
The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Kerry Baker

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart isThe Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart Is by Jacquie Biggar is a book so well written it will feel like you are part of this family.
This is the first book that I have read by this author and I can definitely say it will not be my last. This book absolutely captivated me from the start. The author does an incredible job of drawing you into the world of these characters and really making them seem real.
For me it really felt like this book was all about the story. It was well developed and interesting. The author didn’t rely on all the usual tricks you find in some many books and instead has clearly focused on writing a great book. I would definitely highly recommend this book to everyone and I cannot wait to read of this authors work.

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The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Debi Kircher

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart isThe Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar

5 Stars

Not sure why but this is my first book by this author and I loved it. I love a break sometimes from the heavy drama and the too hot scenes, not that I don’t love those too but this story was refreshing while still being very emotional, and I enjoyed every single word. I love this author’s style of writing, very smooth and easy to read.

I have 4 daughters, and although I’ve never dealt with this sort of conflict described in this story I’ve seen many others play out over the years and this book felt so real. The conversations felt real, the feelings were described in a way that made me feel them. I seem to gravitate toward the deep family stories lately and the emotions that go with them, this was an amazingly written book and as I said above, not sure why this is my first read by this author, but I can guarantee I have already looked at what else is available and my tbr has grown and I’ll be watching for any and everything from this point on.

Thank you Miss Biggar for keeping it real and allowing me to connect with the characters in this book!

Loved it!!

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The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Jonell Collins

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart isThe Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can’t even begin to tell you what a pleasure this book was. The Sister Pact: Home is Where the Heart is by Jacquie Biggar was such a delight. A good clean romance with a situation between sisters that seems unsurmountable. Sometimes things happen in families that there seems there is just no coming back from. Someone has to be willing to cross the bridge, no matter how painful that is. In some situations time is short and it’s best not to leave it too long. Sometimes you just don’t know what you are missing. This was a great little story about all that. A real easy read that will leave you with a big sigh at the end. So glad I read this one, you will be too.

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The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Bobbi Wagner

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart isThe Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book. This is not a new author for me but she continues to impress me with her stories that pull me in from the beginning and this one is no different. It is a well developed, emotional roller coaster of a story that has something for everyone including romance. The characters made the story pop as well as they are connectable and make the story engaging. This is a story of family ties that need healing, remorse, betrayal and so much more. Holly has a life threatening illness that sends her home. There is one woman that Levi hasn’t been able to forget and now temptation is pulling at him. They are great characters and I highly recommend their story.

Review by @bjwagner
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The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar – Review by Laura Furuta

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart isThe Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is
By Jacquie Biggar
5 out of 5 stars

I loved reading this book. The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart by Jacquie Biggar is a story that pulled me in from the beginning and didn’t let me go until the final page. It is a story about family and romance. I loved reading about Holly Tremaine and Levi Anderson. Holly is coming home in the hopes to make amends. Her music career has been impacted by the diagnosis of a life-threatening illness. Levi is a man who has not forgotten about Holly. Seeing her only makes his feelings become stronger. There is a chemistry between them. What does the future hold for Holly and Levi? Will Holly and Levi act on their feelings for each other? Will Holly’s efforts to make amends succeed? Read this book to find out. This is a story that had my emotions going up and down the entire time I was reading it. Holly and Levi are likable characters and I found myself wanting them to find happiness. There are moments that tug at your heart and others that had me wondering if the past could be overcome. I highly recommend reading this story.

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The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Sister Pact: Home is Where The Heart is by Jacquie Biggar 

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#Women’sFic #amreading #mgtab #BookLove

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Women’s Fiction, Family

Page Count – 204

Cover Designer –  Covers by Kay

Goodreads –

Holly Tremaine is living on borrowed time. A life-threatening illness ends her promising musical career and sends her home in the hope of making amends for the past.


Levi Anderson is on the fast track to a successful year within his profession- the last thing he has time for is his twin brother’s shenanigans. But when it includes the one woman Levi hasn’t been able to forget, his conscience won’t let him avoid the temptation to see her again.


Can remorse heal all wounds? Or will past betrayals continue to ruin family ties, one thread at a time?


You can find this video on our YouTube Channel

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JACQUIE BIGGAR  is a USA Today bestselling author of Romance who writes about smart, sassy females and tough, alpha males who learn the true power is love. Free reads, excerpts, author news, and contests can be found on her web site





Matt’s Swirly World: Children’s Book by Madeleine Matthews

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Matt’s Swirly World: Children’s Book by Madeleine Matthews


#mindfulnessforkids #toddler #momlife #angermanagementforkids

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Children’s book

Page Count – 24 pages

Cover Designer – Emanuela Ntamack

Goodreads –

When children are young their emotions come in peaks and valleys. Sometimes they’re super excited, sometimes they’re sad, and sometimes they lose control and express themselves by throwing a temper tantrum.

These outbursts of emotions are common for parents and kids of all walks of life and can be leveraged by parents who want to teach impulse control, improved behavior, and better mindfulness.

That’s why Matt’s swirly world was written to help parents understand the “why” behind a tantrum as well as what’s going on inside their child’s brain when they’re acting out, feeling scared, or reacting to stressful situations.

An adorable journey featuring a mother and her young son, this book is a great reminder about how all emotions are accepted and that proper behaviors can be learned by kids and taught by moms and dads. In fact, your love is the perfect space where emotions can be processed, expressed, and shared together.

In this book parents will learn how mindfulness helps kid’s create better coping skills, but also a variety of other useful tools, including:

How love can be used to process emotions and support positive behaviors

Why feelings of anger and frustration come and go and are non-threatening

How a calm voice and demeanor can soothe a child and minimize meltdowns

Providing children relief from stress, anxiety, or big feelings and emotions

How children often mimic the behaviors of their mothers and fathers

Moving forward and adapting to behavioral changes in the future

This is an opportunity to learn and grow as a parent while teaching your child valuable mindfulness and self-control skills they can use long into adulthood. And it should be the first book you read on tantrums, emotions, and how to inspire positive behaviors each and every day.

When you need help better understanding why your child feels or acts they way they do in times of crisis, or you just want to connect with them on a deeper level, learn more about temper tantrums and emotional control with Matt’s swirly world – Helping Parents Understand Tantrums to Create Mindful Kids.


You can find this video on our YouTube Channel

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Aspiring contemporary ballerina, commercial poet, grateful wife and mother. Certified Life Coach, BA Finance, MA Statistics ( don’t judge, I was young ¯\_()_/¯ ), now IT Product Manager. When I was pregnant with my now 3 y/o boy, I was worried of how I can raise my child to cope in a world of bullying, peer pressure, substance abuse, screen time etc. My husband told me that if we want our son to thrive in this world, all we need to do is build his self confidence & firm limits. So that’s how I started reading parenting books, and reached a lot; I read tons of books on the latest research discoveries in interpersonal biology and brain development. I worked with a psychologist that specialize in child development and attachment parenting. I am above all, convinced of the immense potential every child has and their absolute innocence; I know from experience that raising kids can often feel quite differently, and challenging. I am convinced that the way to turn that potential into peaceful family lives and well balanced kids – is both intuition and science (and patience). Being emotionally available as a parent, being present for them and for your self, to keep your own emotional highs & lows in check. Because they are good at triggering us, aren’t they? I write lyrics since aged 8, when I had no money to buy my mother gifts; I really wanted to create joy in her heart, so I started dedicating poems to her. Pack this all together and you get : Matt’s swirly world





Jake the Growling Dog (Jake the Growling Dog Book 1) by Samantha Shannon

 ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE ~  ~  ~  ~

Jake the Growling Dog (Jake the Growling Dog Book 1) by Samantha Shannon (Also writes under the pen name: Author Parker Sinclair)

Buy Now –

#childrenspicturebook #dogs #kindness #socialskills #friendship

Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits

Genre – Children’s picture book Pre-k to 3rd, Social skills, friendship

Page Count – 30 pages

Publishing Company – Rawlings Books LLC.

Goodreads –

Jake’s voice has a different sound.
Other critters won’t come around.
But he is sweet and only wants to play.
Will others start to see him that way?

Follow Jake, a sweet, kind, and misunderstood dog as he tries to make friends despite his differences.

Meet forest critters of all kinds while getting to know Jake. Jake loves to swim, hike, and play, but when he realizes he’s lonely a true friend comes to his aid. Soon others find friendship and understanding filling this tale with heart and hope.


Samantha Shannon is a licensed educational counselor and published author under the name, Parker Sinclair. After having her first child, her love for writing and reading books to her daughter led to writing her first children’s book, Jake the Growling Dog. She and her husband have two daughters, two dogs, and two cats. Her favorite activities usually include the entire family spending time outdoors, whether they are at the beach, riding bikes, playing in the yard with their dogs, or swimming. She attributes her love for reading and writing to her family, teachers, and children. Jake has many more adventures ahead, so stay tuned!


Live May 26th & 27th Click HERE for Giveaway









Terror in Boring Town (A Sam and Rex Adventure Book 1) by Hoot N. Holler

 ~  ~  ~  ~ BOOK SPOTLIGHT ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
Terror in Boring Town (A Sam and Rex Adventure Book 1) by Hoot N. Holler
#TerrorinBoringTown #SamandRex #ChildrensMystery #HootNHoller
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Children’s mystery, adventure
Page Count – 232 pages
Cover Designer – Agape Author Services –
Publishing Company – Maiden Voyage Publishing
Goodreads –…/…/35069312-terror-in-boring-town

Twelve-year-old best friends, Sam and Rex live in a boring town and dream of an exciting adventure for their summer break.

But when two mysterious strangers visit their town for the summer, the boys suspect something isn’t right. Sam and Rex are convinced the men are up to no good. Why would anyone ever want to stay in their boring town on purpose? What are these men really up to?

When the boys uncover the strangers’ evil plot and accuse them of being criminals, no one believes them. Sam and Rex draft a plan to prove their suspicions and uncover their dangerous plot. It involves risking lives. But will it work? Will the boys be able to stop the wicked men in time? And whose lives will they be risking to expose the criminals?


Hoot N. Holler is a daughters/mother writers/illustrator team. Hoot, the funny one spends her free time scribbling green and purple ink all over Holler’s words. N., the illustrator, is completely immersed in Tamriel. Holler is aptly named; especially during a UMD game. Alter-alter ego: Alex Bailey.


Live March 16th & 17th Click HERE for Giveaway