
Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Tausha Treadway

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young. This was such a fun read. Its the author’s debut novel and I can’t wait to read more. It’s the story of Tess who has opened her vintage clothing store which has always been her dream. She got more than she bargained for though because along with the clothing she begins to be overcome with visions about a murdered woman and her wedding dress. Trey is another model who starts having visons after modeling the vintage clothing. Between their visions they get wrapped up in a old murder/suicide and they try to solve it. There is also a romance between Trey and Tess so you get 2 romances and a mystery. The Victorian Era comes alive in this book and I truly felt I was there. Once you start reading this book you won’t be able to put it down. Get yourself a copy and read Divine Vintage today!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Trish Ann

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I always find dual timeline stories interesting. This was a love story and mystery entwined in one. I absolutely loved the description of the garments and the vintage aspects. While I do like paranormal, sometimes the psychic thoughts got in the way of me staying engaged. It was a good debut novel by this author.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Rayne East

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Definitely Divine
What a brilliantly written book. The characters were relatable and well developed and the storyline intriguing. This is a mystery wrapped up in history with a paranormal twist. Tess is an easy MC to like and Trey is charming. Together they venture into the unknown to seek answers and discover so much more along the way. I loved the author’s writing style and look forward to reading more of her work.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Amber Poole

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This story is pretty interesting. On one hand we have an old murder mystery to solve, while a romance may be brewing. I enjoyed the vintage aspects of the book. The clothing, language and architecture seemed spot on. The author did a great job with their research. Despite the constant flashbacks, the story is very easy to read and follow along. It kept me busy entertained from page one.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Angela Hayes

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


4 Stars


Divine Vintage is the debut novel by Sandra L. Young. This is an interesting mystery, with a bit of a paranormal edge that gave the story an extra element of intrigue. Add in some history, a long past murder, investigation, romance, and a few dramatic developments- and we get a story that proves Ms. Young is an author to watch out for in the future.
When vintage clothing store owner, Tina, comes across a vintage outfit, it comes with a built in mystery. Visions of a past crime begs to be solved and leads our MC’s on quite an intriguing investigation, as they work to solve the crime and restore a family’s reputation.
Happy reading!

Thank you, Sandra L. Young!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Amanda Glaspie

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a thrilling quick read of murder, love, and hope. Tess having just opened her dream store in Michigan City, Indiana gets the opportunity to model a early 1900s gown which ultimately leads to her helping to solve a 100 year old murder mystery. Trey, who was simply helping his dear relative Esther, finds himself also entranced when he begins seeing the same visions as Tess. This book flawlessly moves from modern times to the past. I found myself spellbound as the story of Phoebe and Edward is told through the eyes of Tess and Trey. You will find yourself on the edge of your seat each time a vision arises. I thought the last chapter was an after thought but it did not take away from the solved mystery and left me feeling happy This is a beautiful love story blended with mystery, hope for the future, and so much more.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Charlisa Wahtomy-Alba

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tessa Burton has moved to a new town to pursue her dream and open up a boutique. Divine Vintage is the name of her store and she hopes to make it a great success. While modeling a dress from the descendents that own Carver House her mind has been opened to what has been deemed a murder suicide. What really happened? The story is that the newly weds had an argument on the eve of their honeymoon, but the visions that Tessa has tell a different story. Trey Dunmore isn’t much of a believer in the paranormal, but helping to clear his great-grandfathers name intrigues him. Or is it Tessa that has truly captured his interest? How much of the feelings and emotions from the past are influencing their current feelings and emotions? Will Trey and Tessa be able to differentiate the two and build a lasting relationship? Will they be able to find out the truth of what happened in Carver House?

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Kayla Kearney

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

You can definitely tell the author has an affinity for vintage fashion in her debut novel! For a new author, she seamlessly is able to go back and forth from past to present, all while keeping the reader on their toes as they wonder what is to be revealed next. She has amazing attention to details and any mystery fanatic will love the writing style she has.

The story of Tess and Trey has me hooked from the beginning. The tension between the two characters made it that much more enjoyable to read, and I was happy with how their romance flourished throughout the book. I definitely look forward to reading more of this author!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Jules Herbert

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Well this author definitely has a new fan in this reader. This was such a wonderful mix of genres, which I would say included paranormal, historical, romance and mystery, that you are always involved and captivated by the story and its characters from the first word to the very last. The descriptive writing talent of this author is just beyond my powers of description. If I could give more than 5 stars I absolutely would!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, I highly recommend this book, it was truly enjoyable. If you like a mystery wrapped up with some romance and paranormal feels, definitely check this book out. I loved how I am engaged from present day of Tess and Trey but also get wrapped in a century old murder-suicide mystery. When both Tess and Trey model vintage clothing from the couple that were involved from a century old crime, Tess sees visions. These visions really open the story up…..and I just really could not put this book down!! So well done…..

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Liz Vrchota

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was such a wonderful and engaging read! I loved how it really grabbed me from that first chapter and kept reeling me in until that last chapter so much so that I found myself reading well past my bedtime to find out how this book would come to a conclusion. While this book might be a sweet romance it plays out with the intrigue of an old mystery murder crime and set against the backdrop of beautiful vintage clothing. The worldbuilding and scene setting is exquisite and I felt as if I could slip into the clothing myself. I absolutely loved every moment that I spent with Tess and Trey, and the cast of supporting characters that flow in and out of the story really come to life just as much as they do. I look forward to seeing what will come next!

Review by @lizaileen
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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Liz Vrchota

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was such a wonderful and engaging read! I loved how it really grabbed me from that first chapter and kept reeling me in until that last chapter so much so that I found myself reading well past my bedtime to find out how this book would come to a conclusion. While this book might be a sweet romance it plays out with the intrigue of an old mystery murder crime and set against the backdrop of beautiful vintage clothing. The worldbuilding and scene setting is exquisite and I felt as if I could slip into the clothing myself. I absolutely loved every moment that I spent with Tess and Trey, and the cast of supporting characters that flow in and out of the story really come to life just as much as they do. I look forward to seeing what will come next!

Review by @lizaileen
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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Jamie Truex

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tess owns a vintage clothing shop. Opening day, her first customers are Esther and Trey. Trey is Esther’s cousin’s son. There is an instant connection between Tess and Trey. Esther invites her to model some vintage clothing at her historic family home. While wearing the dress of a previous owner, Phoebe, Tess has a powerful vision and wakes up saying, “My husband didn’t murder me!”

I truly enjoyed following along as Tess and Trey try to solve the murder suicide of Phoebe and Edward. With each clue, I suspected someone different. I also liked the attraction between Tess and Trey. I would love to see another book with these two.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An enjoyable and engaging historical romance mystery with a paranormal twist. This debut novel had me hooked from page one with its fascinating and unique storyline. Tess Burton owns Divine Vintage, a clothing boutique, but Tess has the ability to see visions when she touches the vintage clothing. Whilst modelling an Edwardian era gown, Tess suddenly sees through the eyes of a murdered bride. What she sees of this century old murder disputes the local claim that it was her bridegroom that committed the crime. Trey Dunmore is unsure about these visions that Tess claims to have, but he is keen to clear his family’s tainted legacy, and so agrees to help her explore the past.
By using the dead woman’s clothing and her diary, Tess and Trey are able to discover that in 1913 there are a list of murder suspects, not just the bridegroom. With a murder mystery to solve the couple try to deny their chemistry but soon wonder if past emotions are influencing them, or is their blossoming relationship real. This wonderfully written dual timeline novel kept me gripped until the last page. The characters are likeable and relatable and I felt particularly engaged with Tess. The setting and era came vividly to life through the authors descriptive narrative and the historical details, making me feel immersed in the story. A great read which I highly recommend.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review By Susan Ratchford

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Divine Vintage
By Sandra L. Young
Review by Susan Ratchford
5 Stars

After opening up the vintage shop of her dreams Tess Burton is asked to model a dress for a prominent family with a stain in their history. Wearing the beautiful dress from 1913 brings about flashes from a murder suicide from a hundred years past. She sees visions through the eyes of the murdered bride that may clear the rumor that the groom was the killer. Trey Dunmore, a great great great grandson of the suspect, will do anything to clear his family’s legacy, even explore the past through these non conventional means. As the list of suspects grows so do their feelings toward each other, and the deeper they delve into the past. Will they solve the mystery that’s been waiting a century?
This mystery had me guessing until the last page!!!! I loved being able to look back on the fashion and the intrigue of the early 1900’s. It was really cool to see what life could have been like back then. This book had me on edge the whole time and was paced beautifully to build up tension!! Speaking of tension, I loved the amount of tension between Trey and Tess!!!! Very sexy! There were also so many OMG moments that had me audibly gasping!!! Such vivid and great detail to make such a satisfying and fun read!!! You should make Divine Vintage a staple in your closet!! I definitely would recommend it.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Kerry Baker

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a really enjoyable book. I thought the author did a great job of mixing the past and the present together. It flowed so easily and made it more engaging for the reader. The characters were easy to connect with as well. I believed in their journey right from the start. I think the author has created and interesting book that is effortless to read and is thoroughly enjoyable. I would definitely recommend.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Tess has risked everything she has to open her vintage clothing store called Divine Vintage. She has always had a love for fine clothing from past eras and chooses to put her love for vintage clothing into something that she can pursue full time as more than a hobby. With the opening of her boutique, she is introduced to Trey and his elderly aunt when they come into the store during Divine Vintage’s grand opening. Trey’s Aunt offers Tess the opportunity to attend a fashion show wearing a beautiful gown from the Edwardian era that had once belonged to one of her ancestors. During the fashion show Tess is overcome with visions of the young girl Phoebe who had last worn the gown. Tess is struck with visions of the young girl’s murder and is determined to solve the crime that occurred centuries ago. Seeing the murder through Phoebe’s eyes makes Tess realize that there was maybe more to the old stories about Phoebe’s husband who was accused of committing the murder.

Trey is a descendant of the young bride Phoebe who was murdered a century or so ago. The brutal murder of Phoebe by her new husband has tainted the family’s legacy. Trey does not necessarily believe in visions or the spirit world but with a little bit of coaching from his mother and his aunt, Trey reluctantly agrees to help young Tess. He too wants to clear up his family’s legacy. Tess and Trey start reading Phoebe’s diary in the hopes that they can find clues as to who her true murderer could possibly be. As they read through the diary, they find several people that could be suspects. With their growing time together Tess and Trey start to feel their own connection to one another but become confused by this connection. They do not know if it is because of their connection to the couple whose lives they’ve been able to see through visions, or if it’s their own feelings for each other.

I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed this book. I read it from cover to cover and found it impossible to put down. I was immediately drawn in by Tess’s love of vintage clothing. I was even more drawn in by the diary entries and by Tess being able to see through the eyes of Phoebe as though she were there herself. I loved the feelings and the brief visions that Tess was able to pick up from the vintage clothing when she touched them. I was fascinated by how she was able to get a sense of who each person was that had previously worn the clothing. I love history and I’ve always loved old buildings and wondered what the story was of the people that live there. Naturally, I found the concept of Tess seeing past lives of those who had worn the clothing very intriguing. I would love to be able to do the same by touching an old building or an old piece of clothing. What a unique and special ability to have.

I’m really hoping that they author has plans to pursue the adventures of Tess and her bond to the vintage clothing. I would love to read more stories where Tess is presented with visions of the past owners of the clothing, and she is able to solve past mysteries. I think if Trey were to come along for the ride it wouldn’t be so bad either. Trey was a likable character and despite his wealth was a down-to-earth guy with a good heart and good values. Perhaps the two of them could team up and see what new adventures the spirit guides of the vintage clothing take them on. A must read for anyone who loves history, vintage clothing, and a good old-fashioned murder mystery.

View all my reviews @Tara Johnson Barnes

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Bethany Rollins

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed Divine Vintage. Tess has recently opened her dream vintage clothing boutique when she is asked to model a gown from the Edwardian period. At the event, Tess is overcome with visions of the murdered woman who had worn this gown on her wedding night. We are taken into an adventure of Tess and Trey, who ultimately begins experiencing his own visions from this night. Together, they begin piecing together the mystery of who kissed the bride. I love how all the characters intertwine with those past and present. You are swept into two different romances and the mystery is an added bonus. My only regret for this story is I wanted more of the past reflections that Tess and Trey experienced. Very good story!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Allyson Ware

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Allyson Ware

As a mystery lover, this novel enticed me right away. A very quick read, but very detailed as well. The characters are easy to get to know; as if I had already met them from prior books in the series. We all know that cannot be true because this is the only book in the series. These characters just melt your heart right away and the author does a fabulous job of capturing your attention until the very end.

I am not much of a romance reader, but this book had just the right amount of mystery along with the romance tied in which kept me hooked. This novel also has a happy ending, which I can appreciate. The author has struck my intrigue and I definitely plan on reading more of their work!

Review by @aware

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Angela Plate

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was a good mix of modern day romance, mystery, and metaphysics. The characters were relatable and likeable. I really liked how well the main characters related to their occupations and how knowledgeable they were in the subjects.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Vanessa Watts

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This has got to be one of my top ten books I have read thus far. This book has history combined with murder, old flames, and possibly new love the author did a wonderful job weaving it all together into an unforgettable journey.

First we meet Tess who has just opened her own vintage clothing store despite the negative connotations from her ex. When in walks Trey with his grandmother that sets off a trail of events that neither could have predicted. Tess is invited to model an Edwardian gown from a Dunmore ancestor. This opens Tess up to having visions through the eyes of the bride of her murder that happened in 1913, whose dress Tess is wearing. Trey is not impressed with having visions of the past but with the possibility of clearing up tainted family history and getting closer to Tess he begrudgingly agrees to help. As more of the story unravels and a couple other characters become intertwined with the past, will Tess and Trey ever truly figure out who killed the bride? Are the visions and emotions from the past imprinted on Tess and Trey or are their feelings for each other truly real? This is a must read book that will keep you guessing on who the murderer was. Can you figure it out before the characters in the book? You’ll just have to read this to find out who dunnit and if Tess and Trey get their happily ever after!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Kerry Carr

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very unique murder mystery. I haven’t read a book like this before and I was completely captivated with the story. The characters are amazingly written and they completely come to life. What i love about this book is how it flips from modern day to historical and how the twists see the past meeting the present.

Tess love vintage clothes. Every time she touches something she is transported back to that time having visions about the person who owned that item.
When she dresses up in clothes for a celebration party the vision she has is of the young woman and her murder. Now wanting to unravel the mystery and get the full story Tess sets out to find the truth. Was the young woman murdered by her husband? Did he then take his life because of that? Or was someone else involved in the murder?
Can a crime committed over 100 years ago finally be solved and the ghosts of shame finally laid to rest.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Lorrene Huisman

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love a good mystery, this one was different in a good way. I found there was so many connections, and wonders as I had read through. I could not get enough, I could not put this one down, and see what progressed and what was to happen actually. It was very well written!

Really loved the interactions between Tess and Trey. They both had a special gift, and could see things that could not be explained. To how and what to connect them, was the true matter of the question. I loved the courtship that was between them, and how they both were stubborn in their own ways, I loved the fine details as well with Tess’s clothing shop! I felt I was transported to the Victorian Era wand was enjoying looking at the fabrics she had for sale! Wonderful descriptions! All the characters Tess and Trey interacted with as well were just as intriguing and wonderful, and a pure joy to read about. enjoyed solving this mystery with the characters! Defiantly will be reading more by this author!

Wonderful experience of this mystery. I did not want this book to reach it’s ending. It was well loved by me. I loved the author’s use of writing as well. As said, will be for sure reading more by them! I enjoyed this very much. Highly recommend this mystery that is simply put, nothing short of amazing!

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this historical mystery. This is a newer author for me which I enjoyed her writing style and attention to details. I enjoyed being pulled into the story by the characters. They are connectable and engaging. I enjoyed how they brought the story to life and made the story fun and entertaining to read. This is a well written story about Tess and Trey. They find themselves in the middle of trying to find a murderer. As their list of suspects grows, so does their relationship. I enjoyed their chemistry and growth throughout the story. This is a great suspenseful story that is fast paced and hard to put down. It is worth the pick up and I highly recommend it.

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Review by @bjwagner

Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young – Review by Sarah Young

Divine VintageDivine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a powerful and timeless romance. Tess owns a vintage dress store and meets Esther, a sweet older lady, who asks her to come model a vintage bridal piece at a fundraiser. Trey is her handsome grandson. He will be wearing the groom’s tuxedo. Somehow, the house has a sad mystery and Tess channels the primary participant. Bam, we now have a romantic suspense. She wants to prove that the “killer” didn’t do it. She enlists Trey’s help in more ways than one. Terrific paranormal plotline. I love the characters. We have homeless fights in the town going on (do we get rid of them or let them stay). Issues from any town. Makes the story feel real. Esther and her friends are cute. The plot twists are great. I love how the memories are blended in and not choppy. I highly recommend for anyone. Click that buy button. You’ll be happy you did.

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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young

-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
Genre – Romance, Historical Mystery, Paranormal
Page Count – 294
Cover Designer – Diana Carlile
Tess Burton is always up for an adventure. She’s risked her inheritance to open Divine Vintage, a clothing boutique. While modeling an elegant gown from an Edwardian-era trousseau, her mind is opened to a century-old murder. Visions–seen through the eyes of the murdered bride–dispute local lore that claims the bridegroom committed the crime. Trey Dunmore doesn’t share Tess’ enthusiasm for mind-blowing visions, yet the appeal to clear his family’s tainted legacy compels him to join her in exploring the past. Aided by the dead woman’s clothing and diary, Tess and Trey discover that pursuing love in 1913 was just as thorny as modern-day. As the list of murder suspects grows, the couple fears past emotions are influencing, and may ultimately derail, their own blossoming intimacy.


Click here to view the Book Trailer for Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young

Click here to experience a Chapter Reading of Divine Vintage by Sandra L Young

Sandra L. Young’s love of vintage fashion inspired her to write her debut novel, Divine Vintage. She’s gathered an impressive collection spanning the late 1800s to 1980s, wearing pieces onstage through years of performing in community theater. She also sports it out on the town for special occasions. To round out her love of the arts, Sandra sings with a trio, a praise band, and at karaoke nights. She draws from these experiences in her writing, as well as her work focus in communications and nonprofit management.



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Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
Genre – Romance, Historical Mystery, Paranormal
Page Count – 294
Cover Designer – Diana Carlile
Tess Burton is always up for an adventure. She’s risked her inheritance to open Divine Vintage, a clothing boutique. While modeling an elegant gown from an Edwardian-era trousseau, her mind is opened to a century-old murder. Visions–seen through the eyes of the murdered bride–dispute local lore that claims the bridegroom committed the crime. Trey Dunmore doesn’t share Tess’ enthusiasm for mind-blowing visions, yet the appeal to clear his family’s tainted legacy compels him to join her in exploring the past. Aided by the dead woman’s clothing and diary, Tess and Trey discover that pursuing love in 1913 was just as thorny as modern-day. As the list of murder suspects grows, the couple fears past emotions are influencing, and may ultimately derail, their own blossoming intimacy.

-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ COMING SOON ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young

-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ COMING SOON ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young
Click here for the YOUTUBE video – COMING SOON
Genre – Romance, Historical Mystery, Paranormal
Cover Designer – Diana Carlile
Tess Burton is always up for an adventure. She’s risked her inheritance to open Divine Vintage, a clothing boutique. While modeling an elegant gown from an Edwardian era trousseau, her mind is opened to a century-old murder. Visions–seen through the eyes of the murdered bride–dispute local lore that claims the bridegroom committed the crime. Trey Dunmore doesn’t share Tess’ enthusiasm for mind-blowing visions, yet the appeal to clear his family’s tainted legacy compels him to join her in exploring the past. Aided by the dead woman’s clothing and diary, Tess and Trey discover that pursuing love in 1913 was just as thorny as modern day. As the list of murder suspects grows, the couple fears past emotions are influencing, and may ultimately derail, their own blossoming intimacy.

Click here to view the Coming Soon Trailer for Divine Vintage by Sandra L. Young