to read. This story is no different. I love the idea of twins and one of them having a third twin, you read that right one of the twins has a twin in his brain and never seen. The characters are drafted in such a manner that you are feeling like you are right there with them. The plotline kept me sitting at the edge of my seat. I found myself flipping the pages just because I sat on the edge of my seat to see what is going to happen next. David the third twin is coming out more since their mom has gotten sick. How will Aaron and Branson handle their situation? What is David’s roll in the family dynamic? I highly recommend this story to get your adrenaline moving.

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Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3) by Rowena Holloway – Review by Sheri Schrader

Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3)Ashes To Ashes Boxset by Rowena Holloway
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ashes to Ashes Box Set: Books 1 to 3 by Rowena Holloway is a really good read. I read each of the books separately and highly recommend this box set.
Book One is Bad Things Happen. Charlotte Ashe is a tv weather girl who is looking for her big break into serious stories. When footballer, Joey Baptiste, gives her the story of a lifetime it is signing his own death warrant. Can Charlotte figure out this story or will Joey’s death be in vain?
This is an intriguing book with good characters and story. It felt a bit disjointed at times because it jumps time periods but I get why the author was doing this in the end. Overall I enjoyed this read and look forward to more in the series. Charlotte is interesting and there seems to be much more to her story that wasn’t revealed in this book.
Book Two is Less You Know. I was excited to read this book because I enjoyed the first one in the series a lot. The character of Charlotte continues to grow but this also means she finds herself falling into some strange rabbit holes in her investigations. Lies and coverups are all over the place and it makes her question everything she knows. I enjoyed the writing because it kept the story at a good pace and I didn’t want to put the book down. The characters are interesting and add to the overall suspense and mystery.
Book Three is From The Ashes. This series and the characters have grown with each book. This is a gripping thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. When I thought it was winding down something else would be discovered or happen. I really enjoy the character Charlotte and have enjoyed reading about her and seeing her grow as a character. I will definitely be looking for more from this author in the future.
Again this is a great suspenseful series that I recommend reading.

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe

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Calamity under the Chandelier (A Sleuthing Starlet Mystery Book 1) by Camilla Blythe


#SleuthingStarlet #CamillaBlythe #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Cozy historical mystery (cozies)

Page Count – 197 pages

Cover Designer – Alchemy Book Covers

Goodreads –

Murder. Manor homes. Malfunctioning chandeliers.

Hollywood starlets are supposed to be happily on set in sunny California, and not trapped in drafty manor houses during ferocious snowstorms.

But after Cora Clarke’s best friend and fellow actress elopes with an English earl, Cora visits England to help her friend brave the aristocratic disapproval of her new husband’s family.

Unfortunately, the holiday turns nightmarish when a chandelier crashes down and kills somebody. When suspicion falls on her friend, Cora vows to figure out the identity of the murderer. After all, blizzards have a habit of preventing the police from arriving, and body counts have a dreadful habit of growing.


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Born in Texas, Wellesley graduate Camilla Blythe spent four years in England. She worked in a fifteenth-century castle, though sadly that didn’t actually involve spotting dukes and earls strutting about in Hessians.

Camilla has adored golden-age mysteries ever since her mother handed Camilla her first Agatha Christie mystery when she was eight. She now lives in California with her husband. She sometimes writes regency historical romances under the name Bianca Blythe.




Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar

Virtually Gone is the sixth book in the High-Tech Crime Solvers series by Jacquie Biggar. This is a fast paced mystery/ suspense with some danger that I read in one sitting. I was on the edge of my seat and had to know what was going to happen next. Julie and Matthew, she’s a Investigative reporter who likes to follow a story till its solved. He’s a detective who is beginning to get frustrated that he hasn’t been able to bring a rapist to justice. What happens when the Crime escalates to murder? Will Matthew bring him in for questioning ? Will Matthew solve the case? Find out what happens next in this must read.

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Jana Teppih

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boy on Hold is a bitter sweet crime story by J.D. Spero that is not your usual run of the mill crime story. This was my first read by the writer and I can say now that it is a story that any crime lover would enjoy reading. It is a story told from multiple point of views that pulls you even deeper into the story that is filled with twists and turns and heart ache and realities of addiction, mental illness, and murder.
In the center of the story is a seven year old Henry ‘Hen’ Trout who witness his neighbour’s, sweet old Miss Sally’s murder during the Cabbage Night in a small Adirondack town. He is a troubled child whose way of looking at the world will fascinate you and steal your heart. It is his older, seventeen year old brother Tyler that is arrested for the crime. All the evidence points to Tyler and his mother and his brother struggle with it being a possibility …
The writer takes us deep into the dynamics a broken family, a single mother struggling to keep it together and small town filled with plenty of shady characters. She tells the story in such a considerate way that even though one could think that surely this story is way too depressing; it never pulls you too down. Still, it is heart breaking and it stays with you for a while, be prepared.

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Candida Hopper

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Boy on Hold
by J D Spero

This book had me hooked from the beginning. This book deals with a lot of tough issues like, mental illness, drug abuse, and broken families. There is also love, friendship, and wonderful characters. This story is definitely full of suspense and kept me entertained throughout the entire read. The author did an exceptional job of detailing so that you felt like you were there. There are some unexpected developments in this story that kept me on the edge of my seat. I had a hard time putting this book down till I found out the outcome. This was a great and intriguing read. I highly recommend this book.

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Boy on Hold by JD Spero – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Boy on HoldBoy on Hold by J.D. Spero
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A mystery, thriller young adult novel about a child who is the only witness to a terrible and violent crime. Set in 1991, on Cabbage Night, a traditional night of pranks in a small Adirondack town the night takes a disturbing turn when a violent crime takes place, shocking the small town. Seven year old boy, Hen Trout, is the only witness to the violence against Miss Sally. Hen had been outside in the dark hoping to catch a hedgehog when he saw the attack. Single mom Marcella Trout is devastated that her young son had witnessed such a violent attack but is then blindsided when her seventeen-year-old, Tyler is then arrested for the crime his brother had witnessed. Marcella now looks back on Tyler’s mood swings and they now seem dark and frightening to his mother, especially as she had been desperately trying to forget her family’s history. The Trout family begins to unravel as the criminal investigation goes on and soon even Hen begins to question the truth about what he saw and what really happened that fateful night. I find this an emotional read and also a thought provoking one. The issues surrounding teenage mental health is dealt with both honestly and sensitively. The characters really drew me in and I was hooked from page one of the novel. A fascinating read for both young adults and adults alike.

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The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer Book 1) by Allyson R. Abbott – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Equalizer: Foxxy's Tipping Point (Foxxy: The Equalizer, #1)The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I won’t lie, I had no idea what I was going to be getting myself into when I picked up The Equalizer: Foxxy’s Tipping Point by Allyson R. Abbott. I chose it and had to have it when I saw the cover. I mean what is not to love about the drool worthy cover haha. I couldn’t wait to see what this was all about and I am so glad that I did. We meet Foxxy, a call girl with a terrible pimp and life that leaves a lot to be desired. Foxxy meets one evening a man who has decided that she is the one and will stop at nothing to make sure he gets her. He offers her a better life, and even better revenge against her terrible pimp. The problem is Foxxy doesn’t know if she should trust him. I honestly loved these two and reading their story. I was on the edge of my seat a lot of the time hoping and praying that Foxxy would get her happily ever after. I will definitely be back for book two in the series and I can’t wait to see what adventure awaits us there!

Review by @lizaileen
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The Divided Twin (The Divided Series Book 2) by M. Billiter with Kyle Thomas – Review by Liz Vrchota

The Divided Twin (Divided #2)The Divided Twin by M. Billiter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was so taken with the first book in this The Divided Series from M. Billiter and Kyle Thomas. I personally don’t think that this one should be read until you have first read the first book. In that one we meet the twins and discover the demons they are battling as well as the impact that they have on their family and life. In this one, The Divided Twin, we pick up when the twins are away at college and focus on the boys in a time of life that is complicated to live without an altering mental illness. I love how raw these books get. It is obvious the topic is close to the heart of the authors and it shines through in the way this takes no punches yet throws them over and over in a way that will make you question everything. I can’t get enough of these books and am really hopeful we will get more in the future of the twins stories. I will say this book takes really dark issues and may be triggering to some. I also feel like it is a good window into a world most are completely unaware exists and should be read, so proceed with what will be best for you.

Review by @lizaileen
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Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3) by Rowena Holloway – Review by Naomi McDonald

Ashes To Ashes Boxset (books 1-3)Ashes To Ashes Boxset by Rowena Holloway
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I highly recommend getting this set so you can binge read this entire series. The Ashes to Ashes series is an intense, edge-of-your-seat thriller that will keep you up at night turning the pages.

The characters in these books are complex. The world building is amazing! And, the story line is a winding road of mystery, suspense, danger, drama, and intrigue. There are many layers to uncover along with the characters as you read.

This series is a non-stop roller coaster ride you won’t want to get off of.

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Confidentiality (Scope of Practice Book 2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Confidentiality (Scope of Practice Book 2) by Jessica Aiken-Hall


#Confidentiality #ScopeofPractice #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Crime

Page Count – 310 pages

Cover Designer – Victoria Cooper


With Valerie Williamson’s past out in the open, she’s ready to revisit some of the people she thought she’d never be able to have in her life again. Things seem to be perfect. She has a wedding to plan, friendship, and family. The days of being isolated are long gone, although the trauma from her past still haunts her.

She craves a normal life where she can feel safe and loved, but all of that is in jeopardy when news of a serial killer spreads through Lawerenceville. The case keeps her fiancé, Tim, busy and keeps Valerie guessing. She’s certain the connection linking the murders has to be more than a coincidence. But what is it? Will Valerie be able to figure it out before it’s too late? Or will the killer strike again?


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Jessica Aiken-Hall, author of her award-winning memoir, The Monster That Ate My Mommy lives in New Hampshire with her husband, three children, and three dogs. She is a survivor of child abuse and domestic violence and is a fierce advocate. Her mission is to help others share their story.

She has a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, with over a decade of experience   as a social worker. She is also a Reiki Master and focuses her attention on healing.

When she is not writing, she enjoys listening to Tom Petty, walking along the beach, looking at the moon, and watching murder shows. To follow what she’s doing next check out

Author Interview With Jessica Aiken-Hall





Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers Book 6) by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Angela Hayes

Virtually Gone (High-Tech Crime Solvers #6)Virtually Gone by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3 Stars

Virtually Gone is the sixth book in the High-Tech Crime Solvers Series-contributed by Jacquie Biggar. The High-Tech Crime Solvers Series is a multi-author collaboration, each bringing their own story to the mix while using an interlocking cast of characters as well as the high-tech crime solving theme.
I was so excited to read this book after seeing the title of this book, and series. I love a good mystery/crime story- and the ‘high-tech’ component increased the intrigue for me. Add Ms. Biggar to the mix and I couldn’t one-click quick enough. Ms. Biggar is one of my go-to authors, whenever I see her name pop up, I know I am going to be getting a great read. So having said that- I must admit that I haven’t read any of the other books in this collection- and now feel that perhaps I should have, as there were a few instances in this book where I felt as if I were missing something, or should have known more about the circumstances, but didn’t. This is the first time I have come away from one of Ms. Biggar’s books feeling just a little disappointed. Don’t get me wrong- this is an interesting and entertaining story, but I had such high expectations for it and I was expecting to be blown away by it- so I feel like there was a bit of a missed opportunity to make this book incredible.
I will try to explain why I feel this way. The story was building to be quite a suspenseful cat-and-mouse game- but fell a bit short- I think there needed to be more tension, suspense and drama. I felt that the story was a bit rushed and cut short in places where the tension could have been developed more- with just a little bit ‘more’ story and development that this book would have been stellar. Overall, I just felt like I was missing details, that important parts of the story were passed over- which makes me wonder if these details are contained in the other books of the series? While the story was quite detailed and descriptive in places- we could have done with a little less detail on the ‘scenery’ and more details on the more important aspects such as the backstory, character details, the cat and mouse game, and the ‘high-tech’ components. The depth, drama, suspense, and psychological tension were lacking for me. There were also a few contradictions in the storyline, as well as continuity issues. I really wanted to be blown away by this book and feel bad that I can’t give this the five stars that I was expecting to.

Thank you, Jacquie Biggar!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

View all my reviews