
Shake Down (First Coast Thriller Book 1) by Armand Rosamilia – Review by Daryian Lucas

Shake Down (First Coast Thriller Series)Shake Down by Armand Rosamilia
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.7/5 stars
This is my first read by this author and I can’t wait for more. The first chapter made me really excited to read the rest of the book! The rest of the book made me really excited to read the rest of the series, lol. The book builds momentum and keeps you very engaged from start to finish. It’s well written and not jumpy or boring.

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Key to His Heart by Kristina Beck – Review by Daryian Lucas

Key To His HeartKey To His Heart by Kristina Beck
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4/5 Stars
This was my first read by this author and at the beginning I was so confused because it dives in to such an attraction between Kat & TJ. After reading for a bit it all started making sense, but I wish the intensity wasn’t so intense right at the start of the book. Once I got into the book, it was actually a good book. The characters are lovable & the storyline is so cute.

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This Time Around by Jane Suen – Review by Daryian Lucas

This Time AroundThis Time Around by Jane Suen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.7/5 Stars
This was my first read by this author and I like the concept, but I felt more like I was reading about teens than adults. Katie & Chase are 28 and they’re both still affected by their high school breakup. Not saying that events that happen to us when we’re young don’t have any affects on us, but Katie doing what she did was not worthy of 10 years of anguish for either character in my opinion. It was a reasonable thing to do and actually very mature given her age. However, for it to seem like a fresh wound 10 years later was a bit much in my opinion. The writing is very solid and the book has a lot of potential. I just couldn’t get into the after effects of the breakup.

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Taylor’s Law by Jennifer Raines – Review by Daryian Lucas

Taylor's LawTaylor’s Law by Jennifer Raines
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.9/5 Stars
This was my first book by this author and it’s set in Australian. There are a few cultural differences between the book setting and my home country, but overall they aren’t large enough to be confusing. I felt the book jumped in a serious situation quickly and felt almost overwhelmed at the beginning. I found myself having to reread to make sure I understood the situation correctly. I think if the book was a little more of a slow burn, I would have enjoyed it more. The seriousness of the custody battle seemed rushed and left me with questions at times.

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Enemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm – Review by Daryian Lucas

Enemies of DovesEnemies of Doves by Shanessa Gluhm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.6/5 stars
This was my first book by this author and it was so good! From the first chapter I could tell this book was very well written. The descriptive details that are in this book helped me picture the scenes very easily. The time jump between the 1940s and early 1990s were transitioned very smoothly. I enjoyed reading this book a lot!

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Princess of Prias by Courtney Davis – Review by Daryian Lucas

Princess of PriasPrincess of Prias by Courtney Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5/5 Stars
This book is such a good read! It takes “rags to riches” and makes it so interesting. The cover is what drew me to the book but the storyline is what made me keep reading. Watching Elle go from an orphan and truly discovering who she is was such a great journey. I would love to see this continued in a series!

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Love in the Roses (Love Through the Ages Book 1) by TL Clark – Review by Daryian Lucas

Love in the RosesLove in the Roses by T.L. Clark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.3/5 Stars
This was the first book I’ve read by this author and I wasn’t disappointed! It’s very well written and does a great job of being realistic with the time period. The medieval time period is one of my favorite time periods in history, so I enjoyed reading a romance from that time. I felt like I was right there in the 1400s witnessing the romance unfold first hand.

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The Colors of Friendship (The Colors Trilogy Book 1) by K.R. Raye – Review by Daryian Lucas

The Colors of Friendship (Colors Trilogy, #1)The Colors of Friendship by K.R. Raye
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.8/5 stars
This book was okay. I could see the theme the author was trying to do, I just don’t think it was executed well. Every time I read “mommy” I cringed. It gave Melody a child like persona instead of an adult one. I do appreciate that the black characters didn’t have an exaggerated version of AAVE like other authors try to do. I wish this book was more realistic to the ages of the characters and the college experience.

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Twilight’s Spy (Twilight Realm Trilogy Book 1.5) by K.M. Wray – Review by Daryian Lucas

Twilight's SpyTwilight’s Spy by K.M. Wray
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5/5 Stars
Twilight Realm has easily become one of my top three fantasy universes. This is my 2nd book by the this author and in the series and I was not disappointed. The writing in this book is so descriptive I can seriously see the scenes playing out as I read. I love that there isn’t any difficult language to understand even though this is fantasy. I like how easy to read, get entertaining this book was!

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Love is Worth Fighting for (The Meraki Series Book 3) by Effie Kammenou – Review by Daryian Lucas

Love is Worth Fighting forLove is Worth Fighting for by Effie Kammenou
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.2/5 Stars
This was my first read in the series and by this author and I wasn’t lost. This book is right up my alley in the romance department, as I am a sucker for this type of stories. I really enjoyed the POV changes and didn’t find them hard to keep up with like I have with other books. This book does a great job of pulling you into it. I’m planning on reading the other two books just to hear the other sister’s stories but it’s definitely not a necessity!

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Burned by Fire (Firehouse 13 Book 4) by Danielle Jacks – Review by Daryian Lucas

Burned by Fire (Firehouse 13, #4)Burned by Fire by Danielle Jacks
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.8/5 Stars
This book is a short, fast paced romance. Ember is a new fire fighter that’s in love with her old mentor, Sol. Sol is struggling mentally due to an accident that has left him scarred. This book begins to dive into the importance of mental health in men which is a huge topic. I’m glad to see Sol in therapy and taking the right steps to better himself and work through his trauma.

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Human Hearts (Draco Sang Trilogy Book 3) by Mary Beesley – Review by Daryian Lucas

Human Hearts (Draco Sang #3)Human Hearts by Mary Beesley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.7/5 stars
This was my first read in the series and of this author. The writing in this book is good. The details that really draw the picture for what you’re reading is so descriptive. I was a little lost at the beginning because I didn’t read books 1 or 2. But this book is so good I quickly got adapted to what was going on. Even though this is a YA book, it seems like a YA novel that doesn’t “baby” down the book if that makes sense. It’s something that my younger self would’ve also enjoyed.

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Dark Sparrow Box Set: The Complete 6-Book Series (A Dark Sparrow Novel) by India Kells – Review by Daryian Lucas

Dark Sparrow Box Set: The Complete 6-Book SeriesDark Sparrow Box Set: The Complete 6-Book Series by India Kells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.6/5 Stars
This box set was my first ever read by this author and I loved all 6! Something about the dark and dangerous just calls my name so I was very curious about how these books would each play out. So much passion and action within these pages! Box sets are a very good idea for series and they make my life so much easier. I love being able to go from one book to the next without having to wait for releases.

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Caging Grace (Grace Series Book 1) by Carsen Lane – Review by Daryian Lucas

Caging Grace (Grace Series, #1).Caging Grace (Grace Series, #1). by Carsen Lane
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.2/5 Stars
This was a good book! This book takes on some pretty intense situations in life. Grace learns to fight for self defense, but ends up having to fight underground to keep afloat. She turns to UFC when she’s introduced to it by her trainer. The expectations I had for Grace and her love life evolved as her love life evolved. In the end, she chooses herself and chooses to out herself first. There’s a valuable lesson in this book that is very important for anyone. Sometimes, even when it’s not comfortable, we have to choose ourselves in order to heal and move forward in a healthy way.

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As Close to Perfect by Maria Jane – Review by Daryian Lucas

As Close to PerfectAs Close to Perfect by Maria Jane
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.8/5 Stars
This was the first book in this series that I read. I wasn’t confused at all and this book is a great stand alone. This book is a romance novel that’s pretty clean. I couldn’t get into Bree’s character. She reminded me more of a teenager versus a young woman. Her feelings towards relationships and being cautious were very valid but every time I read her express them I didn’t feel like I was reading a conversation from an adult. Nate seemed very intense, but I’m wondering if that’s a culture barrier? The overall concept and underlying themes of the book were good, I just couldn’t get into the characters that much.

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A Long Kiss Goodbye (Onyx & Mercury Book 2) by H.D. Thomson – Review by Daryian Lucas

A Long Kiss GoodbyeA Long Kiss Goodbye by H.D. Thomson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4/5 Stars
I’ve only read probably 2 or 3 paranormal romances including this one. This is book 2 in a series, but it’s a complete stand alone. This was my first book by this author and I did enjoy it! The beginning does a good job about pulling you in! I was absolutely interested in finding out how Avery was attacked and that in itself was enough to keep me reading. This story continued to keep my attention throughout every chapter! I’m going to go back and read the first book because this book was so good.

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Taming of the Few (Guardians of the PHAE Book 1) by Rowan Dillon – Review by Daryian Lucas

Taming of the FewTaming of the Few by Christy Nicholas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.6/5 stars
This is such a good I try to the series! I couldn’t put it down. The different POVs are done so well that it’s not confusing at all. This book is also very well written. I was honestly very surprised at how much I liked it. It reminded me of 1950’s USA, but with the “unhiddens” instead. I’m very excited to read not only book two, but more by this author.

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Flame and Crystal Thorns (Fae and Crystal Thorns Book 1) by Kay L. Moody – Review by Daryian Lucas

Flame and Crystal Thorns (Fae and Crystal Thorns, #1)Flame and Crystal Thorns by Kay L. Moody
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.8/5 stars
This book is a great entrance into the Faerie world! It is well written and flows very nicely. The ending felt like a total movie and had twists and turns in every chapter. This author writes so well and I didn’t struggle trying to get into this read. I cannot wait for book two because the ending made my mouth drop! Definitely going to check out the other series in the meantime!

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Collateral Damage (Mafia Elite Series Book 6) by Amy McKinley – Review by Daryian Lucas

Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite Book 6)Collateral Damage: A Second Chance Mafia Romance by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.7/5 stars
This author has not missed with this series. I’ve never read a series with this many books, and they’re all just as engaging. This is book 6 and the mafia world is just as exciting as in book 1! Trey and Hailey’s storyline add a flare to the series but it’s absolutely needed. I love being able to read from this world and see characters continue to evolve.

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Reigning Hearts: The Complete Series (Books 1-5) by KG Fletcher – Review by Daryian Lucas

Reigning Hearts: The Complete Series (Books 1-5)Reigning Hearts: The Complete Series by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my second time reading from this author and I was not disappointed! This series is a series of 5 standalone romances that will pull at your heart strings. Each book incorporates a different genre of romance from enemies to lovers, to holiday. I feel like I just got a huge serving of hallmark romance but in boo form, which tends to be my favorite genre to read from. It wasn’t confusing to go from book to book and I love the way this author writes. The writing is so engaging and well written. I can’t wait to keep exploring more from this author because I’m never disappointed!

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Everything to Me (Playing for Keeps Book 2) by Lauren Fraser – Review by Daryian Lucas

Everything to Me (Playing for Keeps Book 2)Everything to Me by Lauren Fraser
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4/5 stars
I really enjoyed this book! Kendall always had eyes for Pete but he would never cross the line due to his friendship with her brother, Ryan. Kendall stays with him for a week for work, and things completely change between the two. This book was a good read. My favorite character was Ryan however, lol. I would love to read a book with him as the main character.

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A Veil of Gods and Kings (Apollo Ascending Book 1) by Nicole Bailey – Review by Daryian Lucas

A Veil of Gods and Kings (Apollo Ascending, #1)A Veil of Gods and Kings by Nicole Bailey
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is about the 3rd or 4th Greek Mythology book I’ve ever read. While there were some characters mentioned I had familiarity with, there were some I did not. I wouldn’t say that impacted my understanding of the story. The book is written well enough that the sequence of events matched the characters expressions which I appreciated. I don’t think Pip’s POV really added much substance unless the series is going to focus more on her and she’ll develop more as a character. The romance between Cyn & Apollo isn’t necessarily my style, but for steam it’s not that steamy. It’s enough to get your imagination going, but the detail isn’t strong with it. Because the book finishes with a cliff hanger, I would like to read the next book.

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Unabridged (Lovestruck Series Book 2) by Melinda De Ross – Review by Daryian Lucas

Unabridged (Smart & Sassy in the City, #2)Unabridged by Melinda De Ross
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4/5 stars
This was my first book by this author and I was not disappointed! This story made me root for Angie and admire her ability to stand up for herself despite the pain it may cause. Although I wanted her and Blade back together, I was glad she didn’t just give in the first moment she say him as her new boss. There’s also some funny parts that made me laugh out loud. This book showcases an abundance of entertainment that will have you turning the page until you finish it!

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The Last Cabin Girl (Detective Josie Thompson Series) by Tom Swyers – Review by Daryian Lucas

The Last Cabin GirlThe Last Cabin Girl by Tom Swyers
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3/5 Stars
This book has the potential to be a great thriller read. However, the way it was written really takes the “surprise” out of any of the twists. The beginning of the book, in chapter one, I felt the ex husband’s reaction was off putting and it seemed like it didn’t fit with the actions he was performing. I spent a lot of time reading the book and not being able to truly connect with what was going on in the book. The concept of the book had the potential to really be a great read but I feel like it wasn’t executed correctly.

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Spring’s Showers (Romantically Seasonal Series) by C.A. King – Review by Daryian Lucas

Spring's Showers: Romantically Seasonal: SpringSpring’s Showers: Romantically Seasonal: Spring by C.A. King
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4/5 Stars
This was such a fun read! This book takes a different spin with some well known gods & goddesses. Eros has a bad boy complex that i loved. Mother Nature’s character is done well too! I do wish there was more of Alex & Spring but all in all, this is a good read.

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Ruthless Heir (Mafia Elite Book 5) by Amy McKinley – Review by Daryian Lucas

Ruthless Heir: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Mafia Elite, #5)Ruthless Heir: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance by Amy McKinley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.3/5 Stars
This series has easily became one of my favorite series. Luc and Summer are the romance story in this series I didn’t know I needed to read! This is book 5 and the 5th book I’ve read by this author and it’s just as good as the others. It’s a deeper look into this mafia world. I can’t wait to continue this series with books 6 & 7.

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My Valentine’s Day Cookie Match (Welcome to Cupid’s Cove) by C.A. King – Review by Daryian Lucas

My Valentine's Day Cookie Match: Welcome to Cupids CoveMy Valentine’s Day Cookie Match: Welcome to Cupids Cove by C.A. King
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.75/5 stars
This book gave me the hallmark romance fix I needed! It’s a very cute, romance read that is written in a unique way. I loved Graham’s character and his interactions within the book matched him very well. I didn’t really enjoy Lara and couldn’t really connect with her. I think the reason for her being in Cupid’s Cove was a legit reason, I just don’t think the weight of how her mental health was impacted was written in a way that conveyed authentically what she was experiencing.

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Weep, Woman, Weep: A Gothic Fairytale about Ancestral Hauntings by Maria DeBlassie – Review by Daryian Lucas

Weep, Woman, WeepWeep, Woman, Weep by Maria DeBlassie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5/4 stars
Reading the description of this book, I had very high hopes for the story. The beginning of the book took me a little bit to get into. But once I did, I felt the story was rushed. There was so much character development missed due to the length of the book. I would’ve liked to see more details not only about the culture where the book takes place, but the people in the book as well.

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Juliet’s Journey to Love (Great Smoky Mountain Getaways Book 1) by Elsie Davis – Review by Daryian Lucas

Juliet's Journey to Love (Great Smoky Mountain Getaways, #4)Juliet’s Journey to Love by Elsie Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5/5 stars
I have been looking for a good, clean Christian romance and this one checks all the boxes! It’s such a sweet book, but it’s not corny. It’s a great opening to the series and it’s very well written. The beginning of the book draws you in right away. This is a great clean romance book for anyone who wants all the feels without the extra R rated things added.

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Helm of Awe (Anchoress Series Book 3) by D.L. Armillei – Review by Daryian Lucas

Helm of Awe (Anchoress Series #3)Helm of Awe by D.L. Armillei
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5/5 Stars
This was my first book in this series, and I caught on after a few chapters. This book is soooo well written! It felt like I was in the fight right with Van. This would make an incredible movie or Netflix series. It’s a YA story but it’s not corny or boring. It’s very entertaining and kept me turning pages. I do wish I read the first 2 books for more details of the background. But, if you want to jump right in and read this book it’s not a requirement.

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