
Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Kerry Chalmers

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel (Down the rabbit hole) This is a collection of short stories, by multiple authors retelling the classic story of Hansel and Gretel. I never used to like retellings of classic stories, until I came across the Alice in wonderland collection. I love reading this book, I think my favourite story was probably Erin Lee’s Hazel and Gretchen, it was absolutely haunting, I got chills reading it, I don’t want to give any spoilers but it’s about two girls who’s parents are just awful, it’s in Hazels voice and I was almost in tears by the end of part 1. Another one I really enjoyed was Amy Allen’s the witch in the woods. All fantasy and Fae kings, more of a traditional retelling and sticks quite close to the original Hansel and Gretel. Just brilliant, thank you.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Anantha Rusum

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hansel and Gretel: Down the rabbit hole is a collection of seven short stories based on the actual fairy tale deftly written by different authors. Each author unleashes their imagination a different way and it was interesting to see those fragments weave into seven lovely creations.
Each story has different flavors, romance, horror, fantasy, fear and conceit. I liked the first and the last one the best. The first is when the witch is more like a namesake guardian to the two children who are sent to Earth from another realm. The witch is also banished as the king’s son suspects that the witch loves his father. It has a fairy tale romance ending where the witch and the king are reunited and show children the happy way of life.
Another story which I liked was the Dragon and the Phoenix by Rachel Pudsey. In this story, the prince and the princess in a realm are expected to gain their super powers after a certain age. The prince gains it and shapeshifts into a dragon, but there are several side effects which occur because of this. This is supposed to be neutralized by the Phoenix, the shape shifting form of the princess. But unfortunately, the princess does not gain the powers which leaves the prince, the king and his kingdom in great misery.
One more story which strikes the chord in lieu with the current pandemic is The Surface by Cee Cee Elaine. People in this story wear masks and head to the bunkers for the lockdown.
Overall it is a very enjoyable read and I really liked it ! Looking forward for more such anthologies !

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Faith Jackson

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From start to finish, I enjoyed each story. Each one a different take on the classic tales. So many conversations could be sparked following each one. You wouldn’t expect romance, child abuse, mental illness, etc. to be in a series like this but it was such a pleasant surprise to read.
Thank heavens I enjoy being scared too, LOL, because some invoke fear in you and also a sweeter side to the series as well. I loved it!

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Jenni Bishop

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole is an anthology of stories from 7 different authors who each give their own unique twists and interpretations of the classic tale, Hansel & Gretel. 7 Authors, 7 Stories. Each one brings raw and emotional responses such as horror and fear, danger and lies. Each one is as different as the next.

The Witch in the Woods by Amy Allen – Morgause is sent into the human realm with twins, based on orders but she soon realises that what she had been told was all a lie and is full of deceit.

The Surface by CeeCee Elaine – Is about people going underground due to a virus and not all things are as they seem.

The Reaper Within by Jess Bagnall – A young boy has been shunned his whole life becomes a hunter in which he hunts the monsters but who is the true monster.

Shadows that Move by Lorah Jaiyn – is a world in which nobody believes what they can’t see and what they can’t see makes you crazy.

Hazel & Gretchen by Erin Lee – When parents decide it’s time for a holiday they leave their kids behind but where exactly did they leave them?

The Dragon and the Phoenix by Rachel Pudsey – Will the prophecy come true where the Dragon and Phoenix rule?

The Sweetest Day by Debra Parmley – The things we do to ensure we won’t be eaten by witches.

There is romance and fantasy, horrors and lies, fae and kings and so much more. No two stories are the same. Beware not all are as they seem……


Reviewed by @jennadb

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Jennifer Gordon

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this anthology a fascinating read, it includes seven different stories retelling the Hansel and Gretel fairy story. The stories are written by seven different well known authors and each story in this multi genre anthology will either, “tantalise you, scare you, or titillate you”. Each author gives you a version of Hansel and Gretel that has never been told before. The following stories are Hansel and Gretel reimagined by the various authors. “Come and join us…Down the Rabbit Hole!”, The Witch in the Woods by Amy Allen, The Surface by CeeCee Elaine, The Sweetest Day by Debra Parmley, Hazel and Gretchen by Erin Lee, The Reaper Within by Jess Bagnall, Shadows that Move by Lorah Jaiyn and, The Dragon and the Phoenix by Rachel Pudsey.
I enjoyed all seven of the stories and liked how different each one once and that the anthology covered many different genres. For example, in Debra Parmley’s, The Sweetest Day, Harry and Greta become lost in the woods and remember their Grandmother telling them the fairy story, Hansel and Gretel. Determined not to make the same mistakes they are reminded not to take candy from strangers and not to enter gingerbread houses.
Having reached a house that is not made of candy and are invited in by a lady telling them not to eat sugary foods they except. However when they wake up with magic shackles on their ankles after having tea and a muffin they realise they have been tricked. Nearing Harry’s eighteenth birthday six years later the witch must eat him soon or he will be unpalatable, and Greta is now addicted to the sugar the witch gave her to plump her up. Can they both escape before the witch cooks them, no spoilers as I recommend reading the story as I was hooked from the start.
In Hazel and Gretchen, Erin Lee tells a twisted and contemporary version of the fairy story. Hazel and Gretchen have been locked away by horrible parents and are now running out of bread and milk. The light outside the locked door is also fading stopping the sisters from returning to the real world, will they escape or be stuck for eternity. Again no spoilers, and again I was hooked from page one.
Lorah Jaiyn’s retelling, Shadows That Move had me gripped from the start. Daphne had heard a warning her entire life following her mother’s unsolved murder, “Don’t look for movement in the shadows, watch for the shadows that move”. It never made any sense to Daphne until she got lost in the forest and then the shadows came for her.
Each story had me fully immersed in its storyline and had well developed and engaging characters. I liked reading the short stories by the seven different authors and found that it gave me an insight into each of the writers and their varying styles. I would recommend all seven of the stories and was amazed at how many ways the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale could be retold, each story was unique and original.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Cindy Rushin

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hansel and Gretel Reimagined was so good. Each author’s interpretation of the classic fairy tale held enough adventure, fun and some real twists that it kept my attention. I loved how each story had a unique take to the classic tale of Hansel and Gretel and each story touched on some major life issues, including mental illness, obesity, and the bond between siblings to name a few. Some of the stories were even a little dark, which I enjoyed. Other stories focused on the bond between the brother and sister that helped them to triumph over evil. Hansel and Gretel Reimagined brought to my attention seven new authors to watch out for as each story was interesting and I look forward to reading more from each of them.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Finn Cunningham

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From the very first version of this story i knew this book was going to have all sorts of potential. Oh boy was I right and I´m so glad I am! Each and every single one of the authors who helped put this book together were absolutely amazing authors! I will definitely be looking into most of them! I wholeheartedly recommend this book!

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Star
Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology is a wonderfully written twist a classic tale. When I started reading I couldn’t stop the twists and turns kept me turning the pages A few of these authors I’ve read other books by and some of them are new to me. I’ll definitely be looking into reading other books by them. There is literally something for everyone in this Anthology. I honestly can’t pick a favorite because there was something about each one that was different from the next.I highly recommend grabbing this Anthology you won’t be sorry.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Tausha Treadway

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology. This is the best anthology of Hansel & Gretel. I loved all the stories and I would have a hard time picking a favorite. Its not the classic story for sure but if you are ok with a not so happy ending these stories are for you. The authors have all done an amazing job with this anthology. There is sex, horror, romance, paranormal, mental illness etc. I loved reading them all and not knowing what to expect. Each author has done a great job of making us know its Hansel & Gretel but just in a very different way. There are still gingerbread houses, witches and being lost in the woods but just different spins on it. This set will keep you entertained for hours! I loved it!

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Lucy Berson

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel, Down the Rabbit Hole, Anthology. All of these stories are the fairy tales retold by these wonderful authors. They will all drag you in and make you feel like you are in the actual stories. These stories all have their own stages of darkness. The emotions range from child abuse, romance, horror and of course fantasy. The stories that pulled me on the most were, Hazel & Gretchen by Erin Lee and also The Reaper Within by Jess Bagnall. All of the stories were fabulous and I highly recommend this Anthology.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Katie Matthews

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I really enjoyed this anthology, it was great to read books from authors I know and also some new to me authors. I really like all of the re-telling of fairy tales at the minute, they make for some very entertaining reading and this anthology contained some really varied subjects also. I really enjoyed CeeCee Elaine’s story – The Surface – I’ve read work by this author previously so it was great to read her work again and considering what is going on in the world at the moment her story about a virus plaguing the land was interesting to read. I also really enjoyed Lorah Jai’s story – Shadows that Move, it was actually a really interesting read and quite realistic at times – mental health is such a huge I always applaud authors for highlighting it in their work.
A really great collection of stories in this anthology – definitely something for everybody!! I highly recommend it!

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Erin Wolf

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I give Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology, 5 stars.

This is such a great collection of stories, taking a classic fairy tale and twisting and turning it in many different ways. We tend to see more of the stories Disney has already tackled, it’s nice to see Hansel and Gretel, one that has not been reimagined too much so far. Each author has their on unique take on making the story their own — incorporating many genres. That in itself makes this book pleasurable for those who get bored reading the same thing over and over. You really have so much to choose from. Each story is written so well, I was drawn into each one immediately and couldn’t wait to see where I would be taken next.

If you enjoyed fairy tales as a kid but don’t necessarily need a happy ending, this collection is for you.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Rachel Moss

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Hansel and Gretel Reimagined Anthology was great! I only read two stories out of the Anthology however. The two I read we’re chilling, shocking, and left me wanting more. In Hazel and Gretchen by Erin Lee, the author broke my heart with the abuse the children suffered. It was a very sad, chilling story. I wasn’t particularly fond of the ending, but it was a very chilling story. In Shadows That Move by Lorah Jaiyn, I was completely enraptured in the story. It was very chilling, very shocking, it was like reading my favorite horror movie. I honestly want Jaiyn to write a sequel to this short story, because I want to find out what happens next so bad! I can’t wait to eventually read the other stories in this set. The two I read were incredible!

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Sara Oxton

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology filled with five-star stories. This is a great collection as each author puts their own twist on a classic story, there are so many different ways this bunch have gone, from scary, to fantasy, to romance and its seems a little of everything along the way. I will be honest and admit I picked this up as it had Autumn Sand in it, not realising they are just the co-ordinator, but honestly I didn’t mind as the others pulled me into their story’s and I enjoyed getting some new authors to lightly stalk. Especially Cee Cee Elaine her story had me looking outside to see if we were going to be heading to bunkers as it was scarily real at the present lock down time. Lorah Jaiyn was another one that made me really think about how we see people and react to things, it was a powerful story on its own. Debra Parmley story was another winner in my eyes, but to be honest there wasn’t a story I didn’t enjoy.

Review by @saraoxo

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Heather Lovelace

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love a twist on a classic and this anthology spared no possible twist. I wasn’t prepared for the extensive differences between stories but would be hard pressed to pick a favorite from the bunch. Unique and fabulously detailed, each page brought something new. A fantastic anthology for all fantasy lovers to pick up – especially if you are looking for something different.

Reviewed by @heatherlovelace
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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Cindy Mayberry

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel
Down the Rabbit Hole
By Amy Allen and 4 more
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is loaded with many versions of Hansel and Gretel. Everyone worth the read.
While I read all of the versions, my favorites are……

The Sweetest Day – by Debra Parley
Every Story has a beginning, but the gingerbread and candy house were missing. That is what makes this story fun to read. Welcome to the pretty princess pink house. I love this version and that is what made Debra Parley a fun author. Her story is complete in its few pages. The characters are clever and perfect for this story. Job Well Done Debra Parley!

The Shadows That Move – Lorah Jaiyn
Okay! This story also took you on a different rollercoaster ride. The house involved is bound by tall trees and the shadows within. Missing children, strong women and Witches oh my. Lorah Jan wrote this suspense building story. She also left you wanting more, so much more that I will be stalking this author for more stories.
The best part about reading Anthologies is the fact it guides you to look up and read other authors.


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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Meg Tyrrell

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a wonderful collection of Hansel & Gretel stories. Some of these were what I expected and others were so different I almost had to reread some of them. I enjoyed each one of these and now I’ve found a few more authors I hadn’t heard of before. The authors have done an amazing job of writing their version of Hansel and Gretel. I would highly recommend reading these stories. The anthology sticks to the conventions of the fairy tale including gingerbread houses, witches, being lost in the woods and trying to find your way back home with breadcrumbs. Some of the stories are truly frightening, but in a good way. There is romance sprinkled in too, sweetening the pot.
The stories and authors are:

– The Witch in the Woods By: Amy Allen
– The Surface By: CeeCee Elaine
– The Sweetest Day By: Debra Parmley
– Hazel & Gretchen By: Erin Lee
– The Reaper Within By: Jess Bagnall
– Shadows that Move By: Lorah Jaiyn
– The Dragon and the Phoenix By: Rachel Pudsey

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Angela Hayes

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole is a collection of stories from 7 talented authors who each weave their own story using the classic fairytale “Hansel & Gretel” as their inspiration.
There is so much to keep you entertained in this anthology- not only being based on a favourite classic- the authors also give us so much more to enjoy: everything from fantasy, magic, different realms, romance, spice, paranormal, post-apocalyptic, dystopian, and some creepy scary stuff- just to keep things interesting.
Each story is quite individual to the author, having their own unique take on the theme, so there is definitely something here to suit everyone. Seven stories in one- that’s great value and several hours of entertaining reading in one convenient package.
The stories and authors are:

– The Witch in the Woods By: Amy Allen
– The Surface By: CeeCee Elaine
– The Sweetest Day By: Debra Parmley
– Hazel & Gretchen By: Erin Lee
– The Reaper Within By: Jess Bagnall
– Shadows that Move By: Lorah Jaiyn
– The Dragon and the Phoenix By: Rachel Pudsey

If you love the classic “Hansel & Gretel” and enjoy a variety of genres, some really well written stories with interesting plots, and intriguing characters- then this is definitely an anthology you will want to explore!!

Thank you to all the contributing authors!


Reviewed by @angelahayes

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review By Connie Cranston

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading the unique stories in this anthology. Each one transforms the original tale of Hansel & Gretel into something completely different. Each author touches on a different theme and will make you feel different emotions. Some made me laugh, while another made me want to cry. It’s certainly a ride down the rabbit hole.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Kerry Carr

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this collection of stories all with a different take on the classic story of Hansel and Gretel. My two favourites are The Witch In the Woods by Amy Allen and The Surface by CeeCee Elaine.

The Witch in the Woods turns the story of Hansel and Gretel around. So instead of focusing on the children, it focuses on the story of the “witch”.
Morgause is a Fae who is sent to the human realm with twin babies, one boy and one girl on the orders of the king. What she didnt realise was that this was all a lie made up by the kings son to get rid of her. But that wasnt the whole story.
She is left on earth keeping watch over the children Cory and Sydni, getting more angry at her situation as the years wear on. Until King Bayard comes to see her and the true story about his love for her and the children comes to light.
As the children grow will they embrace their true parent and their home in the Fae realm or will they want to stay in the human realm with parents who don’t care for them.
It is a story full of lies and deceit but with happiness and love at the end.

The Surface is a completely different story and one i wasnt expecting, even though i enjoyed it.

There is a virus killing people on the surface so all the survivers go to live in a bunker underground. Among them are Hansel and Gretel. Hansel is taken in after his mother and father pass away from the virus and Gretel was found wandering alone, lost and naked with no family.

They form a relationship but things arent right Gretel isnt what she seems and the love they share will be the undoing of Hansel. Its a gripping horror story that keeps you guessing all the way through.

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Hansel and Gretal (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Anna Hirsch

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hansel and Gretal (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology
4 Stars

I’ve always loved fairytales. The authors in this anthology definitely wrote their own version of this classic. There is a bit of everything in these stories so they should satisfy most readers. I prefer stories that have a twist with some horror therefore these were my favourites.

The Surface by CeeCee Elaine

This leans towards a dystopian vibe. Most of mankind has died off because of an airborne virus. Two people escape an underground bunker and return to the surface. The story has a crazy twist at the end that you never see coming.

The Reaper Within by Jess Bagnall

A boy who has been shunned his entire life by the village grows up to be a hunter. He hunts the monsters in the forest helping the doctor with his experiments. With a twist you don’t expect, it’s definitely not a happy fairytale but it will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Shadows that Move by Lorah Jaiyn

Witches and curses abound in this story. What do you do when no one believes you? When you’re terrorized but end up being blamed. If the truth doesn’t flow with everyone’s beliefs, does it pass as mental illness? Read the story and decide what you believe.

Review by @Anna Hirsch
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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Liz Vrchota

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have absolutely loved all the inclusions of this Anthology, Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole). Who doesn’t love enjoying the chance to take a piece of their childhood and discover a grown up way to read our favorites. I love this book as it gave me a chance to take a moment and enjoy so many twists to a classic that has always been an all time favorite of mine. I enjoy the fact that each author has such a distinct voice that comes across and makes you feel as if you’re stepping into a whole new world with each novel. This one did include some authors that I didn’t know I was missing in my life. I will now have a whole set of new authors to discover outside the anthology and that is a win win situation for all involved. I loved all of the short reads available but the ones by Lorah Jaiyn, and Jess Bagnall, so those will be the ones I have decided to start devouring their libraries first. I look forward to seeing if this is the beginning of a set of anthologies that will make our old fairytale favorites come to life for us again. Happy reading!

Review by @lizaileen
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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Madison Degraffenreid

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology


Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology was full of interesting stories providing a retelling of the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel. Each story had a different twist and I enjoyed how the two were depicted differently. The stories include romance, fantasy, and horror versions. A few easily caught my attention while some took me a couple of pages. My favorite story in the anthology is “The Dragon and The Phoenix” by Rachel Pudsey. I enjoyed the characters in this short story and also the creativity. This book was enjoyable and entertaining. I recommend it.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Kerry Baker

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Autumn Sand
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) is an anthology of brilliant stories by a variety of fantastic authors. They have each taken on the task to create their own version of the classic tale Hansel and Gretel and the result is a mix of original retellings.
Anthologies have never been my favourite style of book to read but it is ones like this that is slowly changing my mind. I enjoyed each and every one of these stories – they were all so different from each other but all so exciting. The books touched on a range of different topics and straddled the line of dark writing so well.
Each book had something about it that made me enjoy it. There was a different element that caught my attention. The one thing I can say that all the books had was a well written story with some complex and interesting characters. This is definitely an anthology I would recommend as well as 7 authors to discover.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Laura Furuta

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Amy Allen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole)
By Amy Allen (Author), CeeCee Elaine (Author), Jess Bagnall (Author), Lorah Jaiyn (Author), Erin Lee (Author), Rachel Pudsey (Author), Debra Parmley (Author)
5 out of 5 stars

This is a wonderful anthology that has different authors retelling the story of Hansel and Gretel. I loved reading every one of the stories. The authors have done an amazing job of making the characters in each story come alive. I felt like I was right there with them. The stories included deception, danger, and some gave me a scare. I love anthologies because I get to read stories by authors that I am familiar with as well as being introduced to new authors as well. The stories pulled me in and I didn’t want to put them down until I had read the final page. These stories also have emotional and romantic moments. I found this group of stories to be entertaining and intriguing. There were times when I would say to myself “that didn’t just happen, did it?” The authors have done an amazing job of writing their version of Hansel and Gretel. I would highly recommend reading these stories.

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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Bobbi Wagner

Hansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit HoleHansel & Gretel: Down the Rabbit Hole by Amy Allen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this anthology. This is a collection of great stories by some awesome authors who have their own take of what Hansel and Gretel should be. Each story is unique and could just scare the pants off you. They are engaging and the twists and turns will keep you turning pages. The stories come alive with each of the characters which I loved. Some of these authors are new to me and some are among my favorites. I know you will find a favorite just like I have. Will you take a chance Down the Rabbit Hole? You don’t want to miss this page turner. I highly recommend this anthology.

Review by @bjwagner
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Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology – Review by Laura Furuta

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole)
By Amy Allen (Author), CeeCee Elaine (Author), Jess Bagnall (Author), Lorah Jaiyn (Author), Erin Lee (Author), Rachel Pudsey (Author), Debra Parmley (Author)
5 out of 5 stars

This is a wonderful anthology that has different authors retelling the story of Hansel and Gretel. I loved reading every one of the stories. The authors have done an amazing job of making the characters in each story come alive. I felt like I was right there with them. The stories included deception, danger, and some gave me a scare. I love anthologies because I get to read stories by authors that I am familiar with as well as being introduced to new authors as well. The stories pulled me in and I didn’t want to put them down until I had read the final page. These stories also have emotional and romantic moments. I found this group of stories to be entertaining and intriguing. There were times when I would say to myself “that didn’t just happen, did it?” The authors have done an amazing job of writing their version of Hansel and Gretel. I would highly recommend reading these stories.

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology


 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Hansel & Gretel (Down the Rabbit Hole) Anthology

Buy Now –

#DTRH #HanselandGretel #anthology #OnTour #ItsyBitsyBookBitsTours #BookSpotlightShowcase

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Multi-Genre

Page Count – 259 pages

Welcome to Down the Rabbit Hole’s retelling of Hansel and Gretel told to you by seven of your favorite authors. Each story will either tantalize, scare, titillate or all of the above in this exciting multi-genre anthology.

Each author will give you a version of Hansel and Gretel never told before.

Do you dare take the plunge?

Come and join us…Down the Rabbit Hole!

Amy Allen, CeeCee Elaine, Jess Bagnall, Lorah Jaiyn, Erin Lee, Rachel Pudsey, Debra Parmley


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Amy Allen, CeeCee Elaine, Jess Bagnall, Lorah Jaiyn, Erin Lee,

Rachel Pudsey, Debra Parmley


Craving Christmas (Craving, #5) by Multiple Authors – Review by Jana Teppih

Craving Christmas (Craving, #5)Craving Christmas by A. Gorman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Craving Christmas is a collection of 14 short stories that make you look at Christmas slightly different … or not … It is the fifth book in the Craving series. I have to say that all the writers were new to me and I loved how I could get a sense of who they are and what they write in such a pleasing way!
The stories are different and there are turns and twists and they are a mix of suspense and romance and some of them are so steamy that you need a mental cold shower … The great thing with anthologies is that you can spread the stories out over multiple nights so that you have something to look forward to after a day at work, something for ‘me time’!
The stories range from second chances to Angels and from finding a reason to live to Christmas spirits with a bit of BDSM thrown in … As there are 14 stories that keep bringing you back again and again, I guarantee that everyone can find at least one story they like! So join us in finding out who has been naughty and who has been nice!

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